Class Stamped

Inheritance Relationships

Derived Types

Class Documentation

class Stamped

A class that provides a timestamp and device id.

This is intended to be used as secondary base class (multiple inheritance) for variables that are time-varying. Some common examples include robot poses or velocities. This is in contrast to variables that represent unknown but fixed quantities, such as the world position of landmarks, or possibly calibration values that are assumed constant.

Subclassed by fuse_variables::AccelerationAngular2DStamped, fuse_variables::AccelerationAngular3DStamped, fuse_variables::AccelerationLinear2DStamped, fuse_variables::AccelerationLinear3DStamped, fuse_variables::Orientation2DStamped, fuse_variables::Orientation3DStamped, fuse_variables::Position2DStamped, fuse_variables::Position3DStamped, fuse_variables::VelocityAngular2DStamped, fuse_variables::VelocityAngular3DStamped, fuse_variables::VelocityLinear2DStamped, fuse_variables::VelocityLinear3DStamped

Public Functions

Stamped() = default

Default constructor.

inline explicit Stamped(const rclcpp::Time &stamp, const fuse_core::UUID &device_id = fuse_core::uuid::NIL)


virtual ~Stamped() = default


inline const rclcpp::Time &stamp() const

Read-only access to the associated timestamp.

inline const fuse_core::UUID &deviceId() const

Read-only access to the associated device ID.


friend class boost::serialization::access