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bodies::Sphere Class Reference

Definition of a sphere. More...

#include <bodies.h>

Inheritance diagram for bodies::Sphere:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

virtual void computeBoundingSphere (BoundingSphere &sphere) const
 Compute the bounding radius for the body, in its current pose. Scaling and padding are accounted for. More...
virtual double computeVolume (void) const
 Compute the volume of the body. This method includes changes induced by scaling and padding. More...
virtual bool containsPoint (const tf::Vector3 &p, bool verbose=false) const
 Check is a point is inside the body. More...
virtual bool intersectsRay (const tf::Vector3 &origin, const tf::Vector3 &dir, std::vector< tf::Vector3 > *intersections=NULL, unsigned int count=0) const
 Check is a ray intersects the body, and find the set of intersections, in order, along the ray. A maximum number of intersections can be specified as well. If that number is 0, all intersections are returned. More...
 Sphere (void)
 Sphere (const shapes::Shape *shape)
virtual ~Sphere (void)
- Public Member Functions inherited from bodies::Body
 Body (void)
bool containsPoint (double x, double y, double z) const
 Check is a point is inside the body. More...
double getPadding (void) const
 Retrieve the current padding. More...
const tf::TransformgetPose (void) const
 Retrieve the pose of the body. More...
double getScale (void) const
 Retrieve the current scale. More...
shapes::ShapeType getType (void) const
 Get the type of shape this body represents. More...
void setDimensions (const shapes::Shape *shape)
 Set the dimensions of the body (from corresponding shape) More...
void setPadding (double padd)
 If constant padding should be added to the body, this method sets the padding. Default is 0.0. More...
void setPose (const tf::Transform &pose)
 Set the pose of the body. Default is identity. More...
void setScale (double scale)
 If the dimension of the body should be scaled, this method sets the scale. Default is 1.0. More...
virtual ~Body (void)

Protected Member Functions

virtual void updateInternalData (void)
virtual void useDimensions (const shapes::Shape *shape)

Protected Attributes

tf::Vector3 m_center
double m_radius
double m_radius2
double m_radiusU
- Protected Attributes inherited from bodies::Body
double m_padding
tf::Transform m_pose
double m_scale
shapes::ShapeType m_type

Detailed Description

Definition of a sphere.

Definition at line 174 of file bodies.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

bodies::Sphere::Sphere ( void  )

Definition at line 177 of file bodies.h.

bodies::Sphere::Sphere ( const shapes::Shape shape)

Definition at line 182 of file bodies.h.

virtual bodies::Sphere::~Sphere ( void  )

Definition at line 188 of file bodies.h.

Member Function Documentation

void bodies::Sphere::computeBoundingSphere ( BoundingSphere sphere) const

Compute the bounding radius for the body, in its current pose. Scaling and padding are accounted for.

Implements bodies::Body.

Definition at line 160 of file bodies.cpp.

double bodies::Sphere::computeVolume ( void  ) const

Compute the volume of the body. This method includes changes induced by scaling and padding.

Implements bodies::Body.

Definition at line 155 of file bodies.cpp.

bool bodies::Sphere::containsPoint ( const tf::Vector3 p,
bool  verbose = false 
) const

Check is a point is inside the body.

Implements bodies::Body.

Definition at line 138 of file bodies.cpp.

bool bodies::Sphere::intersectsRay ( const tf::Vector3 origin,
const tf::Vector3 dir,
std::vector< tf::Vector3 > *  intersections = NULL,
unsigned int  count = 0 
) const

Check is a ray intersects the body, and find the set of intersections, in order, along the ray. A maximum number of intersections can be specified as well. If that number is 0, all intersections are returned.

Implements bodies::Body.

Definition at line 166 of file bodies.cpp.

void bodies::Sphere::updateInternalData ( void  )

Implements bodies::Body.

Definition at line 148 of file bodies.cpp.

void bodies::Sphere::useDimensions ( const shapes::Shape shape)

Implements bodies::Body.

Definition at line 143 of file bodies.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

tf::Vector3 bodies::Sphere::m_center

Definition at line 202 of file bodies.h.

double bodies::Sphere::m_radius

Definition at line 203 of file bodies.h.

double bodies::Sphere::m_radius2

Definition at line 205 of file bodies.h.

double bodies::Sphere::m_radiusU

Definition at line 204 of file bodies.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Eitan Marder-Eppstein
autogenerated on Mon Jun 10 2019 14:28:54