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cSDH Class Reference

#SDH::cSDH is the end user interface class to control a SDH (SCHUNK Dexterous Hand). More...

#include <sdh.h>

Inheritance diagram for cSDH:
Inheritance graph

Public Types

enum  eAxisState {
 The state of an axis (see TPOSCON_STATE in global.h of the SDH firmware) More...
enum  eMotorCurrentMode { eMCM_MOVE =0, eMCM_GRIP =1, eMCM_HOLD =2, eMCM_DIMENSION }
 the motor current can be set specifically for these modes: More...
- Public Types inherited from cSDHBase
enum  { All = -1 }
 Anonymous enum (instead of define like macros) More...
enum  eControllerType {
 An enum for all possible SDH internal controller types (order must match that in the SDH firmware in inc/sdh2.h) More...
enum  eErrorCode {
enum  eGraspId {
 The enum values of the known grasps. More...
enum  eVelocityProfile { eVP_INVALID = -1, eVP_SIN_SQUARE, eVP_RAMP, eVP_DIMENSION }
 An enum for all possible SDH internal velocity profile types. More...

Public Member Functions

 cSDH (bool _use_radians=false, bool _use_fahrenheit=false, int _debug_level=0)
 Constructor of cSDH class. More...
virtual ~cSDH ()
Communication methods

void OpenRS232 (int _port=0, unsigned long _baudrate=115200, double _timeout=-1, char const *_device_format_string="/dev/ttyS%d")
void OpenCAN_ESD (int _net=0, unsigned long _baudrate=1000000, double _timeout=0.0, Int32 _id_read=43, Int32 _id_write=42)
void OpenCAN_ESD (tDeviceHandle _ntcan_handle, double _timeout=0.0, Int32 _id_read=43, Int32 _id_write=42)
void OpenCAN_PEAK (unsigned long _baudrate=1000000, double _timeout=0.0, Int32 _id_read=43, Int32 _id_write=42, const char *_device="/dev/pcanusb0")
void OpenCAN_PEAK (tDeviceHandle _handle, double _timeout=0.0, Int32 _id_read=43, Int32 _id_write=42)
void OpenTCP (char const *_tcp_adr="", int _tcp_port=23, double _timeout=0.0)
void Close (bool leave_enabled=false)
virtual bool IsOpen (void) throw ()
Auxiliary movement methods

void EmergencyStop (void)
void Stop (void)
void SetController (cSDHBase::eControllerType controller)
eControllerType GetController (void)
void SetVelocityProfile (eVelocityProfile velocity_profile)
eVelocityProfile GetVelocityProfile (void)
Methods to access SDH on axis-level

void SetAxisMotorCurrent (std::vector< int > const &axes, std::vector< double > const &motor_currents, eMotorCurrentMode mode=eMCM_MOVE)
void SetAxisMotorCurrent (int iAxis, double motor_current, eMotorCurrentMode mode=eMCM_MOVE)
std::vector< double > GetAxisMotorCurrent (std::vector< int > const &axes, eMotorCurrentMode mode=eMCM_MOVE)
double GetAxisMotorCurrent (int iAxis, eMotorCurrentMode mode=eMCM_MOVE)
void SetAxisEnable (std::vector< int > const &axes, std::vector< double > const &states)
void SetAxisEnable (int iAxis=All, double state=1.0)
void SetAxisEnable (std::vector< int > const &axes, std::vector< bool > const &states)
void SetAxisEnable (int iAxis=All, bool state=true)
std::vector< double > GetAxisEnable (std::vector< int > const &axes)
double GetAxisEnable (int iAxis)
std::vector< eAxisStateGetAxisActualState (std::vector< int > const &axes)
eAxisState GetAxisActualState (int iAxis)
void WaitAxis (std::vector< int > const &axes, double timeout=-1.0)
void WaitAxis (int iAxis, double timeout=-1.0)
void SetAxisTargetAngle (std::vector< int > const &axes, std::vector< double > const &angles)
void SetAxisTargetAngle (int iAxis, double angle)
std::vector< double > SetAxisTargetGetAxisActualAngle (std::vector< int > const &axes, std::vector< double > const &angles)
std::vector< double > GetAxisTargetAngle (std::vector< int > const &axes)
double GetAxisTargetAngle (int iAxis)
std::vector< double > GetAxisActualAngle (std::vector< int > const &axes)
double GetAxisActualAngle (int iAxis)
void SetAxisTargetVelocity (std::vector< int > const &axes, std::vector< double > const &velocities)
void SetAxisTargetVelocity (int iAxis, double velocity)
std::vector< double > SetAxisTargetGetAxisActualVelocity (std::vector< int > const &axes, std::vector< double > const &velocities)
std::vector< double > GetAxisTargetVelocity (std::vector< int > const &axes)
double GetAxisTargetVelocity (int iAxis)
std::vector< double > GetAxisLimitVelocity (std::vector< int > const &axes)
double GetAxisLimitVelocity (int iAxis)
std::vector< double > GetAxisLimitAcceleration (std::vector< int > const &axes)
double GetAxisLimitAcceleration (int iAxis)
std::vector< double > GetAxisActualVelocity (std::vector< int >const &axes)
double GetAxisActualVelocity (int iAxis)
std::vector< double > GetAxisReferenceVelocity (std::vector< int >const &axes)
double GetAxisReferenceVelocity (int iAxis)
void SetAxisTargetAcceleration (std::vector< int >const &axes, std::vector< double >const &accelerations)
void SetAxisTargetAcceleration (int iAxis, double acceleration)
std::vector< double > GetAxisTargetAcceleration (std::vector< int >const &axes)
double GetAxisTargetAcceleration (int iAxis)
std::vector< double > GetAxisMinAngle (std::vector< int > const &axes)
double GetAxisMinAngle (int iAxis)
std::vector< double > GetAxisMaxAngle (std::vector< int > const &axes)
double GetAxisMaxAngle (int iAxis)
std::vector< double > GetAxisMaxVelocity (std::vector< int > const &axes)
double GetAxisMaxVelocity (int iAxis)
std::vector< double > GetAxisMaxAcceleration (std::vector< int > const &axes)
double GetAxisMaxAcceleration (int iAxis)
double MoveAxis (std::vector< int >const &axes, bool sequ=true)
double MoveAxis (int iAxis, bool sequ=true)
Methods to access SDH on finger-level

void SetFingerEnable (std::vector< int > const &fingers, std::vector< double > const &states)
void SetFingerEnable (int iFinger, double state=1.0)
void SetFingerEnable (std::vector< int > const &fingers, std::vector< bool > const &states)
void SetFingerEnable (int iFinger, bool state)
std::vector< double > GetFingerEnable (std::vector< int > const &fingers)
double GetFingerEnable (int iFinger)
void SetFingerTargetAngle (int iFinger, std::vector< double > const &angles)
void SetFingerTargetAngle (int iFinger, double a0, double a1, double a2)
std::vector< double > GetFingerTargetAngle (int iFinger)
void GetFingerTargetAngle (int iFinger, double &a0, double &a1, double &a2)
std::vector< double > GetFingerActualAngle (int iFinger)
void GetFingerActualAngle (int iFinger, double &a0, double &a1, double &a2)
std::vector< double > GetFingerMinAngle (int iFinger)
void GetFingerMinAngle (int iFinger, double &a0, double &a1, double &a2)
std::vector< double > GetFingerMaxAngle (int iFinger)
void GetFingerMaxAngle (int iFinger, double &a0, double &a1, double &a2)
std::vector< double > GetFingerXYZ (int iFinger, std::vector< double > const &angles)
std::vector< double > GetFingerXYZ (int iFinger, double a0, double a1, double a2)
double MoveFinger (std::vector< int >const &fingers, bool sequ=true)
double MoveFinger (int iFinger, bool sequ=true)
double MoveHand (bool sequ=true)
Methods to access %SDH grip skills

double GetGripMaxVelocity (void)
double GripHand (eGraspId grip, double close, double velocity, bool sequ=true)
- Public Member Functions inherited from cSDHBase
void CheckIndex (int index, int maxindex, char const *name="")
 Check if index is in [0 .. maxindex-1] or All. Throw a cSDHErrorInvalidParameter exception if not. More...
void CheckRange (double *values, double *minvalues, double *maxvalues, char const *name="")
 Check if any value[i] in array values is in [minvalue[i] .. maxvalue[i]]. Throw a cSDHErrorInvalidParameter exception if not. More...
void CheckRange (double value, double minvalue, double maxvalue, char const *name="")
 Check if value is in [minvalue .. maxvalue]. Throw a cSDHErrorInvalidParameter exception if not. More...
 cSDHBase (int debug_level)
double GetEps (void)
 Return the eps value. More...
const cSimpleVectorGetEpsVector (void)
 Return simple vector of number of axes epsilon values. More...
eErrorCode GetFirmwareState (void)
 Return the last known state of the SDH firmware. More...
int GetNumberOfAxes (void)
 Return the number of axes of the SDH. More...
int GetNumberOfFingers (void)
 Return the number of fingers of the SDH. More...
int GetNumberOfTemperatureSensors (void)
 Return the number of temperature sensors of the SDH. More...
virtual ~cSDHBase ()

Public Attributes

Predefined index vector objects

std::vector< int > all_axes
 A vector with indices of all axes (in natural order), including the virtual axis. More...
std::vector< int > all_real_axes
 A vector with indices of all real axes (in natural order), excluding the virtual axis. More...
std::vector< int > all_fingers
 A vector with indices of all fingers (in natural order) More...
std::vector< int > all_temperature_sensors
 A vector with indices of all temperature sensors. More...
Predefined unit conversion objects

Pointers to the unit converter objects used by this cSDH object.

The refered objects convert values between different unit systems. Example: convert angle values between degrees and radians, temperatures between degrees celsius and degrees fahrenheit or the like.

A cSDH object uses these converter objects to convert between external (user) and internal (SDH) units. The user can easily change the converter object that is used for a certain kind of unit. This way a cSDH object can easily report and accept parameters in the user or application specific unit system.

Additionally, users can easily add conversion objects for their own, even more user- or application-specific unit systems.

const cUnitConverteruc_angle
 unit convert for (axis) angles: default = #SDH::cSDH::uc_angle_degrees More...
const cUnitConverteruc_angular_velocity
 unit convert for (axis) angular velocities: default = #SDH::cSDH::uc_angular_velocity_degrees_per_second More...
const cUnitConverteruc_angular_acceleration
 unit convert for (axis) angular accelerations: default = #SDH::cSDH::uc_angular_acceleration_degrees_per_second_squared More...
const cUnitConverteruc_time
 unit convert for times: default = uc_time_seconds More...
const cUnitConverteruc_temperature
 unit convert for temperatures: default = #SDH::cSDH::uc_temperature_celsius More...
const cUnitConverteruc_motor_current
 unit converter for motor curent: default = #SDH::cSDH::uc_motor_current_ampere More...
const cUnitConverteruc_position
 unit converter for position: default = #SDH::cSDH::uc_position_millimeter More...

Static Public Attributes

Predefined unit conversion objecs

Some predefined cUnitConverter unit conversion objects to convert values between different unit systems. These are static members since the converter objects do not depend on the individiual cSDH object.

For every physical unit used in the cSDH class there is at least one (most of the time more than one) predefined unit converter. For example for angles there are radians and degrees.

static const cUnitConverter uc_angle_degrees
 Default converter for angles (internal unit == external unit): degrees. More...
static const cUnitConverter uc_angle_radians
 Converter for angles: external unit = radians. More...
static const cUnitConverter uc_time_seconds
 Default converter for times (internal unit == external unit): seconds. More...
static const cUnitConverter uc_time_milliseconds
 Converter for times: external unit = milliseconds. More...
static const cUnitConverter uc_temperature_celsius
 Default converter for temparatures (internal unit == external unit): degrees celsius. More...
static const cUnitConverter uc_temperature_fahrenheit
 Converter for temperatures: external unit = degrees fahrenheit. More...
static const cUnitConverter uc_angular_velocity_degrees_per_second
 Default converter for angular velocities (internal unit == external unit): degrees / second. More...
static const cUnitConverter uc_angular_velocity_radians_per_second
 Converter for angular velocieties: external unit = radians/second. More...
static const cUnitConverter uc_angular_acceleration_degrees_per_second_squared
 Default converter for angular accelerations (internal unit == external unit): degrees / second. More...
static const cUnitConverter uc_angular_acceleration_radians_per_second_squared
 Converter for angular velocieties: external unit = radians/second. More...
static const cUnitConverter uc_motor_current_ampere
 Default converter for motor current (internal unit == external unit): Ampere. More...
static const cUnitConverter uc_motor_current_milliampere
 Converter for motor current: external unit = milli Ampere. More...
static const cUnitConverter uc_position_millimeter
 Default converter for position (internal unit == external unit): millimeter. More...
static const cUnitConverter uc_position_meter
 Converter for position: external unit = meter. More...

Protected Member Functions

Internal helper methods

std::vector< double > SetAxisValueVector (std::vector< int > const &axes, std::vector< double > const &values, pSetFunction ll_set, pGetFunction ll_get, cUnitConverter const *uc, std::vector< double > const &min_values, std::vector< double > const &max_values, char const *name)
std::vector< double > GetAxisValueVector (std::vector< int > const &axes, pGetFunction ll_get, cUnitConverter const *uc, char const *name)
std::vector< int > ToIndexVector (int index, std::vector< int > &all_replacement, int maxindex, char const *name)
pSetFunction GetMotorCurrentModeFunction (eMotorCurrentMode mode)
std::vector< double > _GetFingerXYZ (int fi, std::vector< double > r_angles)

Protected Attributes

std::vector< double > f_max_acceleration_v
 Maximum allowed axis acceleration (in internal units (degrees/(second * second))), including the virtual axis. More...
std::vector< double > f_max_angle_v
 Maximum allowed axis angles (in internal units (degrees)), including the virtual axis. More...
std::vector< double > f_max_motor_current_v
 Maximum allowed motor currents (in internal units (Ampere)), including the virtual axis. More...
std::vector< double > f_max_velocity_v
 Maximum allowed axis velocity (in internal units (degrees/second)), including the virtual axis. More...
std::vector< double > f_min_acceleration_v
 Minimum allowed axis acceleration (in internal units (degrees/(second * second))), including the virtual axis. More...
std::vector< double > f_min_angle_v
 Minimum allowed axis angles (in internal units (degrees)), including the virtual axis. More...
std::vector< double > f_min_motor_current_v
 Minimum allowed motor currents (in internal units (Ampere)), including the virtual axis. More...
std::vector< double > f_min_velocity_v
 Minimum allowed axis velocity (in internal units (degrees/second)), including the virtual axis. More...
std::vector< double > f_ones_v
 Vector of 3 1.0 values. More...
std::vector< double > f_zeros_v
 Vector of 3 epsilon values. More...
std::vector< std::vector< int > > finger_axis_index
 Mapping of finger index, finger axis index to axis index: More...
std::vector< int > finger_number_of_axes
 Mapping of finger index to number of real axes of fingers: More...
double grip_max_velocity
 Maximum allowed grip velocity (in internal units (degrees/second)) More...
int nb_all_axes
 The number of all axes including virtual axes. More...
 The number of axis per finger (for finger 1 this includes the "virtual" base axis) More...
 The number of virtual axes. More...
std::vector< double > ones_v
 Vector of nb_all_axes 1.0 values. More...
std::vector< double > zeros_v
 Vector of nb_all_axes 0.0 values. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from cSDHBase
int all_axes_used
 Bit field with the bits for all axes set. More...
cDBG cdbg
 debug stream to print colored debug messages More...
int debug_level
 debug level of this object More...
double eps
 epsilon value (max absolute deviation of reported values from actual hardware values) (needed since SDH firmware limits number of digits reported) More...
cSimpleVector eps_v
 simple vector of 7 epsilon values More...
eErrorCode firmware_state
 the last known state of the SDH firmware More...
cSimpleVector max_angle_v
 Maximum allowed axis angles (in internal units (degrees)) More...
cSimpleVector min_angle_v
 simple vector of 7 0 values ??? More...
 The number of axes. More...
 The number of fingers. More...
 The number of temperature sensors. More...

Private Member Functions

void AdjustLimits (cSDHBase::eControllerType controller)
void UpdateSettingsFromSDH ()

Private Attributes

eControllerType controller_type
 cached value of the axis controller type More...
std::string release_firmware
 string containing the SDH firmware release of the attaced SDH (something like "") More...

Kinematic parameters of the Hand

double l1
 length of limb 1 (proximal joint to distal joint) in mm More...
double l2
 length of limb 2 (distal joint to fingertip) in mm More...
double d
double h
std::vector< std::vector< double > > offset
cSDHSerial comm_interface
 The object to interface with the SDH attached via serial RS232 or CAN or TCP. More...
virtual void SetDebugOutput (std::ostream *debuglog)
 change the stream to use for debug messages More...

Miscellaneous methods

bool IsVirtualAxis (int iAxis)
 Return true if index iAxis refers to a virtual axis. More...
void UseRadians (void)
void UseDegrees (void)
int GetFingerNumberOfAxes (int iFinger)
int GetFingerAxisIndex (int iFinger, int iFingerAxis)
char const * GetFirmwareRelease (void)
bool CheckFirmwareRelease (void)
char const * GetInfo (char const *what)
std::vector< double > GetTemperature (std::vector< int > const &sensors)
double GetTemperature (int iSensor)
static char const * GetLibraryRelease (void)
static char const * GetLibraryName (void)
static char const * GetFirmwareReleaseRecommended (void)

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from cSDHBase
static char const * GetStringFromControllerType (eControllerType controller_type)
 Return a ptr to a (static) string describing controller type controller_Type. More...
static char const * GetStringFromErrorCode (eErrorCode error_code)
 Return a ptr to a (static) string describing error code error_code. More...
static char const * GetStringFromGraspId (eGraspId grasp_id)
 Return a ptr to a (static) string describing grasp id grasp_id. More...
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from cSDHBase
static char const * controller_type_name []
 A mapping from eControllerType controller type enums to strings with human readable controller type names. More...
static char const * firmware_error_codes []
 A mapping from eErrorCode error code enums to strings with human readable error messages. More...
static char const * grasp_id_name []
 A mapping from eGraspId grasp id enums to strings with human readable grasp id names. More...

Detailed Description

#SDH::cSDH is the end user interface class to control a SDH (SCHUNK Dexterous Hand).

A general overview of the structure and architecture used is given here.

  • The cSDH class provides methods to access the 7 axes of the SDH individually as well as on a finger level.
    • When accessing the axes individually then the following axis indices must be used to address an axis / some axes:
      • 0 : common base axis of finger 0 and 2
      • 1 : proximal axis of finger 0
      • 2 : distal axis of finger 0
      • 3 : proximal axis of finger 1
      • 4 : distal axis of finger 1
      • 5 : proximal axis of finger 2
      • 6 : distal axis of finger 2
    • When accessing the axes on finger level then every finger has 3 axes for a uniform interface of the access methods. Her the following finger axis indices must be used:
      • 0 : base axis of finger (for finger 1 this is a "virtual" axis with min angle = max angle = 0.0)
      • 1 : proximal axis of finger
      • 2 : distal axis of finger
  • Vector-like parmeters: The interface functions defined here make full use of the flexibility provided by the STL vector<T> type. I.E. for parameters of functions like axis indices or axis angles not only single numerical values can be given, but also vectors of int or double values. This way the same (overloaded) interface function can address a single axis individually or multiple axes in a call, as required by the application. Such parameters are herein refered to as "vectors".
  • Parameters for methods are checked for validity. In case an invalid parameter is given the method throws a cSDHErrorInvalidParameter exception.
  • The underlying physical unit system of parameters that do have a unit (like angles, velocities or temperatures) can be adapted to the users or the applications need. See also unit conversion objects". The default converter objects are set as the uc_* member variables (uc_angle, uc_angular_velocity, uc_angular_acceleration, uc_time, uc_temperature, uc_position). The units are changed in the communication between user application and cSDH object instance only (USERAPP and SDHLibrary-CPP in the overview figure"). For now the SDH firmware knows only about its internal unit system.

Definition at line 172 of file sdh.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ eAxisState

The state of an axis (see TPOSCON_STATE in global.h of the SDH firmware)


axis is idle


the goal position has not been reached yet


axis is in speed mode


axis is not initialized or doesn't exist


axis is blocked in counterwise direction


axis is blocked is blocked in against counterwise direction


axis is disabled


position limits reached and axis stopped


Endmarker and Dimension.

Definition at line 188 of file sdh.h.

◆ eMotorCurrentMode

the motor current can be set specifically for these modes:


The motor currents used while "moving" with a MoveHand() or MoveFinger() command.


The motor currents used while "gripping" with a GripHand() command.


The motor currents used after "gripping" with a GripHand() command (i.e. "holding")


Endmarker and Dimension.

Definition at line 177 of file sdh.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ cSDH()

cSDH::cSDH ( bool  _use_radians = false,
bool  _use_fahrenheit = false,
int  _debug_level = 0 

Constructor of cSDH class.

Creates an new object of type cSDH. One such object is needed for each SDH that you want to control. The constructor initializes internal data structures. A connection the SDH is not yet established, see OpenRS232() on how to do that.

After an object is created the user can adjust the unit systems used to set/report parameters to/from SDH. This is shown in the example code below. The default units used (if not overwritten by constructor parameters) are:

  • degrees [deg] for (axis) angles
  • degrees per second [deg/s] for (axis) angular velocities
  • seconds [s] for times
  • degrees celsius [deg C] for temperatures
_use_radians: Flag, if true then use radians and radians/second to set/report (axis) angles and angular velocities instead of default degrees and degrees/s.
_use_fahrenheit: Flag, if true then use degrees fahrenheit to report temperatures instead of default degrees celsius.
_debug_level: The level of debug messages to print
  • 0: (default) no messages
  • 1: messages of this cSDH instance
  • 2: like 1 plus messages of the inner cSDHSerial instance

Common use:

// Include the cSDH interface
#include <sdh.h>
// Create a cSDH object 'hand'.
cSDH hand();

The mentioned change of a unit system can be done like this:

// Assuming 'hand' is a cSDH object ...
// override default unit converter for (axis) angles:
hand.uc_angle = &cSDH::uc_angle_radians;
// override default unit converter for (axis) angular velocities:
// override default unit converter for (axis) angular accelerations:
// instead of the last 3 calls the following shortcut could be used:
// override default unit converter for times:
// override default unit converter for temperatures:
hand.uc_temperature = &cSDH::uc_temperature_fahrenheit;
// override default unit converter for positions:
hand.uc_position = &cSDH::uc_position_meter;

For convenience the most common settings can be specified as bool parameters for the constructor, like in:

// Include the cSDH interface
#include <sdh.h>
// Create a cSDH object 'hand' that uses
// - the non default radians and radians/s units,
// - the default temperature in degrees celsius,
// - A debug level of 2
cSDH hand( true, false, 2 );

unit convert for times: default = uc_time_seconds

unit convert for temperatures: default = uc_temperature_celsius

unit converter for motor curent: default = uc_motor_current_ampere

unit converter for position: default = uc_position_millimeter

The number of axis per finger (for finger 1 this includes the "virtual" base axis)

The number of virtual axes

Mapping of finger index to number of real axes of fingers:

Mapping of finger index, finger axis index to axis index:

Maximum allowed grip velocity (in internal units (degrees/second))

Definition at line 298 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ ~cSDH()

cSDH::~cSDH ( )

Virtual destructor to make compiler happy

If the connection to the SDH hardware/firmware is still open then the connection is closed, which will stop the axis controllers (and thus prevent overheating).

Definition at line 475 of file sdh.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ _GetFingerXYZ()

std::vector< double > cSDH::_GetFingerXYZ ( int  fi,
std::vector< double >  r_angles 

return cartesian [x,y,z] position in mm of fingertip for finger fi at angles r_angles (rad)

Definition at line 544 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ AdjustLimits()

void cSDH::AdjustLimits ( cSDHBase::eControllerType  controller)

Adjust the limits for the velocity and acceleration according to the controller type.

  • in pose controller the velocities and accelerations are always positive and thus the minimum is 0.0
  • in velocity based controllers the velocities and accelerations can be positive or negative and thus the minimum is -maximum

Definition at line 2111 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ CheckFirmwareRelease()

bool cSDH::CheckFirmwareRelease ( void  )

Check the actual release of the firmware of the connected SDH against the recommended firmware release.

true - if the actual firmware is the recommended one false - the actual firmware is NOT the recommended one (communication with the SDH might not work as expected)

This will throw a (cSDHErrorCommunication*) exception if the connection to the SDH is not yet opened.

// Assuming 'hand' is a cSDH object ...
if ( hand.CheckFirmwareRelease() )
cout << "The firmware release of the connected SDH is the one recommended by this SDHLibrary\n";
cout << "The firmware release of the connected SDH is NOT the one recommended by this SDHLibrary\n";
cout << " Actual SDH firmware release " << hand.GetFirmwareRelease() << "\n";
cout << " Recommended SDH firmware release " << hand.GetFirmwareReleaseRecommended() << "\n";
See also
See GetFirmwareReleaseRecommended() to get the recommended SDH firmware release.

Definition at line 655 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ Close()

void cSDH::Close ( bool  leave_enabled = false)

Close connection to SDH.

The default behaviour is to not leave the controllers of the SDH enabled (to prevent overheating). To keep the controllers enabled (e.g. to keep the finger axes actively in position) set leave_enabled to true. Only already enabled axes will be left enabled.

leave_enabled- Flag: true to leave the controllers on, false (default) to disable the controllers (switch powerless)

This throws a (cSDHErrorCommunication*) exception if the connection was not opened before.

// Assuming 'hand' is a cSDH object ...
// Close connection to SDH, power off controllers:
// To leave the already enabled controllers enabled:
hand.Close( true );

Definition at line 888 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ EmergencyStop()

void cSDH::EmergencyStop ( void  )

Stop movement of all axes of the SDH and switch off the controllers

This command will always be executed sequentially: it will return only after the SDH has confirmed the emergency stop.

For now this will NOT work while a GripHand() command is executing, even if that was initiated non-sequentially!
// Assuming 'hand' is a cSDH object ...
// Perform an emergency stop:

Definition at line 925 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetAxisActualAngle() [1/2]

double cSDH::GetAxisActualAngle ( int  iAxis)

Like GetAxisActualAngle(std::vector<int>const&), just for a single axis iAxis and returning a single angle, see there for details and examples.

Definition at line 1280 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetAxisActualAngle() [2/2]

std::vector< double > cSDH::GetAxisActualAngle ( std::vector< int > const &  axes)

Get the current actual angle(s) of axis(axes).

The actual angles are read from the SDH.

axes- A vector of axis indices to access.
  • The indices in axes are checked if they are valid axis indices.
  • If any axis index is invalid then a #SDH::cSDHErrorInvalidParameter* exception is thrown.
  • A vector of the actual angles of the selected axes.
  • The values are converted to the selected external unit system using the configured uc_angle unit converter object.
  • The order of the elements of the axes vector and the returned values vector rv matches. I.e. rv[i] will be the value of axis axes[i] (not axis i).

See also GetAxisActualAngle(int) for an overloaded variant to access a single axis.

// Assuming "hand" is a cSDH object ...
// Get actual axis angle of all axes
std::vector<double> v = hand.GetAxisActualAngle( hand.all_axes );
// now v is something like {0.0, 0.0, 42.0, 0.0, 47.11, 0,0, 0.0}
// Get actual axis angle of axis 2
double v2 = hand.GetAxisActualAngle( 2 );
// 2 is now something like 42.0
// Get actual axis angle of axis 2 and 4
std::vector<int> axes24;
axes24.push_back( 2 );
axes24.push_back( 4 );
v = hand.GetAxisActualAngle( axes24 );
// now v is something like {42.0, 47.11}

Definition at line 1270 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetAxisActualState() [1/2]

cSDH::eAxisState cSDH::GetAxisActualState ( int  iAxis)

Like GetAxisActualState(std::vector<int>const&), just for a single axis iAxis, see there for details and examples.

Definition at line 1148 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetAxisActualState() [2/2]

std::vector< cSDH::eAxisState > cSDH::GetAxisActualState ( std::vector< int > const &  axes)

Get the current actual state(s) of axis(axes).

The actual axis states are read from the SDH.

axes- A vector of axis indices to access.
  • The indices in axes are checked if they are valid axis indices.
  • If any axis index is invalid then a #SDH::cSDHErrorInvalidParameter* exception is thrown.
  • A vector of the actual states of the selected axes.
  • The values are given as eAxisState enum values
  • The order of the elements of the axes vector and the returned values vector rv matches. I.e. rv[i] will be the value of axis axes[i] (not axis i).

See also GetAxisActualState(int) for an overloaded variant to access a single axis.

// Assuming "hand" is a cSDH object ...
// Get actual axis state of all axes
std::vector<eAxisState> v = hand.GetAxisActualState( hand.all_axes )
// now v is something like {eAS_IDLE, eAS_POSITIONING, eAS_IDLE, eAS_IDLE, eAS_IDLE, eAS_DISABLED, eAS_IDLE}
// Get actual axis state of axis 3
eAxisState v3 = hand.GetAxisActualState( 3 );
// v3 is now something like eAS_IDLE
// Get actual state of axis 2 and 5
std::vector<int> axes25;
axes25.push_back( 2 );
axes25.push_back( 5 );
v = hand.GetAxisActualState( axes25 );
// now v is something like {eAS_IDLE, eAS_DISABLED}

Definition at line 1127 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetAxisActualVelocity() [1/2]

double cSDH::GetAxisActualVelocity ( int  iAxis)

Like GetAxisActualVelocity(std::vector<int>const&), just for a single axis iAxis and returning a single velocity, see there for details and examples.

Definition at line 1429 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetAxisActualVelocity() [2/2]

std::vector< double > cSDH::GetAxisActualVelocity ( std::vector< int >const &  axes)

Get the actual velocity(s) of axis(axes).

axes- A vector of axis indices to access.
  • The indices in axes are checked if they are valid axis indices.
  • If any axis index is invalid then a #SDH::cSDHErrorInvalidParameter* exception is thrown.
  • A vector of the actual velocities of the selected axes.
  • The values are converted to the selected external unit system using the configured uc_angular_velocity unit converter object.
  • The order of the elements of the axes vector and the returned values vector rv matches. I.e. rv[i] will be the value of axis axes[i] (not axis i).

See also GetAxisActualVelocity(int) for an overloaded variant to access a single axis.

// Assuming "hand" is a cSDH object ...
// Get actual axis velocity of all axes
std::vector<double> v = hand.GetAxisActualVelocity( hand.all_axes );
// now v is something like {0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 13.2, 0.5, 0.0, 0.7}
// Get actual axis velocity of axis 2 and 4
std::vector<int> axes24;
axes24.push_back( 2 );
axes24.push_back( 4 );
v = hand.GetAxisActualVelocity( axes24 );
// now v is something like {13.2, 0.0}
// Get actual axis velocity of axis 2
double v3 = hand.GetAxisActualVelocity( 2 );
// v3 is now something like 13.2

Definition at line 1419 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetAxisEnable() [1/2]

double cSDH::GetAxisEnable ( int  iAxis)

Like GetAxisEnable(std::vector<int>const&), just for a single axis iAxis, see there for details and examples.

Definition at line 1118 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetAxisEnable() [2/2]

std::vector< double > cSDH::GetAxisEnable ( std::vector< int > const &  axes)

Get enabled/disabled state of axis controller(s).

The enabled/disabled state of the controllers of the selected axes is read from the SDH.

axes- A vector of axis indices to access.
  • The indices in axes are checked if they are valid axis indices.
  • If any axis index is invalid then a #SDH::cSDHErrorInvalidParameter* exception is thrown.
  • A vector of enabled/disabled states as doubles (0=disabled, 1.0=enabled) of the selected axes.
  • The order of the elements of the axes vector and the returned values vector rv matches. I.e. rv[i] will be the value of axis axes[i] (not axis i).

See also GetAxisEnable(int) for an overloaded variant to access a single axis.

// Assuming 'hand' is a cSDH object ...
// Get enabled state of all axes:
std::vector<double> v = hand.GetAxisEnable( hand.all_axes );
// now v is something like {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0}
// Get enabled state of axis 3 and 5
std::vector<int> axes35;
axes35.push_back( 3 );
axes35.push_back( 5 );
v = hand.GetAxisEnable( axes35 );
// now v is something like {1.0, 0.0}
// Get enabled state of axis 3
double v3 = hand.GetAxisEnable( 3 );
// now v3 is something like 1.0

Definition at line 1108 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetAxisLimitAcceleration() [1/2]

double cSDH::GetAxisLimitAcceleration ( int  iAxis)

Like GetAxisLimitAcceleration(std::vector<int>const&), just for a single axis iAxis and returning a single acceleration limit, see there for details and examples.

Definition at line 1410 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetAxisLimitAcceleration() [2/2]

std::vector< double > cSDH::GetAxisLimitAcceleration ( std::vector< int > const &  axes)

Get the acceleration limit(s) of axis(axes).

The acceleration limit(s) are read from the SDH.

axes- A vector of axis indices to access.
  • The indices in axes are checked if they are valid axis indices.
  • If any axis index is invalid then a #SDH::cSDHErrorInvalidParameter* exception is thrown.
  • A vector of the acceleration limits of the selected axes.
  • The values are converted to the selected external unit system using the configured uc_angular_acceleration unit converter object.
  • The order of the elements of the axes vector and the returned values vector rv matches. I.e. rv[i] will be the value of axis axes[i] (not axis i).

See also GetAxisLimitAcceleration(int) for an overloaded variant to access a single axis.

// Assuming "hand" is a cSDH object ...
// Get axis acceleration limits of all axes
std::vector<double> v = hand.GetAxisLimitAcceleration( hand.all_axes );
// now v is something like {81.0, 140.0, 120.0, 140.0, 120.0, 140.0, 120.0}
// Get axis acceleration limit of axis 2
double v2 = hand.GetAxisLimitAcceleration( 2 );
// v2 is now something like 120.0
// Get axis acceleration limits of axis 2 and 4
std::vector<int> axes24;
axes24.push_back( 2 );
axes24.push_back( 4 );
v = hand.GetAxisLimitAcceleration( axes24 );
// now v is something like {120.0,120.0}

Definition at line 1374 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetAxisLimitVelocity() [1/2]

double cSDH::GetAxisLimitVelocity ( int  iAxis)

Like GetAxisLimitVelocity(std::vector<int>const&), just for a single axis iAxis and returning a single velocity limit, see there for details and examples.

Definition at line 1401 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetAxisLimitVelocity() [2/2]

std::vector< double > cSDH::GetAxisLimitVelocity ( std::vector< int > const &  axes)

Get the velocity limit(s) of axis(axes).

The velocity limit(s) are read from the SDH.

axes- A vector of axis indices to access.
  • The indices in axes are checked if they are valid axis indices.
  • If any axis index is invalid then a #SDH::cSDHErrorInvalidParameter* exception is thrown.
  • A vector of the velocity limits of the selected axes.
  • The values are converted to the selected external unit system using the configured uc_angular_velocity unit converter object.
  • The order of the elements of the axes vector and the returned values vector rv matches. I.e. rv[i] will be the value of axis axes[i] (not axis i).

See also GetAxisLimitVelocity(int) for an overloaded variant to access a single axis.

// Assuming "hand" is a cSDH object ...
// Get axis velocity limits of all axes
std::vector<double> v = hand.GetAxisLimitVelocity( hand.all_axes );
// now v is something like {81.0, 140.0, 120.0, 140.0, 120.0, 140.0, 120.0}
// Get axis velocity limit of axis 2
double v2 = hand.GetAxisLimitVelocity( 2 );
// v2 is now something like 120.0
// Get axis velocity limits of axis 2 and 4
std::vector<int> axes24;
axes24.push_back( 2 );
axes24.push_back( 4 );
v = hand.GetAxisLimitVelocity( axes24 );
// now v is something like {120.0,120.0}

Definition at line 1348 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetAxisMaxAcceleration() [1/2]

double cSDH::GetAxisMaxAcceleration ( int  iAxis)

Like GetAxisMaxAcceleration(std::vector<int>const&), just for a single axis iAxis and returning a single minimum angle, see there for details and examples.

Definition at line 1609 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetAxisMaxAcceleration() [2/2]

std::vector< double > cSDH::GetAxisMaxAcceleration ( std::vector< int > const &  axes)

Get the maximum acceleration(s) of axis(axes).

The maximum accelerations are currently not read from the SDH, but are stored in the library.

axes- A vector of axis indices to access.
  • The indices in axes are checked if they are valid axis indices.
  • If any axis index is invalid then a #SDH::cSDHErrorInvalidParameter* exception is thrown.
  • A vector of the max angular accelerations of the selected axes.
  • The values are converted to the selected external unit system using the configured uc_angular_acceleration unit converter object.
  • The order of the elements of the axes vector and the returned values vector rv matches. I.e. rv[i] will be the value of axis axes[i] (not axis i).

See also GetAxisMaxAcceleration(int) for an overloaded variant to access a single axis.

// Assuming "hand" is a cSDH object ...
// Get maximum axis angular accelerations of all axes
std::vector<double> v = hand.GetAxisMaxAcceleration( hand.all_axes );
// now v is something like {1000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0}
// Get maximum axis angular acceleration of axis 3
double v3 = hand.GetAxisMaxAcceleration( 3 );
// v3 is now something like 1000.0
// Get maximum axis angular acceleration of axis 2 and 4
std::vector<int> axes24;
axes24.push_back( 2 );
axes24.push_back( 4 );
v = hand.GetAxisMaxAcceleration( axes24 );
// now v is something like {1000.0, 1000.0}
// Or if you change the angular acceleration unit system:
v = hand.GetAxisMaxAcceleration( hand.all_axes );
// now v is something like {17.453292519943293, 17.453292519943293, 17.453292519943293, 17.453292519943293, 17.453292519943293, 17.453292519943293, 17.453292519943293}

Definition at line 1590 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetAxisMaxAngle() [1/2]

double cSDH::GetAxisMaxAngle ( int  iAxis)

Like GetAxisMaxAngle(std::vector<int>const&), just for a single axis iAxis and returning a single maximum angle, see there for details and examples.

Definition at line 1553 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetAxisMaxAngle() [2/2]

std::vector< double > cSDH::GetAxisMaxAngle ( std::vector< int > const &  axes)

Get the maximum angle(s) of axis(axes).

The maximum angles are currently not read from the SDH, but are stored in the library.

axes- A vector of axis indices to access.
  • The indices in axes are checked if they are valid axis indices.
  • If any axis index is invalid then a #SDH::cSDHErrorInvalidParameter* exception is thrown.
  • A vector of the max angles of the selected axes.
  • The values are converted to the selected external unit system using the configured uc_angle unit converter object.
  • The order of the elements of the axes vector and the returned values vector rv matches. I.e. rv[i] will be the value of axis axes[i] (not axis i).

See also GetAxisMaxAngle(int) for an overloaded variant to access a single axis.

// Assuming "hand" is a cSDH object ...
// Get maximum axis angles of all axes
std::vector<double> v = hand.GetAxisMaxAngle( hand.all_axes );
// now v is something like {90.0, 90.0, 90.0, 90.0, 90.0, 90.0, 90.0}
// Get maximum axis angle of axis 3
double v3 = hand.GetAxisMaxAngle( 3 );
// v3 is now something like 90.0
// Get maximum axis angle of axis 2 and 4
std::vector<int> axes24;
axes24.push_back( 2 );
axes24.push_back( 4 );
v = hand.GetAxisMaxAngle( axes24 );
// now v is something like {90.0, 90.0}
// Or if you change the angle unit system:
v = hand.GetAxisMaxAngle( hand.all_axes );
// now v is something like { 1.5707963267948966, 1.5707963267948966, 1.5707963267948966, 1.5707963267948966, 1.5707963267948966, 1.5707963267948966, 1.5707963267948966}

Definition at line 1534 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetAxisMaxVelocity() [1/2]

double cSDH::GetAxisMaxVelocity ( int  iAxis)

Like GetAxisMaxVelocity(std::vector<int>const&), just for a single axis iAxis and returning a single minimum angle, see there for details and examples.

Definition at line 1581 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetAxisMaxVelocity() [2/2]

std::vector< double > cSDH::GetAxisMaxVelocity ( std::vector< int > const &  axes)

Get the maximum velocity(s) of axis(axes). These are the (theoretical) maximum velocities as determined by the maximum motor velocity and gear box ratio. The values do not take things like friction or inertia into account. So it is likely that these maximum velocities cannot be reached by the real hardware in reality.

The maximum velocities are currently read once from the SDH when the communication to the SDH is opened. Later queries of this maximum velocities will use the values stored in the library.

axes- A vector of axis indices to access.
  • The indices in axes are checked if they are valid axis indices.
  • If any axis index is invalid then a #SDH::cSDHErrorInvalidParameter* exception is thrown.
  • A vector of the max angular velocities of the selected axes.
  • The values are converted to the selected external unit system using the configured uc_angular_velocity unit converter object.
  • The order of the elements of the axes vector and the returned values vector rv matches. I.e. rv[i] will be the value of axis axes[i] (not axis i).

See also GetAxisMaxVelocity(int) for an overloaded variant to access a single axis.

// Assuming "hand" is a cSDH object ...
// Get maximum axis angular velocities of all axes
std::vector<double> v = hand.GetAxisMaxVelocity( hand.all_axes );
// now v is something like {83.857,200.000,157.895,200.000,157.895,200.000,157.895}
// Get maximum axis angular velocity of axis 3
double v3 = hand.GetAxisMaxVelocity( 3 );
// v3 is now something like 200.0
// Get maximum axis angular velocity of axis 2 and 4
std::vector<int> axes24;
axes24.push_back( 2 );
axes24.push_back( 4 );
v = hand.GetAxisMaxVelocity( axes24 );
// now v is something like {157.895, 157.895}
// Or if you change the angular velocity unit system:
v = hand.GetAxisMaxVelocity( hand.all_axes );
// now v is something like {1.46358075084, 3.49065850399, 2.75578762244, 3.49065850399, 2.75578762244, 3.49065850399, 2.75578762244}

Definition at line 1562 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetAxisMinAngle() [1/2]

double cSDH::GetAxisMinAngle ( int  iAxis)

Like GetAxisMinAngle(std::vector<int>const&), just for a single axis iAxis and returning a single minimum angle, see there for details and examples.

Definition at line 1525 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetAxisMinAngle() [2/2]

std::vector< double > cSDH::GetAxisMinAngle ( std::vector< int > const &  axes)

Get the minimum angle(s) of axis(axes).

The minimum angles are currently not read from the SDH, but are stored in the library.

axes- A vector of axis indices to access.
  • The indices in axes are checked if they are valid axis indices.
  • If any axis index is invalid then a #SDH::cSDHErrorInvalidParameter* exception is thrown.
  • A vector of the min angles of the selected axes.
  • The values are converted to the selected external unit system using the configured uc_angle unit converter object.
  • The order of the elements of the axes vector and the returned values vector rv matches. I.e. rv[i] will be the value of axis axes[i] (not axis i).

See also GetAxisMinAngle(int) for an overloaded variant to access a single axis.

// Assuming "hand" is a cSDH object ...
// Get minimum axis angles of all axes
std::vector<double> v = hand.GetAxisMinAngle( hand.all_axes );
// now v is something like {0.0, -90.0, -90.0, -90.0, -90.0, -90.0, -90.0}
// Get minimum axis angle of axis 3
double v3 = hand.GetAxisMinAngle( 3 );
// v3 is now something like -90.0
// Get minimum axis angle of axis 2 and 4
std::vector<int> axes24;
axes24.push_back( 2 );
axes24.push_back( 4 );
v = hand.GetAxisMinAngle( axes24 );
// now v is something like {-90.0, -90.0}
// Or if you change the angle unit system:
v = hand.GetAxisMinAngle( hand.all_axes );
// now v is something like {0.0, -1.5707963267948966, -1.5707963267948966, -1.5707963267948966, -1.5707963267948966, -1.5707963267948966, -1.5707963267948966}

Definition at line 1506 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetAxisMotorCurrent() [1/2]

double cSDH::GetAxisMotorCurrent ( int  iAxis,
eMotorCurrentMode  mode = eMCM_MOVE 

Like GetAxisMotorCurrent(std::vector<int>const&,eMotorCurrentMode), just for a single axis, see there for details and examples.

Definition at line 1044 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetAxisMotorCurrent() [2/2]

std::vector< double > cSDH::GetAxisMotorCurrent ( std::vector< int > const &  axes,
eMotorCurrentMode  mode = eMCM_MOVE 

Get the maximum allowed motor current(s) of axis(axes).

The maximum allowed motor currents are read from the SDH. The motor currents are stored:

  • axis specific
  • mode specific (see eMotorCurrentMode)
axes- A vector of axis indices to access.
mode- the mode to set the maximum motor current for. One of the eMotorCurrentMode modes.
  • The indices in axes are checked if they are valid axis indices.
  • If any axis index is invalid then a #SDH::cSDHErrorInvalidParameter* exception is thrown.
  • A vector of the motor currents of the selected axes.
  • The values are converted to the selected external unit system using the configured uc_motor_current unit converter object.
  • The order of the elements of the axes vector and the returned values vector rv matches. I.e. rv[i] will be the value of axis axes[i] (not axis i).

See also GetAxisMotorCurrent(int,eMotorCurrentMode) for an overloaded variant to access a single axis.

// Assuming "hand" is a cSDH object ...
// Get maximum allowed motor currents of all axes
std::vector<double> v = hand.GetAxisMotorCurrent( hand.all_axes );
// now v is something like {0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0,6, 0.7}
// Get maximum allowed motor current of axis 3 in mode "eMCM_MOVE"
double mc3 = hand.GetAxisMotorCurrent( 3, eMCM_MOVE );
// mc3 is now something like 0.75
// Get maximum allowed motor current of axis 3 and 5 in mode "eMCM_GRIP"
std::vector<int> axes35;
axes35.push_back( 3 );
axes35.push_back( 5 );
v = hand.GetAxisMotorCurrent( axes35, eMCM_GRIP );
// now v is something like {0.5,0.5};

Definition at line 1034 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetAxisReferenceVelocity() [1/2]

double cSDH::GetAxisReferenceVelocity ( int  iAxis)

Like GetAxisReferenceVelocity(std::vector<int>const&), just for a single axis iAxis and returning a single velocity, see there for details and examples.

Definition at line 1448 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetAxisReferenceVelocity() [2/2]

std::vector< double > cSDH::GetAxisReferenceVelocity ( std::vector< int >const &  axes)

Get the current reference velocity(s) of axis(axes). (This velocity is used internally by the SDH in eCT_VELOCITY_ACCELERATION mode).

axes- A vector of axis indices to access.
  • The indices in axes are checked if they are valid axis indices.
  • If any axis index is invalid then a #SDH::cSDHErrorInvalidParameter* exception is thrown.
  • A vector of the reference velocities of the selected axes.
  • The values are converted to the selected external unit system using the configured uc_angular_velocity unit converter object.
  • The order of the elements of the axes vector and the returned values vector rv matches. I.e. rv[i] will be the value of axis axes[i] (not axis i).

See also GetAxisReferenceVelocity(int) for an overloaded variant to access a single axis.

// Assuming "hand" is a cSDH object ...
// Switch to "velocity control with acceleration ramp" controller mode first.
// (When in another controller mode like the default eCT_POSE,
// then the reference velocities will not be valid):
hand.SetController( eCT_VELOCITY_ACCELERATION );
// Get reference axis velocity of all axes
std::vector<double> v = hand.GetAxisReferenceVelocity( hand.all_axes );
// now v is something like {0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 13.2, 0.5, 0.0, 0.7}
// Get reference axis velocity of axis 2 and 4
std::vector<int> axes24;
axes24.push_back( 2 );
axes24.push_back( 4 );
v = hand.GetAxisReferenceVelocity( axes24 );
// now v is something like {13.2, 0.0}
// Get reference axis velocity of axis 2
double v3 = hand.GetAxisReferenceVelocity( 2 );
// v3 is now something like 13.2
  • the underlying rvel command of the SDH firmware is not available in firmwares prior to For such hands calling rvel will fail miserably.
  • The availability of an appropriate SDH firmware is not checked here due to performance losses when this function is used often.

Definition at line 1438 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetAxisTargetAcceleration() [1/2]

double cSDH::GetAxisTargetAcceleration ( int  iAxis)

Like GetAxisTargetAcceleration(std::vector<int>const&), just for a single axis iAxis and returning a single acceleration, see there for details and examples.

Definition at line 1497 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetAxisTargetAcceleration() [2/2]

std::vector< double > cSDH::GetAxisTargetAcceleration ( std::vector< int >const &  axes)

Get the target acceleration(s) of axis(axes).

The currently set target accelerations are read from the SDH.

axes- A vector of axis indices to access.
  • The indices in axes are checked if they are valid axis indices.
  • If any axis index is invalid then a #SDH::cSDHErrorInvalidParameter* exception is thrown.
  • A vector of the target accelerations of the selected axes.
  • The values are converted to the selected external unit system using the configured uc_angular_acceleration unit converter object.
  • The order of the elements of the axes vector and the returned values vector rv matches. I.e. rv[i] will be the value of axis axes[i] (not axis i).

See also GetAxisTargetAcceleration(int) for an overloaded variant to access a single axis.

// Assuming "hand" is a cSDH object ...
// Get target axis acceleration of all axes
std::vector<double> v = hand.GetAxisTargetAcceleration( hand.all_axes );
// now v is something like {100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0}
// Get target axis acceleration of axis 2
double v2 = hand.GetAxisTargetAcceleration( 2 );
// v2 is now something like 100.0
// Get target axis acceleration of axis 2 and 4
std::vector<int> axes24;
axes24.push_back( 2 );
axes24.push_back( 4 );
v = hand.GetAxisTargetAcceleration( axes24 );
// now v is something like {100.0, 100.0}

Definition at line 1487 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetAxisTargetAngle() [1/2]

double cSDH::GetAxisTargetAngle ( int  iAxis)

Like GetAxisTargetAngle(std::vector<int>const&), just for a single axis iAxis and returning a single angle, see there for details and examples.

Definition at line 1261 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetAxisTargetAngle() [2/2]

std::vector< double > cSDH::GetAxisTargetAngle ( std::vector< int > const &  axes)

Get the target angle(s) of axis(axes).

The currently set target angles are read from the SDH.

axes- A vector of axis indices to access.
  • The indices in axes are checked if they are valid axis indices.
  • If any axis index is invalid then a #SDH::cSDHErrorInvalidParameter* exception is thrown.
  • A vector of the target angles of the selected axes.
  • The values are converted to the selected external unit system using the configured uc_angle unit converter object.
  • The order of the elements of the axes vector and the returned values vector rv matches. I.e. rv[i] will be the value of axis axes[i] (not axis i).

See also GetAxisTargetAngle(int) for an overloaded variant to access a single axis.

// Assuming "hand" is a cSDH object ...
// Get target axis angle of all axes
std::vector<double> v = hand.GetAxisTargetAngle( hand.all_axes );
// now v is something like {0.0, 0.0, 42.0, 0.0, 47.11, 0,0, 0.0}
// Get target axis angle of axis 2
double v2 = hand.GetAxisTargetAngle( 2 );
// v2 is now something like 42.0
// Get target axis angle of axis 2 and 4
std::vector<int> axes24;
axes24.push_back( 2 );
axes24.push_back( 4 );
v = hand.GetAxisTargetAngle( axes24 );
// now v is something like {42.0, 47.11}

Definition at line 1251 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetAxisTargetVelocity() [1/2]

double cSDH::GetAxisTargetVelocity ( int  iAxis)

Like GetAxisTargetVelocity(std::vector<int>const&), just for a single axis iAxis and returning a single velocity, see there for details and examples.

Definition at line 1339 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetAxisTargetVelocity() [2/2]

std::vector< double > cSDH::GetAxisTargetVelocity ( std::vector< int > const &  axes)

Get the target velocity(s) of axis(axes).

The currently set target velocities are read from the SDH.

axes- A vector of axis indices to access.
  • The indices in axes are checked if they are valid axis indices.
  • If any axis index is invalid then a #SDH::cSDHErrorInvalidParameter* exception is thrown.
  • A vector of the target velocities of the selected axes.
  • The values are converted to the selected external unit system using the configured uc_angular_velocity unit converter object.
  • The order of the elements of the axes vector and the returned values vector rv matches. I.e. rv[i] will be the value of axis axes[i] (not axis i).

See also GetAxisTargetVelocity(int) for an overloaded variant to access a single axis.

// Assuming "hand" is a cSDH object ...
// Get target axis velocity of all axes
std::vector<double> v = hand.GetAxisTargetVelocity( hand.all_axes );
// now v is something like {0.0, 0.0, 42.0, 0.0, 47.11, 0,0, 0.0}
// Get target axis velocity of axis 2
double v2 = hand.GetAxisTargetVelocity( 2 );
// v2 is now something like 42.0
// Get target axis velocity of axis 2 and 4
std::vector<int> axes24;
axes24.push_back( 2 );
axes24.push_back( 4 );
v = hand.GetAxisTargetVelocity( axes24 );
// now v is something like {42.0, 47.11}

Definition at line 1329 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetAxisValueVector()

std::vector< double > cSDH::GetAxisValueVector ( std::vector< int > const &  axes,
pGetFunction  ll_get,
cUnitConverter const *  uc,
char const *  name 

Generic get function: get some given axes values

axes- a vector of axis indices
ll_get- a pointer to the low level get function to use
uc- a pointer to the unit converter object to apply before returning values
name- a string with the name of the values (for constructing error message)
  • The indices in axes are checked if they are valid axis indices.
  • If any axis index is invalid then a #SDH::cSDHErrorInvalidParameter* exception is thrown.
  • A vector of the addressed values for the selected axes.
  • The values are converted to external unit system using the uc unit converter object.
  • The order of the elements of the axes vector and the returned values vector rv matches. I.e. rv[i] will be the value of axis axes[i] (not axis i).

Definition at line 251 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetController()

cSDHBase::eControllerType cSDH::GetController ( void  )

Get the type of axis controller used in the SDH

The currently set controller type will be queried and returned (One of eControllerType)

// Assuming 'hand' is a sdh.cSDH object ...
// Get the controller type of the attached SDH:
ct = hand.GetController();
// Print result, numerically and symbolically
std::cout << "Currently the axis controller type is set to " << ct;
std::cout << "(" << GetStringFromControllerType(ct) << ")\n";

Definition at line 971 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetFingerActualAngle() [1/2]

std::vector< double > cSDH::GetFingerActualAngle ( int  iFinger)

Get the current actual axis angles of a single finger.

The current actual axis angles of finger iFinger are read from the SDH.

iFinger- index of finger to access. This must be a single index.
  • The iFinger index is checked if it is a valid finger index.
  • If iFinger is invalid then a #SDH::cSDHErrorInvalidParameter* exception is thrown.
  • A list of the current actual axis angles of the selected finger
  • The values are returned in the configured angle unit system uc_angle.

See also GetFingerActualAngle(int,double&,double&,double&) for an overloaded variant to get finger axis actual angles into single double values.

// Assuming "hand" is a cSDH object ...
// Get actual axis angles of finger 0
std::vector<double> v = hand.GetFingerActualAngle( 0 );
// v is now something like {42.0, -10.0, 47.11}
// Get actual axis angles of finger 1
double a0, a1, a2;
hand.GetFingerTargetAngle( 1, a0, a1, a2 );
// now a0, a1, a2 are something like 0.0, 24.7 and -5.5 respectively.

Definition at line 1798 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetFingerActualAngle() [2/2]

void cSDH::GetFingerActualAngle ( int  iFinger,
double &  a0,
double &  a1,
double &  a2 

Like GetFingerActualAngle(int), just returning the actual axis angles in the a0, a1 and a2 parameters which are given by reference.

Definition at line 1807 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetFingerAxisIndex()

int cSDH::GetFingerAxisIndex ( int  iFinger,
int  iFingerAxis 

Return axis index of iFingerAxis axis of finger with index iFinger

For iFinger=2, iFingerAxis=0 this will return the index of the virtual base axis of the finger

iFinger- index of finger in range [0..NUMBER_OF_FINGERS-1]
iFingerAxis- index of finger axis in range [0..NUMBER_OF_AXES_PER_FINGER-1]
  • Axis index of iFingerAxis-th axis of finger with index iFinger
  • If iFinger or iFingerAxis is invalid a (cSDHErrorInvalidParameter*) exception is thrown.
// Assuming 'hand' is a cSDH object ...
cout << "The 1st axis of finger 2 has real axis index " << hand.GetFingerNumberOfAxes( 2, 0 ) << "\n";

Definition at line 616 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetFingerEnable() [1/2]

double cSDH::GetFingerEnable ( int  iFinger)

Like GetFingerEnable(std::vector<int>const&), just for a single finger iFinger and returning a single double value

Definition at line 1748 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetFingerEnable() [2/2]

std::vector< double > cSDH::GetFingerEnable ( std::vector< int > const &  fingers)

Get enabled/disabled state of axis controllers of finger(s).

The enabled/disabled state of the controllers of the selected fingers is read from the SDH. A finger is reported disabled if any of its axes is disabled and reported enabled if all its axes are enabled.

fingers- A vector of finger indices to access.
  • The indices in fingers are checked if they are valid finger indices.
  • If any finger index is invalid then a #SDH::cSDHErrorInvalidParameter* exception is thrown.
  • A vector of enabled/disabled states as doubles (0=disabled, 1.0=enabled) of the selected axes.
  • The order of the elements of the axes vector and the returned values vector rv matches. I.e. rv[i] will be the value of axis axes[i] (not axis i).

See also GetAxisEnable(int) for an overloaded variant to access a single axis.

// Assuming "hand" is a cSDH object ...
// Get enabled state of all fingers:
std::vector<double> v = hand.GetFingerEnable( hand.all_fingers );
// now v is something like {0.0, 1.0, 0.0}
// Get enabled state of finger 0 and 2
std::vector<int> fingers02;
fingers02.push_back( 0 );
fingers02.push_back( 2 );
v = hand.GetFingerEnable( fingers02 );
// now v is something like {0.0, 0.0}
// Get enabled state of finger 1
double v1 = hand.GetFingerEnable( 1 );
// now v1 is something like 1.0

Definition at line 1714 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetFingerMaxAngle() [1/2]

std::vector< double > cSDH::GetFingerMaxAngle ( int  iFinger)

Get the maximum axis angles of a single finger.

The maximum axis angles of finger iFingers axes, stored in the library, are returned.

iFinger- index of finger to access. This must be a single index
  • The iFinger index is checked if it is a valid finger index.
  • If iFinger is invalid then a #SDH::cSDHErrorInvalidParameter* exception is thrown.
  • A list of the selected fingers maximum axis angles
  • The values are returned in the configured angle unit system uc_angle.

See also GetFingerMaxAngle(int,double&,double&,double&) for an overloaded variant to get finger axis max angles into single double values.

// Assuming "hand" is a cSDH object ...
// Get maximum axis angles of finger 0
std::vector<double> v = hand.GetFingerMaxAngle( 0 );
// now v is something like {90.0, 90.0, 90.0}
// Get target axis angles of finger 1
double a0, a1, a2;
hand.GetFingerMaxAngle( 1, a0, a1, a2 );
// now a0, a1, a2 are something like 90.0, 90.0, 90.0 respectively.
// Or if you change the angle unit system:
v = hand.GetFingerMaxAngle( 0 );
// now v is something like {1.5707963267948966, 1.5707963267948966, 1.5707963267948966}

Definition at line 1840 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetFingerMaxAngle() [2/2]

void cSDH::GetFingerMaxAngle ( int  iFinger,
double &  a0,
double &  a1,
double &  a2 

Like GetFingerMaxAngle(int), just returning the finger axis max angles in the a0, a1 and a2 parameters which are given by reference.

Definition at line 1849 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetFingerMinAngle() [1/2]

std::vector< double > cSDH::GetFingerMinAngle ( int  iFinger)

Get the minimum axis angles of a single finger.

The minimum axis angles of finger iFingers axes, stored in the library, are returned.

iFinger- index of finger to access. This must be a single index
  • The iFinger index is checked if it is a valid finger index.
  • If iFinger is invalid then a #SDH::cSDHErrorInvalidParameter* exception is thrown.
  • A list of the selected fingers minimum axis angles
  • The values are returned in the configured angle unit system uc_angle.

See also GetFingerMinAngle(int,double&,double&,double&) for an overloaded variant to get finger axis min angles into single double values.

// Assuming "hand" is a cSDH object ...
// Get minimum axis angles of finger 0
std::vector<double> v = hand.GetFingerMinAngle( 0 );
// now v is something like {0.0, -90.0, -90.0}
// Get target axis angles of finger 1
double a0, a1, a2;
hand.GetFingerMinAngle( 1, a0, a1, a2 );
// now a0, a1, a2 are something like 0.0, -90.0, -90.0 respectively.
// Or if you change the angle unit system:
v = hand.GetFingerMinAngle( 0 );
// now v is something like {0.0, -1.5707963267948966, -1.5707963267948966}

Definition at line 1819 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetFingerMinAngle() [2/2]

void cSDH::GetFingerMinAngle ( int  iFinger,
double &  a0,
double &  a1,
double &  a2 

Like GetFingerMinAngle(int), just returning the finger axis min angles in the a0, a1 and a2 parameters which are given by reference.

Definition at line 1828 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetFingerNumberOfAxes()

int cSDH::GetFingerNumberOfAxes ( int  iFinger)

Return the number of real axes of finger with index iFinger.

iFinger- index of finger in range [0..NUMBER_OF_FINGERS-1]
  • Number of real axes of finger with index iFinger
  • If iFinger is invalid a (cSDHErrorInvalidParameter*) exception is thrown.
// Assuming 'hand' is a cSDH object ...
cout << "The finger 0 has " << hand.GetFingerNumberOfAxes( 0 ) << " real axes\n";

Definition at line 608 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetFingerTargetAngle() [1/2]

std::vector< double > cSDH::GetFingerTargetAngle ( int  iFinger)

Get the target axis angles of a single finger.

The target axis angles of finger iFinger are read from the SDH.

iFinger- index of finger to access. This must be a single index
  • The iFinger index is checked if it is a valid finger index.
  • If iFinger is invalid then a #SDH::cSDHErrorInvalidParameter* exception is thrown.
  • A list of the selected fingers target axis angles
  • The values are returned in the configured angle unit system uc_angle.

See also GetFingerTargetAngle(int,double&,double&,double&) for an overloaded variant to get finger axis target angles into single double values.

// Assuming "hand" is a cSDH object ...
// Get target axis angles of finger 0
std::vector<double> v = hand.GetFingerTargetAngle( 0 );
// now v is something like {42.0, -10.0, 47.11}
// Get target axis angles of finger 1
double a0, a1, a2;
hand.GetFingerTargetAngle( 1, a0, a1, a2 );
// now a0, a1, a2 are something like 0.0, 24.7 and -5.5 respectively.

Definition at line 1777 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetFingerTargetAngle() [2/2]

void cSDH::GetFingerTargetAngle ( int  iFinger,
double &  a0,
double &  a1,
double &  a2 

Like GetFingerTargetAngle(int), just returning the target axis angles in the a0, a1 and a2 parameters which are given by reference.

Definition at line 1786 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetFingerXYZ() [1/2]

std::vector< double > cSDH::GetFingerXYZ ( int  iFinger,
double  a0,
double  a1,
double  a2 

Like SetFingerTargetAngle(int,std::vector<double>const&), just with individual finger axis angles a0, a1 and a2.

Definition at line 1886 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetFingerXYZ() [2/2]

std::vector< double > cSDH::GetFingerXYZ ( int  iFinger,
std::vector< double > const &  angles 

Get the cartesian xyz finger tip position of a single finger from the given axis angles (forward kinematics).

iFinger- index of finger to access. This must be a single index
angles- a vector of NUMBER_OF_AXES_PER_FINGER angles. The values are expected in the configured angle unit system uc_angle.
  • The iFinger index is checked if it is a valid finger index.
  • The angles are checked if they are in the allowed range [0 .. f_max_angle_v], i.e. it is checked that angles[i], converted to internal units, is in [0 .. f_max_angle_v[finger_axis_index[iFinger][i]]].
  • If any index or value is invalid then a #SDH::cSDHErrorInvalidParameter* exception is thrown.
  • A vector of the x,y,z values of the finger tip position
  • The values are returned in the configured position unit system uc_position.

See also GetFingerXYZ(int,double,double,double) for an overloaded variant to get finger tip position from single double values.

// Assuming "hand" is a cSDH object ...
// Get actual finger angles of finger 0:
std::vector<double> angles = hand.GetFingerActualAngle( 0 );
// Get actual finger tip position of finger 0:
std::vector<double> position = hand.GetFingerXYZ( 0, angles );
// now position is something like {18.821618775581801, 32.600000000000001, 174.0}
// (assuming that finger 0 is at axis angles {0,0,0})
// Get finger tip position of finger 2 at axis angles {90,-90,-90}:
position = hand.GetFingerXYZ( 2, 90, -90, -90 );
// now position is something like {18.821618775581804, 119.60000000000002, -53.0}
// Or if you change the angle unit system:
position = hand.GetFingerXYZ( 0, 1.5707963267948966, -1.5707963267948966, -1.5707963267948966 );
// now position is still something like {18.821618775581804, 119.60000000000002, -53.0}
// Or if you change the position unit system too:
hand.uc_position = &cSDH::uc_position_meter
position = hand.GetFingerXYZ( 0, 1.5707963267948966, -1.5707963267948966, -1.5707963267948966 );
// now position is still something like {0.018821618775581, 0.119.60000000000002, -0.052999999999}

Definition at line 1861 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetFirmwareRelease()

char const * cSDH::GetFirmwareRelease ( void  )

Return the actual release name of the firmware of the SDH (not the library) as string.

This will throw a (cSDHErrorCommunication*) exception if the connection to the SDH is not yet opened.

// Assuming 'hand' is a cSDH object ...
cout << "The SDH firmware reports release " << hand.GetFirmwareRelease() << "\n";
See also
See GetFirmwareReleaseRecommended() to get the recommended SDH firmware release.

Definition at line 640 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetFirmwareReleaseRecommended()

char const * cSDH::GetFirmwareReleaseRecommended ( void  )

Return the recommended release of the firmware of the SDH by this library as string.

// static member function, so no cSDH object is needed for access:
cout << "This SDHLibrary recommends an SDH firmware release " << cSDH::GetFirmwareReleaseRecommended() << "\n";
See also
See GetFirmwareRelease() to get the actual release of the SDH firmware

Definition at line 649 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetGripMaxVelocity()

double cSDH::GetGripMaxVelocity ( void  )

Get the maximum velocity of grip skills

The maximum velocity is currently not read from the SDH, but is stored in the library.

  • a single double value is returned representing the velocity in the uc_angular_velocity unit system
// Assuming "hand" is a cSDH object ...
// Get maximum grip skill velocity
double v = hand.GetGripMaxVelocity();
// v is now something like 100.0
// Or if you change the velocity unit system:
v = hand.GetGripMaxVelocity();
// now v is something like 1.7453292519943295

Definition at line 2046 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetInfo()

char const * cSDH::GetInfo ( char const *  what)

Return info according to what #

The following values are valid for \a what:

- "date-library" : date of the SDHLibrary-python release

- "release-library" : release name of the python module

- "release-firmware" : release name of the %SDH firmware (requires

an opened communication to the %SDH)

- "release-firmware-recommended" : recommended release name of the %SDH


- "date-firmware" : date of the %SDH firmware (requires

an opened communication to the %SDH)

- "release-soc" : release name of the %SDH SoC (requires

an opened communication to the %SDH)

- "date-soc" : date of the %SDH SoC (requires

an opened communication to the %SDH)

- "id-sdh" : ID of %SDH

- "sn-sdh" : Serial number of %SDH


\par Examples:




Definition at line 661 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetLibraryName()

char const * cSDH::GetLibraryName ( void  )

Return the name of the library as string.

// static member function, so no cSDH object is needed for access:
cout << "The SDHLibrary reports name " << cSDH::GetLibraryName() << "\n";

Definition at line 633 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetLibraryRelease()

char const * cSDH::GetLibraryRelease ( void  )

Return the release name of the library (not the firmware of the SDH) as string.

// static member function, so no cSDH object is needed for access:
cout << "The SDHLibrary reports release name " << cSDH::GetReleaseLibrary() << "\n";

Definition at line 626 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetMotorCurrentModeFunction()

pSetFunction cSDH::GetMotorCurrentModeFunction ( eMotorCurrentMode  mode)

Internal helper function: return the get/set function of the comm_interface object that is responsible for setting/getting motor currents in mode.

Definition at line 514 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetTemperature() [1/2]

double cSDH::GetTemperature ( int  iSensor)

Like GetTemperature(std::vector<int>const&), just for one sensor iSensor and returning a single temperature as double.

Definition at line 717 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetTemperature() [2/2]

std::vector< double > cSDH::GetTemperature ( std::vector< int > const &  sensors)

Return temperature(s) measured within the SDH.

sensors- A vector of indices of temperature sensors to access.
  • index 0 is sensor near motor of axis 0 (root)
  • index 1 is sensor near motor of axis 1 (proximal finger 1)
  • index 2 is sensor near motor of axis 2 (distal finger 1)
  • index 3 is sensor near motor of axis 3 (proximal finger 2)
  • index 4 is sensor near motor of axis 4 (distal finger 2)
  • index 5 is sensor near motor of axis 5 (proximal finger 3)
  • index 6 is sensor near motor of axis 6 (distal finger 3)
  • index 7 is FPGA temperature (controller chip)
  • index 8 is PCB temperature (Printed Circuit Board)
  • The indices in sensors are checked if they are valid sensor indices.
  • If any sensor index is invalid then a #SDH::cSDHErrorInvalidParameter* exception is thrown.

To access a single temperature sensor use GetTemperature(int), see there.

The temperatures of the selected sensors are returned as std::vector<double> in the configured temperature unit system uc_temperature.
// Assuming 'hand' is a cSDH object ...
// Get measured values of all sensors
std::vector<double> temps = hand.GetTemperature( hand.all_temperature_sensors );
// Now temps is something like { 38.500,37.250,35.750,37.250,33.500,36.500,32.250,59.625,52.500 }
// Get controller temperature only:
double temp_controller = hand.GetTemperature( 0 );
// Now temp_controller is something like 40.5
// If we - for some obscure islandish reason - would want
// temperatures reported in degrees fahrenheit, the unit
// converter can be changed:
hand.uc_temperature = &cSDH::uc_temperature_fahrenheit;
// Get all temperaturs again:
temps = hand.GetTemperature( hand.all_temperature_sensors );
// Now temps is something like {100.0, 96.8, 92.3, 97.7, 91.8, 96.8, 90.1, 137.5, 125.2}

Definition at line 694 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GetVelocityProfile()

cSDHBase::eVelocityProfile cSDH::GetVelocityProfile ( void  )

Get the type of velocity profile used in the SDH

the currently set velocity profile as integer, see eVelocityProfileType
// Assuming 'hand' is a cSDH object ...
// Get the velocity profile from the SDH:
velocity_profile = hand.GetVelocityProfile();
// now velocity_profile is something like eVP_SIN_SQUARE or eVP_RAMP

Definition at line 993 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ GripHand()

double cSDH::GripHand ( eGraspId  grip,
double  close,
double  velocity,
bool  sequ = true 

Perform one of the internal eGraspId "grips" or "grasps"

THIS DOES NOT WORK WITH SDH FIRMWARE PRIOR TO AND SDHLIBRARY-CPP PRIOR to This was a feature in the ancient times of the SDH1 and now does work again for SDH firmware and newer and SDHLIBRARY-CPP and newer. We intend to further improve this feature (e.g. store user defined grips within the SDH) in the future, but a particular deadline a has not been determined yet.
With SDH firmware > and SDHLibrary < GripHand() does not work (Bug 575)
=> Resolved in SDHLibrary
With SDH firmware < GripHand() does not work and might yield undefined behaviour there
=> Resolved in SDH firmware
Currently the performing of a skill or grip with GripHand() can NOT be interrupted!!! Even if the command is sent with sequ=false it cannot be stoped or emergency stopped.
grip- The index of the grip to perform 0..eGID_DIMENSION-1
close- close-ratio: [0.0 .. 1.0] where 0.0 is 'fully opened' and 1.0 is 'fully closed'
velocity- maximum allowed angular axis velocity in the chosen external unit system uc_angular_velocity
sequ- flag: if true (default) then the function executes sequentially and returns not until after the SDH has finished the movement. If false then the function returns immediately after the movement command has been sent to the SDH.
  • The close and velocity values are checked if they are in their allowed range.
  • If any value is invalid then no grip is perfomed, instead a #SDH::cSDHErrorInvalidParameter* exception is thrown.
The expected/elapsed execution time for the movement in the configured time unit system uc_time.
  • Currently the actual movement velocity of an axis is determined by the SDH firmware to make the movements of all involved axes start and end synchronously at the same time. Therefore the axis that needs the longest time for its movement at its given maximum velocity determines the velocities of all the other axes.
  • The currently set target axis angles are not changed by this command
  • The movement uses the eMotorCurrentMode motor current modes "eMCM_GRIP" while gripping and then changes the motor current mode to "eMCM_HOLD". After the movement previously set motor currents set for mode "eMCM_MOVE" are overwritten!
// Assuming 'hand' is a cSDH object ...
// Perform a fully opened centrical grip at 50 degrees per second:
hand.GripHand( hand.eGID_CENTRICAL, 0.0, 50.0, true );
// Now close it 50% with 30 degrees per second:
hand.GripHand( hand.eGID_CENTRICAL, 0.5, 30.0, true );
// Then close it completely with 20 degrees per second:
hand.GripHand( hand.eGID_CENTRICAL, 1.0, 20.0, true );

Definition at line 2053 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ IsOpen()

bool cSDH::IsOpen ( void  )
throw (

Return true if connection to SDH firmware/hardware is open.

Implements cSDHBase.

Definition at line 917 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ IsVirtualAxis()

bool cSDH::IsVirtualAxis ( int  iAxis)

Return true if index iAxis refers to a virtual axis.

Definition at line 126 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ MoveAxis() [1/2]

double cSDH::MoveAxis ( int  iAxis,
bool  sequ = true 

Like MoveAxis(std::vector<int>const&,bool), just for a single axis iAxis (or all axes if All is given).

Definition at line 1957 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ MoveAxis() [2/2]

double cSDH::MoveAxis ( std::vector< int >const &  axes,
bool  sequ = true 

Move selected axis/axes to the previously set target pose with the previously set velocity profile, (maximum) target velocities and target accelerations

axes- A vector of axis indices to access.
sequ- flag: if true (default) then the function executes sequentially and returns not until after the SDH has finished the movement. If false then the function returns immediately after the movement command has been sent to the SDH (the currently set target axis angles for other axes will then be overwritten with their current actual axis angles).
  • The indices in axes are checked if they are valid axis indices.
  • If any index is invalid then no movement is performed, instead a #SDH::cSDHErrorInvalidParameter* exception is thrown.
The expected/elapsed execution time for the movement in the configured time unit system uc_time
  • The axes will be enabled automatically.
  • Currently the actual movement velocity of an axis is determined by the SDH firmware to make the movements of all involved axes start and end synchronously at the same time. Therefore the axis that needs the longest time for its movement at its given maximum velocity determines the velocities of all the other axes.
  • Other axes than those selected by axes will NOT move, even if target axis angles for the axes have been set. (Remember: as axis 0 is used by finger 0 and 2 these two fingers cannot be moved completely idependent of each other.)
  • If sequ is true then the currently set target axis angles for other fingers will be restored upon return of the function.
  • If sequ is false then the currently set target axis angles for other fingers will be overwritten with their current actual axis angles

See also MoveAxis(int,bool) for an overloaded variant to move a single axis.

// Assuming 'hand' is a cSDH object ...
// create an index vector for adressing axes 0, 4 and 2 (in that order)
std::vector<int> axes042;
axes042.push_back( 0 );
axes042.push_back( 4 );
axes042.push_back( 2 );
// Set a new target pose for axes 0, 4 and 2:
std::vector<double> angles042;
angles042.push_back( 0.0 );
angles042.push_back( -44.4 );
angles042.push_back( -22.2 );
hand.SetFingerTargetAngle( axes042, angles042 );
// First move Axis 0 only to its new target position:
hand.MoveAxis( 0 );
// The axis 0 has now reached its target position 0.0 degrees. The
// target poses for axes 4 and 2 are still set since the
// last MoveAxes() call was sequentially (und thus it could
// restore the previously set target axis angles of not
// selected axes after the movement finished)
// So move axes 4 and 2 now, this time non-sequentially:
std::vector<int> axes42;
axes42.push_back( 4 );
axes42.push_back( 2 );
double t = hand.MoveAxes( axis42, false );
// The two axes 4 and 2 are now moving to their target position.
// We have to wait until the non-sequential call has finished:
SleepSec( t );
// The axes 4 and 2 have now moved to -44.4 and -22.2.
// The target angles for other axes have by now been
// overwritten since the last MoveAxis() call was
// non-sequentially (und thus it could \b NOT restore the
// previously set target axis angles of not selected axes
// after the movement finished)
// Set new target angles for all axes ("home pose");
hand.SetAxisTargetAngle( hand.All, 0.0 );
// Now move all axes back to home pose:
hand.MoveAxes( hand.All );
With SDH firmware < calling MoveAxis() while some axes are moving in eCT_POSE controller type will make the joints jerk. This is resolved in SDH firmware for the eCT_POSE controller type with velocity profile eVP_RAMP. For the eCT_POSE controller type with velocity profile eVP_SIN_SQUARE changing target points/ velocities while moving will still make the axes jerk.
=> Partly resolved in SDH firmware

Definition at line 1898 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ MoveFinger() [1/2]

double cSDH::MoveFinger ( int  iFinger,
bool  sequ = true 

Like MoveFinger(std::vector<int>const&,bool), just for a single finger iFinger (or all fingers if All is given).

Definition at line 2029 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ MoveFinger() [2/2]

double cSDH::MoveFinger ( std::vector< int >const &  fingers,
bool  sequ = true 

Move selected finger(s) to the previously set target pose with the previously set velocity profile, (maximum) target velocities and target accelerations.

fingers- A vector of finger indices to access.
sequ- flag: if true (default) then the function executes sequentially and returns not until after the SDH has finished the movement. If false then the function returns immediately after the movement command has been sent to the SDH (the currently set target axis angles for other fingers will then be overwritten with their current actual axis angles).
  • The indices in fingers are checked if they are valid finger indices.
  • If any index is invalid then no movement is performed, instead a #SDH::cSDHErrorInvalidParameter* exception is thrown.
The expected/elapsed execution time for the movement in the configured time unit system uc_time
  • The axes will be enabled automatically.
  • Currently the actual movement velocity of an axis is determined by the SDH firmware to make the movements of all involved axes start and end synchronously at the same time. Therefore the axis that needs the longest time for its movement at its given maximum velocity determines the velocities of all the other axes.
  • Other fingers than iFinger will NOT move, even if target axis angles for their axes have been set. (Exception: as axis 0 is used by finger 0 and 2 these two fingers cannot be moved completely idependent of each other.)
  • If sequ is true then the currently set target axis angles for other fingers will be restored upon return of the function.
  • If sequ is false then the currently set target axis angles for other fingers will be overwritten with their current actual axis angles

See also MoveFinger(int,bool) for an overloaded variant to move a single finger.

// Assuming 'hand' is a cSDH object ...
// Set a new target pose for finger 0:
hand.SetFingerTargetAngle( 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
// Set a new target pose for finger 1
hand.SetFingerTargetAngle( 1, 0.0, -10.0, -10.0 );
// Set a new target pose for finger 2
hand.SetFingerTargetAngle( 2, 20.0, -20.0, -20.0 );
// Move finger 0 only (and finger 2 partly as axis 0 also belongs to finger 2);
hand.MoveFinger( 0, true );
// The finger 0 has been moved to {20,0,0}
// (axis 0 is 'wrong' since the target angle for axis 0 has been overwritten
// while setting the target angles for finger 2);
// The target poses for finger 1 and 2 are still set since the
// last MoveFinger() call was sequentially.
// So move finger 1 now:
double t = hand.MoveFinger( 1, false );
// wait until the non-sequential call has finished:
SleepSec( t );
// The finger 1 has been moved to {0,-10,-10}.
// The target angles for finger 2 have been overwritten since the
// last MoveFinger() call was non-sequentially.
// Therefore this next call will just keep the fingers in their
// current positions:
hand.MoveFinger( hand.All, true );
// Set new target angles for all axes ("home pose");
hand.SetAxisTargetAngle( hand.All, 0.0 );
// Now move all axes back to home pose:
With SDH firmware < calling MoveFinger() while some axes are moving in eCT_POSE controller type will make the joints jerk. This is resolved in SDH firmware for the eCT_POSE controller type with velocity profile eVP_RAMP. For the eCT_POSE controller type with velocity profile eVP_SIN_SQUARE changing target points/ velocities while moving will still make the axes jerk.
=> Partly resolved in SDH firmware

Definition at line 1967 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ MoveHand()

double cSDH::MoveHand ( bool  sequ = true)

Move all fingers to the previously set target pose with the previously set (maximum) velocities.

This is just a shortcut to MoveFinger(int,bool) with iFinger set to hand.All and sequ as indicated, so see there for details and examples.

With SDH firmware < calling MoveHand() while some axes are moving in eCT_POSE controller type will make the joints jerk. This is resolved in SDH firmware for the eCT_POSE controller type with velocity profile eVP_RAMP. For the eCT_POSE controller type with velocity profile eVP_SIN_SQUARE changing target points/ velocities while moving will still make the axes jerk.
=> Parltly resolved in SDH firmware

Definition at line 2039 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ OpenCAN_ESD() [1/2]

void cSDH::OpenCAN_ESD ( int  _net = 0,
unsigned long  _baudrate = 1000000,
double  _timeout = 0.0,
Int32  _id_read = 43,
Int32  _id_write = 42 

Open connection to SDH via CAN using an ESD CAN card. If the library was compiled without ESD CAN support then this will just throw an exception. See setting for WITH_ESD_CAN in the top level makefile.

_net: The ESD CAN net number of the CAN port to use. (default: 0)
_baudrate: the CAN baudrate in bit/s. Only some bitrates are valid: (1000000 (default),800000,500000,250000,125000,100000,50000,20000,10000)
_timeout: The timeout to use:
  • <= 0 : wait forever (default)
  • T : wait for T seconds
_id_read- the CAN ID to use for reading (The SDH sends data on this ID, default=43=0x02b)
_id_write- the CAN ID to use for writing (The SDH receives data on this ID, default=42=0x02a)
// Assuming 'hand' is a cSDH object ...
// use default parameters for net, baudrate, timeout and IDs
hand.OpenCAN_ESD( );
// use non default settings:
// net=1, baudrate=500000, timeout=1.0, id_read=0x143, id_write=0x142
hand.OpenCAN_ESD( 1, 500000, 1.0, 0x143, 0x142 );

Definition at line 754 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ OpenCAN_ESD() [2/2]

void cSDH::OpenCAN_ESD ( tDeviceHandle  _ntcan_handle,
double  _timeout = 0.0,
Int32  _id_read = 43,
Int32  _id_write = 42 

Open connection to SDH via CAN using an ESD CAN card using an existing handle. If the library was compiled without ESD CAN support then this will just throw an exception. See setting for WITH_ESD_CAN in the top level makefile.

_ntcan_handle: the ESD CAN handle to reuse (please cast your NTCAN_HANDLE to tDeviceHandle! It is save to do that!)
_timeout: The timeout to use:
  • <= 0 : wait forever (default)
  • T : wait for T seconds
_id_read- the CAN ID to use for reading (The SDH sends data on this ID, default=43=0x2a)
_id_write- the CAN ID to use for writing (The SDH receives data on this ID, default=42=0x2a)
// Assuming 'hand' is a cSDH object ...
// and 'handle' is a valid NTCAN_HANDLE for the ESD device
// use default parameters for timeout and IDs
hand.OpenCAN_ESD( tDeviceHandle(handle) );
// or use non default settings:
// timeout=1.0, id_read=0x143, id_write=0x142
hand.OpenCAN_ESD( handle, 1.0, 0x143, 0x142 );

Definition at line 782 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ OpenCAN_PEAK() [1/2]

void cSDH::OpenCAN_PEAK ( tDeviceHandle  _handle,
double  _timeout = 0.0,
Int32  _id_read = 43,
Int32  _id_write = 42 

Open connection to SDH via CAN using an PEAK CAN card using an existing handle. If the library was compiled without PEAK CAN support then this will just throw an exception. See setting for WITH_PEAK_CAN in the top level makefile.

_handle: The PEAK CAN handle to reuse to connect to the PEAK CAN driver (please cast your PEAK_HANDLE to tDeviceHandle! It is save to do that!)
_timeout: The timeout to use:
  • <= 0 : wait forever (default)
  • T : wait for T seconds
_id_read- the CAN ID to use for reading (The SDH sends data on this ID, default=43=0x2a)
_id_write- the CAN ID to use for writing (The SDH receives data on this ID, default=42=0x2a)
// Assuming 'hand' is a cSDH object ...
// and 'handle' is a valid HANDLE for the PEAK device
// use default parameters for timeout and IDs
hand.OpenCAN_PEAK( tDeviceHandle(handle) );
// or use non default settings:
// timeout=1.0, id_read=0x143, id_write=0x142
hand.OpenCAN_PEAK( handle, 1.0, 0x143, 0x142 );

Definition at line 838 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ OpenCAN_PEAK() [2/2]

void cSDH::OpenCAN_PEAK ( unsigned long  _baudrate = 1000000,
double  _timeout = 0.0,
Int32  _id_read = 43,
Int32  _id_write = 42,
const char *  _device = "/dev/pcanusb0" 

Open connection to SDH via CAN using an PEAK CAN card. If the library was compiled without PEAK CAN support then this will just throw an exception. See setting for WITH_PEAK_CAN in the top level makefile.

_baudrate: the CAN baudrate in bit/s. Only some bitrates are valid: (1000000 (default),800000,500000,250000,125000,100000,50000,20000,10000)
_timeout: The timeout to use:
  • <= 0 : wait forever (default)
  • T : wait for T seconds
_id_read- the CAN ID to use for reading (The SDH sends data on this ID, default=43=0x02b)
_id_write- the CAN ID to use for writing (The SDH receives data on this ID, default=42=0x02a)
_device- the PEAK device name. Used for the Linux char dev driver only. default="/dev/pcanusb0"
// Assuming 'hand' is a cSDH object ...
// use default parameters for baudrate, timeout, IDs and device
hand.OpenCAN_PEAK( );
// use non default settings:
// baudrate=500000, timeout=1.0, id_read=0x143, id_write=0x142, , const char *device="/dev/pcanusb1"
hand.OpenCAN_PEAK( 500000, 1.0, 0x143, 0x142, "/dev/pcanusb1" );

Definition at line 810 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ OpenRS232()

void cSDH::OpenRS232 ( int  _port = 0,
unsigned long  _baudrate = 115200,
double  _timeout = -1,
char const *  _device_format_string = "/dev/ttyS%d" 

Open connection to SDH via RS232.

_port: The number of the serial port to use. The default value port=0 refers to 'COM1' in Windows and to the corresponding '/dev/ttyS0' in Linux.
_baudratethe baudrate in bit/s, the default is 115200 which happens to be the default for the SDH too
_timeout: The timeout to use:
  • -1 : wait forever
  • T : wait for T seconds
_device_format_string: a format string (C string) for generating the device name, like "/dev/ttyS%d" (default) or "/dev/ttyUSB%d". Must contain a d where the port number should be inserted. This char array is duplicated on construction When compiled with VCC (MS-Visual C++) then this is not used.
// Assuming 'hand' is a cSDH object ...
// Open connection to SDH via default port:
// Use a different port 2 == COM3 == /dev/ttyS2 for a second hand "hand2":
cSDH hand2();
hand2.OpenRS232( 2 );
// Linux only: Use a different USB to RS232 device on port 3 /dev/ttyUSB3 for a third hand "hand3":
cSDH hand3();
hand2.OpenRS232( 3, 115200, -1, "/dev/ttyUSB%d" );

Definition at line 733 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ OpenTCP()

void cSDH::OpenTCP ( char const *  _tcp_adr = "",
int  _tcp_port = 23,
double  _timeout = 0.0 

Open connection to SDH via TCP using TCP/IP address _tcp_adr and _tcp_port.

_tcp_adr: The tcp host address of the SDH. Either a numeric IP as string or a hostname
_tcp_port: the tcp port number on the SDH to connect to
_timeout: The timeout to use:
  • <= 0 : wait forever (default)
  • T : wait for T seconds
// Assuming 'hand' is a cSDH object ...
// IP-address, port 23, timeout=0.0
hand.OpenTCP( "", 23, 0.0 );

Definition at line 866 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ SetAxisEnable() [1/4]

void cSDH::SetAxisEnable ( int  iAxis = All,
bool  state = true 

Like SetAxisEnable(std::vector<int>const&,std::vector<double>const&), just for a single axis iAxis and a single axis state state, see there.

If iAxis is All then state is applied to all axes.

Definition at line 1100 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ SetAxisEnable() [2/4]

void cSDH::SetAxisEnable ( int  iAxis = All,
double  state = 1.0 

Like SetAxisEnable(std::vector<int>const&,std::vector<double>const&), just for a single axis iAxis and a single axis state state, see there.

If iAxis is All then state is applied to all axes.

Definition at line 1067 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ SetAxisEnable() [3/4]

void cSDH::SetAxisEnable ( std::vector< int > const &  axes,
std::vector< bool > const &  states 

Like SetAxisEnable(std::vector<int>const&,std::vector<double>const&), just accepting a vector of bool values as states, see there.

Definition at line 1085 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ SetAxisEnable() [4/4]

void cSDH::SetAxisEnable ( std::vector< int > const &  axes,
std::vector< double > const &  states 

Set enabled/disabled state of axis controller(s).

The controllers of the selected axes are enabled/disabled in the SDH. Disabled axes are not powered and thus might not remain in their current pose due to gravity, inertia or other external influences. But to prevent overheating the axis controllers should be switched of when not needed.

axes- A vector of axis indices to access.
states- A vector of enabled states (0 = disabled, !=0 = enabled) to set. If any of the numbers in the vector is NaN (Not a Number) then the currently set enabled state will be kept for the corresponding axis.
  • The lengths of the axes and states vector must match.
  • The indices can be given in any order, but the order of their elements must match, i.e. state[i] will be applied to axis axes[i] (not axis i).
  • The indices are checked if they are valid axis indices.
  • If any index is invalid then none of the specified values is sent to the SDH, instead a #SDH::cSDHErrorInvalidParameter* exception is thrown.

See also SetAxisEnable(int,double), SetAxisEnable(int,bool) for overloaded variants to set a single axis enabled/disabled or to set the same state for all axes. See further SetAxisEnable(std::vector<int>const&,std::vector<bool>const&) for a variant that accepts a bool vector for the states to set.

// Assuming 'hand' is a cSDH object ...
// Enable all axes:
hand.SetAxisEnable( hand.all_axes, hand.ones_v );
// Disable all axes:
hand.SetAxisEnable( All, 0 );
// Enable axis 0 and 2 while disabling axis 4:
std::vector<int> axes042;
axes042.push_back( 0 );
axes042.push_back( 4 );
axes042.push_back( 2 );
std::vector<double> states042;
states042.push_back( 1.0 );
states042.push_back( 0.0 );
states042.push_back( 1.0 );
hand.SetAxisEnable( axes042, states042 );
// Disable axis 2
hand.SetAxisEnable( 2, false );

Definition at line 1055 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ SetAxisMotorCurrent() [1/2]

void cSDH::SetAxisMotorCurrent ( int  iAxis,
double  motor_current,
eMotorCurrentMode  mode = eMCM_MOVE 

Like SetAxisMotorCurrent(std::vector<int>const&,std::vector<double>const&,eMotorCurrentMode), just for a single axis iAxis and a single motor current motor_current, see there.

If iAxis is All then motor_current is set for all axes.

Definition at line 1014 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ SetAxisMotorCurrent() [2/2]

void cSDH::SetAxisMotorCurrent ( std::vector< int > const &  axes,
std::vector< double > const &  motor_currents,
eMotorCurrentMode  mode = eMCM_MOVE 

Set the maximum allowed motor current(s) for axes.

The maximum allowed motor currents are sent to the SDH. The motor currents can be stored:

axes- A vector of axis indices to access.
motor_currents- A vector of motor currents to set. If any of the numbers in the vector is NaN (Not a Number) then the currently set axis motor current will be kept for the corresponding axis. The value(s) are expected in the configured motor current unit system uc_motor_current.
mode- the mode to set the maximum motor current for. One of the eMotorCurrentMode modes.
  • The lengths of the axes and motor_currents vector must match.
  • The indices can be given in any order, but the order of their elements must match, i.e. motor_currents[i] will be applied to axis axes[i] (not axis i).
  • The indices are checked if they are valid axis indices.
  • The motor currents are checked if they are in the allowed range [0 .. f_max_motor_current_v], i.e. it is checked that motor_currents[i], converted to internal units, is in [0 .. f_max_motor_currents_v[axes[i]]].
  • If any index or value is invalid then none of the specified values is sent to the SDH, instead a #SDH::cSDHErrorInvalidParameter* exception is thrown.

See also SetAxisMotorCurrent(int,double,eMotorCurrentMode) for an overloaded variant to set a single axis motor current or to set the same motor current for all axes.

// Assuming "hand" is a cSDH object ...
// Set maximum allowed motor current of all axes to the given values in mode "eMCM_MOVE"::
std::vector<double> all_motor_currents;
all_motor_currents.push_back( 0.0 );
all_motor_currents.push_back( 0.1 );
all_motor_currents.push_back( 0.2 );
all_motor_currents.push_back( 0.3 );
all_motor_currents.push_back( 0.4 );
all_motor_currents.push_back( 0.5 );
all_motor_currents.push_back( 0.6 );
hand.SetAxisMotorCurrent( hand.all_axes, all_motor_currents );
// Set maximum allowed motor current of all axes to 0.1 A in mode "eMCM_HOLD":
hand.SetAxisMotorCurrent( hand.All, 1.0, eMCM_HOLD );
// Set maximum allowed motor current of axis 3 to 0.75 A in mode "eMCM_MOVE":
hand.SetAxisMotorCurrent( 3, 0.75, eMCM_MOVE );
// Set maximum allowed motor current of for axis 0, 4 and 2 to 0.0 A,
// 0.4 A and 0.2 A respectively in mode "eMCM_GRIP"
std::vector<int> axes042;
axes042.push_back( 0 );
axes042.push_back( 4 );
axes042.push_back( 2 );
std::vector<double> motor_currents042;
motor_currents042.push_back( 0.0 );
motor_currents042.push_back( 0.4 );
motor_currents042.push_back( 0.2 );
hand.SetAxisMotorCurrent( axes042, states042, eMCM_GRIP );

Definition at line 1002 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ SetAxisTargetAcceleration() [1/2]

void cSDH::SetAxisTargetAcceleration ( int  iAxis,
double  acceleration 

Like SetAxisTargetAcceleration(std::vector<int>const&,std::vector<double>const&), just for a single axis iAxis and a single acceleration acceleration, see there for details and examples.

Definition at line 1469 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ SetAxisTargetAcceleration() [2/2]

void cSDH::SetAxisTargetAcceleration ( std::vector< int >const &  axes,
std::vector< double >const &  accelerations 

Set the target acceleration(s) for axis(axes).

The target accelerations are stored in the SDH and are used only for:

  • the eCT_POSE controller type with eVP_RAMP velocity profile
  • the eCT_VELOCITY_ACCELERATION controller type

Setting the target acceleration will not affect an ongoing movement, nor will it start a new movement. To take effect an additional command must be sent:

axes- A vector of axis indices to access.
accelerations- A vector of axis target accelerations to set. If any of the numbers in the vector is NaN (Not a Number) then the currently set axis target angle will be kept for the corresponding axis. The value(s) are expected in the configured angular acceleration unit system uc_angular_acceleration.
  • The lengths of the axes and accelerations vector must match.
  • The indices can be given in any order, but the order of their elements must match, i.e. accelerations[i] will be applied to axis axes[i] (not axis i).
  • The indices are checked if they are valid axis indices.
  • The accelerations are checked if they are in the allowed range [0 .. f_max_velocity_v], i.e. it is checked that accelerations[i], converted to internal units, is in [0 .. f_max_velocity_v[axes[i]]].
  • If any index or value is invalid then none of the specified values is sent to the SDH, instead a #SDH::cSDHErrorInvalidParameter* exception is thrown.

See also SetAxisTargetAcceleration(int,double) for an overloaded variant to set a single axis target acceleration or to set the same target acceleration for all axes.

// Assuming "hand" is a cSDH object ...
// Set target axis acceleration of all axes to the given values:
std::vector<double> all_accelerations;
all_accelerations.push_back( 100.0 );
all_accelerations.push_back( 101.0 );
all_accelerations.push_back( 102.0 );
all_accelerations.push_back( 103.0 );
all_accelerations.push_back( 104.0 );
all_accelerations.push_back( 105.0 );
all_accelerations.push_back( 106.0 );
hand.SetAxisTargetAcceleration( hand.all_axes, all_accelerations );
// Set target axis acceleration of axis 3 to 420 degrees per square-second:
hand.SetAxisTargetAcceleration( 3, 420.0 );
// Set target acceleration of for axis 0,4 and 2 to 0.0, 444.0 and 222 degrees per square-second respectively:
std::vector<int> axes042;
axes042.push_back( 0 );
axes042.push_back( 4 );
axes042.push_back( 2 );
std::vector<double> accelerations042;
accelerations042.push_back( 100.0 );
accelerations042.push_back( 104.0 );
accelerations042.push_back( 102.0 );
hand.SetAxisTargetAcceleration( axes042, accelerations042 );
// Set target axis acceleration of all axes to 142.1 degrees per square-second
hand.SetAxisTargetAcceleration( hand.All, 142.1 );

Definition at line 1457 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ SetAxisTargetAngle() [1/2]

void cSDH::SetAxisTargetAngle ( int  iAxis,
double  angle 

Like SetAxisTargetAngle(std::vector<int>const&,std::vector<double>const&), just for a single axis iAxis and a single angle angle, see there for details and examples.

If iAxis is All then motor_current is set for all axes.

Definition at line 1221 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ SetAxisTargetAngle() [2/2]

void cSDH::SetAxisTargetAngle ( std::vector< int > const &  axes,
std::vector< double > const &  angles 

Set the target angle(s) for axis(axes).

The target angles are stored in the SDH, the movement is not executed until an additional move command is sent.

axes- A vector of axis indices to access.
angles- A vector of axis target angles to set. If any of the numbers in the vector is NaN (Not a Number) then the currently set axis target angle will be kept for the corresponding axis. The value(s) are expected in the configured angle unit system uc_angle.
  • Setting the target angle will not make the axis/axes move.
  • The lengths of the axes and angles vector must match.
  • The indices can be given in any order, but the order of their elements must match, i.e. angles[i] will be applied to axis axes[i] (not axis i).
  • The indices are checked if they are valid axis indices.
  • The angles are checked if they are in the allowed range [f_min_angle_v .. f_max_angle_v], i.e. it is checked that angles[i], converted to internal units, is in [f_min_angle_v[axes[i]] .. f_max_angle_v[axes[i]]].
  • If any index or value is invalid then none of the specified values is sent to the SDH, instead a #SDH::cSDHErrorInvalidParameter* exception is thrown.

See also SetAxisTargetAngle(int,double) for an overloaded variant to set a single axis target angle or to set the same target angle for all axes.

// Assuming "hand" is a cSDH object ...
// Set target axis angle of all axes to the given values:
std::vector<double> all_angles;
all_angles.push_back( 0.0 );
all_angles.push_back( -11.0 );
all_angles.push_back( -22.0 );
all_angles.push_back( -33.0 );
all_angles.push_back( -44.0 );
all_angles.push_back( -55.0 );
all_angles.push_back( -66.0 );
hand.SetAxisTargetAngle( hand.all_axes, all_angles );
// Set target axis angle of axis 3 to -42 degrees:
hand.SetAxisTargetAngle( 3, -42.0 );
// Set target angle of for axis 0, 4 and 2 to 0.0, -44.4 and -2.22 degrees respectively:
std::vector<int> axes042;
axes042.push_back( 0 );
axes042.push_back( 4 );
axes042.push_back( 2 );
std::vector<double> angles042;
angles042.push_back( 0.0 );
angles042.push_back( -44.4 );
angles042.push_back( -2.22 );
hand.SetAxisTargetAngle( axes042, angles042 );
// Set target axis angle of all axes to 0 degrees (home-position)
hand.SetAxisTargetAngle( hand.All, 0.0 );

Definition at line 1209 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ SetAxisTargetGetAxisActualAngle()

std::vector< double > cSDH::SetAxisTargetGetAxisActualAngle ( std::vector< int > const &  axes,
std::vector< double > const &  angles 

Set the target angle(s) and get the actual angle(s) for axis(axes).

Opposed to SetAxisTargetAngle() this will make the fingers move to the set target angles immediately, if the axis controllers are already enabled!

axes- A vector of axis indices to access.
angles- A vector of axis target angles to set. If any of the numbers in the vector is NaN (Not a Number) then the currently set axis target angle will be kept for the corresponding axis. The value(s) are expected in the configured angle unit system uc_angle.
the actual angle(s) of the selected axes
  • The lengths of the axes and angles vector must match.
  • The indices can be given in any order, but the order of their elements must match, i.e. angles[i] will be applied to axis axes[i] (not axis i).
  • The indices are checked if they are valid axis indices.
  • The angles are checked if they are in the allowed range [f_min_angle_v .. f_max_angle_v], i.e. it is checked that angles[i], converted to internal units, is in [f_min_angle_v[axis[i]] .. f_max_angle_v[axes[i]]].
  • If any index or value is invalid then none of the specified values is sent to the SDH, instead a #SDH::cSDHErrorInvalidParameter* exception is thrown.
// Assuming "hand" is a cSDH object ...
// Set target axis angles of all axes to the given values and read back the actual angle:
std::vector<double> all_target_angles;
all_target_angles.push_back( 0.0 );
all_target_angles.push_back( 11.0 );
all_target_angles.push_back( 22.0 );
all_target_angles.push_back( 33.0 );
all_target_angles.push_back( 44.0 );
all_target_angles.push_back( 55.0 );
all_target_angles.push_back( 66.0 );
std::vector<double> all_acutal_angles;
all_acutal_angles = hand.SetAxisTargetGetAxisActualAngle( hand.all_axes, all_target_angles );
// Set target angle of for axis 0,4 and 2 to 0.0, 44.4 and 2.22 degrees per second respectively:
std::vector<int> axes042;
axes042.push_back( 0 );
axes042.push_back( 4 );
axes042.push_back( 2 );
std::vector<double> target_angles042;
target_angles042.push_back( 0.0 );
target_angles042.push_back( 44.4 );
target_angles042.push_back( 2.22 );
std::vector<double> actual_angles042;
actual_angles042 = hand.SetAxisTargetGetAxisActualAngle( axes042, target_angles042 );

Definition at line 1239 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ SetAxisTargetGetAxisActualVelocity()

std::vector< double > cSDH::SetAxisTargetGetAxisActualVelocity ( std::vector< int > const &  axes,
std::vector< double > const &  velocities 

Set the target velocity(s) and get the actual velocitiy(s) for axis(axes).

The target velocities are stored in the SDH. The time at which a new target velocities will take effect depends on the current axis controller type:

  • in eCT_POSE controller type the new target velocities will not take effect until an additional move command is sent: MoveAxis(), MoveFinger(), MoveHand()
  • in eCT_VELOCITY and eCT_VELOCITY_ACCELERATION controller type the new target velocity will take effect immediately, if the axis controllers are already enabled. This means that in eCT_VELOCITY_ACCELERATION controller type the accelerations must be set with SetAxisTargetAcceleration() before calling SetAxisTargetVelocity().
axes- A vector of axis indices to access.
velocities- A vector of axis target velocities to set. If any of the numbers in the vector is NaN (Not a Number) then the currently set axis target velocity will be kept for the corresponding axis. The value(s) are expected in the configured angular velocity unit system uc_angular_velocity.
the actual velocity(s) of the selected axes
  • The lengths of the axes and velocities vector must match.
  • The indices can be given in any order, but the order of their elements must match, i.e. velocities[i] will be applied to axis axes[i] (not axis i).
  • The indices are checked if they are valid axis indices.
  • The velocities are checked if they are in the allowed range:
    • in eCT_POSE controller type: [0 .. f_max_velocity_v], i.e. it is checked that velocities[i], converted to internal units, is in [0 .. f_max_velocity_v[axes[i]]].
    • in eCT_VELOCITY and eCT_VELOCITY_ACCELERATION controller type: [-f_max_velocity_v .. f_max_velocity_v], i.e. it is checked that velocities[i], converted to internal units, is in [-f_max_velocity_v[axes[i]] .. f_max_velocity_v[axes[i]]].
  • If any index or value is invalid then none of the specified values is sent to the SDH, instead a #SDH::cSDHErrorInvalidParameter* exception is thrown.
// Assuming "hand" is a cSDH object ...
// Set target axis velocity of all axes to the given values and read back the actual velocity:
std::vector<double> all_target_velocities;
all_target_velocities.push_back( 0.0 );
all_target_velocities.push_back( 11.0 );
all_target_velocities.push_back( 22.0 );
all_target_velocities.push_back( 33.0 );
all_target_velocities.push_back( 44.0 );
all_target_velocities.push_back( 55.0 );
all_target_velocities.push_back( 66.0 );
std::vector<double> all_acutal_velocities;
all_acutal_velocities = hand.SetAxisTargetGetAxisActualVelocity( hand.all_axes, all_target_velocities );
// Set target velocity of for axis 0,4 and 2 to 0.0, 44.4 and 2.22 degrees per second respectively:
std::vector<int> axes042;
axes042.push_back( 0 );
axes042.push_back( 4 );
axes042.push_back( 2 );
std::vector<double> target_velocities042;
target_velocities042.push_back( 0.0 );
target_velocities042.push_back( 44.4 );
target_velocities042.push_back( 2.22 );
std::vector<double> actual_velocities042;
actual_velocities042 = hand.SetAxisTargetGetAxisActualVelocity( axes042, target_velocities042 );

Definition at line 1318 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ SetAxisTargetVelocity() [1/2]

void cSDH::SetAxisTargetVelocity ( int  iAxis,
double  velocity 

Like SetAxisTargetVelocity(std::vector<int>const&,std::vector<double>const&), just for a single axis iAxis and a single velocity velocity, see there for details and examples.

Definition at line 1301 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ SetAxisTargetVelocity() [2/2]

void cSDH::SetAxisTargetVelocity ( std::vector< int > const &  axes,
std::vector< double > const &  velocities 

Set the target velocity(s) for axis(axes).

The target velocities are stored in the SDH. The time at which a new target velocities will take effect depends on the current axis controller type:

  • in eCT_POSE controller type the new target velocities will not take effect until an additional move command is sent: MoveAxis(), MoveFinger(), MoveHand()
  • in eCT_VELOCITY and eCT_VELOCITY_ACCELERATION controller type the new target velocity will take effect immediately, if the axis controllers are already enabled. This means that in eCT_VELOCITY_ACCELERATION controller type the accelerations must be set with SetAxisTargetAcceleration() before calling SetAxisTargetVelocity().
axes- A vector of axis indices to access.
velocities- A vector of axis target angles to set. If any of the numbers in the vector is NaN (Not a Number) then the currently set axis target velocity will be kept for the corresponding axis. The value(s) are expected in the configured angular velocity unit system uc_angular_velocity.
  • The lengths of the axes and velocities vector must match.
  • The indices can be given in any order, but the order of their elements must match, i.e. velocities[i] will be applied to axis axes[i] (not axis i).
  • The indices are checked if they are valid axis indices.
  • The velocities are checked if they are in the allowed range:
    • in eCT_POSE controller type: [0 .. f_max_velocity_v], i.e. it is checked that velocities[i], converted to internal units, is in [0 .. f_max_velocity_v[axes[i]]].
    • in eCT_VELOCITY and eCT_VELOCITY_ACCELERATION controller type: [-f_max_velocity_v .. f_max_velocity_v], i.e. it is checked that velocities[i], converted to internal units, is in [-f_max_velocity_v[axes[i]] .. f_max_velocity_v[axes[i]]].
  • If any index or value is invalid then none of the specified values is sent to the SDH, instead a #SDH::cSDHErrorInvalidParameter* exception is thrown.

See also SetAxisTargetVelocity(int,double) for an overloaded variant to set a single axis target velocity or to set the same target velocity for all axes.

// Assuming "hand" is a cSDH object ...
// Set target axis velocity of all axes to the given values:
std::vector<double> all_velocities;
all_velocities.push_back( 0.0 );
all_velocities.push_back( 11.0 );
all_velocities.push_back( 22.0 );
all_velocities.push_back( 33.0 );
all_velocities.push_back( 44.0 );
all_velocities.push_back( 55.0 );
all_velocities.push_back( 66.0 );
hand.SetAxisTargetVelocity( hand.all_axes, all_velocities );
// Set target axis velocity of axis 3 to 42 degrees per second:
hand.SetAxisTargetVelocity( 3, 42.0 );
// Set target velocity of for axis 0,4 and 2 to 0.0, 44.4 and 2.22 degrees per second respectively:
std::vector<int> axes042;
axes042.push_back( 0 );
axes042.push_back( 4 );
axes042.push_back( 2 );
std::vector<double> velocities042;
velocities042.push_back( 0.0 );
velocities042.push_back( 44.4 );
velocities042.push_back( 2.22 );
hand.SetAxisTargetVelocity( axes042, velocities042 );
// Set target axis velocity of all axes to 47.11 degrees per second
hand.SetAxisTargetVelocity( hand.All, 47.11 );

Definition at line 1289 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ SetAxisValueVector()

std::vector< double > cSDH::SetAxisValueVector ( std::vector< int > const &  axes,
std::vector< double > const &  values,
pSetFunction  ll_set,
pGetFunction  ll_get,
cUnitConverter const *  uc,
std::vector< double > const &  min_values,
std::vector< double > const &  max_values,
char const *  name 

Generic set function: set some given axes to given values

axes- a vector of axis indices
values- a vector of values
ll_set- a pointer to the low level set function to use
ll_get- a pointer to the low level get function to use (for those axes where the given value is NaN)
uc- a pointer to the unit converter object to use before sending values to ll_set
min_values- a vector with the minimum allowed values in internal units
max_values- a vector with the maximum allowed values in internal units
name- a string with the name of the values (for constructing error message)
the values returned from the SDH will be returned (for most commands ll_set/ll_get functions this will be the values, except for the cSDHSerial::tvav and cSDHSerial::tpap functions)
  • The length of the axis and values vector must match.
  • The indices can be given in any order, but the order of the elements of axes and values must match too. I.e. values[i] will be applied to axis axes[i] (not axis i)
  • The indices are checked if they are valid axis indices.
  • The values are checked if they are in the allowed range [min_values .. f_max_values], i.e. it is checked that value[i], converted to the internal unit system by uc->ToInternal(), is in [min_values[axes[i]] .. max_values[axes[i]]].
  • If any index or value is invalid then none of the specified values is sent to the SDH, instead a #SDH::cSDHErrorInvalidParameter* exception is thrown.
Setting a single axis velocity only sets the velocities of all other axes to 0! So in order to address only some axes you must provide the desired velocity for all axes that you want to move in every call:
With SDH firmware and SDHLibrary-CPP and binary communication (see also SDH_USE_BINARY_COMMUNICATION) setting of single (more precisely: less-than-all) axis parameters (position, velocity, acceleration) does not work as expected: If a single parameter is to be set for a single axis then that parameter is set to 0 for all other axes.
Workaround: If you want to access several different axes one after another then you have to keep a vector of the parameter for all your used axes in your application. You can then update single values of the vector on demand, but you have to send the complete vector to the SDHlibrary functions on every call.

Definition at line 134 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ SetController()

void cSDH::SetController ( cSDHBase::eControllerType  controller)

Set the type of axis controller to be used in the SDH

With SDH firmware >= this will automatically set valid default values for all target velocities, accelerations and positions in the SDH firmware, according to the controller type:

  • eCT_POSE:
    • target velocities will be set to default (40 deg/s)
    • target accelerations will be set to default (100 deg/(s*s))
    • target positions will be set to default (0.0 deg)
    • target velocities will be set to default (0 deg/s)
    • target velocities will be set to default (0 deg/s)
    • target accelerations will be set to default (100 deg/(s*s))

This will also adjust the lower limits of the allowed velocities here in the SDHLibrary, since the eCT_POSE controller allows only positive velocities while the eCT_VELOCITY and eCT_VELOCITY_ACCELERATION controllers require also negative velocities.

The availability of a controller type depends on the SDH firmware of the attached SDH and is checked here.
  • firmware <= only eCT_POSE
controller- identifier of controller to set. Valid values are defined in eControllerType
// Assuming 'hand' is a cSDH object ...
// Set the pose controller in the SDH
// (see e.g. demo-simple.cpp, demo-simple2.cpp, demo-simple3.cpp for further examples)
hand.SetController( hand.eCT_POSE );
// Set the simple velocity controller in the SDH:
hand.SetController( hand.eCT_VELOCITY );
// Set the velocity with acceleration ramp controller in the SDH:
// (see e.g. demo-velocity-acceleration.cpp for further examples)
hand.SetController( hand.eCT_VELOCITY_ACCELERATION );

Definition at line 946 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ SetDebugOutput()

virtual void cSDH::SetDebugOutput ( std::ostream *  debuglog)

change the stream to use for debug messages

Reimplemented from cSDHBase.

Definition at line 365 of file sdh.h.

◆ SetFingerEnable() [1/4]

void cSDH::SetFingerEnable ( int  iFinger,
bool  state 

Like SetFingerEnable(std::vector<int>const&,std::vector<double>const&), just for a single finger iAxis and a single angle angle, see there for details and examples.

Definition at line 1707 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ SetFingerEnable() [2/4]

void cSDH::SetFingerEnable ( int  iFinger,
double  state = 1.0 

Like SetFingerEnable(std::vector<int>const&,std::vector<double>const&), just for a single finger iAxis and a single angle angle, see there for details and examples.

Definition at line 1679 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ SetFingerEnable() [3/4]

void cSDH::SetFingerEnable ( std::vector< int > const &  fingers,
std::vector< bool > const &  states 

Like SetFingerEnable(std::vector<int>const&,std::vector<double>const&), just with states as vector of bool values, see there for details and examples.

Definition at line 1663 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ SetFingerEnable() [4/4]

void cSDH::SetFingerEnable ( std::vector< int > const &  fingers,
std::vector< double > const &  states 

Set enabled/disabled state of axis controllers of finger(s).

The controllers of the axes of the selected fingers are enabled/disabled in the SDH. Disabled axes are not powered and thus might not remain in their current pose due to gravity, inertia or other external influences. But to prevent overheating the axis controllers should be switched of when not needed.

fingers- A vector of finger indices to access.
states- A vector of enabled states (0 = disabled, !=0 = enabled) to set. If any of the numbers in the vector is NaN (Not a Number) then the currently set enabled state will be kept for the corresponding axis.
  • The lengths of the fingers and states vector must match.
  • The indices can be given in any order, but the order of their elements must match, i.e. state[i] will be applied to finger fingers[i] (not finger i).
  • The indices are checked if they are valid finger indices.
  • If any index is invalid then none of the specified values is sent to the SDH, instead a #SDH::cSDHErrorInvalidParameter* exception is thrown.
  • As axis 0 is used for finger 0 and 2, axis 0 is disabled only if both finger 0 and 1 are disabled.

See also SetFingerEnable(int,double), SetFingerEnable(int,bool) for overloaded variants to set a single finger enabled/disabled or to set the same state for all fingers. See further SetFingerEnable(std::vector<int>const&,std::vector<bool>const&) for a variant that accepts a bool vector for the states to set.

// Assuming "hand" is a cSDH object ...
// Enable finger 1 and 2 while disabling finger 0 :
std::vector<double> states012;
states012.push_back( 0.0 );
states012.push_back( 1.0 );
states012.push_back( 1.0 );
hand.SetFingerEnable( hand.all_axes, states012 );
// (this will keep axis 0 (used by the disabled finger 0) enabled,
// since axis 0 is needed by the enabled finger 2 too);
// Enable all fingers:
hand.SetFingerEnable( hand.All,true );
// Disable all fingers:
hand.SetFingerEnable( hand.All, 0.0 );
// Disable finger 2:
hand.SetFingerEnable( 2, false );

Definition at line 1618 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ SetFingerTargetAngle() [1/2]

void cSDH::SetFingerTargetAngle ( int  iFinger,
double  a0,
double  a1,
double  a2 

Like SetFingerTargetAngle(int,std::vector<double>const&), just with individual finger axis angles a0, a1 and a2.

Definition at line 1764 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ SetFingerTargetAngle() [2/2]

void cSDH::SetFingerTargetAngle ( int  iFinger,
std::vector< double > const &  angles 

Set the target angle(s) for a single finger.

The target axis angles angle of finger iFinger are stored in the SDH. The movement is not executed until an additional move command is sent.

iFinger- index of finger to access. This must be a single index.
angles- the angle(s) to set or None to set the current actual axis angles of the finger as target angle. This can be a single number or a vector of numbers. The value(s) are expected in the configured angle unit system uc_angle.
  • Setting the target angles will not make the finger move.
  • The iFinger index is checked if it is a valid finger index.
  • The angles are checked if they are in the allowed range [0 .. f_max_angle_v], i.e. it is checked that angles[i], converted to internal units, is in [0 .. f_max_angle_v[finger_axis_index[iFinger][i]]].
  • If any index or value is invalid then none of the specified values is sent to the SDH, instead a #SDH::cSDHErrorInvalidParameter* exception is thrown.

See also SetFingerTargetAngle(int,double,double,double) for an overloaded variant to set finger axis target angles from single double values.

// Assuming "hand" is a cSDH object ...
// Set target axis angles of finger 0 to { 10.0, -08.15, 47.11 } degrees
std::vector<double> angles;
angles.push_back( 10.0 );
angles.push_back( -08.15 );
angles.push_back( 47.11 );
hand.SetFingerTargetAngle( 0, angles );
// Set target axis angles of finger 1 to { 0.0, 24.7, 17.4 } degrees
angles[0] = 0.0; // "virtual" base axis of finger 1
angles[1] = 24.7;
angles[2] = 17.4;
hand.SetFingerTargetAngle( 1, { 0.0, 24.7, 17.4 } );
// Set target axis angles of all axes of finger 0 to 12.34 degrees
hand.SetFingerTargetAngle( 0, 12.34, 12.34, 12.34 );
// REMARK: the last command changed the previously set target axis
// angle for axis 0, since axis 0 is used as base axis for both
// finger 0 and 2!

Definition at line 1755 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ SetVelocityProfile()

void cSDH::SetVelocityProfile ( eVelocityProfile  velocity_profile)

Set the type of velocity profile to be used in the SDH

velocity_profile- Name or number of velocity profile to set. Valid values are defined in eVelocityProfileType
// Assuming 'hand' is a cSDH object ...
// Set the sin square velocity profile in the SDH:
hand.SetVelocityProfile( hand.eVP_SIN_SQUARE );
// Or else set the ramp velocity profile in the SDH:
hand.SetVelocityProfile( hand.eVP_RAMP )

Definition at line 986 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ Stop()

void cSDH::Stop ( void  )

Stop movement of all axes but keep controllers on

This command will always be executed sequentially: it will return only after the SDH has confirmed the stop

For now this will NOT work while a GripHand() command is executing, even if that was initiated non-sequentially!
With SDH firmware < this made the axis jerk in eCT_POSE controller type. This is resolved in SDH firmware for the eCT_POSE controller type with velocity profile eVP_RAMP. For the eCT_POSE controller type with velocity profile eVP_SIN_SQUARE changing target points/ velocities while moving will still make the axes jerk.
=> Partly resolved in SDH firmware
// Assuming 'hand' is a cSDH object ...
// Perform a stop:

Definition at line 939 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ ToIndexVector()

std::vector< int > cSDH::ToIndexVector ( int  index,
std::vector< int > &  all_replacement,
int  maxindex,
char const *  name 

Internal helper function: return a vector of checked indices according to index.

index- The index to vectorize or All
all_replacement- a vector to return if index is All
maxindex- the index is checked if in [0..\ maxindex[ (i.e. not including maxindex)
name- A name for the things index, used to report out of bounds errors
  • If index is All then all_replacement is returned.
  • If index is a single number >= 0 then it is checked if in [0..\ maxindex[ and a vector of length 1 is returned containing only index.
  • In case index exceeds maxindex a (cSDHErrorInvalidParameter*) exception is thrown.

Definition at line 492 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ UpdateSettingsFromSDH()

void cSDH::UpdateSettingsFromSDH ( )

Update settings like min/max velocities and accelerations from the connected SDH

For SDHLibrary prior to the settings read from the SDH were not used correctly when a non default unit system (degrees) was used
=> Resolved in SDHLibrary

Definition at line 2067 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ UseDegrees()

void cSDH::UseDegrees ( void  )

Shortcut to set the unit system to degrees.

After calling this (axis) angles are set/reported in degrees and angular velocities are set/reported in degrees/second

// Assuming 'hand' is a cSDH object ...
// make hand object use degrees and degrees/second for angles and angular velocities
// as degrees, degrees/second are the default this is needed only if the
// unit system was changed before

Definition at line 594 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ UseRadians()

void cSDH::UseRadians ( void  )

Shortcut to set the unit system to radians.

After calling this axis angles are set/reported in radians and angular velocities are set/reported in radians/second

// Assuming 'hand' is a cSDH object ...
// make hand object use radians and radians/second for angles and angular velocities

Definition at line 580 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ WaitAxis() [1/2]

void cSDH::WaitAxis ( int  iAxis,
double  timeout = -1.0 

Like WaitAxis(std::vector<int>const&,double), just for a single axis iAxis, see there for details and examples.

If iAxis is All then wait for all axes axes.

Definition at line 1192 of file sdh.cpp.

◆ WaitAxis() [2/2]

void cSDH::WaitAxis ( std::vector< int > const &  axes,
double  timeout = -1.0 

Wait until the movement(s) of of axis(axes) has finished

The state of the given axis(axes) is(are) queried until all axes are no longer moving.

axes- A vector of axis indices to access.
timeout- a timeout in seconds or -1.0 (default) to wait indefinetly.
  • The indices in axes are checked if they are valid axis indices.
  • If any axis index is invalid then a #SDH::cSDHErrorInvalidParameter* exception is thrown.
    • If timeout < 0 then this function will wait arbitrarily long
    • If a timeout is given then this function will throw a cSDHErrorCommunication exception if the given axes are still moving after timeout many seconds

See also WaitAxis(int,double) for an overloaded variant to wait for a single axis or all axes.

Due to a bug in SDH firmwares prior to the WaitAxis() command was somewhat unreliable there. When called immediately after a movement command like MoveHand(), then the WaitAxis() command returned immediately without waiting for the end of the movement. With SDH firmwares and newer this is no longer problematic and WaitAxis() works as expected.
=> Resolved in SDH firmware
With SDH firmware WaitAxis() did not work if one of the new velocity based controllers (eCT_VELOCITY, eCT_VELOCITY_ACCELERATION) was used. With SDH firmwares and newer this now works. Here the WaitAxis() waits until the selected axes come to velocity 0.0
=> Resolved in SDH firmware
Example 1, WaitAxis and eCT_POSE controller, see also the demo program demo-simple3:
// Assuming "hand" is a cSDH object ...
hand.SetController( eCT_POSE );
// Set a new target pose for axis 1,2 and 3
std::vector<int> axes123;
axes123.push_back( 1 );
axes123.push_back( 2 );
axes123.push_back( 3 );
std::vector<double> angles123;
angles123.push_back( -20.0 );
angles123.push_back( -30.0 );
angles123.push_back( -40.0 );
hand.SetAxisTargetAngle( axes123, angles123 );
// Move axes there non sequentially:
hand.MoveAxis( axes123, false );
// The last call returned immediately so we now have time to
// do something else while the hand is moving:
// ... insert any calculation here ...
// Before doing something else with the hand make sure the
// selected axes have finished the last movement:
hand.WaitAxis( axes123 );
// go back home (all angles to 0.0):
hand.SetAxisTargetAngle( hand.All, 0.0 );
// Move all axes there non sequentially:
hand.MoveAxis( hand.All, False );
// ... insert any other calculation here ...
// Wait until all axes are there, with a timeout of 10s:
hand.WaitAxis( hand.All, 10.0 );
// now we are at the desired position.

Example 2, WaitAxis and eCT_VELOCITY_ACCELERATION controller, see also the demo program demo-velocity-acceleration

// Assuming "hand" is a cSDH object ...
// Set a new target velocity for axis 1,2 and 3
std::vector<int> axes123;
axes123.push_back( 1 );
axes123.push_back( 2 );
axes123.push_back( 3 );
std::vector<double> velocities123;
velocities123.push_back( -20.0 );
velocities123.push_back( -30.0 );
velocities123.push_back( -40.0 );
hand.SetAxisTargetVelocity( axes123, velocities123 ); // this will make the axes move!
// The last call returned immediately so we now have time to
// do something else while the hand is moving:
// ... insert any calculation here ...
// to break and stop the movement just set the target velocities to 0.0
velocities123[0] = 0.0;
velocities123[1] = 0.0;
velocities123[2] = 0.0;
hand.SetAxisTargetVelocity( axes123, velocities123 ); // this will make the axes break with the default (de)acceleration
// The previous command returned immediately, so
// before doing something else with the hand make sure the
// selected axes have stopped:
hand.WaitAxis( axes123 );
// now the axes have stopped

Definition at line 1158 of file sdh.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ all_axes

std::vector<int> cSDH::all_axes

A vector with indices of all axes (in natural order), including the virtual axis.

Definition at line 517 of file sdh.h.

◆ all_fingers

std::vector<int> cSDH::all_fingers

A vector with indices of all fingers (in natural order)

Definition at line 523 of file sdh.h.

◆ all_real_axes

std::vector<int> cSDH::all_real_axes

A vector with indices of all real axes (in natural order), excluding the virtual axis.

Definition at line 520 of file sdh.h.

◆ all_temperature_sensors

std::vector<int> cSDH::all_temperature_sensors

A vector with indices of all temperature sensors.

Definition at line 526 of file sdh.h.

◆ com

cSerialBase* cSDH::com

Definition at line 357 of file sdh.h.

◆ comm_interface

cSDHSerial cSDH::comm_interface

The object to interface with the SDH attached via serial RS232 or CAN or TCP.

Definition at line 362 of file sdh.h.

◆ controller_type

eControllerType cSDH::controller_type

cached value of the axis controller type

Definition at line 4061 of file sdh.h.

◆ d

double cSDH::d

Definition at line 346 of file sdh.h.

◆ f_max_acceleration_v

std::vector<double> cSDH::f_max_acceleration_v

Maximum allowed axis acceleration (in internal units (degrees/(second * second))), including the virtual axis.

Definition at line 327 of file sdh.h.

◆ f_max_angle_v

std::vector<double> cSDH::f_max_angle_v

Maximum allowed axis angles (in internal units (degrees)), including the virtual axis.

Definition at line 315 of file sdh.h.

◆ f_max_motor_current_v

std::vector<double> cSDH::f_max_motor_current_v

Maximum allowed motor currents (in internal units (Ampere)), including the virtual axis.

Definition at line 307 of file sdh.h.

◆ f_max_velocity_v

std::vector<double> cSDH::f_max_velocity_v

Maximum allowed axis velocity (in internal units (degrees/second)), including the virtual axis.

Definition at line 321 of file sdh.h.

◆ f_min_acceleration_v

std::vector<double> cSDH::f_min_acceleration_v

Minimum allowed axis acceleration (in internal units (degrees/(second * second))), including the virtual axis.

Definition at line 324 of file sdh.h.

◆ f_min_angle_v

std::vector<double> cSDH::f_min_angle_v

Minimum allowed axis angles (in internal units (degrees)), including the virtual axis.

Definition at line 312 of file sdh.h.

◆ f_min_motor_current_v

std::vector<double> cSDH::f_min_motor_current_v

Minimum allowed motor currents (in internal units (Ampere)), including the virtual axis.

Definition at line 304 of file sdh.h.

◆ f_min_velocity_v

std::vector<double> cSDH::f_min_velocity_v

Minimum allowed axis velocity (in internal units (degrees/second)), including the virtual axis.

Definition at line 318 of file sdh.h.

◆ f_ones_v

std::vector<double> cSDH::f_ones_v

Vector of 3 1.0 values.

Definition at line 293 of file sdh.h.

◆ f_zeros_v

std::vector<double> cSDH::f_zeros_v

Vector of 3 epsilon values.

Vector of 3 0.0 values

Definition at line 290 of file sdh.h.

◆ finger_axis_index

std::vector<std::vector<int> > cSDH::finger_axis_index

Mapping of finger index, finger axis index to axis index:

Definition at line 284 of file sdh.h.

◆ finger_number_of_axes

std::vector<int> cSDH::finger_number_of_axes

Mapping of finger index to number of real axes of fingers:

Definition at line 280 of file sdh.h.

◆ grip_max_velocity

double cSDH::grip_max_velocity

Maximum allowed grip velocity (in internal units (degrees/second))

Definition at line 330 of file sdh.h.

◆ h

double cSDH::h

Definition at line 349 of file sdh.h.

◆ l1

double cSDH::l1

length of limb 1 (proximal joint to distal joint) in mm

Definition at line 340 of file sdh.h.

◆ l2

double cSDH::l2

length of limb 2 (distal joint to fingertip) in mm

Definition at line 343 of file sdh.h.

◆ nb_all_axes

int cSDH::nb_all_axes

The number of all axes including virtual axes.

Definition at line 277 of file sdh.h.



The number of axis per finger (for finger 1 this includes the "virtual" base axis)

Definition at line 270 of file sdh.h.



The number of virtual axes.

Definition at line 274 of file sdh.h.

◆ offset

std::vector<std::vector<double> > cSDH::offset

list of xyz-vectors for all fingers with offset from (0,0,0) of proximal joint in mm

Definition at line 355 of file sdh.h.

◆ ones_v

std::vector<double> cSDH::ones_v

Vector of nb_all_axes 1.0 values.

Definition at line 300 of file sdh.h.

◆ release_firmware

std::string cSDH::release_firmware

string containing the SDH firmware release of the attaced SDH (something like "")

Definition at line 4058 of file sdh.h.

◆ uc_angle

const cUnitConverter* cSDH::uc_angle

unit convert for (axis) angles: default = #SDH::cSDH::uc_angle_degrees

Definition at line 558 of file sdh.h.

◆ uc_angle_degrees

USING_NAMESPACE_SDH const cUnitConverter cSDH::uc_angle_degrees

Default converter for angles (internal unit == external unit): degrees.

Definition at line 220 of file sdh.h.

◆ uc_angle_radians

const cUnitConverter cSDH::uc_angle_radians

Converter for angles: external unit = radians.

Definition at line 223 of file sdh.h.

◆ uc_angular_acceleration

const cUnitConverter* cSDH::uc_angular_acceleration

unit convert for (axis) angular accelerations: default = #SDH::cSDH::uc_angular_acceleration_degrees_per_second_squared

Definition at line 566 of file sdh.h.

◆ uc_angular_acceleration_degrees_per_second_squared

const cUnitConverter cSDH::uc_angular_acceleration_degrees_per_second_squared

Default converter for angular accelerations (internal unit == external unit): degrees / second.

Definition at line 244 of file sdh.h.

◆ uc_angular_acceleration_radians_per_second_squared

const cUnitConverter cSDH::uc_angular_acceleration_radians_per_second_squared

Converter for angular velocieties: external unit = radians/second.

Definition at line 247 of file sdh.h.

◆ uc_angular_velocity

const cUnitConverter* cSDH::uc_angular_velocity

unit convert for (axis) angular velocities: default = #SDH::cSDH::uc_angular_velocity_degrees_per_second

Definition at line 562 of file sdh.h.

◆ uc_angular_velocity_degrees_per_second

const cUnitConverter cSDH::uc_angular_velocity_degrees_per_second

Default converter for angular velocities (internal unit == external unit): degrees / second.

Definition at line 238 of file sdh.h.

◆ uc_angular_velocity_radians_per_second

const cUnitConverter cSDH::uc_angular_velocity_radians_per_second

Converter for angular velocieties: external unit = radians/second.

Definition at line 241 of file sdh.h.

◆ uc_motor_current

const cUnitConverter* cSDH::uc_motor_current

unit converter for motor curent: default = #SDH::cSDH::uc_motor_current_ampere

Definition at line 578 of file sdh.h.

◆ uc_motor_current_ampere

const cUnitConverter cSDH::uc_motor_current_ampere

Default converter for motor current (internal unit == external unit): Ampere.

Definition at line 250 of file sdh.h.

◆ uc_motor_current_milliampere

const cUnitConverter cSDH::uc_motor_current_milliampere

Converter for motor current: external unit = milli Ampere.

Definition at line 253 of file sdh.h.

◆ uc_position

const cUnitConverter* cSDH::uc_position

unit converter for position: default = #SDH::cSDH::uc_position_millimeter

Definition at line 582 of file sdh.h.

◆ uc_position_meter

const cUnitConverter cSDH::uc_position_meter

Converter for position: external unit = meter.

Definition at line 259 of file sdh.h.

◆ uc_position_millimeter

const cUnitConverter cSDH::uc_position_millimeter

Default converter for position (internal unit == external unit): millimeter.

Definition at line 256 of file sdh.h.

◆ uc_temperature

const cUnitConverter* cSDH::uc_temperature

unit convert for temperatures: default = #SDH::cSDH::uc_temperature_celsius

Definition at line 574 of file sdh.h.

◆ uc_temperature_celsius

const cUnitConverter cSDH::uc_temperature_celsius

Default converter for temparatures (internal unit == external unit): degrees celsius.

Definition at line 232 of file sdh.h.

◆ uc_temperature_fahrenheit

const cUnitConverter cSDH::uc_temperature_fahrenheit

Converter for temperatures: external unit = degrees fahrenheit.

Definition at line 235 of file sdh.h.

◆ uc_time

const cUnitConverter* cSDH::uc_time

unit convert for times: default = uc_time_seconds

Definition at line 570 of file sdh.h.

◆ uc_time_milliseconds

const cUnitConverter cSDH::uc_time_milliseconds

Converter for times: external unit = milliseconds.

Definition at line 229 of file sdh.h.

◆ uc_time_seconds

const cUnitConverter cSDH::uc_time_seconds

Default converter for times (internal unit == external unit): seconds.

Definition at line 226 of file sdh.h.

◆ zeros_v

std::vector<double> cSDH::zeros_v

Vector of nb_all_axes 0.0 values.

Definition at line 297 of file sdh.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
static const cUnitConverter uc_temperature_fahrenheit
Converter for temperatures: external unit = degrees fahrenheit.
Definition: sdh.h:235
static const cUnitConverter uc_angular_velocity_radians_per_second
Converter for angular velocieties: external unit = radians/second.
Definition: sdh.h:241
The motor currents used after "gripping" with a GripHand() command (i.e. "holding")
Definition: sdh.h:181
velocity controller with acceleration ramp, velocities and accelerations of axes are controlled indep...
Definition: sdhbase.h:181
static const cUnitConverter uc_position_meter
Converter for position: external unit = meter.
Definition: sdh.h:259
static const cUnitConverter uc_angular_acceleration_radians_per_second_squared
Converter for angular velocieties: external unit = radians/second.
Definition: sdh.h:247
coordinated position controller (position per axis => "pose controller"), all axes start and stop mov...
Definition: sdhbase.h:179
void SleepSec(double t)
Definition: util.cpp:155
static const cUnitConverter uc_time_milliseconds
Converter for times: external unit = milliseconds.
Definition: sdh.h:229
NAMESPACE_SDH_START typedef void * tDeviceHandle
generic device handle for CAN devices
Definition: serialbase.h:64
#SDH::cSDH is the end user interface class to control a SDH (SCHUNK Dexterous Hand).
Definition: sdh.h:172
The motor currents used while "gripping" with a GripHand() command.
Definition: sdh.h:180
The state of an axis (see TPOSCON_STATE in global.h of the SDH firmware)
Definition: sdh.h:188
static char const * GetFirmwareReleaseRecommended(void)
Definition: sdh.cpp:649
The motor currents used while "moving" with a MoveHand() or MoveFinger() command.
Definition: sdh.h:179
static char const * GetLibraryName(void)
Definition: sdh.cpp:633
This file contains the interface to class #SDH::cSDH, the end user class to access the SDH from a PC.
static const cUnitConverter uc_angle_radians
Converter for angles: external unit = radians.
Definition: sdh.h:223
static char const * GetStringFromControllerType(eControllerType controller_type)
Return a ptr to a (static) string describing controller type controller_Type.
Definition: sdhbase.cpp:216
@ All
A meta-value that means "access all possible values".
Definition: sdhbase.h:103

Author(s): Dirk Osswald
autogenerated on Wed Mar 2 2022 01:00:59