Program Listing for File act-on-set.hxx
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// Copyright (c) 2015-2018 CNRS INRIA
#ifndef __pinocchio_act_on_set_hxx__
#define __pinocchio_act_on_set_hxx__
namespace pinocchio
namespace internal
template<int Op, typename Scalar, int Options, typename Mat, typename MatRet, int NCOLS>
struct ForceSetSe3Action
/* Compute jF = jXi * iF, where jXi is the dual action matrix associated
* with m, and iF, jF are matrices whose columns are forces. The resolution
* is done by block operation. It is less efficient than the colwise
* operation and should not be used. */
static void run(
const SE3Tpl<Scalar, Options> & m,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iF,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jF);
template<int Op, typename Scalar, int Options, typename Mat, typename MatRet>
struct ForceSetSe3Action<Op, Scalar, Options, Mat, MatRet, 1>
/* Compute jF = jXi * iF, where jXi is the dual action matrix associated with m,
* and iF, jF are vectors. */
static void run(
const SE3Tpl<Scalar, Options> & m,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iF,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jF)
typedef ForceRef<const Mat> ForceRefOnMat;
typedef ForceRef<MatRet> ForceRefOnMatRet;
ForceRefOnMat fin(iF.derived());
ForceRefOnMatRet fout(PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_CONST_CAST(MatRet, jF));
switch (Op)
case SETTO:
fout = m.act(fin);
case ADDTO:
fout += m.act(fin);
case RMTO:
fout -= m.act(fin);
assert(false && "Wrong Op requesed value");
/* Specialized implementation of block action, using colwise operation. It
* is empirically much faster than the true block operation, although I do
* not understand why. */
template<int Op, typename Scalar, int Options, typename Mat, typename MatRet, int NCOLS>
void ForceSetSe3Action<Op, Scalar, Options, Mat, MatRet, NCOLS>::run(
const SE3Tpl<Scalar, Options> & m,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iF,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jF)
for (int col = 0; col < jF.cols(); ++col)
typename MatRet::ColXpr jFc = PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_CONST_CAST(MatRet, jF).col(col);
forceSet::se3Action<Op>(m, iF.col(col), jFc);
template<int Op, typename MotionDerived, typename Mat, typename MatRet, int NCOLS>
struct ForceSetMotionAction
/* Compute dF = v ^ F, where is the dual action operation associated
* with v, and F, dF are matrices whose columns are forces. */
static void run(
const MotionDense<MotionDerived> & v,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iF,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jF);
template<int Op, typename MotionDerived, typename Mat, typename MatRet>
struct ForceSetMotionAction<Op, MotionDerived, Mat, MatRet, 1>
template<typename Fin, typename Fout>
static void run(
const MotionDense<MotionDerived> & v, const ForceDense<Fin> & fin, ForceDense<Fout> & fout)
switch (Op)
case SETTO:
fin.motionAction(v, fout);
case ADDTO:
fout += v.cross(fin);
case RMTO:
fout -= v.cross(fin);
assert(false && "Wrong Op requesed value");
static void run(
const MotionDense<MotionDerived> & v,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iF,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jF)
typedef ForceRef<const Mat> ForceRefOnMat;
typedef ForceRef<MatRet> ForceRefOnMatRet;
ForceRefOnMat fin(iF.derived());
ForceRefOnMatRet fout(PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_CONST_CAST(MatRet, jF));
run(v, fin, fout);
template<int Op, typename MotionDerived, typename Mat, typename MatRet, int NCOLS>
void ForceSetMotionAction<Op, MotionDerived, Mat, MatRet, NCOLS>::run(
const MotionDense<MotionDerived> & v,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iF,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jF)
for (int col = 0; col < jF.cols(); ++col)
typename MatRet::ColXpr jFc = PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_CONST_CAST(MatRet, jF).col(col);
forceSet::motionAction<Op>(v, iF.col(col), jFc);
template<int Op, typename Scalar, int Options, typename Mat, typename MatRet, int NCOLS>
struct ForceSetSe3ActionInverse
/* Compute jF = jXi * iF, where jXi is the dual action matrix associated
* with m, and iF, jF are matrices whose columns are forces. The resolution
* is done by block operation. It is less efficient than the colwise
* operation and should not be used. */
static void run(
const SE3Tpl<Scalar, Options> & m,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iF,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jF);
template<int Op, typename Scalar, int Options, typename Mat, typename MatRet>
struct ForceSetSe3ActionInverse<Op, Scalar, Options, Mat, MatRet, 1>
/* Compute jF = jXi * iF, where jXi is the dual action matrix associated with m,
* and iF, jF are vectors. */
static void run(
const SE3Tpl<Scalar, Options> & m,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iF,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jF)
typedef ForceRef<const Mat> ForceRefOnMat;
typedef ForceRef<MatRet> ForceRefOnMatRet;
ForceRefOnMat fin(iF.derived());
ForceRefOnMatRet fout(PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_CONST_CAST(MatRet, jF));
switch (Op)
case SETTO:
fout = m.actInv(fin);
case ADDTO:
fout += m.actInv(fin);
case RMTO:
fout -= m.actInv(fin);
assert(false && "Wrong Op requesed value");
/* Specialized implementation of block action, using colwise operation. It
* is empirically much faster than the true block operation, although I do
* not understand why. */
template<int Op, typename Scalar, int Options, typename Mat, typename MatRet, int NCOLS>
void ForceSetSe3ActionInverse<Op, Scalar, Options, Mat, MatRet, NCOLS>::run(
const SE3Tpl<Scalar, Options> & m,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iF,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jF)
for (int col = 0; col < jF.cols(); ++col)
typename MatRet::ColXpr jFc = PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_CONST_CAST(MatRet, jF).col(col);
forceSet::se3ActionInverse<Op>(m, iF.col(col), jFc);
} // namespace internal
namespace forceSet
template<int Op, typename Scalar, int Options, typename Mat, typename MatRet>
static void se3Action(
const SE3Tpl<Scalar, Options> & m,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iF,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jF)
internal::ForceSetSe3Action<Op, Scalar, Options, Mat, MatRet, Mat::ColsAtCompileTime>::run(
m, iF, jF);
template<typename Scalar, int Options, typename Mat, typename MatRet>
static void se3Action(
const SE3Tpl<Scalar, Options> & m,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iF,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jF)
internal::ForceSetSe3Action<SETTO, Scalar, Options, Mat, MatRet, Mat::ColsAtCompileTime>::run(
m, iF, jF);
template<int Op, typename Scalar, int Options, typename Mat, typename MatRet>
static void se3ActionInverse(
const SE3Tpl<Scalar, Options> & m,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iF,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jF)
Op, Scalar, Options, Mat, MatRet, Mat::ColsAtCompileTime>::run(m, iF, jF);
template<typename Scalar, int Options, typename Mat, typename MatRet>
static void se3ActionInverse(
const SE3Tpl<Scalar, Options> & m,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iF,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jF)
SETTO, Scalar, Options, Mat, MatRet, Mat::ColsAtCompileTime>::run(m, iF, jF);
template<int Op, typename MotionDerived, typename Mat, typename MatRet>
static void motionAction(
const MotionDense<MotionDerived> & v,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iF,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jF)
internal::ForceSetMotionAction<Op, MotionDerived, Mat, MatRet, Mat::ColsAtCompileTime>::run(
v, iF, jF);
template<typename MotionDerived, typename Mat, typename MatRet>
static void motionAction(
const MotionDense<MotionDerived> & v,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iF,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jF)
SETTO, MotionDerived, Mat, MatRet, Mat::ColsAtCompileTime>::run(v, iF, jF);
} // namespace forceSet
namespace internal
template<int Op, typename Scalar, int Options, typename Mat, typename MatRet, int NCOLS>
struct MotionSetSe3Action
/* Compute jF = jXi * iF, where jXi is the action matrix associated
* with m, and iF, jF are matrices whose columns are motions. */
static void run(
const SE3Tpl<Scalar, Options> & m,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iF,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jF);
template<int Op, typename Scalar, int Options, typename Mat, typename MatRet>
struct MotionSetSe3Action<Op, Scalar, Options, Mat, MatRet, 1>
/* Compute jV = jXi * iV, where jXi is the action matrix associated with m,
* and iV, jV are 6D vectors representing spatial velocities. */
static void run(
const SE3Tpl<Scalar, Options> & m,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iV,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jV)
typedef MotionRef<const Mat> MotionRefOnMat;
typedef MotionRef<MatRet> MotionRefOnMatRet;
MotionRefOnMat min(iV.derived());
MotionRefOnMatRet mout(PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_CONST_CAST(MatRet, jV));
switch (Op)
case SETTO:
mout = m.act(min);
case ADDTO:
mout += m.act(min);
case RMTO:
mout -= m.act(min);
assert(false && "Wrong Op requesed value");
/* Specialized implementation of block action, using colwise operation. It
* is empirically much faster than the true block operation, although I do
* not understand why. */
template<int Op, typename Scalar, int Options, typename Mat, typename MatRet, int NCOLS>
void MotionSetSe3Action<Op, Scalar, Options, Mat, MatRet, NCOLS>::run(
const SE3Tpl<Scalar, Options> & m,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iV,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jV)
for (int col = 0; col < jV.cols(); ++col)
typename MatRet::ColXpr jVc = PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_CONST_CAST(MatRet, jV).col(col);
motionSet::se3Action<Op>(m, iV.col(col), jVc);
template<int Op, typename MotionDerived, typename Mat, typename MatRet, int NCOLS>
struct MotionSetMotionAction
/* Compute dV = v ^ V, where is the action operation associated
* with v, and V, dV are matrices whose columns are motions. */
static void run(
const MotionDense<MotionDerived> & v,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iV,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jV);
template<int Op, typename MotionDerived, typename Mat, typename MatRet, int NCOLS>
void MotionSetMotionAction<Op, MotionDerived, Mat, MatRet, NCOLS>::run(
const MotionDense<MotionDerived> & v,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iV,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jV)
for (int col = 0; col < jV.cols(); ++col)
typename MatRet::ColXpr jVc = PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_CONST_CAST(MatRet, jV).col(col);
motionSet::motionAction<Op>(v, iV.col(col), jVc);
template<int Op, typename MotionDerived, typename Mat, typename MatRet>
struct MotionSetMotionAction<Op, MotionDerived, Mat, MatRet, 1>
static void run(
const MotionDense<MotionDerived> & v,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iV,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jV)
typedef MotionRef<const Mat> MotionRefOnMat;
typedef MotionRef<MatRet> MotionRefOnMatRet;
MotionRefOnMat min(iV.derived());
MotionRefOnMatRet mout(PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_CONST_CAST(MatRet, jV));
switch (Op)
case SETTO:
min.motionAction(v, mout);
case ADDTO:
mout += v.cross(min);
case RMTO:
mout -= v.cross(min);
assert(false && "Wrong Op requesed value");
template<int Op, typename Scalar, int Options, typename Mat, typename MatRet, int NCOLS>
struct MotionSetSe3ActionInverse
/* Compute jF = jXi * iF, where jXi is the action matrix associated
* with m, and iF, jF are matrices whose columns are motions. The resolution
* is done by block operation. It is less efficient than the colwise
* operation and should not be used. */
static void run(
const SE3Tpl<Scalar, Options> & m,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iF,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jF);
template<int Op, typename Scalar, int Options, typename Mat, typename MatRet>
struct MotionSetSe3ActionInverse<Op, Scalar, Options, Mat, MatRet, 1>
/* Compute jV = jXi * iV, where jXi is the action matrix associated with m,
* and iV, jV are 6D vectors representing spatial velocities. */
static void run(
const SE3Tpl<Scalar, Options> & m,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iV,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jV)
typedef MotionRef<Mat> MotionRefOnMat;
typedef MotionRef<MatRet> MotionRefOnMatRet;
MotionRefOnMat min(iV.derived());
MotionRefOnMatRet mout(PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_CONST_CAST(MatRet, jV));
switch (Op)
case SETTO:
mout = m.actInv(min);
case ADDTO:
mout += m.actInv(min);
case RMTO:
mout -= m.actInv(min);
assert(false && "Wrong Op requesed value");
/* Specialized implementation of block action, using colwise operation. It
* is empirically much faster than the true block operation, although I do
* not understand why. */
template<int Op, typename Scalar, int Options, typename Mat, typename MatRet, int NCOLS>
void MotionSetSe3ActionInverse<Op, Scalar, Options, Mat, MatRet, NCOLS>::run(
const SE3Tpl<Scalar, Options> & m,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iV,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jV)
for (int col = 0; col < jV.cols(); ++col)
typename MatRet::ColXpr jVc = PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_CONST_CAST(MatRet, jV).col(col);
motionSet::se3ActionInverse<Op>(m, iV.col(col), jVc);
template<int Op, typename Scalar, int Options, typename Mat, typename MatRet, int NCOLS>
struct MotionSetInertiaAction
/* Compute dV = v ^ V, where is the action operation associated
* with v, and V, dV are matrices whose columns are motions. */
static void run(
const InertiaTpl<Scalar, Options> & I,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iV,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jV);
template<int Op, typename Scalar, int Options, typename Mat, typename MatRet, int NCOLS>
void MotionSetInertiaAction<Op, Scalar, Options, Mat, MatRet, NCOLS>::run(
const InertiaTpl<Scalar, Options> & I,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iV,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jV)
for (int col = 0; col < jV.cols(); ++col)
typename MatRet::ColXpr jVc = PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_CONST_CAST(MatRet, jV).col(col);
motionSet::inertiaAction<Op>(I, iV.col(col), jVc);
template<int Op, typename Scalar, int Options, typename Mat, typename MatRet>
struct MotionSetInertiaAction<Op, Scalar, Options, Mat, MatRet, 1>
static void run(
const InertiaTpl<Scalar, Options> & I,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iV,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jV)
typedef MotionRef<const Mat> MotionRefOnMat;
typedef ForceRef<MatRet> ForceRefOnMatRet;
MotionRefOnMat min(iV.derived());
ForceRefOnMatRet fout(PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_CONST_CAST(MatRet, jV));
switch (Op)
case SETTO:
I.__mult__(min, fout);
case ADDTO:
fout += I * min;
case RMTO:
fout -= I * min;
assert(false && "Wrong Op requesed value");
template<int Op, typename ForceDerived, typename Mat, typename MatRet, int NCOLS>
struct MotionSetActOnForce
static void run(
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iV,
const ForceDense<ForceDerived> & f,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jF)
for (int col = 0; col < jF.cols(); ++col)
typename MatRet::ColXpr jFc = PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_CONST_CAST(MatRet, jF).col(col);
motionSet::act<Op>(iV.col(col), f, jFc);
template<int Op, typename ForceDerived, typename Mat, typename MatRet>
struct MotionSetActOnForce<Op, ForceDerived, Mat, MatRet, 1>
/* Compute jF = jXi * iF, where jXi is the dual action matrix associated with m,
* and iF, jF are vectors. */
static void run(
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iV,
const ForceDense<ForceDerived> & f,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jF)
typedef MotionRef<const Mat> MotionRefOnMat;
typedef ForceRef<MatRet> ForceRefOnMatRet;
MotionRefOnMat vin(iV.derived());
ForceRefOnMatRet fout(PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_CONST_CAST(MatRet, jF));
ForceSetMotionAction<Op, MotionRefOnMat, Mat, MatRet, 1>::run(vin, f, fout);
} // namespace internal
namespace motionSet
template<int Op, typename Scalar, int Options, typename Mat, typename MatRet>
static void se3Action(
const SE3Tpl<Scalar, Options> & m,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iV,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jV)
internal::MotionSetSe3Action<Op, Scalar, Options, Mat, MatRet, Mat::ColsAtCompileTime>::run(
m, iV, jV);
template<typename Scalar, int Options, typename Mat, typename MatRet>
static void se3Action(
const SE3Tpl<Scalar, Options> & m,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iV,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jV)
SETTO, Scalar, Options, Mat, MatRet, Mat::ColsAtCompileTime>::run(m, iV, jV);
template<int Op, typename Scalar, int Options, typename Mat, typename MatRet>
static void se3ActionInverse(
const SE3Tpl<Scalar, Options> & m,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iV,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jV)
Op, Scalar, Options, Mat, MatRet, Mat::ColsAtCompileTime>::run(m, iV, jV);
template<typename Scalar, int Options, typename Mat, typename MatRet>
static void se3ActionInverse(
const SE3Tpl<Scalar, Options> & m,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iV,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jV)
SETTO, Scalar, Options, Mat, MatRet, Mat::ColsAtCompileTime>::run(m, iV, jV);
template<int Op, typename MotionDerived, typename Mat, typename MatRet>
static void motionAction(
const MotionDense<MotionDerived> & v,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iV,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jV)
internal::MotionSetMotionAction<Op, MotionDerived, Mat, MatRet, Mat::ColsAtCompileTime>::run(
v, iV, jV);
template<typename MotionDerived, typename Mat, typename MatRet>
static void motionAction(
const MotionDense<MotionDerived> & v,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iV,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jV)
SETTO, MotionDerived, Mat, MatRet, Mat::ColsAtCompileTime>::run(v, iV, jV);
template<int Op, typename Scalar, int Options, typename Mat, typename MatRet>
static void inertiaAction(
const InertiaTpl<Scalar, Options> & I,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iV,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jV)
Op, Scalar, Options, Mat, MatRet, MatRet::ColsAtCompileTime>::run(I, iV, jV);
template<typename Scalar, int Options, typename Mat, typename MatRet>
static void inertiaAction(
const InertiaTpl<Scalar, Options> & I,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iV,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jV)
SETTO, Scalar, Options, Mat, MatRet, MatRet::ColsAtCompileTime>::run(I, iV, jV);
template<int Op, typename ForceDerived, typename Mat, typename MatRet>
static void act(
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iV,
const ForceDense<ForceDerived> & f,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jF)
internal::MotionSetActOnForce<Op, ForceDerived, Mat, MatRet, MatRet::ColsAtCompileTime>::run(
iV, f, jF);
template<typename ForceDerived, typename Mat, typename MatRet>
static void act(
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iV,
const ForceDense<ForceDerived> & f,
Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> const & jF)
SETTO, ForceDerived, Mat, MatRet, MatRet::ColsAtCompileTime>::run(iV, f, jF);
} // namespace motionSet
} // namespace pinocchio
#endif // ifndef __pinocchio_act_on_set_hxx__