Public Member Functions | Private Attributes
rail::spatial_temporal_learning::worldlib::model::PersistenceModel Class Reference

Persistence model information. More...

#include <PersistenceModel.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

uint32_t getCount () const
 Count value accessor.
ros::Duration getExpectedPersistence () const
 Expected persistence value accessor.
const world::ItemgetItem () const
 Item value accessor (immutable).
world::ItemgetItem ()
 Item value accessor.
double getLambda () const
 Lambda value accessor.
const ros::TimegetLastSeen () const
 Last seen time value accessor (immutable).
ros::TimegetLastSeen ()
 Last seen time value accessor.
double getProbabilityItemRemoved (const ros::Time &time=ros::Time::now()) const
 Probability Item was removed.
double getProbabilityItemStillExists (const ros::Time &time=ros::Time::now()) const
 Probability Item still exists.
const world::SurfacegetSurface () const
 Surface value accessor (immutable).
world::SurfacegetSurface ()
 Surface value accessor.
 PersistenceModel (const world::Item &item=world::Item(), const world::Surface &surface=world::Surface(), const double lambda=1, const uint32_t count=0, const ros::Time &last_seen=ros::Time(0))
 Create a new PersistenceModel.
void setCount (const uint32_t count)
 Count value mutator.
void setItem (const world::Item &item)
 Item value mutator.
void setLambda (const double lambda)
 Lambda value mutator.
void setLastSeen (const ros::Time &last_seen)
 Last seen time value mutator.
void setSurface (const world::Surface &surface)
 Surface value mutator.

Private Attributes

uint32_t count_
boost::math::exponential_distribution exponential_
world::Item item_
ros::Time last_seen_
world::Surface surface_

Detailed Description

Persistence model information.

A persistence model contains information about the estimated time an item will disappear from the surface. Persistence models are in the granularity of hours.

Definition at line 42 of file PersistenceModel.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PersistenceModel::PersistenceModel ( const world::Item item = world::Item(),
const world::Surface surface = world::Surface(),
const double  lambda = 1,
const uint32_t  count = 0,
const ros::Time last_seen = ros::Time(0) 

Create a new PersistenceModel.

Create a new PersistenceModel with the given parameters.

itemThe Item of this PersistenceModel (defaults to empty Item).
surfaceThe Surface of this PersistenceModel (defaults to empty Surface).
lambdaThe exponential distribution's lambda value of this PersistenceModel (defaults to 1).
countThe number of observations used to create this model (i.e., our 'n'; defaults to 0).
last_seenThe last time the item was seen (defaults to 0 time).

Definition at line 19 of file PersistenceModel.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

uint32_t PersistenceModel::getCount ( ) const

Count value accessor.

Get the count value of this PersistenceModel.

The count value of this PersistenceModel.

Definition at line 89 of file PersistenceModel.cpp.

Expected persistence value accessor.

Get the expected persistence duration value of this PersistenceModel.

The expected persistence duration value of this PersistenceModel.

Definition at line 65 of file PersistenceModel.cpp.

const Item & PersistenceModel::getItem ( ) const

Item value accessor (immutable).

Get the Item value of this PersistenceModel.

The Item value of this PersistenceModel.

Definition at line 25 of file PersistenceModel.cpp.

Item value accessor.

Get the Item value of this PersistenceModel.

The Item value of this PersistenceModel.

Definition at line 30 of file PersistenceModel.cpp.

double PersistenceModel::getLambda ( ) const

Lambda value accessor.

Get the lambda value of this PersistenceModel.

The lambda value of this PersistenceModel.

Definition at line 55 of file PersistenceModel.cpp.

Last seen time value accessor (immutable).

Get the time value of this PersistenceModel.

The last seen time value of this PersistenceModel.

Definition at line 99 of file PersistenceModel.cpp.

Last seen time value accessor.

Get the last seen time value of this PersistenceModel.

The last seen time value of this PersistenceModel.

Definition at line 104 of file PersistenceModel.cpp.

Probability Item was removed.

Get probability the Item was removed from the Surface based on the given time.

timeThe time to check the probability for (defaults to now).
The probability the Item was removed from the Surface based on the given time.

Definition at line 79 of file PersistenceModel.cpp.

Probability Item still exists.

Get probability the Item still exists on the Surface based on the given time.

timeThe time to check the probability for (defaults to now).
The probability the Item still exists on the Surface based on the given time.

Definition at line 73 of file PersistenceModel.cpp.

Surface value accessor (immutable).

Get the Surface value of this PersistenceModel.

The Surface value of this PersistenceModel.

Definition at line 40 of file PersistenceModel.cpp.

Surface value accessor.

Get the Surface value of this PersistenceModel.

The Surface value of this PersistenceModel.

Definition at line 45 of file PersistenceModel.cpp.

void PersistenceModel::setCount ( const uint32_t  count)

Count value mutator.

Set the count value of this PersistenceModel.

countThe new count value of this PersistenceModel.

Definition at line 94 of file PersistenceModel.cpp.

void PersistenceModel::setItem ( const world::Item item)

Item value mutator.

Set the Item value of this PersistenceModel.

itemThe new Item value of this PersistenceModel.

Definition at line 35 of file PersistenceModel.cpp.

void PersistenceModel::setLambda ( const double  lambda)

Lambda value mutator.

Set the lambda value of this PersistenceModel.

lambdaThe new lambda value of this PersistenceModel.

Definition at line 60 of file PersistenceModel.cpp.

void PersistenceModel::setLastSeen ( const ros::Time last_seen)

Last seen time value mutator.

Set the time value of this PersistenceModel.

last_seenThe new last seen time value of this PersistenceModel.

Definition at line 109 of file PersistenceModel.cpp.

void PersistenceModel::setSurface ( const world::Surface surface)

Surface value mutator.

Set the Surface value of this PersistenceModel.

surfaceThe new Surface value of this PersistenceModel.

Definition at line 50 of file PersistenceModel.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

The number of observations used to create this model (i.e., our 'n').

Definition at line 213 of file PersistenceModel.h.

The exponential distribution.

Definition at line 211 of file PersistenceModel.h.

The Item value for the model.

Definition at line 207 of file PersistenceModel.h.

The last seen time the Item was observed on the Surface.

Definition at line 215 of file PersistenceModel.h.

The Surface value for the model.

Definition at line 209 of file PersistenceModel.h.

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Author(s): Russell Toris
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 20:55:36