clearpath_config.common.types.platform module
- class clearpath_config.common.types.platform.IndexingProfile(camera: int = 0, gps: int = 0, imu: int = 0, lidar2d: int = 0, lidar3d: int = 0)
- class clearpath_config.common.types.platform.PACSProfile(rows: int, columns: int)
- class clearpath_config.common.types.platform.Platform
- A200 = 'a200'
- A300 = 'a300'
- ALL = ['dd100', 'do100', 'dd150', 'do150', 'j100', 'a200', 'a300', 'r100', 'w200', 'generic']
- DD100 = 'dd100'
- DD150 = 'dd150'
- DO100 = 'do100'
- DO150 = 'do150'
- GENERIC = 'generic'
- INDEX = {'a200': <clearpath_config.common.types.platform.IndexingProfile object>, 'a300': <clearpath_config.common.types.platform.IndexingProfile object>, 'dd100': <clearpath_config.common.types.platform.IndexingProfile object>, 'dd150': <clearpath_config.common.types.platform.IndexingProfile object>, 'do100': <clearpath_config.common.types.platform.IndexingProfile object>, 'do150': <clearpath_config.common.types.platform.IndexingProfile object>, 'generic': <clearpath_config.common.types.platform.IndexingProfile object>, 'j100': <clearpath_config.common.types.platform.IndexingProfile object>, 'r100': <clearpath_config.common.types.platform.IndexingProfile object>, 'w200': <clearpath_config.common.types.platform.IndexingProfile object>}
- J100 = 'j100'
- PACS = {'a200': <clearpath_config.common.types.platform.PACSProfile object>, 'a300': <clearpath_config.common.types.platform.PACSProfile object>, 'generic': <clearpath_config.common.types.platform.PACSProfile object>, 'j100': <clearpath_config.common.types.platform.PACSProfile object>, 'r100': <clearpath_config.common.types.platform.PACSProfile object>, 'w200': <clearpath_config.common.types.platform.PACSProfile object>}
- R100 = 'r100'
- W200 = 'w200'
- static assert_is_supported(platform)
Raise an exception if the platform is not presently supported/usable.
Unsupported platforms may become supported in a future release, and there are no plans to remove it; it simply is not (yet) compatible with the current ROS release.
@param platform The platform-identifying serial number prefix (e.g. ‘a200’, ‘j100’)
@exception UnsupportedPlatformException if the platform is not supported
- static notify_if_deprecated(platform)
Print a notification that the selected platform is deprecated.
Deprecated platforms may have their support removed in a future version
@param platform The platform-identifying serial number prefix (e.g. ‘a200’, ‘j100’)