Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CBaseRobotFootprintModelAbstract class that defines the interface for robot footprint/contour models
 CBaseTebBinaryEdgeBase edge connecting two vertices in the TEB optimization problem
 CBaseTebMultiEdgeBase edge connecting two vertices in the TEB optimization problem
 CBaseTebUnaryEdgeBase edge connecting a single vertex in the TEB optimization problem
 CCircularObstacleImplements a 2D circular obstacle (point obstacle plus radius)
 CCircularRobotFootprintClass that defines the a robot of circular shape
 CEdgeAccelerationEdge defining the cost function for limiting the translational and rotational acceleration
 CEdgeAccelerationGoalEdge defining the cost function for limiting the translational and rotational acceleration at the end of the trajectory
 CEdgeAccelerationHolonomicEdge defining the cost function for limiting the translational and rotational acceleration
 CEdgeAccelerationHolonomicGoalEdge defining the cost function for limiting the translational and rotational acceleration at the end of the trajectory
 CEdgeAccelerationHolonomicStartEdge defining the cost function for limiting the translational and rotational acceleration at the beginning of the trajectory
 CEdgeAccelerationStartEdge defining the cost function for limiting the translational and rotational acceleration at the beginning of the trajectory
 CEdgeDynamicObstacleEdge defining the cost function for keeping a distance from dynamic (moving) obstacles
 CEdgeInflatedObstacleEdge defining the cost function for keeping a minimum distance from inflated obstacles
 CEdgeKinematicsCarlikeEdge defining the cost function for satisfying the non-holonomic kinematics of a carlike mobile robot
 CEdgeKinematicsDiffDriveEdge defining the cost function for satisfying the non-holonomic kinematics of a differential drive mobile robot
 CEdgeObstacleEdge defining the cost function for keeping a minimum distance from obstacles
 CEdgePreferRotDirEdge defining the cost function for penalzing a specified turning direction, in particular left resp. right turns
 CEdgeShortestPathEdge defining the cost function for minimizing the Euclidean distance between two consectuive poses
 CEdgeTimeOptimalEdge defining the cost function for minimizing transition time of the trajectory
 CEdgeVelocityEdge defining the cost function for limiting the translational and rotational velocity
 CEdgeVelocityHolonomicEdge defining the cost function for limiting the translational and rotational velocity according to x,y and theta
 CEdgeViaPointEdge defining the cost function for pushing a configuration towards a via point
 CEquivalenceClassAbstract class that defines an interface for computing and comparing equivalence classes
 CFailureDetectorThis class implements methods in order to detect if the robot got stucked or is oscillating
 CGraphSearchInterfaceBase class for graph based path planning / homotopy class sampling
 CHcGraphVertexVertex in the graph that is used to find homotopy classes (only stores 2D positions)
 CHomotopyClassPlannerLocal planner that explores alternative homotopy classes, create a plan for each alternative and finally return the robot controls for the current best path (repeated in each sampling interval)
 CHSignatureThe H-signature defines an equivalence relation based on homology in terms of complex calculus
 CHSignature3dThe H-signature in three dimensions (here: x-y-t) defines an equivalence relation based on homology using theorems from electro magnetism
 CLineObstacleImplements a 2D line obstacle
 CLineRobotFootprintClass that approximates the robot with line segment (zero-width)
 CObstacleAbstract class that defines the interface for modelling obstacles
 CPlannerInterfaceThis abstract class defines an interface for local planners
 CPointObstacleImplements a 2D point obstacle
 CPolygonObstacleImplements a polygon obstacle with an arbitrary number of vertices
 CPolygonRobotFootprintClass that approximates the robot with a closed polygon
 CPoseSE2This class implements a pose in the domain SE2: $ \mathbb{R}^2 \times S^1 $ The pose consist of the position x and y and an orientation given as angle theta [-pi, pi]
 CTebConfigConfig class for the teb_local_planner and its components
 CGoalToleranceGoal tolerance related parameters
 CObstaclesObstacle related parameters
 COptimizationOptimization related parameters
 CRecoveryRecovery/backup related parameters
 CRobotRobot related parameters
 CTrajectoryTrajectory related parameters
 CTebLocalPlannerROSImplements the actual abstract navigation stack routines of the teb_local_planner plugin
 CTebOptimalPlannerThis class optimizes an internal Timed Elastic Band trajectory using the g2o-framework
 CTebVisualizationForward Declaration
 CTimedElasticBandClass that defines a trajectory modeled as an elastic band with augmented tempoarl information
 CTwoCirclesRobotFootprintClass that approximates the robot with two shifted circles
 CVertexPoseThis class stores and wraps a SE2 pose (position and orientation) into a vertex that can be optimized via g2o
 CVertexTimeDiffThis class stores and wraps a time difference $ \Delta T $ into a vertex that can be optimized via g2o
 CPointRobotShapeClass that defines a point-robot

Author(s): Christoph Rösmann
autogenerated on Wed Jun 3 2020 04:03:08