Template Function xFDHOG

Function Documentation


doxygenfunction: Unable to resolve function “xFDHOG” with arguments (hls::stream<XF_SNAME(WORDWIDTH)>, hls::stream<XF_SNAME(WORDWIDTH_BLOCK)>&, uint16_t, uint16_t) in doxygen xml output for project “vitis_common Doxygen Project” from directory: /tmp/ws/docs_build/vitis_common/output_staging/generated/doxygen/xml. Potential matches:

- template<int WIN_HEIGHT, int WIN_WIDTH, int WIN_STRIDE, int BLOCK_HEIGHT, int BLOCK_WIDTH, int CELL_HEIGHT, int CELL_WIDTH, int NOB, int ROWS, int COLS, int DEPTH, int DEPTH_BLOCK, int NPC, int WORDWIDTH, int WORDWIDTH_BLOCK, int NOC, bool USE_URAM> void xFDHOG(hls::stream<XF_SNAME(WORDWIDTH)> _in_stream[NOC], hls::stream<XF_SNAME(WORDWIDTH_BLOCK)> &_block_stream, uint16_t _height, uint16_t _width)