Go to the documentation of this file.
1 # Copyright (c) 2016-2019 The UUV Simulator Authors.
2 # All rights reserved.
3 #
4 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 #
8 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 #
10 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 # limitations under the License.
16 import numpy as np
17 from copy import deepcopy
19 from tf_quaternion.transformations import quaternion_multiply, \
20  quaternion_about_axis, quaternion_conjugate, \
21  quaternion_from_matrix, euler_from_matrix
22 from visualization_msgs.msg import MarkerArray, Marker
23 from geometry_msgs.msg import Point
24 from uuv_waypoints import Waypoint, WaypointSet
26 from ..trajectory_point import TrajectoryPoint
27 from .._log import get_logger
28 from .helical_segment import HelicalSegment
29 from .bezier_curve import BezierCurve
30 from .line_segment import LineSegment
31 from .path_generator import PathGenerator
33 class DubinsInterpolator(PathGenerator):
34  """3D Dubins path interpolator implemented based on the sources
35  below.
37  !!! note
39  Owen, Mark, Randal W. Beard, and Timothy W. McLain.
40  "Implementing Dubins Airplane Paths on Fixed-Wing UAVs."
41  Handbook of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (2014): 1677-1701.
43  Cai, Wenyu, Meiyan Zhang, and Yahong Zheng. "Task Assignment
44  and Path Planning for Multiple Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
45  Using 3D Dubins Curves." Sensors 17.7 (2017):1607.
47  Hansen, Karl D., and Anders La Cour-Harbo. "Waypoint Planning
48  with Dubins Curves Using Genetic Algorithms." 2016 European
49  Control Conference (ECC) (2016).
51  Lin, Yucong, and Srikanth Saripalli. "Path Planning Using
52  3D Dubins Curve for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles." 2014
53  International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)
54  (2014).
55  """
56  LABEL = 'dubins'
58  def __init__(self):
59  super(DubinsInterpolator, self).__init__(self)
61  self._radius = 5
62  self._max_pitch_angle = 5.0 * np.pi / 180
63  self._interp_fcns = list()
66  def init_interpolator(self):
67  """Initialize the interpolator. To have the path segments generated,
68  `init_waypoints()` must be called beforehand by providing a set of
69  waypoints as `uuv_waypoints.WaypointSet` type.
71  > *Returns*
73  `bool`: `True` if the path segments were successfully generated.
74  """
75  if self._waypoints is None:
76  self._logger.error('List of waypoints is empty')
77  return False
79  if self._waypoints.num_waypoints < 2:
80  self._logger.error('At least 2 waypoints are necessary')
81  return False
83  self._markers_msg = MarkerArray()
84  self._marker_id = 0
86  self._interp_fcns = list()
87  path = list()
88  last_heading = self._waypoints.get_waypoint(0).heading_offset
90  dist = lambda x, y: np.sqrt(np.sum((x - y)**2))
92  for i in range(1, self._waypoints.num_waypoints):
93  heading_init = 0.0
94  heading_final = 0.0
96  if i - 1 == 0:
97  heading_init = self._waypoints.get_waypoint(i - 1).heading_offset
98  else:
99  if not np.isclose(dist(self._waypoints.get_waypoint(i - 1).pos[0:2], self._waypoints.get_waypoint(i).pos[0:2]), 0):
100  heading_init = self._waypoints.get_waypoint(i - 1).calculate_heading(self._waypoints.get_waypoint(i))
101  else:
102  heading_init = last_heading
104  if i == self._waypoints.num_waypoints - 1:
105  if not np.isclose(dist(self._waypoints.get_waypoint(i - 1).pos[0:2], self._waypoints.get_waypoint(i).pos[0:2]), 0):
106  heading_final = self._waypoints.get_waypoint(i - 1).calculate_heading(self._waypoints.get_waypoint(i))
107  else:
108  heading_final = last_heading
109  else:
110  if not np.isclose(dist(self._waypoints.get_waypoint(i + 1).pos[0:2], self._waypoints.get_waypoint(i).pos[0:2]), 0):
111  heading_final = self._waypoints.get_waypoint(i).calculate_heading(self._waypoints.get_waypoint(i + 1))
112  else:
113  heading_final = last_heading
115  last_heading = heading_final
117  path += self._generate_path(
118  self._waypoints.get_waypoint(i - 1), heading_init,
119  self._waypoints.get_waypoint(i), heading_final)
121  inter_pnts = list()
122  for i in range(len(path) - 1):
123  if not np.isclose(np.sqrt(np.sum((path[i + 1] - path[i])**2)), 0):
124  inter_pnts += [path[i]]
126  if not np.isclose(np.sqrt(np.sum((path[-1] - path[-2])**2)), 0):
127  inter_pnts += [path[-1]]
129  self._interp_fcns, tangent = BezierCurve.generate_cubic_curve(inter_pnts)
131  # Reparametrizing the curves
132  lengths = [seg.get_length() for seg in self._interp_fcns]
133  lengths = [0] + lengths
134  self._s = np.cumsum(lengths) / np.sum(lengths)
135  mean_vel = np.mean(
136  [self._waypoints.get_waypoint(k).max_forward_speed for k in range(self._waypoints.num_waypoints)])
138  if self._duration is None:
139  self._duration = np.sum(lengths) / mean_vel
140  if self._start_time is None:
141  self._start_time = 0.0
143  return True
145  def _get_frame(self, heading):
146  """Return the 2D rotation matrix for a desired heading.
148  > *Input arguments*
150  * `heading` (*type:* `float`): Heading angle in radians
152  > *Returns*
154  `numpy.array`: 2D rotation matrix
155  """
156  return np.array([[np.cos(heading), -np.sin(heading)],[np.sin(heading), np.cos(heading)]])
158  def _get_distance(self, pnt_1, pnt_2):
159  """Compute the distance between two points.
161  > *Input arguments*
163  * `pnt_1` (*type:* `numpy.array`): Point 1
164  * `pnt_2` (*type:* `numpy.array`): Point 2
166  > *Returns*
168  `float`: Distance between points
169  """
170  return np.sqrt(np.sum((pnt_1 - pnt_2)**2))
172  def _get_circles_center_pos(self, waypoint, heading, radius=None):
173  """Return the centers of the circles on the left and right of the
174  waypoint with respect to the direction described the desired heading.
176  > *Input arguments*
178  * `waypoint` (*type:* `uuv_wapoints.Waypoint`): Waypoint
179  * `heading` (*type:* `float`): Desired heading in radians
180  * `radius` (*type:* `float`, *default:* `None`): Desired radius for the
181  circles. If `None` is provided, then the internal radius will be used.
183  > *Returns*
185  `dict` with the left `L` and right `R` center of the circles as `numpy.array`
186  """
187  # Use the default radius if none is provided
188  r = self._radius if radius is None else radius
190  if r <= 0:
191  msg = 'Radius must be greater than zero'
192  self._logger.error(msg)
193  raise ValueError('Radius must be greater than zero')
194  # Get the 2D frame using the heading angle information
195  frame = self._get_frame(heading)
196  # Compute the position of the center of right and left circles wrt
197  # the waypoint given
198  circles = dict(R=waypoint.pos[0:2] - r * frame[:, 1].flatten(),
199  L=waypoint.pos[0:2] + r * frame[:, 1].flatten())
201  return circles
203  def _get_phi(self, u, delta, heading):
204  return 2 * np.pi * u * delta + heading - delta * np.pi / 2
206  def _compute_u(self, angle, delta, heading):
207  """Compute the parametric input for the circle path.
209  > *Input arguments*
211  * `angle` (*type:* `float`): Angle in the circle's path
212  in radians
213  * `delta` (*type:* `int`): Generate the points in counter-clockwise
214  direction if `delta` is -1 and clockwise if `delta` is 1
215  * `heading` (*type:* `float`): Heading offset angle in radians
217  > *Returns*
219  `float`: Circle's parametric variable
220  """
221  u = (angle - heading + delta * np.pi / 2) / (delta * 2 * np.pi)
222  if u < 0:
223  u += 1
224  return u
226  def _get_tangent(self, u, delta, radius, heading):
227  """Function description
229  > *Input arguments*
231  * `param` (*type:* `data_type`, *default:* `data`): Parameter description
233  > *Returns*
235  Description of return values
236  """
237  return np.cross(np.array([0, 0, 1]),
238  np.array([delta * radius * np.cos(self._get_phi(u, delta, heading)),
239  delta * radius * np.sin(self._get_phi(u, delta, heading)),
240  0]))[0:2]
242  def _get_circle(self, u, center, radius, delta, heading):
243  """Compute the 2D coordinates for a circle.
245  > *Input arguments*
247  * `u` (*type:* `float`): Parametric variable in interval [0, 1]
248  * `center` (*type:* `numpy.array`): Center of the circle in meters
249  * `radius` (*type:* `float`): Radius of the circle in meters
250  * `delta` (*type:* `int`): Generate the points in counter-clockwise
251  direction if `delta` is -1 and clockwise if `delta` is 1
252  * `heading` (*type:* `float`): Heading associated to the waypoint
254  > *Returns*
256  Circle coordinates as `numpy.array`.
257  """
258  return center + radius * np.array([np.cos(self._get_phi(u, delta, heading)),
259  np.sin(self._get_phi(u, delta, heading))])
261  def _get_2d_dubins_path(self, center_1, radius_1, heading_1, delta_1, center_2, radius_2, heading_2, delta_2):
262  """Compute the 2D Dubins path algorithm. It computes the shortest curve
263  that connects two points. Given two circles which are tangent to the
264  origin and target waypoints, with a chosen heading to depart the first
265  and reach the second, find the path that will be first tangent
266  on circle tangent to the first waypoint, travel to towards the
267  second in a straight line and reach the closest tangent on the
268  circle around the second waypoint.
270  > *Input arguments*
272  * `center_1` (*type:* `numpy.array`): 2D center of the circle tangent to
273  the origin waypoint.
274  * `radius_1` (*type:* `float`): Radius of the circle related to the origin
275  waypoint in meters
276  * `heading_1` (*type:* `float`): Desired heading associated to the origin
277  waypoint
278  * `delta_1` (*type:* `int`): Direction to travel around the circle, -1 for
279  counter-clockwise and 1 for clockwise
280  * `center_2` (*type:* `numpy.array`): 2D center of the circle tangent to
281  the target waypoint.
282  * `radius_2` (*type:* `float`): Radius of the circle related to the target
283  waypoint in meters
284  * `heading_2` (*type:* `float`): Desired heading associated to the target
285  waypoint
286  * `delta_2` (*type:* `int`): Direction to travel around the circle, -1 for
287  counter-clockwise and 1 for clockwise
289  > *Returns*
291  Description of return values
292  """
293  output = list()
295  u1_func = lambda angle: self._compute_u(angle, delta_1, heading_1)
296  u2_func = lambda angle: self._compute_u(angle, delta_2, heading_2)
298  tan_func_1 = lambda u: self._get_tangent(u, delta_1, radius_1, heading_1)
299  tan_func_2 = lambda u: self._get_tangent(u, delta_2, radius_2, heading_2)
301  circle_1 = lambda u: self._get_circle(u, center_1, radius_1, delta_1, heading_1)
302  circle_2 = lambda u: self._get_circle(u, center_2, radius_2, delta_2, heading_2)
304  # Computing outer tangents
305  # Compute vector connecting the centers of the two circles
306  d = center_2 - center_1
307  ## Compute the normal vector to the vector connecting the two circle centers
308  n = np.dot(self._get_frame(np.pi / 2), d / np.linalg.norm(d))
309  ## Compute the angle of the normal vector
310  n_angle = np.arctan2(n[1], n[0])
311  ## First tangent
312  ### Compute the points on the circles belonging to the first tangent and the normal vector
313  u1 = u1_func(n_angle)
314  u2 = u2_func(n_angle)
316  ### Compute the points on the circles belonging to the tangent
317  c1 = circle_1(u1)
318  c2 = circle_2(u2)
320  ### Compute the tangent vector on points c1 and c2 according to the direction of rotation
321  ### provided by delta_1 and delta_2
322  t1 = tan_func_1(u1)
323  t1 /= np.linalg.norm(t1)
324  t2 = tan_func_2(u2)
325  t2 /= np.linalg.norm(t2)
327  tangent_1 = c2 - c1
328  tangent_1 /= np.linalg.norm(tangent_1)
330  ### Find out if the tangents on the circles and the tangents connecting the two circles
331  ### are equal
332  diff = np.linalg.norm(tangent_1 - t1) + np.linalg.norm(tangent_1 - t2)
334  if np.isclose(diff, 0):
335  # First tangent is the feasible path between the two circles
336  dist = 0.0
337  output = list()
338  if not np.isclose(u1, 0):
339  u = np.arange(0, u1, u1 / 10.0)
340  # Compute the points for the path on circle 1
341  output = [circle_1(ui) for ui in u]
342  dist = 2 * radius_1 * np.pi * u1
343  output += [circle_1(u1)]
344  # Compute the line segment between both circles
345  dist += np.linalg.norm(circle_2(u2) - circle_1(u1))
346  # Compute the points for the path on circle 2
347  if not np.isclose(u2, 1):
348  u = np.arange(u2, 1, (1 - u2) / 10.0)
349  output += [circle_2(ui) for ui in u]
350  dist += 2 * radius_2 * np.pi * (1 - u2)
352  output += [circle_2(1)]
354  return output, dist
356  ## Second tangent
357  ### Compute the angle of the normal vector
358  n_angle = np.arctan2(-n[1], -n[0])
359  ### Compute the points on the circles belonging to the first tangent and the normal vector
360  u1 = u1_func(n_angle)
361  u2 = u2_func(n_angle)
363  ### Compute the points on the circles belonging to the tangent
364  c1 = circle_1(u1)
365  c2 = circle_2(u2)
367  ### Compute the tangent vector on points c1 and c2 according to the direction of rotation
368  ### provided by delta_1 and delta_2
369  t1 = tan_func_1(u1)
370  t1 /= np.linalg.norm(t1)
371  t2 = tan_func_2(u2)
372  t2 /= np.linalg.norm(t2)
374  # Compute the vector from circle 1 to circle 2
375  tangent_2 = c2 - c1
376  tangent_2 /= np.linalg.norm(tangent_2)
378  ### Find out if the tangents on the circles and the tangents connecting the two circles
379  ### are equal
380  diff = np.linalg.norm(tangent_2 - t1) + np.linalg.norm(tangent_2 - t2)
382  if np.isclose(diff, 0):
383  # Second tangent is the feasible path between the two circles
384  dist = 0.0
385  output = list()
386  if not np.isclose(u1, 0):
387  u = np.arange(0, u1, u1 / 10.0)
388  # Compute the points for the path on circle 1
389  output = [circle_1(ui) for ui in u]
390  dist = 2 * radius_1 * np.pi * u1
391  output += [circle_1(u1)]
392  # Compute the line segment between both circles
393  dist += np.linalg.norm(circle_2(u2) - circle_1(u1))
394  # Compute the points for the path on circle 2
395  if not np.isclose(u2, 1):
396  u = np.arange(u2, 1, (1 - u2) / 10.0)
397  output += [circle_2(ui) for ui in u]
398  dist += 2 * radius_2 * np.pi * (1 - u2)
400  output += [circle_2(1)]
402  return output, dist
404  # Computing paths with inner tangents if dist(center_1, center_2) > radius_1 + radius_2
405  if self._get_distance(center_1, center_2) > (radius_1 + radius_2):
406  # Calculate the intersection point of the two tangent lines
407  xp = (center_1[0] * radius_1 + center_2[0] * radius_2) / (radius_1 + radius_2)
408  yp = (center_1[1] * radius_1 + center_2[1] * radius_2) / (radius_1 + radius_2)
410  # Compute the points beloging to the inner tangents and the circles
411  xt1 = (radius_1**2 * (xp - center_1[0]) + radius_1 * (yp - center_1[1]) * np.sqrt((xp - center_1[0])**2 + (yp - center_1[1])**2 - radius_1**2)) / ((xp - center_1[0])**2 + (yp - center_1[1])**2) + center_1[0]
412  xt2 = (radius_1**2 * (xp - center_1[0]) - radius_1 * (yp - center_1[1]) * np.sqrt((xp - center_1[0])**2 + (yp - center_1[1])**2 - radius_1**2)) / ((xp - center_1[0])**2 + (yp - center_1[1])**2) + center_1[0]
414  yt1 = ((radius_1**2 * (yp - center_1[1])) - radius_1 * (xp - center_1[0]) * np.sqrt((xp - center_1[0])**2 + (yp - center_1[1])**2 - radius_1**2)) / ((xp - center_1[0])**2 + (yp - center_1[1])**2) + center_1[1]
415  yt2 = ((radius_1**2 * (yp - center_1[1])) + radius_1 * (xp - center_1[0]) * np.sqrt((xp - center_1[0])**2 + (yp - center_1[1])**2 - radius_1**2)) / ((xp - center_1[0])**2 + (yp - center_1[1])**2) + center_1[1]
417  xt3 = (radius_2**2 * (xp - center_2[0]) + radius_2 * (yp - center_2[1]) * np.sqrt((xp - center_2[0])**2 + (yp - center_2[1])**2 - radius_2**2)) / ((xp - center_2[0])**2 + (yp - center_2[1])**2) + center_2[0]
418  xt4 = (radius_2**2 * (xp - center_2[0]) - radius_2 * (yp - center_2[1]) * np.sqrt((xp - center_2[0])**2 + (yp - center_2[1])**2 - radius_2**2)) / ((xp - center_2[0])**2 + (yp - center_2[1])**2) + center_2[0]
420  yt3 = ((radius_2**2 * (yp - center_2[1])) - radius_2 * (xp - center_2[0]) * np.sqrt((xp - center_2[0])**2 + (yp - center_2[1])**2 - radius_2**2)) / ((xp - center_2[0])**2 + (yp - center_2[1])**2) + center_2[1]
421  yt4 = ((radius_2**2 * (yp - center_2[1])) + radius_2 * (xp - center_2[0]) * np.sqrt((xp - center_2[0])**2 + (yp - center_2[1])**2 - radius_2**2)) / ((xp - center_2[0])**2 + (yp - center_2[1])**2) + center_2[1]
423  # Third tangent
424  ## Compute the points on the circles belonging to the first tangent and the normal vector
425  u1 = u1_func(np.arctan2(yt1 - center_1[1], xt1 - center_1[0]))
426  u2 = u2_func(np.arctan2(yt3 - center_2[1], xt3 - center_2[0]))
428  ## Compute the points on the circles belonging to the tangent
429  c1 = circle_1(u1)
430  c2 = circle_2(u2)
432  ### Compute the tangent vector on points c1 and c2 according to the direction of rotation
433  ### provided by delta_1 and delta_2
434  t1 = tan_func_1(u1)
435  t1 /= np.linalg.norm(t1)
436  t2 = tan_func_2(u2)
437  t2 /= np.linalg.norm(t2)
439  tangent_3 = np.array([xt3 - xt1, yt3 - yt1])
440  tangent_3 /= np.linalg.norm(tangent_3)
442  ### Find out if the tangents on the circles and the tangents connecting the two circles
443  ### are equal
444  diff = np.linalg.norm(tangent_3 - t1) + np.linalg.norm(tangent_3 - t2)
446  if np.isclose(diff, 0):
447  # Third tangent is the feasible path between the two circles
448  dist = 0.0
449  output = list()
450  if not np.isclose(u1, 0):
451  u = np.arange(0, u1, u1 / 10.0)
452  # Compute the points for the path on circle 1
453  output = [circle_1(ui) for ui in u]
454  dist = 2 * radius_1 * np.pi * u1
455  output += [circle_1(u1)]
456  # Compute the line segment between both circles
457  dist += np.linalg.norm(circle_2(u2) - circle_1(u1))
458  # Compute the points for the path on circle 2
459  if not np.isclose(u2, 1):
460  u = np.arange(u2, 1, (1 - u2) / 10.0)
461  output += [circle_2(ui) for ui in u]
462  dist += 2 * radius_2 * np.pi * (1 - u2)
464  output += [circle_2(1)]
466  return output, dist
468  # Fourth tangent
469  ## Compute the points on the circles belonging to the first tangent and the normal vector
470  u1 = u1_func(np.arctan2(yt2 - center_1[1], xt2 - center_1[0]))
471  u2 = u2_func(np.arctan2(yt4 - center_2[1], xt4 - center_2[0]))
473  ## Compute the points on the circles belonging to the tangent
474  c1 = circle_1(u1)
475  c2 = circle_2(u2)
477  ### Compute the tangent vector on points c1 and c2 according to the direction of rotation
478  ### provided by delta_1 and delta_2
479  t1 = tan_func_1(u1)
480  t1 /= np.linalg.norm(t1)
481  t2 = tan_func_2(u2)
482  t2 /= np.linalg.norm(t2)
484  tangent_4 = np.array([xt4 - xt2, yt4 - yt2])
485  tangent_4 /= np.linalg.norm(tangent_4)
487  ### Find out if the tangents on the circles and the tangents connecting the two circles
488  ### are equal
489  diff = np.linalg.norm(tangent_4 - t1) + np.linalg.norm(tangent_4 - t2)
491  if np.isclose(diff, 0):
492  # Fourth tangent is the feasible path between the two circles
493  dist = 0.0
494  output = list()
495  if not np.isclose(u1, 0):
496  u = np.arange(0, u1, u1 / 10.0)
497  # Compute the points for the path on circle 1
498  output = [circle_1(ui) for ui in u]
499  dist = 2 * radius_1 * np.pi * u1
500  output += [circle_1(u1)]
501  # Compute the line segment between both circles
502  dist += np.linalg.norm(circle_2(u2) - circle_1(u1))
503  # Compute the points for the path on circle 2
504  if not np.isclose(u2, 1):
505  u = np.arange(u2, 1, (1 - u2) / 10.0)
506  output += [circle_2(ui) for ui in u]
507  dist += 2 * radius_2 * np.pi * (1 - u2)
509  output += [circle_2(1)]
511  return output, dist
513  return output, 0
515  def _get_center(self, side, y_vec, wp):
516  if side == 'R':
517  return wp.pos - self._radius * y_vec
518  else:
519  return wp.pos + self._radius * y_vec
521  def _get_circle_marker(self, center, radius, heading, delta, frame_id,
522  circle_color=[0, 1, 0]):
523  import rospy
524  marker = Marker()
525  marker.header.frame_id = frame_id
526  try:
527  if not rospy.is_shutdown():
528  marker.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
529  except:
530  pass
531  marker.ns = 'dubins'
532  marker.id = self._marker_id
533  self._marker_id += 1
534  marker.type = Marker.LINE_STRIP
535  marker.action = Marker.ADD;
537  marker.scale.x = 0.05
538  marker.scale.y = 0.1
539  marker.scale.z = 0.1
540  marker.color.a = 1.0
541  marker.color.r = circle_color[0]
542  marker.color.g = circle_color[1]
543  marker.color.b = circle_color[2]
545  for i in np.linspace(0, 1, 50):
546  c_pnt = self._get_circle(i, center[0:2], radius, delta, heading)
547  marker.points.append(Point(c_pnt[0], c_pnt[1], center[2]))
549  self._marker_id += 1
550  marker_pnt = Marker()
551  marker_pnt.header.frame_id = frame_id
552  try:
553  if not rospy.is_shutdown():
554  marker_pnt.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
555  except:
556  pass
557  marker_pnt.ns = 'dubins'
558  marker_pnt.id = self._marker_id
559  self._marker_id += 1
560  marker_pnt.type = Marker.SPHERE
561  marker_pnt.action = Marker.ADD;
563  marker_pnt.scale.x = 0.2
564  marker_pnt.scale.y = 0.2
565  marker_pnt.scale.z = 0.2
566  marker_pnt.color.a = 1.0
567  marker_pnt.color.r = 1.0
568  marker_pnt.color.g = 0.2
569  marker_pnt.color.b = 0.0
571  c_pnt = self._get_circle(0, center[0:2], radius, delta, heading)
572  marker_pnt.pose.position.x = c_pnt[0]
573  marker_pnt.pose.position.y = c_pnt[1]
574  marker_pnt.pose.position.z = center[2]
575  return [marker, marker_pnt]
577  def _generate_path(self, wp_init, heading_init, wp_final, heading_final):
578  pnts = list()
580  max_step_z = 2 * np.pi * self._radius * np.cos(self._max_pitch_angle)
582  frame_init = np.array([[np.cos(heading_init), -np.sin(heading_init), 0],
583  [np.sin(heading_init), np.cos(heading_init), 0],
584  [0, 0, 1]])
586  frame_final = np.array([[np.cos(heading_final), -np.sin(heading_final), 0],
587  [np.sin(heading_final), np.cos(heading_final), 0],
588  [0, 0, 1]])
590  # Wrap the angle difference to find out whether both waypoints have
591  # the same target heading
592  heading_diff = (heading_final - heading_init + np.pi) % (2.0 * np.pi) - np.pi
593  dist_xy = np.sqrt(np.sum((wp_init.pos[0:2] - wp_final.pos[0:2])**2))
595  if np.isclose(heading_diff, 0) or np.isclose(dist_xy, 0):
596  if abs(wp_init.z - wp_final.z) <= max_step_z and not np.isclose(dist_xy, 0):
597  pnts = [wp_init.pos, wp_final.pos]
598  else:
599  z = wp_final.z - wp_init.z
600  if z >= max_step_z:
601  delta_z = z / (np.floor(abs(z) / max_step_z) + np.ceil(abs(z) % max_step_z))
602  else:
603  delta_z = z
604  n = z / delta_z
606  center = self._get_center('R', frame_final[:, 1].flatten(), wp_final)
607  center[2] = wp_init.z
609  delta = -1
610  helix = HelicalSegment(
611  center, self._radius, n, wp_final.z - wp_init.z, heading_final - delta * np.pi / 2, False)
613  for i in np.linspace(0, 1, n * 10):
614  pnts.append(helix.interpolate(i))
616  return pnts
618  center_init = None
619  center_final = None
621  modes = ['RSR', 'RSL', 'LSR', 'LSL']
623  # Create visual markers for the left and right circle paths possible
624  # for evaluation of the Dubins path
625  c = self._get_center('R', frame_init[:,1].flatten(), wp_init)
626  delta = -1
627  self._markers_msg.markers += self._get_circle_marker(c, self._radius, heading_init, delta, wp_final.inertial_frame_id)
629  c = self._get_center('L', frame_init[:,1].flatten(), wp_init)
630  delta = 1
631  self._markers_msg.markers += self._get_circle_marker(c, self._radius, heading_init, delta, wp_final.inertial_frame_id)
633  c = self._get_center('R', frame_final[:,1].flatten(), wp_final)
634  delta = -1
635  self._markers_msg.markers += self._get_circle_marker(c, self._radius, heading_final, delta, wp_final.inertial_frame_id)
637  c = self._get_center('L', frame_final[:,1].flatten(), wp_final)
638  delta = 1
639  self._markers_msg.markers += self._get_circle_marker(c, self._radius, heading_final, delta, wp_final.inertial_frame_id)
641  path = None
642  min_dist = None
643  mode = None
645  for c in modes:
646  center_1 = self._get_center(c[0], frame_init[:,1].flatten(), wp_init)
647  center_2 = self._get_center(c[-1], frame_final[:,1].flatten(), wp_final)
649  delta_1 = -1 if c[0] == 'R' else 1
650  delta_2 = -1 if c[-1] == 'R' else 1
652  output, dist = self._get_2d_dubins_path(
653  center_1[0:2], self._radius, heading_init, delta_1,
654  center_2[0:2], self._radius, heading_final, delta_2)
656  if len(output) > 0:
657  if min_dist is None:
658  path = output
659  min_dist = dist
660  mode = c
661  else:
662  if dist < min_dist:
663  min_dist = dist
664  path = output
665  mode = c
667  pnts = list()
669  if np.isclose(abs(wp_init.z - wp_final.z), 0):
670  for pnt in path:
671  pnts.append(np.array([pnt[0], pnt[1], wp_final.z]))
672  elif abs(wp_init.z - wp_final.z) <= max_step_z and not np.isclose(abs(wp_init.z - wp_final.z), 0):
674  d = [0.0] + [np.sqrt(np.sum((path[i] - path[i - 1])**2)) for i in range(1, len(path))]
675  dz = float(wp_final.z - wp_init.z) * np.cumsum(d) / np.sum(d)
676  for i in range(len(path)):
677  pnts.append(np.array([path[i][0], path[i][1], wp_init.z + dz[i]]))
678  else:
679  z = wp_final.z - wp_init.z
680  delta_z = z / (np.floor(abs(z) / max_step_z) + np.ceil(abs(z) % max_step_z))
681  n = z / delta_z
683  d = [0.0] + [np.sqrt(np.sum((path[i] - path[i - 1])**2)) for i in range(1, len(path))]
684  dz = delta_z * np.cumsum(d) / np.sum(d)
686  for i in range(len(path)):
687  pnts.append(np.array([path[i][0], path[i][1], wp_init.z + dz[i]]))
689  center = self._get_center(mode[-1], frame_final[:, 1].flatten(), wp_final)
690  center[2] = wp_init.z + delta_z
692  delta = -1 if mode[-1] == 'R' else 1
693  helix = HelicalSegment(
694  center, self._radius, n - 1, wp_final.z - center[2], heading_final - delta * np.pi / 2, False if mode[-1] == 'R' else True)
696  for i in np.linspace(0, 1, (n - 1) * 10):
697  pnts.append(helix.interpolate(i))
699  return pnts
701  def set_parameters(self, params):
702  """Set interpolator's parameters. All the options
703  for the `params` input can be seen below:
705  ```python
706  params=dict(
707  radius=0.0,
708  max_pitch=0.0
709  )
710  ```
712  * `radius` (*type:* `float`): Turning radius
713  * `max_pitch` (*type:* `float`): Max. pitch angle allowed
714  between two waypoints. If the pitch exceeds `max_pitch`, a
715  helical path is computed to perform steep climbs or dives.
717  > *Input arguments*
719  * `params` (*type:* `dict`): `dict` containing interpolator's
720  configurable elements.
721  """
722  if 'radius' in params:
723  assert params['radius'] > 0, 'Radius must be greater than zero'
724  self._radius = params['radius']
725  if 'max_pitch' in params:
726  assert params['max_pitch'] > 0 and params['max_pitch'] <= np.pi, 'Invalid max. pitch'
727  self._max_pitch_angle = params['max_pitch']
728  return True
730  def get_samples(self, max_time, step=0.001):
731  """Sample the full path for position and quaternion vectors.
732  `step` is represented in the path's parametric space.
734  > *Input arguments*
736  * `step` (*type:* `float`, *default:* `0.001`): Parameter description
738  > *Returns*
740  List of `uuv_trajectory_generator.TrajectoryPoint`.
741  """
742  if self._waypoints is None:
743  return None
744  if len(self._interp_fcns) == 0:
745  return None
746  s = np.arange(0, 1 + step, step)
748  pnts = list()
749  for i in s:
750  pnt = TrajectoryPoint()
751  pnt.pos = self.generate_pos(i).tolist()
752  pnt.t = 0.0
753  pnts.append(pnt)
754  return pnts
756  def generate_pos(self, s):
757  """Generate a position vector for the path sampled point
758  interpolated on the position related to `s`, `s` being
759  represented in the curve's parametric space.
761  > *Input arguments*
763  * `s` (*type:* `float`): Curve's parametric input expressed in the
764  interval of [0, 1]
766  > *Returns*
768  3D position vector as a `numpy.array`.
769  """
770  if len(self._interp_fcns) == 0:
771  return None
772  idx = self.get_segment_idx(s)
773  if idx == 0:
774  u_k = 0
775  pos = self._interp_fcns[idx].interpolate(u_k)
776  else:
777  u_k = (s - self._s[idx - 1]) / (self._s[idx] - self._s[idx - 1])
778  pos = self._interp_fcns[idx - 1].interpolate(u_k)
779  return pos
781  def generate_pnt(self, s, t, *args):
782  """Compute a point that belongs to the path on the
783  interpolated space related to `s`, `s` being represented
784  in the curve's parametric space.
786  > *Input arguments*
788  * `s` (*type:* `float`): Curve's parametric input expressed in the
789  interval of [0, 1]
790  * `t` (*type:* `float`): Trajectory point's timestamp
792  > *Returns*
794  `uuv_trajectory_generator.TrajectoryPoint` including position
795  and quaternion vectors.
796  """
797  pnt = TrajectoryPoint()
798  # Trajectory time stamp
799  pnt.t = t
800  # Set position vector
801  pnt.pos = self.generate_pos(s).tolist()
802  # Set rotation quaternion
803  pnt.rotq = self.generate_quat(s)
804  return pnt
806  def generate_quat(self, s):
807  """Compute the quaternion of the path reference for a interpolated
808  point related to `s`, `s` being represented in the curve's parametric
809  space.
810  The quaternion is computed assuming the heading follows the direction
811  of the path towards the target. Roll and pitch can also be computed
812  in case the `full_dof` is set to `True`.
814  > *Input arguments*
816  * `s` (*type:* `float`): Curve's parametric input expressed in the
817  interval of [0, 1]
819  > *Returns*
821  Rotation quaternion as a `numpy.array` as `(x, y, z, w)`
822  """
823  s = max(0, s)
824  s = min(s, 1)
826  if s == 0:
827  self._last_rot = deepcopy(self._init_rot)
828  return self._init_rot
830  last_s = max(0, s - self._s_step)
832  this_pos = self.generate_pos(s)
833  last_pos = self.generate_pos(last_s)
835  dx = this_pos[0] - last_pos[0]
836  dy = this_pos[1] - last_pos[1]
837  dz = this_pos[2] - last_pos[2]
839  rotq = self._compute_rot_quat(dx, dy, dz)
840  self._last_rot = rotq
841  return rotq
def _generate_path(self, wp_init, heading_init, wp_final, heading_final)
def _get_2d_dubins_path(self, center_1, radius_1, heading_1, delta_1, center_2, radius_2, heading_2, delta_2)
def _get_circle_marker(self, center, radius, heading, delta, frame_id, circle_color=[0)

autogenerated on Thu Jun 18 2020 03:28:42