
ROS device driver for Velodyne 3D LIDARs.


Velodyne ROS 2 driver

This is a ROS 2 driver for Velodyne devices. It currently supports the 64E(S2, S2.1, S3), the 32E, the 32C, and the VLP-16. This driver is responsible for taking the data from the Velodyne and combining it into one message per revolution. To turn that raw data into a pointcloud or laserscan, see the velodyne_pointcloud and velodyne_laserscan packages.

Published Topics

  • /velodyne_packets (velodyne_msgs/VelodyneScan) - The raw data from one full revolution of the sensor.


  • device_ip (string) - The IP address that the Velodyne is on. From the factory, this is

  • gps_time (bool) - Whether to use data capture time from a GPS, or from the local time. Should only be set to True if a GPS is attached to the Velodyne. False by default.

  • time_offset (double) - An arbitrary “skew”, in seconds, to add to the acquisition timestamp. Defaults to 0.0.

  • enabled (bool) - Whether the device should start-up enabled or not. Defaults to True.

  • read_once (bool) - Whether to only playback the data once (True) or continuously (False). Only used in PCAP playback mode. Defaults to False.

  • read_fast (bool) - Whether to output the data as fast as possible, (True), or sleep the appropriate delay between packets (False). Only used in PCAP playback mode. Defaults to False.

  • repeat_delay (double) - The time to wait between repeats in continuous playback mode. Only used in PCAP playback mode. Defaults to 0.0.

  • frame_id (string) - The frame_id to use when constructing the header for the packet to be published. Defaults to “velodyne”.

  • model (string) - The model number of the Velodyne attached. This should be one of 64E, 64E_S2, 64E_S2.1, 64E_S3, 32E, 32C, or VLP16. Defaults to 64E.

  • rpm (double) - The RPM that the Velodyne is configured for. Note that this is descriptive, not prescriptive, so this should be set to match the value configured through the Velodyne web interface.

  • pcap (string) - The PCAP playback file to use to playback data from. Only used in PCAP playback mode. Defaults to the empty string.

  • cut_angle (double) - The azimuth angle at which to declare a single rotation complete. If this is less than 0, then a fixed number of packets (device-dependent) is used per rotation. This mostly works, but can vary because of variations in the hardware. If a positive number <= 2*Pi, a rotation will be declared “complete” when the azimuth reported by the device reaches that value. Defaults to -1.0.

  • port (int) - The port on which to receive data from the Velodyne. From the factory, the Velodyne is configured to publish data on 2368. Defaults to 2368.