Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes
yocs::DiffDrivePoseController Class Reference

A controller for driving a differential drive base to a pose goal or along a path specified by multiple poses. More...

#include <controller.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for yocs::DiffDrivePoseController:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 DiffDrivePoseController (ros::NodeHandle &nh, std::string &name)
bool init ()
 Set-up necessary publishers/subscribers and variables.
void spinOnce ()
 Calculates velocity commands to move the diff-drive base to the (next) pose goal.
virtual ~DiffDrivePoseController ()

Private Member Functions

double boundRange (double v, double min, double max)
 Bounding range of velocity.
void controlMaxVelCB (const std_msgs::Float32ConstPtr msg)
 Callback for updating the controller's maximum linear control velocity.
void disableCB (const std_msgs::EmptyConstPtr msg)
 Callback for disabling the controler.
void enableCB (const std_msgs::StringConstPtr msg)
 Callback for enabling the controler.
void getControlOutput ()
 Calculates the controller output based on the current pose difference.
bool getPoseDiff ()
 Determines the pose difference in polar coordinates.
void setControlOutput ()
 Sends out the new velocity commands for the left and right wheel based on the current controller output.

Private Attributes

std::string base_frame_name_
 frame name of the base
double beta_
ros::Publisher command_velocity_publisher_
 publisher for sending out base velocity commands
ros::Subscriber control_velocity_subscriber_
 subscriber for setting the controller's linear velocity
double cur_
 path to goal curvature
double delta_
 current heading of the base [rad]
ros::Subscriber disable_controller_subscriber_
 subscriber for disabling the controller
double dist_eps_
 Error in distance above which pose is considered differen.
double dist_thres_
 lower bound for the distance (v = 0)
ros::Subscriber enable_controller_subscriber_
 subscriber for enabling the controller
std::string goal_frame_name_
 frame name of the goal (pose)
double k_1_
 constant factor determining the ratio of the rate of change in theta to the rate of change in r
double k_2_
 constant factor applied to the heading error feedback
double lambda_
std::string name_
ros::NodeHandle nh_
double orient_eps_
 Error in orientation above which pose is considered differen.
double orient_thres_
 lower bound for the orientation (w = 0)
bool pose_reached_
 True, if pose has been reached (v == 0, w == 0)
ros::Publisher pose_reached_publisher_
 publishes the status of the goal pose tracking
double r_
 distance to pose goal [m]
tf::StampedTransform tf_goal_pose_rel_
 transform for the goal pose relative to the base pose
tf::TransformListener tf_listener_
 tf used to get goal pose relative to the base pose
double theta_
 direction of the pose goal [rad]
double v_
 linear base velocity [m/s]
double v_max_
 maximum linear base velocity [m/s]
double v_min_
 minimum linear base velocity [m/s]
double w_
 angular base velocity [rad/s]
double w_max_
 maximum angular base velocity [rad/s]
double w_min_
 minimum angular base velocity [rad/s]

Detailed Description

A controller for driving a differential drive base to a pose goal or along a path specified by multiple poses.

This controller implements a control law drives a differental drive base towards a planar pose goal, i.e. 2D position (x,y) + 1D orientation (theta). It also allows path following by specifying multiple pose goals. The control law contains a transition strategy, which insures that the base moves through each pose and transitions smoothly to the next pose goal.

This controller is an implementation of control law based on the following work: {DBLP:conf/icra/ParkK11, author = {Jong Jin Park and Benjamin Kuipers}, title = {A smooth control law for graceful motion of differential wheeled mobile robots in 2D environment}, booktitle = {ICRA}, year = {2011}, pages = {4896-4902}, ee = {}, crossref = {DBLP:conf/icra/2011}, bibsource = {DBLP,} }

This controller can be enabled/disabled.

Definition at line 80 of file controller.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

yocs::DiffDrivePoseController::DiffDrivePoseController ( ros::NodeHandle nh,
std::string &  name 
) [inline]

Definition at line 83 of file controller.hpp.

Definition at line 86 of file controller.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

double yocs::DiffDrivePoseController::boundRange ( double  v,
double  min,
double  max 
) [private]

Bounding range of velocity.

minminimum speed
maxmaximum speed
bounded velocity

Definition at line 416 of file controller.hpp.

void yocs::DiffDrivePoseController::controlMaxVelCB ( const std_msgs::Float32ConstPtr  msg) [private]

Callback for updating the controller's maximum linear control velocity.

msgmaximum linear control velocity

Definition at line 456 of file controller.hpp.

void yocs::DiffDrivePoseController::disableCB ( const std_msgs::EmptyConstPtr  msg) [private]

Callback for disabling the controler.

msgempty message

Definition at line 475 of file controller.hpp.

void yocs::DiffDrivePoseController::enableCB ( const std_msgs::StringConstPtr  msg) [private]

Callback for enabling the controler.

msggoal frame name

Definition at line 462 of file controller.hpp.

Calculates the controller output based on the current pose difference.

Definition at line 371 of file controller.hpp.

Determines the pose difference in polar coordinates.

Definition at line 343 of file controller.hpp.

Set-up necessary publishers/subscribers and variables.

true, if successful

Implements yocs::Controller.

Definition at line 212 of file controller.hpp.

Sends out the new velocity commands for the left and right wheel based on the current controller output.

Definition at line 445 of file controller.hpp.

Calculates velocity commands to move the diff-drive base to the (next) pose goal.

Definition at line 316 of file controller.hpp.

Member Data Documentation

frame name of the base

Definition at line 207 of file controller.hpp.

constant factor for the curvature-based velocity rule determines how fast the velocity drops when the curvature increases

Definition at line 185 of file controller.hpp.

publisher for sending out base velocity commands

Definition at line 152 of file controller.hpp.

subscriber for setting the controller's linear velocity

Definition at line 150 of file controller.hpp.

path to goal curvature

Definition at line 176 of file controller.hpp.

current heading of the base [rad]

Definition at line 162 of file controller.hpp.

subscriber for disabling the controller

Definition at line 148 of file controller.hpp.

Error in distance above which pose is considered differen.

Definition at line 198 of file controller.hpp.

lower bound for the distance (v = 0)

Definition at line 192 of file controller.hpp.

subscriber for enabling the controller

Definition at line 146 of file controller.hpp.

frame name of the goal (pose)

Definition at line 209 of file controller.hpp.

constant factor determining the ratio of the rate of change in theta to the rate of change in r

Definition at line 178 of file controller.hpp.

constant factor applied to the heading error feedback

Definition at line 180 of file controller.hpp.

constant factor for the curvature-based velocity rule determines the sharpness of the curve: higher lambda -> bigger drop in short term, smaller in the long term

Definition at line 190 of file controller.hpp.

std::string yocs::DiffDrivePoseController::name_ [private]

Definition at line 142 of file controller.hpp.

Definition at line 141 of file controller.hpp.

Error in orientation above which pose is considered differen.

Definition at line 200 of file controller.hpp.

lower bound for the orientation (w = 0)

Definition at line 194 of file controller.hpp.

True, if pose has been reached (v == 0, w == 0)

Definition at line 196 of file controller.hpp.

publishes the status of the goal pose tracking

Definition at line 154 of file controller.hpp.

distance to pose goal [m]

Definition at line 158 of file controller.hpp.

transform for the goal pose relative to the base pose

Definition at line 205 of file controller.hpp.

tf used to get goal pose relative to the base pose

Definition at line 203 of file controller.hpp.

direction of the pose goal [rad]

Definition at line 160 of file controller.hpp.

linear base velocity [m/s]

Definition at line 164 of file controller.hpp.

maximum linear base velocity [m/s]

Definition at line 168 of file controller.hpp.

minimum linear base velocity [m/s]

Definition at line 166 of file controller.hpp.

angular base velocity [rad/s]

Definition at line 170 of file controller.hpp.

maximum angular base velocity [rad/s]

Definition at line 174 of file controller.hpp.

minimum angular base velocity [rad/s]

Definition at line 172 of file controller.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Author(s): Marcus Liebhardt
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 21:47:33