Changelog for package rmf_task
2.5.1 (2024-06-15)
2.5.0 (2024-06-01)
2.4.0 (2023-12-22)
2.3.3 (2023-12-15)
2.3.2 (2023-08-10)
2.3.1 (2023-06-30)
fields tormf_task::Task::Booking
(#81)Contributors: Aaron Chong
2.3.0 (2023-06-08)
2.2.0 (2023-06-06)
2.1.3 (2022-04-17)
2.1.2 (2022-11-14)
Removed c++fs option for clang
Fixing need of stdc++fs to build RPM package (#265)
Contributors: Esteban Martinena
2.1.1 (2022-10-11)
Allow GoToPlace to know about expected future destinations (#61)
Contributors: Grey, Marco A. Gutiérrez
2.1.0 (2022-05-19)
Fix undefined behavior in log: (#62)
2.0.0 (2022-02-14)
Support flexible task definitions (#39) * Abstract interfaces are used to define tasks * The task interfaces can be given arbitrary implementations by downstream users
1.0.0 (2021-09-01)
0.1.0 (2021-06-04)
Provides rmf_task::requests to describe various task requests which may be used for allocation planning
Provides rmf_task::agv::TaskPlanner object that can generate task allocation plans where a set of rmf_task::requests are optimally distributed across a set of agents
rmf_task::requests::ChargeBattery requests are automatically injected into the allocation set where necessary