Program Listing for File joint-motion-subspace-generic.hpp
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// Copyright (c) 2015-2020 CNRS INRIA
// Copyright (c) 2016 Wandercraft, 86 rue de Paris 91400 Orsay, France.
#ifndef __pinocchio_multibody_constraint_generic_hpp__
#define __pinocchio_multibody_constraint_generic_hpp__
namespace pinocchio
template<int _Dim, typename _Scalar, int _Options>
struct traits<JointMotionSubspaceTpl<_Dim, _Scalar, _Options>>
typedef _Scalar Scalar;
Options = _Options,
Dim = _Dim
typedef MotionTpl<Scalar, Options> JointMotion;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Dim, 1, Options> JointForce;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, 6, Dim, Options> DenseBase;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Dim, Dim, Options> ReducedSquaredMatrix;
typedef typename PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_REF_CONST_TYPE(DenseBase) ConstMatrixReturnType;
typedef typename PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_REF_TYPE(DenseBase) MatrixReturnType;
typedef ReducedSquaredMatrix StDiagonalMatrixSOperationReturnType;
}; // traits JointMotionSubspaceTpl
template<int Dim, typename Scalar, int Options>
struct SE3GroupAction<JointMotionSubspaceTpl<Dim, Scalar, Options>>
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, 6, Dim> ReturnType;
template<int Dim, typename Scalar, int Options, typename MotionDerived>
struct MotionAlgebraAction<JointMotionSubspaceTpl<Dim, Scalar, Options>, MotionDerived>
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, 6, Dim> ReturnType;
template<int _Dim, typename _Scalar, int _Options>
struct JointMotionSubspaceTpl
: public JointMotionSubspaceBase<JointMotionSubspaceTpl<_Dim, _Scalar, _Options>>
typedef JointMotionSubspaceBase<JointMotionSubspaceTpl> Base;
friend class JointMotionSubspaceBase<JointMotionSubspaceTpl>;
NV = _Dim
using Base::nv;
template<typename D>
explicit JointMotionSubspaceTpl(const Eigen::MatrixBase<D> & _S)
: S(_S)
// There is currently a bug in Eigen/Core/util/StaticAssert.h in the use of the full namespace
// path
: S()
// It is only valid for dynamics size
explicit JointMotionSubspaceTpl(const int dim)
: S(6, dim)
static JointMotionSubspaceTpl Zero(const int dim)
return JointMotionSubspaceTpl(dim);
template<typename VectorLike>
JointMotion __mult__(const Eigen::MatrixBase<VectorLike> & vj) const
return JointMotion(S * vj);
struct Transpose : JointMotionSubspaceTransposeBase<JointMotionSubspaceTpl>
const JointMotionSubspaceTpl & ref;
Transpose(const JointMotionSubspaceTpl & ref)
: ref(ref)
template<typename Derived>
JointForce operator*(const ForceDense<Derived> & f) const
return (ref.S.transpose() * f.toVector()).eval();
template<typename D>
typename Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, NV, Eigen::Dynamic> operator*(const Eigen::MatrixBase<D> & F)
return (ref.S.transpose() * F).eval();
Transpose transpose() const
return Transpose(*this);
MatrixReturnType matrix_impl()
return S;
ConstMatrixReturnType matrix_impl() const
return S;
int nv_impl() const
return (int)S.cols();
template<typename S2, int O2>
friend typename JointMotionSubspaceTpl<_Dim, _Scalar, _Options>::DenseBase
operator*(const InertiaTpl<S2, O2> & Y, const JointMotionSubspaceTpl & S)
typedef typename JointMotionSubspaceTpl::DenseBase ReturnType;
ReturnType res(6, S.nv());
motionSet::inertiaAction(Y, S.S, res);
return res;
template<typename S2, int O2>
friend Eigen::Matrix<_Scalar, 6, _Dim>
operator*(const Eigen::Matrix<S2, 6, 6, O2> & Ymatrix, const JointMotionSubspaceTpl & S)
typedef Eigen::Matrix<_Scalar, 6, _Dim> ReturnType;
return ReturnType(Ymatrix * S.matrix());
DenseBase se3Action(const SE3Tpl<Scalar, Options> & m) const
DenseBase res(6, nv());
motionSet::se3Action(m, S, res);
return res;
DenseBase se3ActionInverse(const SE3Tpl<Scalar, Options> & m) const
DenseBase res(6, nv());
motionSet::se3ActionInverse(m, S, res);
return res;
template<typename MotionDerived>
DenseBase motionAction(const MotionDense<MotionDerived> & v) const
DenseBase res(6, nv());
motionSet::motionAction(v, S, res);
return res;
void disp_impl(std::ostream & os) const
os << "S =\n" << S << std::endl;
bool isEqual(const JointMotionSubspaceTpl & other) const
return S == other.S;
DenseBase S;
}; // class JointMotionSubspaceTpl
namespace details
template<int Dim, typename Scalar, int Options>
struct StDiagonalMatrixSOperation<JointMotionSubspaceTpl<Dim, Scalar, Options>>
typedef JointMotionSubspaceTpl<Dim, Scalar, Options> Constraint;
typedef typename traits<Constraint>::StDiagonalMatrixSOperationReturnType ReturnType;
static ReturnType run(const JointMotionSubspaceBase<Constraint> & constraint)
return constraint.matrix().transpose() * constraint.matrix();
} // namespace details
} // namespace pinocchio
#endif // ifndef __pinocchio_multibody_constraint_generic_hpp__