Class PointCloudTransportLoader

Inheritance Relationships

Derived Type

Class Documentation

class PointCloudTransportLoader

Advertise and subscribe to PointCloud2 topics. PointCloudTransport is analogous to rclcpp::Node in that it contains functions to create publishers and subscriptions of PointCloud2 topics.

Subclassed by point_cloud_transport::PointCloudTransport

Public Functions



virtual POINT_CLOUD_TRANSPORT_PUBLIC ~PointCloudTransportLoader()


POINT_CLOUD_TRANSPORT_PUBLIC std::vector< std::string > getDeclaredTransports () const

Returns the names of all transports declared in the system. Declared transports are not necessarily built or loadable.

POINT_CLOUD_TRANSPORT_PUBLIC std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > getLoadableTransports () const

Returns the names of all transports that are loadable in the system (keys are lookup names, values are names).

POINT_CLOUD_TRANSPORT_PUBLIC PubLoaderPtr getPublisherLoader () const

The loader that can load publisher plugins.

POINT_CLOUD_TRANSPORT_PUBLIC SubLoaderPtr getSubscriberLoader () const

The loader that can load subscriber plugins.

POINT_CLOUD_TRANSPORT_PUBLIC point_cloud_transport::PubLoaderPtr getPubLoader ()
POINT_CLOUD_TRANSPORT_PUBLIC point_cloud_transport::SubLoaderPtr getSubLoader ()

Protected Attributes

point_cloud_transport::PubLoaderPtr pub_loader_
point_cloud_transport::SubLoaderPtr sub_loader_