Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | List of all members
SLAMNode Class Reference

#include <tuw_marker_slam_node.h>

Inheritance diagram for SLAMNode:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

void cycle ()
 constructor More...
void publish ()
 triggers the SLAM cycle More...
 SLAMNode (ros::NodeHandle &n)
- Public Member Functions inherited from tuw::SLAM
 SLAM ()

Private Member Functions

void callbackCmd (const geometry_msgs::Twist &)
 frame id of base (for transformations) More...
void callbackConfigEKFSLAM (tuw_marker_slam::EKFSLAMConfig &config, uint32_t level)
 parameter server stuff for the EKF SLAM More...
void callbackConfigSLAM (tuw_marker_slam::SLAMConfig &config, uint32_t level)
 parameter server stuff general use More...
void callbackMarker (const marker_msgs::MarkerDetection &)
 callback function to catch motion commands More...

Private Attributes

std::string frame_id_base_
 frame id of odom (for transformations) More...
std::string frame_id_map_
 measurements are in x-z-plane (gazebo) instead of x-y-plane (stage) More...
std::string frame_id_odom_
 frame id of map (for transformations) More...
marker_msgs::MarkerWithCovarianceArray mt_
 estimated vehicle pose and its covariance to publish More...
ros::NodeHandle n_
 publishes the estimated landmark map and the estimated vehicle pose in it More...
ros::NodeHandle n_param_
 node handler to the root node More...
ros::Publisher pub_mt_
 publisher for the estimated vehicle pose and its covariance More...
ros::Publisher pub_xt_
 subscriber to the marker detector More...
dynamic_reconfigure::Server< tuw_marker_slam::EKFSLAMConfig >::CallbackType reconfigureFncEKFSLAM_
 parameter server stuff for the EKF SLAM More...
dynamic_reconfigure::Server< tuw_marker_slam::SLAMConfig >::CallbackType reconfigureFncSLAM_
 parameter server stuff general use More...
std::shared_ptr< dynamic_reconfigure::Server< tuw_marker_slam::EKFSLAMConfig > > reconfigureServerEKFSLAM_
 callback function on incoming parameter changes for general use More...
dynamic_reconfigure::Server< tuw_marker_slam::SLAMConfig > reconfigureServerSLAM_
 callback function to catch incoming marker data More...
ros::Subscriber sub_cmd_
 node handler to the current node More...
ros::Subscriber sub_marker_
 subscriber to the command More...
tf::TransformBroadcaster tf_broadcaster_
 estimated landmark poses and their covariances to publish More...
std::shared_ptr< tf::TransformListenertf_listener_
 broadcasts transformation messages More...
geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped xt_
 publisher for the estimated landmark poses and their covariances More...
bool xzplane_
 listener to receive transformation messages More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from tuw::SLAM
void cycle ()
 global parameters More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from tuw::SLAM
cv::Mat_< double > C_Yt_
 combined state yt = (xt, mt_1, ..., mt_n) with xt = (x, y, alpha), mt_i = (x_i, y_i, alpha_i) More...
tuw_marker_slam::SLAMConfig config_
 technique used to estimate landmark map and the vehicles pose in it More...
unsigned long loop_count_
 measurements at time t More...
SLAMTechniquePtr slam_technique_
 counter for the triggered cycles More...
Command ut_
 combined covariance matrix of combined state More...
std::vector< Pose2D > yt_
 constructor More...
MeasurementPtr zt_
 motion commands v, w at time t More...

Detailed Description

class to cover the ros communication for the slam

Definition at line 20 of file tuw_marker_slam_node.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SLAMNode::SLAMNode ( ros::NodeHandle n)


subscribes to command values

defines publishers for the resulting robot pose

defines publishers for the resulting landmark poses

subscribes to transforamtions

start parameter server

subscribes to marker detector

start parameter server

Definition at line 33 of file tuw_marker_slam_node.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void SLAMNode::callbackCmd ( const geometry_msgs::Twist &  cmd)

frame id of base (for transformations)

copies incoming robot command message


Definition at line 210 of file tuw_marker_slam_node.cpp.

void SLAMNode::callbackConfigEKFSLAM ( tuw_marker_slam::EKFSLAMConfig &  config,
uint32_t  level 

parameter server stuff for the EKF SLAM

Definition at line 290 of file tuw_marker_slam_node.cpp.

void SLAMNode::callbackConfigSLAM ( tuw_marker_slam::SLAMConfig &  config,
uint32_t  level 

parameter server stuff general use

Definition at line 285 of file tuw_marker_slam_node.cpp.

void SLAMNode::callbackMarker ( const marker_msgs::MarkerDetection &  _marker)

callback function to catch motion commands

copies incoming marker messages to the base class


Definition at line 219 of file tuw_marker_slam_node.cpp.

void SLAMNode::cycle ( )


Definition at line 118 of file tuw_marker_slam_node.cpp.

void SLAMNode::publish ( )

triggers the SLAM cycle

Publishes the estimated pose

Definition at line 129 of file tuw_marker_slam_node.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

std::string SLAMNode::frame_id_base_

frame id of odom (for transformations)

Definition at line 42 of file tuw_marker_slam_node.h.

std::string SLAMNode::frame_id_map_

measurements are in x-z-plane (gazebo) instead of x-y-plane (stage)

Definition at line 40 of file tuw_marker_slam_node.h.

std::string SLAMNode::frame_id_odom_

frame id of map (for transformations)

Definition at line 41 of file tuw_marker_slam_node.h.

marker_msgs::MarkerWithCovarianceArray SLAMNode::mt_

estimated vehicle pose and its covariance to publish

Definition at line 35 of file tuw_marker_slam_node.h.

ros::NodeHandle SLAMNode::n_

publishes the estimated landmark map and the estimated vehicle pose in it

Definition at line 26 of file tuw_marker_slam_node.h.

ros::NodeHandle SLAMNode::n_param_

node handler to the root node

Definition at line 27 of file tuw_marker_slam_node.h.

ros::Publisher SLAMNode::pub_mt_

publisher for the estimated vehicle pose and its covariance

Definition at line 33 of file tuw_marker_slam_node.h.

ros::Publisher SLAMNode::pub_xt_

subscriber to the marker detector

Definition at line 32 of file tuw_marker_slam_node.h.

dynamic_reconfigure::Server<tuw_marker_slam::EKFSLAMConfig>::CallbackType SLAMNode::reconfigureFncEKFSLAM_

parameter server stuff for the EKF SLAM

Definition at line 52 of file tuw_marker_slam_node.h.

dynamic_reconfigure::Server<tuw_marker_slam::SLAMConfig>::CallbackType SLAMNode::reconfigureFncSLAM_

parameter server stuff general use

Definition at line 48 of file tuw_marker_slam_node.h.

std::shared_ptr<dynamic_reconfigure::Server<tuw_marker_slam::EKFSLAMConfig> > SLAMNode::reconfigureServerEKFSLAM_

callback function on incoming parameter changes for general use

Definition at line 51 of file tuw_marker_slam_node.h.

dynamic_reconfigure::Server<tuw_marker_slam::SLAMConfig> SLAMNode::reconfigureServerSLAM_

callback function to catch incoming marker data

Definition at line 47 of file tuw_marker_slam_node.h.

ros::Subscriber SLAMNode::sub_cmd_

node handler to the current node

Definition at line 29 of file tuw_marker_slam_node.h.

ros::Subscriber SLAMNode::sub_marker_

subscriber to the command

Definition at line 30 of file tuw_marker_slam_node.h.

tf::TransformBroadcaster SLAMNode::tf_broadcaster_

estimated landmark poses and their covariances to publish

Definition at line 37 of file tuw_marker_slam_node.h.

std::shared_ptr<tf::TransformListener> SLAMNode::tf_listener_

broadcasts transformation messages

Definition at line 38 of file tuw_marker_slam_node.h.

geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped SLAMNode::xt_

publisher for the estimated landmark poses and their covariances

Definition at line 34 of file tuw_marker_slam_node.h.

bool SLAMNode::xzplane_

listener to receive transformation messages

Definition at line 39 of file tuw_marker_slam_node.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Markus Macsek
autogenerated on Mon Jun 10 2019 15:39:09