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dynamicgraph::sot::FeaturePosture Class Reference

#include <feature-posture.hh>

Inheritance diagram for dynamicgraph::sot::FeaturePosture:
Inheritance graph


class  SelectDof

Public Types

typedef dynamicgraph::SignalPtr< dynamicgraph::Vector, sigtime_tsignalIn_t
typedef dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent< dynamicgraph::Vector, sigtime_tsignalOut_t
- Public Types inherited from dynamicgraph::Entity
typedef std::map< const std::string, command::Command * > CommandMap_t
typedef std::map< std::string, SignalBase< sigtime_t > * > SignalMap

Public Member Functions

 FeaturePosture (const std::string &name)
virtual size_typegetDimension (size_type &res, sigtime_t)
 Verbose method. More...
void selectDof (std::size_t dofId, bool control)
virtual ~FeaturePosture ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from dynamicgraph::sot::FeatureAbstract
 FeatureAbstract (const std::string &name)
 Default constructor: the name of the class should be given. More...
void featureRegistration (void)
 Register the feature in the stack of tasks. More...
virtual const std::string & getClassName (void) const
 Returns the name class. More...
void initCommands (void)
virtual ~FeatureAbstract (void)
 Default destructor. More...
size_type getDimension (sigtime_t time)
 Short method. More...
size_type getDimension (void) const
 Shortest method. More...
virtual void setReference (FeatureAbstract *sdes)=0
virtual void unsetReference (void)
virtual const FeatureAbstractgetReferenceAbstract (void) const =0
virtual FeatureAbstractgetReferenceAbstract (void)=0
virtual bool isReferenceSet (void) const
virtual void addDependenciesFromReference (void)=0
virtual void removeDependenciesFromReference (void)=0
void setReferenceByName (const std::string &name)
std::string getReferenceByName (void) const
virtual std::ostream & writeGraph (std::ostream &os) const
 This method write a graph description on the file named FileName. More...
virtual SignalTimeDependent< dynamicgraph::Vector, sigtime_t > & getErrorDot ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from dynamicgraph::Entity
virtual void display (std::ostream &os) const
std::ostream & displaySignalList (std::ostream &os) const
 Entity (const std::string &name)
const std::string & getCommandList () const
virtual std::string getDocString () const
LoggerVerbosity getLoggerVerbosityLevel ()
LoggerVerbosity getLoggerVerbosityLevel ()
const std::string & getName () const
command::CommandgetNewStyleCommand (const std::string &cmdName)
CommandMap_t getNewStyleCommandMap ()
SignalBase< sigtime_t > & getSignal (const std::string &signalName)
const SignalBase< sigtime_t > & getSignal (const std::string &signalName) const
SignalMap getSignalMap () const
double getStreamPrintPeriod ()
double getStreamPrintPeriod ()
double getTimeSample ()
double getTimeSample ()
bool hasSignal (const std::string &signame) const
Loggerlogger ()
Loggerlogger ()
const Loggerlogger () const
const Loggerlogger () const
void sendMsg (const std::string &msg, MsgType t=MSG_TYPE_INFO, const std::string &lineId="")
void sendMsg (const std::string &msg, MsgType t=MSG_TYPE_INFO, const std::string &lineId="")
void setLoggerVerbosityLevel (LoggerVerbosity lv)
void setLoggerVerbosityLevel (LoggerVerbosity lv)
bool setStreamPrintPeriod (double t)
bool setStreamPrintPeriod (double t)
bool setTimeSample (double t)
bool setTimeSample (double t)
virtual SignalBase< sigtime_t > * test ()
virtual void test2 (SignalBase< sigtime_t > *)
virtual std::ostream & writeCompletionList (std::ostream &os) const
virtual ~Entity ()

Public Attributes

- Public Attributes inherited from dynamicgraph::sot::FeatureAbstract
SignalPtr< Flags, sigtime_tselectionSIN
 This vector specifies which dimension are used to perform the computation. For instance let us assume that the feature is a 3D point. If only the Y-axis should be used for computing error, activation and Jacobian, then the vector to specify is $ [ 0 1 0] $. More...
SignalPtr< dynamicgraph::Vector, sigtime_terrordotSIN
 Derivative of the reference value. More...
SignalTimeDependent< dynamicgraph::Vector, sigtime_terrorSOUT
 This signal returns the error between the desired value and the current value : $ E(t) = {\bf s}(t) - {\bf s}^*(t)$. More...
SignalTimeDependent< dynamicgraph::Vector, sigtime_terrordotSOUT
 Derivative of the error with respect to time: $ \frac{\partial e}{\partial t} = - \frac{d{\bf s}^*}{dt} $. More...
SignalTimeDependent< dynamicgraph::Matrix, sigtime_tjacobianSOUT
 Jacobian of the error wrt the robot state: $ J = \frac{\partial {\bf s}}{\partial {\bf q}}$. More...
SignalTimeDependent< size_type, sigtime_tdimensionSOUT
 Returns the dimension of the feature as an output signal. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual dynamicgraph::VectorcomputeError (dynamicgraph::Vector &res, sigtime_t)
 Compute the error between the desired feature and the current value of the feature measured or deduced from the robot state. More...
virtual dynamicgraph::VectorcomputeErrorDot (dynamicgraph::Vector &res, sigtime_t time)
virtual dynamicgraph::MatrixcomputeJacobian (dynamicgraph::Matrix &res, sigtime_t)
 Compute the Jacobian of the error according the robot state. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from dynamicgraph::Entity
void addCommand (const std::string &name, command::Command *command)
void entityDeregistration ()
void entityRegistration ()
void signalDeregistration (const std::string &name)
void signalRegistration (const SignalArray< sigtime_t > &signals)

Protected Attributes

signalOut_t error_
signalIn_t posture_
signalIn_t postureDot_
signalIn_t state_
- Protected Attributes inherited from dynamicgraph::Entity
CommandMap_t commandMap
Logger logger_
std::string name
SignalMap signalMap

Private Member Functions


Private Attributes

std::vector< bool > activeDofs_
std::size_t nbActiveDofs_


class SelectDof

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Attributes inherited from dynamicgraph::sot::FeatureAbstract
static const std::string CLASS_NAME = "FeatureAbstract"
 Store the name of the class. More...

Detailed Description

Feature that observes the posture of the robot, ie whose Jacobian is the identity, or slices of the identity. This feature can be exactly obtained with a generic posture, given the identity matrix as the input Jacobian, the identity matrix. It is even prefereable, as the reference value is then given by a signal, which can be reevalutated at each iteration, for example to track a reference trajectory in the configuration space. See for example the toFlag python function in the sot-dyninv module to nicely selec the posture DOF.

Definition at line 49 of file feature-posture.hh.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ signalIn_t

Definition at line 56 of file feature-posture.hh.

◆ signalOut_t

Definition at line 58 of file feature-posture.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ FeaturePosture()

dynamicgraph::sot::FeaturePosture::FeaturePosture ( const std::string &  name)

Definition at line 38 of file feature-posture.cpp.

◆ ~FeaturePosture()

dynamicgraph::sot::FeaturePosture::~FeaturePosture ( )

Definition at line 67 of file feature-posture.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ computeError()

dg::Vector & dynamicgraph::sot::FeaturePosture::computeError ( dynamicgraph::Vector res,
sigtime_t  time 

Compute the error between the desired feature and the current value of the feature measured or deduced from the robot state.

[out] res: The error will be set into res.
[in] time: The time at which the error is computed.
The vector res with the appropriate value.

Implements dynamicgraph::sot::FeatureAbstract.

Definition at line 74 of file feature-posture.cpp.

◆ computeErrorDot()

dg::Vector & dynamicgraph::sot::FeaturePosture::computeErrorDot ( dynamicgraph::Vector res,
sigtime_t  time 

Callback for signal errordotSOUT

Copy components of the input signal errordotSIN defined by selection flag selectionSIN.

Reimplemented from dynamicgraph::sot::FeatureAbstract.

Definition at line 95 of file feature-posture.cpp.

◆ computeJacobian()

dg::Matrix & dynamicgraph::sot::FeaturePosture::computeJacobian ( dynamicgraph::Matrix res,
sigtime_t  time 

Compute the Jacobian of the error according the robot state.

[out] res: The matrix in which the error will be written.
The matrix res with the appropriate values.

Implements dynamicgraph::sot::FeatureAbstract.

Definition at line 89 of file feature-posture.cpp.


dynamicgraph::sot::FeaturePosture::DYNAMIC_GRAPH_ENTITY_DECL ( )

◆ getDimension()

size_type & dynamicgraph::sot::FeaturePosture::getDimension ( size_type res,
sigtime_t  time 

Verbose method.

res: The integer in which the dimension will be return.
time: The time at which the feature should be considered.
Dimension of the feature.
Be careful with features changing their dimension according to time.

Implements dynamicgraph::sot::FeatureAbstract.

Definition at line 69 of file feature-posture.cpp.

◆ selectDof()

void dynamicgraph::sot::FeaturePosture::selectDof ( std::size_t  dofId,
bool  control 

Definition at line 106 of file feature-posture.cpp.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ SelectDof

friend class SelectDof

Definition at line 50 of file feature-posture.hh.

Member Data Documentation

◆ activeDofs_

std::vector<bool> dynamicgraph::sot::FeaturePosture::activeDofs_

Definition at line 81 of file feature-posture.hh.



Definition at line 60 of file feature-posture.hh.

◆ error_

signalOut_t dynamicgraph::sot::FeaturePosture::error_

Definition at line 78 of file feature-posture.hh.

◆ nbActiveDofs_

std::size_t dynamicgraph::sot::FeaturePosture::nbActiveDofs_

Definition at line 82 of file feature-posture.hh.

◆ posture_

signalIn_t dynamicgraph::sot::FeaturePosture::posture_

Definition at line 76 of file feature-posture.hh.

◆ postureDot_

signalIn_t dynamicgraph::sot::FeaturePosture::postureDot_

Definition at line 77 of file feature-posture.hh.

◆ state_

signalIn_t dynamicgraph::sot::FeaturePosture::state_

Definition at line 75 of file feature-posture.hh.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Olivier Stasse,
autogenerated on Tue Oct 24 2023 02:26:32