Defines | Typedefs | Functions
IMU Brick 2.0


#define IMU_V2_DEVICE_DISPLAY_NAME   "IMU Brick 2.0"
#define IMU_V2_FUNCTION_LEDS_ON   10
#define IMU_V2_FUNCTION_RESET   243


typedef Device IMUV2


int imu_v2_are_leds_on (IMUV2 *imu_v2, bool *ret_leds)
void imu_v2_create (IMUV2 *imu_v2, const char *uid, IPConnection *ipcon)
void imu_v2_destroy (IMUV2 *imu_v2)
int imu_v2_disable_status_led (IMUV2 *imu_v2)
int imu_v2_enable_status_led (IMUV2 *imu_v2)
int imu_v2_get_acceleration (IMUV2 *imu_v2, int16_t *ret_x, int16_t *ret_y, int16_t *ret_z)
int imu_v2_get_acceleration_period (IMUV2 *imu_v2, uint32_t *ret_period)
int imu_v2_get_all_data (IMUV2 *imu_v2, int16_t ret_acceleration[3], int16_t ret_magnetic_field[3], int16_t ret_angular_velocity[3], int16_t ret_euler_angle[3], int16_t ret_quaternion[4], int16_t ret_linear_acceleration[3], int16_t ret_gravity_vector[3], int8_t *ret_temperature, uint8_t *ret_calibration_status)
int imu_v2_get_all_data_period (IMUV2 *imu_v2, uint32_t *ret_period)
int imu_v2_get_angular_velocity (IMUV2 *imu_v2, int16_t *ret_x, int16_t *ret_y, int16_t *ret_z)
int imu_v2_get_angular_velocity_period (IMUV2 *imu_v2, uint32_t *ret_period)
int imu_v2_get_api_version (IMUV2 *imu_v2, uint8_t ret_api_version[3])
int imu_v2_get_chip_temperature (IMUV2 *imu_v2, int16_t *ret_temperature)
int imu_v2_get_gravity_vector (IMUV2 *imu_v2, int16_t *ret_x, int16_t *ret_y, int16_t *ret_z)
int imu_v2_get_gravity_vector_period (IMUV2 *imu_v2, uint32_t *ret_period)
int imu_v2_get_identity (IMUV2 *imu_v2, char ret_uid[8], char ret_connected_uid[8], char *ret_position, uint8_t ret_hardware_version[3], uint8_t ret_firmware_version[3], uint16_t *ret_device_identifier)
int imu_v2_get_linear_acceleration (IMUV2 *imu_v2, int16_t *ret_x, int16_t *ret_y, int16_t *ret_z)
int imu_v2_get_linear_acceleration_period (IMUV2 *imu_v2, uint32_t *ret_period)
int imu_v2_get_magnetic_field (IMUV2 *imu_v2, int16_t *ret_x, int16_t *ret_y, int16_t *ret_z)
int imu_v2_get_magnetic_field_period (IMUV2 *imu_v2, uint32_t *ret_period)
int imu_v2_get_orientation (IMUV2 *imu_v2, int16_t *ret_heading, int16_t *ret_roll, int16_t *ret_pitch)
int imu_v2_get_orientation_period (IMUV2 *imu_v2, uint32_t *ret_period)
int imu_v2_get_protocol1_bricklet_name (IMUV2 *imu_v2, char port, uint8_t *ret_protocol_version, uint8_t ret_firmware_version[3], char ret_name[40])
int imu_v2_get_quaternion (IMUV2 *imu_v2, int16_t *ret_w, int16_t *ret_x, int16_t *ret_y, int16_t *ret_z)
int imu_v2_get_quaternion_period (IMUV2 *imu_v2, uint32_t *ret_period)
int imu_v2_get_response_expected (IMUV2 *imu_v2, uint8_t function_id, bool *ret_response_expected)
int imu_v2_get_temperature (IMUV2 *imu_v2, int8_t *ret_temperature)
int imu_v2_get_temperature_period (IMUV2 *imu_v2, uint32_t *ret_period)
int imu_v2_is_status_led_enabled (IMUV2 *imu_v2, bool *ret_enabled)
int imu_v2_leds_off (IMUV2 *imu_v2)
int imu_v2_leds_on (IMUV2 *imu_v2)
void imu_v2_register_callback (IMUV2 *imu_v2, uint8_t id, void *callback, void *user_data)
int imu_v2_reset (IMUV2 *imu_v2)
int imu_v2_save_calibration (IMUV2 *imu_v2, bool *ret_calibration_done)
int imu_v2_set_acceleration_period (IMUV2 *imu_v2, uint32_t period)
int imu_v2_set_all_data_period (IMUV2 *imu_v2, uint32_t period)
int imu_v2_set_angular_velocity_period (IMUV2 *imu_v2, uint32_t period)
int imu_v2_set_gravity_vector_period (IMUV2 *imu_v2, uint32_t period)
int imu_v2_set_linear_acceleration_period (IMUV2 *imu_v2, uint32_t period)
int imu_v2_set_magnetic_field_period (IMUV2 *imu_v2, uint32_t period)
int imu_v2_set_orientation_period (IMUV2 *imu_v2, uint32_t period)
int imu_v2_set_quaternion_period (IMUV2 *imu_v2, uint32_t period)
int imu_v2_set_response_expected (IMUV2 *imu_v2, uint8_t function_id, bool response_expected)
int imu_v2_set_response_expected_all (IMUV2 *imu_v2, bool response_expected)
int imu_v2_set_temperature_period (IMUV2 *imu_v2, uint32_t period)

Define Documentation


 void callback(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t z, void *user_data) 

This callback is triggered periodically with the period that is set by imu_v2_set_acceleration_period. The parameters are the acceleration for the x, y and z axis.

Definition at line 230 of file brick_imu_v2.h.



 void callback(int16_t ret_acceleration[3], int16_t ret_magnetic_field[3], int16_t ret_angular_velocity[3], int16_t ret_euler_angle[3], int16_t ret_quaternion[4], int16_t ret_linear_acceleration[3], int16_t ret_gravity_vector[3], int8_t temperature, uint8_t calibration_status, void *user_data) 

This callback is triggered periodically with the period that is set by imu_v2_set_all_data_period. The parameters are as for imu_v2_get_all_data.

Definition at line 318 of file brick_imu_v2.h.


 void callback(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t z, void *user_data) 

This callback is triggered periodically with the period that is set by imu_v2_set_angular_velocity_period. The parameters are the angular velocity for the x, y and z axis.

Definition at line 252 of file brick_imu_v2.h.


 void callback(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t z, void *user_data) 

This callback is triggered periodically with the period that is set by imu_v2_set_gravity_vector_period. The parameters gravity vector for the x, y and z axis.

Definition at line 284 of file brick_imu_v2.h.


 void callback(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t z, void *user_data) 

This callback is triggered periodically with the period that is set by imu_v2_set_linear_acceleration_period. The parameters are the linear acceleration for the x, y and z axis.

Definition at line 273 of file brick_imu_v2.h.


 void callback(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t z, void *user_data) 

This callback is triggered periodically with the period that is set by imu_v2_set_magnetic_field_period. The parameters are the magnetic field for the x, y and z axis.

Definition at line 241 of file brick_imu_v2.h.



 void callback(int16_t heading, int16_t roll, int16_t pitch, void *user_data) 

This callback is triggered periodically with the period that is set by imu_v2_set_orientation_period. The parameters are the orientation (heading (yaw), roll, pitch) of the IMU Brick in Euler angles. See imu_v2_get_orientation for details.

Definition at line 296 of file brick_imu_v2.h.



 void callback(int16_t w, int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t z, void *user_data) 

This callback is triggered periodically with the period that is set by imu_v2_set_quaternion_period. The parameters are the orientation (x, y, z, w) of the IMU Brick in quaternions. See imu_v2_get_quaternion for details.

Definition at line 308 of file brick_imu_v2.h.



 void callback(int8_t temperature, void *user_data) 

This callback is triggered periodically with the period that is set by imu_v2_set_temperature_period. The parameter is the temperature.

Definition at line 262 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

#define IMU_V2_DEVICE_DISPLAY_NAME   "IMU Brick 2.0"

This constant represents the display name of a IMU Brick 2.0.

Definition at line 337 of file brick_imu_v2.h.


This constant is used to identify a IMU Brick 2.0.

The imu_v2_get_identity function and the IPCON_CALLBACK_ENUMERATE callback of the IP Connection have a device_identifier parameter to specify the Brick's or Bricklet's type.

Definition at line 330 of file brick_imu_v2.h.


Definition at line 89 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

Definition at line 194 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

Definition at line 189 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

Definition at line 34 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

Definition at line 104 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

Definition at line 74 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

Definition at line 184 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

Definition at line 44 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

Definition at line 124 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

Definition at line 209 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

Definition at line 64 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

Definition at line 164 of file brick_imu_v2.h.


Definition at line 219 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

Definition at line 59 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

Definition at line 154 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

Definition at line 39 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

Definition at line 114 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

Definition at line 54 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

Definition at line 144 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

Definition at line 204 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

Definition at line 69 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

Definition at line 174 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

Definition at line 49 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

Definition at line 134 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

Definition at line 199 of file brick_imu_v2.h.


Definition at line 84 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

#define IMU_V2_FUNCTION_LEDS_ON   10

Definition at line 79 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

#define IMU_V2_FUNCTION_RESET   243

Definition at line 214 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

Definition at line 94 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

Definition at line 99 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

Definition at line 179 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

Definition at line 119 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

Definition at line 159 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

Definition at line 149 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

Definition at line 109 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

Definition at line 139 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

Definition at line 169 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

Definition at line 129 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef Device IMUV2

Full fledged AHRS with 9 degrees of freedom

Definition at line 29 of file brick_imu_v2.h.

Function Documentation

int imu_v2_are_leds_on ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
bool *  ret_leds 

Returns *true* if the orientation and direction LEDs of the IMU Brick are on, *false* otherwise.

Definition at line 973 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

void imu_v2_create ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
const char *  uid,
IPConnection ipcon 

Creates the device object imu_v2 with the unique device ID uid and adds it to the IPConnection ipcon.

Definition at line 598 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

void imu_v2_destroy ( IMUV2 imu_v2)

Removes the device object imu_v2 from its IPConnection and destroys it. The device object cannot be used anymore afterwards.

Definition at line 664 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_disable_status_led ( IMUV2 imu_v2)

Disables the status LED.

The status LED is the blue LED next to the USB connector. If enabled is is on and it flickers if data is transfered. If disabled it is always off.

The default state is enabled.

Definition at line 1437 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_enable_status_led ( IMUV2 imu_v2)

Enables the status LED.

The status LED is the blue LED next to the USB connector. If enabled is is on and it flickers if data is transfered. If disabled it is always off.

The default state is enabled.

Definition at line 1419 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_get_acceleration ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
int16_t *  ret_x,
int16_t *  ret_y,
int16_t *  ret_z 

Returns the calibrated acceleration from the accelerometer for the x, y and z axis in 1/100 m/s².

If you want to get the acceleration periodically, it is recommended to use the callback IMU_V2_CALLBACK_ACCELERATION and set the period with imu_v2_set_acceleration_period.

Definition at line 688 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_get_acceleration_period ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
uint32_t *  ret_period 

Returns the period as set by imu_v2_set_acceleration_period.

Definition at line 1042 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_get_all_data ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
int16_t  ret_acceleration[3],
int16_t  ret_magnetic_field[3],
int16_t  ret_angular_velocity[3],
int16_t  ret_euler_angle[3],
int16_t  ret_quaternion[4],
int16_t  ret_linear_acceleration[3],
int16_t  ret_gravity_vector[3],
int8_t *  ret_temperature,
uint8_t *  ret_calibration_status 

Return all of the available data of the IMU Brick.

* acceleration in 1/100 m/s² (see imu_v2_get_acceleration) * magnetic field in 1/16 µT (see imu_v2_get_magnetic_field) * angular velocity in 1/16 °/s (see imu_v2_get_angular_velocity) * Euler angles in 1/16 ° (see imu_v2_get_orientation) * quaternion 1/16383 (see imu_v2_get_quaternion) * linear acceleration 1/100 m/s² (see imu_v2_get_linear_acceleration) * gravity vector 1/100 m/s² (see imu_v2_get_gravity_vector) * temperature in 1 °C (see imu_v2_get_temperature) * calibration status (see below)

The calibration status consists of four pairs of two bits. Each pair of bits represents the status of the current calibration.

* bit 0-1: Magnetometer * bit 2-3: Accelerometer * bit 4-5: Gyroscope * bit 6-7: System

A value of 0 means for "not calibrated" and a value of 3 means "fully calibrated". In your program you should always be able to ignore the calibration status, it is used by the calibration window of the Brick Viewer and it can be ignored after the first calibration. See the documentation in the calibration window for more information regarding the calibration of the IMU Brick.

If you want to get the data periodically, it is recommended to use the callback IMU_V2_CALLBACK_ALL_DATA and set the period with imu_v2_set_all_data_period.

Definition at line 903 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_get_all_data_period ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
uint32_t *  ret_period 

Returns the period as set by imu_v2_set_all_data_period.

Definition at line 1394 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_get_angular_velocity ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
int16_t *  ret_x,
int16_t *  ret_y,
int16_t *  ret_z 

Returns the calibrated angular velocity from the gyroscope for the x, y and z axis in 1/16 °/s.

If you want to get the angular velocity periodically, it is recommended to use the callback IMU_V2_CALLBACK_ANGULAR_VELOCITY and set the period with imu_v2_set_angular_velocity_period.

Definition at line 742 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_get_angular_velocity_period ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
uint32_t *  ret_period 

Returns the period as set by imu_v2_set_angular_velocity_period.

Definition at line 1130 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_get_api_version ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
uint8_t  ret_api_version[3] 

Returns the API version (major, minor, release) of the bindings for this device.

Definition at line 684 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_get_chip_temperature ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
int16_t *  ret_temperature 

Returns the temperature in °C/10 as measured inside the microcontroller. The value returned is not the ambient temperature!

The temperature is only proportional to the real temperature and it has an accuracy of +-15%. Practically it is only useful as an indicator for temperature changes.

Definition at line 1508 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_get_gravity_vector ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
int16_t *  ret_x,
int16_t *  ret_y,
int16_t *  ret_z 

Returns the current gravity vector of the IMU Brick for the x, y and z axis in 1/100 m/s².

The gravity vector is the acceleration that occurs due to gravity. Influences of additional linear acceleration are removed.

It is also possible to get the linear acceleration with the influence of gravity removed, see imu_v2_get_linear_acceleration.

If you want to get the gravity vector periodically, it is recommended to use the callback IMU_V2_CALLBACK_GRAVITY_VECTOR and set the period with imu_v2_set_gravity_vector_period.

Definition at line 848 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_get_gravity_vector_period ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
uint32_t *  ret_period 

Returns the period as set by imu_v2_set_gravity_vector_period.

Definition at line 1306 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_get_identity ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
char  ret_uid[8],
char  ret_connected_uid[8],
char *  ret_position,
uint8_t  ret_hardware_version[3],
uint8_t  ret_firmware_version[3],
uint16_t *  ret_device_identifier 

Returns the UID, the UID where the Brick is connected to, the position, the hardware and firmware version as well as the device identifier.

The position can be '0'-'8' (stack position).

The device identifier numbers can be found :ref:`here <device_identifier>`. |device_identifier_constant|

Definition at line 1551 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_get_linear_acceleration ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
int16_t *  ret_x,
int16_t *  ret_y,
int16_t *  ret_z 

Returns the linear acceleration of the IMU Brick for the x, y and z axis in 1/100 m/s².

The linear acceleration is the acceleration in each of the three axis of the IMU Brick with the influences of gravity removed.

It is also possible to get the gravity vector with the influence of linear acceleration removed, see imu_v2_get_gravity_vector.

If you want to get the linear acceleration periodically, it is recommended to use the callback IMU_V2_CALLBACK_LINEAR_ACCELERATION and set the period with imu_v2_set_linear_acceleration_period.

Definition at line 821 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_get_linear_acceleration_period ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
uint32_t *  ret_period 

Returns the period as set by imu_v2_set_linear_acceleration_period.

Definition at line 1262 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_get_magnetic_field ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
int16_t *  ret_x,
int16_t *  ret_y,
int16_t *  ret_z 

Returns the calibrated magnetic field from the magnetometer for the x, y and z axis in 1/16 µT (Microtesla).

If you want to get the magnetic field periodically, it is recommended to use the callback IMU_V2_CALLBACK_MAGNETIC_FIELD and set the period with imu_v2_set_magnetic_field_period.

Definition at line 715 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_get_magnetic_field_period ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
uint32_t *  ret_period 

Returns the period as set by imu_v2_set_magnetic_field_period.

Definition at line 1086 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_get_orientation ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
int16_t *  ret_heading,
int16_t *  ret_roll,
int16_t *  ret_pitch 

Returns the current orientation (heading, roll, pitch) of the IMU Brick as Euler angles in 1/16 degree. Note that Euler angles always experience a `gimbal lock <>`__.

We recommend that you use quaternions instead.

The rotation angle has the following ranges:

* heading: 0° to 360° * roll: -90° to +90° * pitch: -180° to +180°

If you want to get the orientation periodically, it is recommended to use the callback IMU_V2_CALLBACK_ORIENTATION and set the period with imu_v2_set_orientation_period.

Definition at line 794 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_get_orientation_period ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
uint32_t *  ret_period 

Returns the period as set by imu_v2_set_orientation_period.

Definition at line 1218 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_get_protocol1_bricklet_name ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
char  port,
uint8_t *  ret_protocol_version,
uint8_t  ret_firmware_version[3],
char  ret_name[40] 

Returns the firmware and protocol version and the name of the Bricklet for a given port.

This functions sole purpose is to allow automatic flashing of v1.x.y Bricklet plugins.

Definition at line 1480 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_get_quaternion ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
int16_t *  ret_w,
int16_t *  ret_x,
int16_t *  ret_y,
int16_t *  ret_z 

Returns the current orientation (w, x, y, z) of the IMU Brick as `quaternions <>`__.

You have to divide the returns values by 16383 (14 bit) to get the usual range of -1.0 to +1.0 for quaternions.

If you want to get the quaternions periodically, it is recommended to use the callback IMU_V2_CALLBACK_QUATERNION and set the period with imu_v2_set_quaternion_period.

Definition at line 875 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_get_quaternion_period ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
uint32_t *  ret_period 

Returns the period as set by imu_v2_set_quaternion_period.

Definition at line 1350 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_get_response_expected ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
uint8_t  function_id,
bool *  ret_response_expected 

Returns the response expected flag for the function specified by the function_id parameter. It is *true* if the function is expected to send a response, *false* otherwise.

For getter functions this is enabled by default and cannot be disabled, because those functions will always send a response. For callback configuration functions it is enabled by default too, but can be disabled via the imu_v2_set_response_expected function. For setter functions it is disabled by default and can be enabled.

Enabling the response expected flag for a setter function allows to detect timeouts and other error conditions calls of this setter as well. The device will then send a response for this purpose. If this flag is disabled for a setter function then no response is send and errors are silently ignored, because they cannot be detected.

Definition at line 668 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_get_temperature ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
int8_t *  ret_temperature 

Returns the temperature of the IMU Brick. The temperature is given in °C. The temperature is measured in the core of the BNO055 IC, it is not the ambient temperature

Definition at line 769 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_get_temperature_period ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
uint32_t *  ret_period 

Returns the period as set by imu_v2_set_temperature_period.

Definition at line 1174 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_is_status_led_enabled ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
bool *  ret_enabled 

Returns *true* if the status LED is enabled, *false* otherwise.

Definition at line 1455 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_leds_off ( IMUV2 imu_v2)

Turns the orientation and direction LEDs of the IMU Brick off.

Definition at line 955 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_leds_on ( IMUV2 imu_v2)

Turns the orientation and direction LEDs of the IMU Brick on.

Definition at line 937 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

void imu_v2_register_callback ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
uint8_t  id,
void *  callback,
void *  user_data 

Registers a callback with ID id to the function callback. The user_data will be given as a parameter of the callback.

Definition at line 680 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_reset ( IMUV2 imu_v2)

Calling this function will reset the Brick. Calling this function on a Brick inside of a stack will reset the whole stack.

After a reset you have to create new device objects, calling functions on the existing ones will result in undefined behavior!

Definition at line 1533 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_save_calibration ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
bool *  ret_calibration_done 

A call of this function saves the current calibration to be used as a starting point for the next restart of continuous calibration of the IMU Brick.

A return value of *true* means that the calibration could be used and *false* means that it could not be used (this happens if the calibration status is not "fully calibrated").

This function is used by the calibration window of the Brick Viewer, you should not need to call it in your program.

Definition at line 998 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_set_acceleration_period ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
uint32_t  period 

Sets the period in ms with which the IMU_V2_CALLBACK_ACCELERATION callback is triggered periodically. A value of 0 turns the callback off.

The default value is 0.

Definition at line 1023 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_set_all_data_period ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
uint32_t  period 

Sets the period in ms with which the IMU_V2_CALLBACK_ALL_DATA callback is triggered periodically. A value of 0 turns the callback off.

Definition at line 1375 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_set_angular_velocity_period ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
uint32_t  period 

Sets the period in ms with which the IMU_V2_CALLBACK_ANGULAR_VELOCITY callback is triggered periodically. A value of 0 turns the callback off.

Definition at line 1111 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_set_gravity_vector_period ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
uint32_t  period 

Sets the period in ms with which the IMU_V2_CALLBACK_GRAVITY_VECTOR callback is triggered periodically. A value of 0 turns the callback off.

Definition at line 1287 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_set_linear_acceleration_period ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
uint32_t  period 

Sets the period in ms with which the IMU_V2_CALLBACK_LINEAR_ACCELERATION callback is triggered periodically. A value of 0 turns the callback off.

Definition at line 1243 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_set_magnetic_field_period ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
uint32_t  period 

Sets the period in ms with which the IMU_V2_CALLBACK_MAGNETIC_FIELD callback is triggered periodically. A value of 0 turns the callback off.

Definition at line 1067 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_set_orientation_period ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
uint32_t  period 

Sets the period in ms with which the IMU_V2_CALLBACK_ORIENTATION callback is triggered periodically. A value of 0 turns the callback off.

Definition at line 1199 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_set_quaternion_period ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
uint32_t  period 

Sets the period in ms with which the IMU_V2_CALLBACK_QUATERNION callback is triggered periodically. A value of 0 turns the callback off.

Definition at line 1331 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_set_response_expected ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
uint8_t  function_id,
bool  response_expected 

Changes the response expected flag of the function specified by the function_id parameter. This flag can only be changed for setter (default value: *false*) and callback configuration functions (default value: *true*). For getter functions it is always enabled and callbacks it is always disabled.

Enabling the response expected flag for a setter function allows to detect timeouts and other error conditions calls of this setter as well. The device will then send a response for this purpose. If this flag is disabled for a setter function then no response is send and errors are silently ignored, because they cannot be detected.

Definition at line 672 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_set_response_expected_all ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
bool  response_expected 

Changes the response expected flag for all setter and callback configuration functions of this device at once.

Definition at line 676 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

int imu_v2_set_temperature_period ( IMUV2 imu_v2,
uint32_t  period 

Sets the period in ms with which the IMU_V2_CALLBACK_TEMPERATURE callback is triggered periodically. A value of 0 turns the callback off.

Definition at line 1155 of file brick_imu_v2.c.

Author(s): M.Fischer
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 20:39:26