Classes | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
rpp Namespace Reference


struct  mat33_t
struct  options_t
struct  pose_t
struct  quat_t
struct  vec3_t


typedef real_t mat33 [3][3]
typedef std::vector< mat33_tmat33_array
typedef std::vector< mat33_t >
typedef std::vector< mat33_t >
typedef std::vector< pose_tpose_vec
typedef double real_t
typedef std::vector< real_tscalar_array
typedef double SVD_FLOAT
typedef real_t vec3 [3]
typedef std::vector< vec3_tvec3_array
typedef std::vector< vec3_t >
typedef std::vector< vec3_t >


real_t _abs (real_t a)
real_t _acos (real_t a)
real_t _atan2 (real_t a, real_t b)
real_t _cos (real_t a)
bool _dbg_load_vec3_array (vec3_array &va, char *filename)
void _dbg_mat33_array_print (const mat33_array &m, char *name)
void _dbg_mat33_fprint (void *fp, const mat33_t &m, char *name)
void _dbg_mat33_print (const mat33_t &m, char *name)
void _dbg_quat_print (const quat_t &q, char *name)
void _dbg_scalar_array_print (const scalar_array &sa, char *name)
void _dbg_vec3_array_print (const vec3_array &v, char *name)
void _dbg_vec3_fprint (void *fp, const vec3_t &v, char *name)
void _dbg_vec3_print (const vec3_t &v, char *name)
real_t _pow (real_t a)
real_t _pow (real_t a, real_t b)
real_t _sin (real_t a)
real_t _sqrt (real_t a)
void abskernel (mat33_t &R, vec3_t &t, vec3_array &Qout, real_t &err2, const vec3_array _P, const vec3_array _Q, const mat33_array F, const mat33_t G)
double CBRT (double)
int cubic (double[], double[], int *)
int cubic (double A[4], double X[3], int *L)
void decomposeR (mat33_t &Rz, const mat33_t &R)
void free_double_pptr (double ***m_ptr)
void free_double_ptr (double **v_ptr)
void free_float_pptr (float ***m_ptr)
void free_float_ptr (float **v_ptr)
void get2ndPose_Exact (pose_vec &sol, const vec3_array &v, const vec3_array &P, const mat33_t R, const vec3_t t, const real_t DB)
void getRfor2ndPose_V_Exact (pose_vec &sol, const vec3_array &v, const vec3_array &P, const mat33_t R, const vec3_t t, const real_t DB)
void GetRotationbyVector (mat33_t &R, const vec3_t &v1, const vec3_t &v2)
void getRotationY_wrtT (scalar_array &al_ret, vec3_array &tnew, const vec3_array &v, const vec3_array &p, const vec3_t &t, const real_t &DB, const mat33_t &Rz)
void mat33_add (mat33_t &mr, const mat33_t &ma, const mat33_t &mb)
void mat33_add (mat33_t &ma, const mat33_t &mb)
bool mat33_all_zeros (const mat33_t &m)
void mat33_array_sum (mat33_t &s, const mat33_array &ma)
void mat33_assign (mat33_t &m, const real_t m00, const real_t m01, const real_t m02, const real_t m10, const real_t m11, const real_t m12, const real_t m20, const real_t m21, const real_t m22)
void mat33_clear (mat33_t &m)
void mat33_copy (mat33_t &md, const mat33_t &ms)
real_t mat33_det (const mat33_t &a)
void mat33_div (mat33_t &m, const real_t f)
void mat33_eye (mat33_t &m)
void mat33_from_double_pptr (mat33_t &mat, double **m_ptr)
void mat33_from_float_pptr (mat33_t &mat, float **m_ptr)
void mat33_from_quat (mat33_t &m, const quat_t &q)
void mat33_inv (mat33_t &mi, const mat33_t &ma)
void mat33_mult (mat33_t &m0, const mat33_t &m1, const mat33_t &m2)
void mat33_mult (mat33_t &mr, const real_t n)
void mat33_pow2 (mat33_t &m)
void mat33_set_all_zeros (mat33_t &m)
void mat33_sub (mat33_t &mr, const mat33_t &ma, const mat33_t &mb)
void mat33_sub (mat33_t &ma, const mat33_t &mb)
real_t mat33_sum (const mat33_t &m)
void mat33_svd2 (mat33_t &u, mat33_t &s, mat33_t &v, const mat33_t &m)
void mat33_to_col_vec3 (vec3_t &c0, vec3_t &c1, vec3_t &c2, const mat33_t &m)
double ** mat33_to_double_pptr (const mat33_t &mat)
float ** mat33_to_float_pptr (const mat33_t &mat)
void mat33_transpose (mat33_t &t, const mat33_t m)
void normRv (vec3_t &n, const vec3_t &v)
void normRv (vec3_array &normR_v, const vec3_array &v)
void objpose (mat33_t &R, vec3_t &t, unsigned int &it, real_t &obj_err, real_t &img_err, bool calc_img_err, const vec3_array _P, const vec3_array Qp, const options_t options)
int quartic (double[], double[], double[], int *)
int quartic (double dd[5], double sol[4], double soli[4], int *Nsol)
void quat_mult (quat_t &q, const real_t s)
real_t quat_norm (const quat_t &q)
void Quaternion_byAngleAndVector (quat_t &Q, const real_t &q_angle, const vec3_t &q_vector)
int quintic (double[], double[], double[], int *, double)
void robust_pose (real_t &err, mat33_t &R, vec3_t &t, const vec3_array &_model, const vec3_array &_iprts, const options_t _options)
void rpyAng (vec3_t &angs, const mat33_t &R)
void rpyAng_X (vec3_t &ang_zyx, const mat33_t &R)
void rpyMat (mat33_t &R, const vec3_t &rpy)
void scalar_array_add (scalar_array &sa, const scalar_array &sb)
void scalar_array_add (scalar_array &sa, real_t f)
void scalar_array_assign (scalar_array &sa, const real_t f, const unsigned int sz)
void scalar_array_atan2 (scalar_array &sa, const scalar_array &sb, const scalar_array &sc)
void scalar_array_clear (scalar_array &sa)
void scalar_array_div (scalar_array &sa, real_t f)
void scalar_array_div (scalar_array &sa, const scalar_array &sb)
void scalar_array_mult (scalar_array &sa, real_t f)
void scalar_array_negate (scalar_array &sa)
void scalar_array_pow (scalar_array &sa, const real_t f)
void scalar_array_sub (scalar_array &sa, real_t f)
int signR (double)
int solve_polynomial (scalar_array &r_sol, const scalar_array &coefficients)
int svdcmp (double **a, int m, int n, double *w, double **v)
void vec3_add (vec3_t &va, const real_t f)
void vec3_add (vec3_t &va, const vec3_t &vb)
void vec3_add (vec3_t &va, const vec3_t &vb, const vec3_t &vc)
void vec3_array_add (vec3_array &va, const vec3_t &a)
void vec3_array_mean (vec3_t &v_mean, const vec3_array &va)
void vec3_array_mult (vec3_array &va, const scalar_array &c)
void vec3_array_mult (vec3_array &va, const mat33_t &m, const vec3_array &vb)
void vec3_array_pow2 (vec3_array &va)
void vec3_array_set (vec3_array &va, const vec3_t &a, const bool mask[3])
void vec3_array_sub (vec3_array &va, const vec3_t &a)
void vec3_array_sum (vec3_t &v_sum2, const vec3_array &va)
void vec3_array_sum (scalar_array &v_sum1, const vec3_array &va)
void vec3_assign (vec3_t &v, const real_t x, const real_t y, const real_t z)
void vec3_clear (vec3_t &v)
void vec3_copy (vec3_t &a, const vec3_t &b)
void vec3_cross (vec3_t &va, const vec3_t &vb, const vec3_t &vc)
void vec3_div (vec3_t &va, const real_t n)
void vec3_div (vec3_t &va, const vec3_t &vb)
real_t vec3_dot (const vec3_t &va, const vec3_t &vb)
void vec3_from_double_ptr (vec3_t &vec, double *v_ptr)
void vec3_from_float_ptr (vec3_t &vec, float *v_ptr)
void vec3_mul_vec3trans (mat33_t &m, const vec3_t &va, const vec3_t &vb)
void vec3_mult (vec3_t &va, const real_t n)
void vec3_mult (vec3_t &va, const vec3_t &vb)
void vec3_mult (vec3_t &v0, const mat33_t &m1, const vec3_t &v2)
real_t vec3_norm (const vec3_t &v)
void vec3_sub (vec3_t &va, const real_t f)
void vec3_sub (vec3_t &va, const vec3_t &vb)
void vec3_sub (vec3_t &va, const vec3_t &vb, const vec3_t &vc)
real_t vec3_sum (const vec3_t &v)
double * vec3_to_double_ptr (const vec3_t &vec)
float * vec3_to_float_ptr (const vec3_t &vec)
real_t vec3trans_mul_vec3 (const vec3_t &va, const vec3_t &vb)
void xform (vec3_array &Q, const vec3_array &P, const mat33_t &R, const vec3_t &t)
void xformproj (vec3_array &Qp, const vec3_array &P, const mat33_t &R, const vec3_t &t)


static SVD_FLOAT at
static SVD_FLOAT bt
static SVD_FLOAT ct
static SVD_FLOAT maxarg1
static SVD_FLOAT maxarg2

Typedef Documentation

typedef real_t rpp::mat33[3][3]

Definition at line 75 of file rpp_types.h.

typedef std::vector<mat33_t> rpp::mat33_array

Definition at line 77 of file rpp_types.h.

typedef std::vector<mat33_t>::const_iterator rpp::mat33_array_const_iter

Definition at line 79 of file rpp_types.h.

typedef std::vector<mat33_t>::iterator rpp::mat33_array_iter

Definition at line 78 of file rpp_types.h.

typedef std::vector<pose_t> rpp::pose_vec

Definition at line 95 of file rpp_types.h.

typedef double rpp::real_t

Definition at line 64 of file rpp_types.h.

typedef std::vector<real_t> rpp::scalar_array

Definition at line 81 of file rpp_types.h.

typedef double rpp::SVD_FLOAT

Definition at line 47 of file rpp_svd.cpp.

typedef real_t rpp::vec3[3]

Definition at line 69 of file rpp_types.h.

typedef std::vector<vec3_t> rpp::vec3_array

Definition at line 71 of file rpp_types.h.

typedef std::vector<vec3_t>::const_iterator rpp::vec3_array_const_iter

Definition at line 73 of file rpp_types.h.

typedef std::vector<vec3_t>::iterator rpp::vec3_array_iter

Definition at line 72 of file rpp_types.h.

Function Documentation

real_t rpp::_abs ( real_t  a)

Definition at line 72 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

real_t rpp::_acos ( real_t  a)

Definition at line 73 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

real_t rpp::_atan2 ( real_t  a,
real_t  b 

Definition at line 71 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

real_t rpp::_cos ( real_t  a)

Definition at line 70 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

bool rpp::_dbg_load_vec3_array ( vec3_array &  va,
char *  filename 

Definition at line 265 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::_dbg_mat33_array_print ( const mat33_array &  m,
char *  name 

Definition at line 221 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::_dbg_mat33_fprint ( void *  fp,
const mat33_t &  m,
char *  name 

Definition at line 953 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::_dbg_mat33_print ( const mat33_t &  m,
char *  name 

Definition at line 206 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::_dbg_quat_print ( const quat_t &  q,
char *  name 

Definition at line 195 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::_dbg_scalar_array_print ( const scalar_array &  sa,
char *  name 

Definition at line 888 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::_dbg_vec3_array_print ( const vec3_array &  v,
char *  name 

Definition at line 250 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::_dbg_vec3_fprint ( void *  fp,
const vec3_t &  v,
char *  name 

Definition at line 943 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::_dbg_vec3_print ( const vec3_t &  v,
char *  name 

Definition at line 239 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

real_t rpp::_pow ( real_t  a)
real_t rpp::_pow ( real_t  a,
real_t  b 

Definition at line 75 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

real_t rpp::_sin ( real_t  a)

Definition at line 69 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

real_t rpp::_sqrt ( real_t  a)

Definition at line 74 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::abskernel ( mat33_t &  R,
vec3_t &  t,
vec3_array &  Qout,
real_t &  err2,
const vec3_array  _P,
const vec3_array  _Q,
const mat33_array  F,
const mat33_t  G 

Definition at line 192 of file rpp.cpp.

double rpp::CBRT ( double  Z)

Definition at line 357 of file rpp_quintic.cpp.

int rpp::cubic ( double  [],
double  [],
int *   
int rpp::cubic ( double  A[4],
double  X[3],
int *  L 

Definition at line 265 of file rpp_quintic.cpp.

void rpp::decomposeR ( mat33_t &  Rz,
const mat33_t &  R 

Definition at line 183 of file rpp.cpp.

void rpp::free_double_pptr ( double ***  m_ptr)

Definition at line 127 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::free_double_ptr ( double **  v_ptr)

Definition at line 172 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::free_float_pptr ( float ***  m_ptr)

Definition at line 133 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::free_float_ptr ( float **  v_ptr)

Definition at line 177 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::get2ndPose_Exact ( pose_vec &  sol,
const vec3_array &  v,
const vec3_array &  P,
const mat33_t  R,
const vec3_t  t,
const real_t  DB 

Definition at line 704 of file rpp.cpp.

void rpp::getRfor2ndPose_V_Exact ( pose_vec &  sol,
const vec3_array &  v,
const vec3_array &  P,
const mat33_t  R,
const vec3_t  t,
const real_t  DB 

Definition at line 639 of file rpp.cpp.

void rpp::GetRotationbyVector ( mat33_t &  R,
const vec3_t &  v1,
const vec3_t &  v2 

Definition at line 71 of file rpp.cpp.

void rpp::getRotationY_wrtT ( scalar_array &  al_ret,
vec3_array &  tnew,
const vec3_array &  v,
const vec3_array &  p,
const vec3_t &  t,
const real_t &  DB,
const mat33_t &  Rz 

Definition at line 397 of file rpp.cpp.

void rpp::mat33_add ( mat33_t &  mr,
const mat33_t &  ma,
const mat33_t &  mb 

Definition at line 639 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::mat33_add ( mat33_t &  ma,
const mat33_t &  mb 

Definition at line 648 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

bool rpp::mat33_all_zeros ( const mat33_t &  m)

Definition at line 585 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::mat33_array_sum ( mat33_t &  s,
const mat33_array &  ma 

Definition at line 605 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::mat33_assign ( mat33_t &  m,
const real_t  m00,
const real_t  m01,
const real_t  m02,
const real_t  m10,
const real_t  m11,
const real_t  m12,
const real_t  m20,
const real_t  m21,
const real_t  m22 

Definition at line 184 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::mat33_clear ( mat33_t &  m)

Definition at line 517 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::mat33_copy ( mat33_t &  md,
const mat33_t &  ms 

Definition at line 526 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

real_t rpp::mat33_det ( const mat33_t &  a)

Definition at line 658 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::mat33_div ( mat33_t &  m,
const real_t  f 

Definition at line 547 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::mat33_eye ( mat33_t &  m)

Definition at line 560 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::mat33_from_double_pptr ( mat33_t &  mat,
double **  m_ptr 

Definition at line 89 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::mat33_from_float_pptr ( mat33_t &  mat,
float **  m_ptr 

Definition at line 97 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::mat33_from_quat ( mat33_t &  m,
const quat_t &  q 

Definition at line 771 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::mat33_inv ( mat33_t &  mi,
const mat33_t &  ma 

Definition at line 666 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::mat33_mult ( mat33_t &  m0,
const mat33_t &  m1,
const mat33_t &  m2 

Definition at line 682 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::mat33_mult ( mat33_t &  mr,
const real_t  n 

Definition at line 695 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::mat33_pow2 ( mat33_t &  m)

Definition at line 933 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::mat33_set_all_zeros ( mat33_t &  m)

Definition at line 595 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::mat33_sub ( mat33_t &  mr,
const mat33_t &  ma,
const mat33_t &  mb 

Definition at line 621 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::mat33_sub ( mat33_t &  ma,
const mat33_t &  mb 

Definition at line 630 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

real_t rpp::mat33_sum ( const mat33_t &  m)

Definition at line 573 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::mat33_svd2 ( mat33_t &  u,
mat33_t &  s,
mat33_t &  v,
const mat33_t &  m 

Definition at line 730 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::mat33_to_col_vec3 ( vec3_t &  c0,
vec3_t &  c1,
vec3_t &  c2,
const mat33_t &  m 

Definition at line 536 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

double ** rpp::mat33_to_double_pptr ( const mat33_t &  mat)

Definition at line 105 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

float** rpp::mat33_to_float_pptr ( const mat33_t &  mat)

Definition at line 116 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::mat33_transpose ( mat33_t &  t,
const mat33_t  m 

Definition at line 704 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::normRv ( vec3_t &  n,
const vec3_t &  v 

Definition at line 792 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::normRv ( vec3_array &  normR_v,
const vec3_array &  v 

Definition at line 803 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::objpose ( mat33_t &  R,
vec3_t &  t,
unsigned int &  it,
real_t &  obj_err,
real_t &  img_err,
bool  calc_img_err,
const vec3_array  _P,
const vec3_array  Qp,
const options_t  options 

Definition at line 266 of file rpp.cpp.

int rpp::quartic ( double  [],
double  [],
double  [],
int *   
int rpp::quartic ( double  dd[5],
double  sol[4],
double  soli[4],
int *  Nsol 

Definition at line 153 of file rpp_quintic.cpp.

void rpp::quat_mult ( quat_t &  q,
const real_t  s 

Definition at line 758 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

real_t rpp::quat_norm ( const quat_t &  q)

Definition at line 764 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::Quaternion_byAngleAndVector ( quat_t &  Q,
const real_t &  q_angle,
const vec3_t &  q_vector 

Definition at line 58 of file rpp.cpp.

int rpp::quintic ( double  [],
double  [],
double  [],
int *  ,
void rpp::robust_pose ( real_t &  err,
mat33_t &  R,
vec3_t &  t,
const vec3_array &  _model,
const vec3_array &  _iprts,
const options_t  _options 

Definition at line 741 of file rpp.cpp.

void rpp::rpyAng ( vec3_t &  angs,
const mat33_t &  R 

Definition at line 134 of file rpp.cpp.

void rpp::rpyAng_X ( vec3_t &  ang_zyx,
const mat33_t &  R 

Definition at line 157 of file rpp.cpp.

void rpp::rpyMat ( mat33_t &  R,
const vec3_t &  rpy 

Definition at line 110 of file rpp.cpp.

void rpp::scalar_array_add ( scalar_array &  sa,
const scalar_array &  sb 

Definition at line 865 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::scalar_array_add ( scalar_array &  sa,
real_t  f 

Definition at line 917 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::scalar_array_assign ( scalar_array &  sa,
const real_t  f,
const unsigned int  sz 

Definition at line 855 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::scalar_array_atan2 ( scalar_array &  sa,
const scalar_array &  sb,
const scalar_array &  sc 

Definition at line 877 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::scalar_array_clear ( scalar_array &  sa)

Definition at line 872 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::scalar_array_div ( scalar_array &  sa,
real_t  f 

Definition at line 894 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::scalar_array_div ( scalar_array &  sa,
const scalar_array &  sb 

Definition at line 902 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::scalar_array_mult ( scalar_array &  sa,
real_t  f 

Definition at line 909 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::scalar_array_negate ( scalar_array &  sa)

Definition at line 850 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::scalar_array_pow ( scalar_array &  sa,
const real_t  f 

Definition at line 845 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::scalar_array_sub ( scalar_array &  sa,
real_t  f 

Definition at line 925 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

int rpp::signR ( double  Z)

Definition at line 347 of file rpp_quintic.cpp.

int rpp::solve_polynomial ( scalar_array &  r_sol,
const scalar_array &  coefficients 

Definition at line 821 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

int rpp::svdcmp ( double **  a,
int  m,
int  n,
double *  w,
double **  v 

Definition at line 61 of file rpp_svd.cpp.

void rpp::vec3_add ( vec3_t &  va,
const real_t  f 

Definition at line 382 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::vec3_add ( vec3_t &  va,
const vec3_t &  vb 

Definition at line 389 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::vec3_add ( vec3_t &  va,
const vec3_t &  vb,
const vec3_t &  vc 

Definition at line 396 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::vec3_array_add ( vec3_array &  va,
const vec3_t &  a 

Definition at line 446 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::vec3_array_mean ( vec3_t &  v_mean,
const vec3_array &  va 

Definition at line 490 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::vec3_array_mult ( vec3_array &  va,
const scalar_array &  c 

Definition at line 479 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::vec3_array_mult ( vec3_array &  va,
const mat33_t &  m,
const vec3_array &  vb 

Definition at line 720 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::vec3_array_pow2 ( vec3_array &  va)

Definition at line 340 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::vec3_array_set ( vec3_array &  va,
const vec3_t &  a,
const bool  mask[3] 

Definition at line 468 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::vec3_array_sub ( vec3_array &  va,
const vec3_t &  a 

Definition at line 457 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::vec3_array_sum ( vec3_t &  v_sum2,
const vec3_array &  va 

Definition at line 319 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::vec3_array_sum ( scalar_array &  v_sum1,
const vec3_array &  va 

Definition at line 331 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::vec3_assign ( vec3_t &  v,
const real_t  x,
const real_t  y,
const real_t  z 

Definition at line 297 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::vec3_clear ( vec3_t &  v)

Definition at line 304 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::vec3_copy ( vec3_t &  a,
const vec3_t &  b 

Definition at line 311 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::vec3_cross ( vec3_t &  va,
const vec3_t &  vb,
const vec3_t &  vc 

Definition at line 429 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::vec3_div ( vec3_t &  va,
const real_t  n 

Definition at line 354 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::vec3_div ( vec3_t &  va,
const vec3_t &  vb 

Definition at line 361 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

real_t rpp::vec3_dot ( const vec3_t &  va,
const vec3_t &  vb 

Definition at line 424 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::vec3_from_double_ptr ( vec3_t &  vec,
double *  v_ptr 

Definition at line 139 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::vec3_from_float_ptr ( vec3_t &  vec,
float *  v_ptr 

Definition at line 146 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::vec3_mul_vec3trans ( mat33_t &  m,
const vec3_t &  va,
const vec3_t &  vb 

Definition at line 498 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::vec3_mult ( vec3_t &  va,
const real_t  n 

Definition at line 368 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::vec3_mult ( vec3_t &  va,
const vec3_t &  vb 

Definition at line 375 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::vec3_mult ( vec3_t &  v0,
const mat33_t &  m1,
const vec3_t &  v2 

Definition at line 713 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

real_t rpp::vec3_norm ( const vec3_t &  v)

Definition at line 436 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::vec3_sub ( vec3_t &  va,
const real_t  f 

Definition at line 403 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::vec3_sub ( vec3_t &  va,
const vec3_t &  vb 

Definition at line 410 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::vec3_sub ( vec3_t &  va,
const vec3_t &  vb,
const vec3_t &  vc 

Definition at line 417 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

real_t rpp::vec3_sum ( const vec3_t &  v)

Definition at line 441 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

double * rpp::vec3_to_double_ptr ( const vec3_t &  vec)

Definition at line 153 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

float* rpp::vec3_to_float_ptr ( const vec3_t &  vec)

Definition at line 162 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

real_t rpp::vec3trans_mul_vec3 ( const vec3_t &  va,
const vec3_t &  vb 

Definition at line 511 of file rpp_vecmat.cpp.

void rpp::xform ( vec3_array &  Q,
const vec3_array &  P,
const mat33_t &  R,
const vec3_t &  t 

Definition at line 82 of file rpp.cpp.

void rpp::xformproj ( vec3_array &  Qp,
const vec3_array &  P,
const mat33_t &  R,
const vec3_t &  t 

Definition at line 93 of file rpp.cpp.

Variable Documentation

SVD_FLOAT rpp::at [static]

Definition at line 50 of file rpp_svd.cpp.

SVD_FLOAT rpp::bt [static]

Definition at line 50 of file rpp_svd.cpp.

SVD_FLOAT rpp::ct [static]

Definition at line 50 of file rpp_svd.cpp.

Definition at line 51 of file rpp_svd.cpp.

Definition at line 51 of file rpp_svd.cpp.

Author(s): Markus Bader
autogenerated on Sun May 29 2016 02:50:13