Template Struct ProximalSettingsTpl

Struct Documentation

template<typename _Scalar>
struct ProximalSettingsTpl

Structure containing all the settings parameters for the proximal algorithms.

It contains the accuracy, the maximal number of iterations and the regularization factor common to all proximal algorithms.

Template Parameters:

_Scalar – Scalar type of the for the regularization and the accuracy parameter.

Public Types

typedef _Scalar Scalar

Public Functions

inline ProximalSettingsTpl()

Default constructor.

inline ProximalSettingsTpl(const Scalar accuracy, const Scalar mu, const int max_iter)

Constructor with all the setting parameters.

inline ProximalSettingsTpl(const Scalar absolute_accuracy, const Scalar relative_accuracy, const Scalar mu, const int max_iter)

Constructor with all the setting parameters.

Public Members

Scalar absolute_accuracy

Absolute proximal accuracy.

Scalar relative_accuracy

Relative proximal accuracy between two iterates.

Scalar mu

Regularization parameter of the proximal algorithm.

int max_iter

Maximal number of iterations.

Scalar absolute_residual

Absolute residual.

Scalar relative_residual

Relatice residual between two iterates.

int iter

Total number of iterations of the algorithm when it has converged or reached the maximal number of allowed iterations.