nodelet_utils Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for nodelet_utils:


file  loader_ros.h [code]
file  log_macros.h [code]
 This file adds the missing DELAYED_THROTTLE logging macros for nodelets.
file  nodelet_aware_tf_buffer.h [code]
 TF buffer that can be correctly interrupted by nodelet unload.
file  nodelet_manager.h [code]
 A customizable nodelet manager.
file  nodelet_with_diagnostics.hpp [code]
 Helpers for setting up diagnostics for nodelets.
file  nodelet_with_shared_tf_buffer.hpp [code]
 NodeletWithSharedTfBuffer allows you to use a tf2_ros::Buffer provided by the nodelet manager.
file  nodelet_utils/param_helper.hpp [code]
 Utils for getting nodelet parameters.
file  stateful_nodelet.hpp [code]
 A nodelet mixin that can report that it is being unloaded.
file  thread_name_updating_nodelet.hpp [code]
 ThreadNameUpdatingNodelet mixin allows nodelet to update the name of the thread it gets executed in.

Author(s): Martin Pecka
autogenerated on Wed Jan 8 2025 03:50:08