Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (c) 2012 SCHUNK GmbH & Co. KG
00003  * Copyright (c) 2017 Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (IPA)
00004  *
00005  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00006  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00007  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00008  *
00009  *
00011  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00012  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00013  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00014  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00015  * limitations under the License.
00016  */
00018 #include "RS232Device.h"
00019 #if defined (_WIN32)
00020 #endif
00021 #if defined(__LINUX__)
00022         #include <fcntl.h>
00023         #include <termios.h>
00024         #include <unistd.h>
00025 #endif
00026 #if defined (__QNX__)
00027         #include <fcntl.h>
00028         #include <termios.h>    
00029 #endif
00031 #define RSID_SENDDAT                    0x04
00032 #define RSID_RECVDAT                    0x08    
00033 #define STX                                             0x02
00034 #define ETX                                             0x03
00035 #define DLE                                             0x10
00037 // ========================================================================== ;
00038 //                                                                            ;
00039 // ---- private auxiliary functions ----------------------------------------- ;
00040 //                                                                            ;
00041 // ========================================================================== ;
00043 // ========================================================================== ;
00044 //                                                                            ;
00045 // ---- protected auxiliary functions --------------------------------------- ;
00046 //                                                                            ;
00047 // ========================================================================== ;
00049 int CRS232Device::getDeviceError(int iErrorState)
00050 {
00051         m_iErrorState = 0;
00052         return iErrorState;
00053 }
00055 int CRS232Device::setBaudRate()
00056 {
00057         m_iErrorState = 0;
00058         return m_iErrorState;
00059 }
00061 int CRS232Device::setMessageId(unsigned long uiMessageId)
00062 {
00063         m_iErrorState = 0;
00064         return m_iErrorState;
00065 }
00067 int CRS232Device::clearReadQueue()
00068 {
00069         m_iErrorState = 0;
00070         return m_iErrorState;
00071 }
00073 int CRS232Device::reinit(unsigned char ucBaudRateId)
00074 {
00075         m_iErrorState = 0;
00076         return m_iErrorState;
00077 }
00079 int CRS232Device::readDevice(CProtocolMessage& rclProtocolMessage)
00080 {
00081         unsigned char aucMessageBuffer[22] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
00082         unsigned char aucReadBuffer[22] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
00083         unsigned char ucChar;
00084         unsigned char aucDecodeBuffer[11] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
00085         unsigned char ucMessageLength = 0;
00086         unsigned int i = 0;
00087         unsigned int k = 0;
00088         unsigned int uiMessageBufferIndex = 0;
00089         unsigned int uiReadBufferIndex = 0;
00090         double fTime = 0;
00091         bool bExit = false;
00092         bool bMessageComplete = false;
00093         bool bDecodeError = false;
00094         int iRetVal;
00095         m_iErrorState = 0;
00096 #if defined(_WIN32)                                     
00097         DWORD iErrorCode = 0;
00098         DWORD iReadLength = 0;
00099         m_clTimer.start();
00101         do
00102         {       
00103                 iRetVal = ReadFile( m_hDevice, &ucChar, 1, &iReadLength, NULL );
00104                 if (iRetVal == 0)
00105                 {       
00106                         void* lpMsgBuf;
00107                         FormatMessage( 
00108                                 FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | 
00109                                 FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | 
00110                                 FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS,
00111                                 NULL,
00112                                 GetLastError(),
00113                                 MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT),
00114                                 (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf,
00115                                 0,
00116                                 NULL 
00117                                 );
00118                         debug(1,"COMERROR:%s\n",lpMsgBuf);
00119                         warning( "Receive Error. ReadFile failed.\n" );
00120                         ClearCommError( m_hDevice, &iErrorCode, NULL );
00121                         m_iErrorState = ERRID_DEV_READERROR;
00122                         return m_iErrorState;
00123                 }
00124                 if( iReadLength == 1 )
00125                 {       
00126                         aucReadBuffer[uiReadBufferIndex++] = ucChar;
00127                         if( ucChar == ETX )
00128                                 bExit = true;
00129                 }
00130                 m_clTimer.stop();
00131                 fTime = m_clTimer.executionTime() * 1000;
00132                 if( fTime > m_uiTimeOut + 10 * m_iModuleCount)
00133                 {       
00134                         bExit = true;
00135                         warning( "Receive Error. Timeout %f. %d bytes received.\n", fTime, uiReadBufferIndex);
00136                         m_iErrorState = ERRID_DEV_READTIMEOUT;
00137                         return m_iErrorState;
00138                 }
00139         } while( !bExit );
00141 #endif
00143 #if defined(__QNX__)                                    
00144         struct timeval clTimeout;
00145         fd_set fdReadSet;
00146         clTimeout.tv_sec=0;     // seconds to wait
00147         clTimeout.tv_usec=m_uiTimeOut * 1000;
00148         m_clTimer.start();
00149         ssize_t bytesRead = 0;
00150         do
00151         {       
00152                 FD_ZERO( &fdReadSet );
00153                 FD_SET( m_hDevice, &fdReadSet );
00155                 iRetVal=select( FD_SETSIZE, &fdReadSet, NULL, NULL, &clTimeout );
00156                 if(iRetVal < 0)
00157                 {
00158                         warning("Receive Error in select");
00159                         return ERRID_IO_READERROR;
00160                 }
00161                 else if (iRetVal>0 && FD_ISSET(m_hDevice,&fdReadSet))
00162                 {
00163                         bytesRead = read( m_hDevice, &ucChar, 1 );
00164                         if( bytesRead < 0 )
00165                         {       warning( "Receive Error. Read error.\n" );
00166                                 m_iErrorState = ERRID_DEV_READERROR;
00167                                 return m_iErrorState;
00168                         }
00169                         else if( bytesRead == 1 )
00170                         {       
00171                                 aucReadBuffer[uiReadBufferIndex++] = ucChar;
00172                                 if( ucChar == ETX )
00173                                         bExit = true;
00174                         }
00175                         else if( bytesRead == 0 )
00176                         {
00177                                 warning( "Receive Error. Timeout\n");
00178                                 m_iErrorState = ERRID_DEV_READTIMEOUT;
00179                                 return m_iErrorState;
00180                         }
00181                 }
00182                 m_clTimer.stop();
00183                 fTime = m_clTimer.executionTime() * 1000;
00184                 if( fTime > m_uiTimeOut * m_iModuleCount)
00185                 {       bExit = true;
00186                         warning( "Receive Error. Timeout. %d bytes received.\n", uiReadBufferIndex );
00187                         m_iErrorState = ERRID_DEV_READTIMEOUT;
00188                         return m_iErrorState;
00189                 }
00190         } while( !bExit );
00192 #endif
00194 #if defined(__LINUX__)                                  
00195         ssize_t bytesRead = 0;
00196         struct timeval clTimeout;
00197         fd_set fdReadSet;
00198         clTimeout.tv_sec=0;     // seconds to wait
00199         clTimeout.tv_usec=m_uiTimeOut * 1000;
00200         m_clTimer.start();
00202         do
00203         {       
00204                 FD_ZERO( &fdReadSet );
00205                 FD_SET( m_hDevice, &fdReadSet );
00207                 iRetVal=select( FD_SETSIZE, &fdReadSet, NULL, NULL, &clTimeout );
00208                 if(iRetVal < 0)
00209                 {
00210                         warning("Receive Error in select");
00211                         return ERRID_IO_READERROR;
00212                 }
00213                 else if (iRetVal>0 && FD_ISSET(m_hDevice,&fdReadSet))
00214                 {
00215                         bytesRead = read( m_hDevice, &ucChar, 1 );
00216                         if( bytesRead < 0 )
00217                         {       warning( "Receive Error. Read error.\n" );
00218                                 m_iErrorState = ERRID_DEV_READERROR;
00219                                 return m_iErrorState;
00220                         }
00221                         else if( bytesRead == 1 )
00222                         {       
00223                                 aucReadBuffer[uiReadBufferIndex++] = ucChar;
00224                                 if( ucChar == ETX )
00225                                         bExit = true;
00226                         }
00227                         else if( bytesRead == 0 )
00228                         {
00229                                 warning( "Receive Error. Timeout\n");
00230                                 m_iErrorState = ERRID_DEV_READTIMEOUT;
00231                                 return m_iErrorState;
00232                         }
00233                 }
00234                 m_clTimer.stop();
00235                 fTime = m_clTimer.executionTime() * 1000;
00236                 if( fTime > m_uiTimeOut * m_iModuleCount)
00237                 {       bExit = true;
00238                         warning( "Receive Error. Timeout. %d bytes received.\n", uiReadBufferIndex );
00239                         m_iErrorState = ERRID_DEV_READTIMEOUT;
00240                         return m_iErrorState;
00241                 }
00242         } while( !bExit );
00244 #endif
00246         for( i = 0; i < uiReadBufferIndex; i++ )
00247         {       
00248                 if( aucReadBuffer[i] == STX )
00249                 {       
00250                         uiMessageBufferIndex = 0;
00251                         bMessageComplete = false;
00252                 }
00253                 if( aucReadBuffer[i] == ETX )
00254                         bMessageComplete = true;
00255                 if( uiMessageBufferIndex > 22 )
00256                 {       
00257                         uiMessageBufferIndex = 0;
00258                         bMessageComplete = false;
00259                         warning( "More than 22 bytes!" );
00260                 }
00261                 aucMessageBuffer[uiMessageBufferIndex] = aucReadBuffer[i];
00262                 uiMessageBufferIndex++;
00263         }
00265         if( bMessageComplete )
00266         {       // save net m_aucMessageData in aucDecodeBuffer[]
00267                 if( (aucMessageBuffer[0] == STX) && (aucMessageBuffer[uiMessageBufferIndex-1] == ETX) )
00268                 {       // Message frame begins with STX and ending with ETX
00269                         for( i = 1; i < uiMessageBufferIndex-1; i++ )
00270                         { 
00271                                 if( aucMessageBuffer[i] == DLE )
00272                                 {       
00273                                         i++;
00274                                         aucDecodeBuffer[k] = aucMessageBuffer[i] - 0x80;
00275                                 }
00276                                 else if( aucMessageBuffer[i] == ETX || aucMessageBuffer[i] == STX )
00277                                 {       
00278                                         bDecodeError = true;
00279                                         break;
00280                                 }
00281                                 else
00282                                         aucDecodeBuffer[k] = aucMessageBuffer[i];
00283                                 k++;
00284                         }
00285                 }
00286                 else
00287                 {       // Anfang kein STX / Ende kein ETX
00288                         warning( "Receive Error: STX/ETX framing incorrect.\n" );
00289                         m_iErrorState = ERRID_DEV_READERROR;
00290                         return m_iErrorState;
00291                 }
00293                 // Calculate net Len of Message 
00294                 ucMessageLength = aucDecodeBuffer[1] & 0x0F;
00295                 if( aucDecodeBuffer[0] & RSID_RECVDAT )
00296                 {       // Message comes from Module
00297                         if( !bDecodeError )
00298                         {       
00299                                 if( ucMessageLength == k-3 )
00300                                 {       
00301                                         rclProtocolMessage.m_ucMessageLength = ucMessageLength;
00302                                         rclProtocolMessage.m_iModuleId = (((aucDecodeBuffer[0]&0x03)<<3)+((aucDecodeBuffer[1]&0xE0)>>5));
00303                                         for( i = 0; i < ucMessageLength; i++ )
00304                                                 rclProtocolMessage.m_aucMessageData[i] = aucDecodeBuffer[i+2];
00305                                         rclProtocolMessage.m_uiMessageId = MSGID_ACK + rclProtocolMessage.m_iModuleId;
00306                                         m_iErrorState = 0;
00307                                         return m_iErrorState;
00308                                 }
00309                                 warning( "Receive Error: Length incorrect received %d instead of %d\n", k-3, ucMessageLength );
00310                                 m_iErrorState = ERRID_DEV_READERROR;
00311                                 return m_iErrorState;
00312                         }
00313                         // Decoder-Fehler: mittendrin STX oder ETX                              
00314                         warning( "Receive Error: STX/ETX inside message.\n" );
00315                         m_iErrorState = ERRID_DEV_READERROR;
00316                         return m_iErrorState;
00317                 }
00318                 // Message kommt nicht vom Modul (TelId != TELID_RECVDAT)
00319                 warning( "Receive Error: MessageId incorrect.\n" );
00320                 m_iErrorState = ERRID_DEV_READERROR;
00321                 return m_iErrorState;
00322         }
00323         // Kein ETX empfangen...
00324         warning( "Receive Error: ETX not received.\n" );
00325         m_iErrorState = ERRID_DEV_READERROR;
00326         return m_iErrorState;
00327 }
00329 int CRS232Device::writeDevice(CProtocolMessage& rclProtocolMessage)
00330 {
00331         int i = 0;
00332         unsigned int uiWriteBufferIndex = 0;
00333         unsigned long uiWriteLength = 0;
00334         unsigned char aucWriteBuffer[24];
00335         unsigned short uiSum = 0;
00336         unsigned char aucEncodeBuffer[11] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
00337         int iRetVal;
00338         CRS232Message clRS232Message;
00340         m_iErrorState = 0;
00342         clRS232Message.m_aucMessageId[0] = (unsigned char)rclProtocolMessage.m_iModuleId >> 3;
00343         clRS232Message.m_aucMessageId[0] |= RSID_SENDDAT;
00344         clRS232Message.m_aucMessageId[1] = (unsigned char)rclProtocolMessage.m_iModuleId << 5;
00345         clRS232Message.m_aucMessageId[1] |= (unsigned char)rclProtocolMessage.m_ucMessageLength;
00346         clRS232Message.m_ucMessageLength = (unsigned char)rclProtocolMessage.m_ucMessageLength;
00347         memcpy(clRS232Message.m_aucMessageData, rclProtocolMessage.m_aucMessageData, rclProtocolMessage.m_ucMessageLength);
00349         aucEncodeBuffer[0] = clRS232Message.m_aucMessageId[0];
00350         aucEncodeBuffer[1] = clRS232Message.m_aucMessageId[1];
00351         for( i = 0; i < clRS232Message.m_ucMessageLength; i++ )
00352                 aucEncodeBuffer[i+2] = clRS232Message.m_aucMessageData[i];
00353         for( i = 0; i < clRS232Message.m_ucMessageLength+2; i++ )
00354                 uiSum += aucEncodeBuffer[i];
00355         aucEncodeBuffer[clRS232Message.m_ucMessageLength+2] = uiSum + (uiSum>>8);
00357         aucWriteBuffer[0] = STX;
00358         uiWriteBufferIndex = 1;
00360         for( i = 0; i < clRS232Message.m_ucMessageLength+3; i++ )
00361         { 
00362                 if( aucEncodeBuffer[i] == DLE || aucEncodeBuffer[i] == STX || aucEncodeBuffer[i] == ETX )
00363                 {       
00364                         aucWriteBuffer[uiWriteBufferIndex] = DLE;
00365                         uiWriteBufferIndex++;
00366                         aucWriteBuffer[uiWriteBufferIndex] = aucEncodeBuffer[i] + 0x80;
00367                 }
00368                 else
00369                         aucWriteBuffer[uiWriteBufferIndex] = aucEncodeBuffer[i];
00370                 uiWriteBufferIndex++;
00371         }
00373         aucWriteBuffer[uiWriteBufferIndex] = ETX;
00375 #if defined(_WIN32)                                     
00376         DWORD iErrorCode;
00378         PurgeComm( m_hDevice, PURGE_TXABORT );
00379         PurgeComm( m_hDevice, PURGE_RXABORT );
00380         PurgeComm( m_hDevice, PURGE_TXCLEAR );
00381         PurgeComm( m_hDevice, PURGE_RXCLEAR );
00383         iRetVal = WriteFile( m_hDevice, aucWriteBuffer, uiWriteBufferIndex+1, &uiWriteLength, NULL );
00384         if (iRetVal == 0)
00385         {       
00386                 // Transmission error
00387                 void* lpMsgBuf;
00388                 FormatMessage( 
00389                         FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | 
00390                         FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | 
00391                         FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS,
00392                         NULL,
00393                         GetLastError(),
00394                         MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT),
00395                         (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf,
00396                         0,
00397                         NULL 
00398                         );
00399                 debug(1,"COMERROR:%s\n",lpMsgBuf);
00400                 warning( "Transmission Error. Sent %ld bytes instead of &ld: \n", uiWriteLength, uiWriteBufferIndex+1 );
00401                 ClearCommError( m_hDevice, &iErrorCode, NULL );
00402                 m_iErrorState = ERRID_DEV_WRITEERROR;
00403                 return m_iErrorState;
00404         }
00406         if( uiWriteLength != uiWriteBufferIndex+1 )
00407         {       warning( "Transmission Error. Sent %ld bytes instead of &ld: \n", uiWriteLength, uiWriteBufferIndex+1 );
00408                 m_iErrorState = ERRID_DEV_WRITEERROR;
00409                 return m_iErrorState;
00410         }
00411 #endif
00413 #if defined(__QNX__)                                    
00414         tcflush( m_hDevice, TCIOFLUSH );
00416         uiWriteLength = write(m_hDevice, aucWriteBuffer, uiWriteBufferIndex+1);
00417         if( uiWriteLength != uiWriteBufferIndex+1 )
00418         {       warning( "Transmission Error %d. Sent %ld bytes instead of %ld.\n", errno, uiWriteLength, uiWriteBufferIndex+1 );
00419                 m_iErrorState = ERRID_DEV_WRITEERROR;
00420                 return m_iErrorState;
00421         }
00422         tcdrain( m_hDevice );
00423 #endif
00425 #if defined(__LINUX__)                                  
00426         tcflush( m_hDevice, TCIOFLUSH );
00428         uiWriteLength = write(m_hDevice, aucWriteBuffer, uiWriteBufferIndex+1);
00429         if( uiWriteLength != uiWriteBufferIndex+1 )
00430         {       warning( "Transmission Error. Sent %ld bytes instead of %ld.\n", uiWriteLength, uiWriteBufferIndex+1 );
00431                 m_iErrorState = ERRID_DEV_WRITEERROR;
00432                 return m_iErrorState;
00433         }
00434         tcdrain( m_hDevice );
00435 #endif
00437         return m_iErrorState;
00438 }
00440 // ========================================================================== ;
00441 //                                                                            ;
00442 // ---- constructors / destructor ------------------------------------------- ;
00443 //                                                                            ;
00444 // ========================================================================== ;
00446 CRS232Device::CRS232Device() : m_hDevice(0), m_iDeviceId(-1), m_uiBaudRate(0), m_uiTimeOut(30), m_clTimer(util_REAL_TIME)
00447 {
00448         initMessage("CRS232Device", g_iDebugLevel, g_bDebug, g_bDebugFile);
00449 }
00451 CRS232Device::CRS232Device(const CRS232Device& rclRS232Device)
00452 {
00453         error(-1, "Sorry constructor is not implemented");
00454 }
00456 CRS232Device::~CRS232Device()
00457 {
00458         exit();
00459 }
00461 // ========================================================================== ;
00462 //                                                                            ;
00463 // ---- operators ----------------------------------------------------------- ;
00464 //                                                                            ;
00465 // ========================================================================== ;
00467 CRS232Device& CRS232Device::operator=(const CRS232Device& rclRS232Device)
00468 {
00469         error(-1, "Sorry operator= is not implemented");
00470         return *this;
00471 }
00473 // ========================================================================== ;
00474 //                                                                            ;
00475 // ---- query functions ----------------------------------------------------- ;
00476 //                                                                            ;
00477 // ========================================================================== ;
00479 // ========================================================================== ;
00480 //                                                                            ;
00481 // ---- modify functions ---------------------------------------------------- ;
00482 //                                                                            ;
00483 // ========================================================================== ;
00485 void CRS232Device::setTimeOut(unsigned long uiTimeOut)
00486 {
00487         m_uiTimeOut= uiTimeOut;
00488 }
00490 // ========================================================================== ;
00491 //                                                                            ;
00492 // ---- I/O functions ------------------------------------------------------- ;
00493 //                                                                            ;
00494 // ========================================================================== ;
00496 // ========================================================================== ;
00497 //                                                                            ;
00498 // ---- exec functions ------------------------------------------------------ ;
00499 //                                                                            ;
00500 // ========================================================================== ;
00502 int CRS232Device::init()
00503 {
00504         return init(m_acInitString);
00505 }
00507 int CRS232Device::init(const char* acInitString)
00508 {
00509         InitializeCriticalSection(&m_csDevice);
00510         char* pcToken;
00511         char acString[128];
00512         char acDevice[128];
00513         if(m_bInitFlag)
00514         {
00515                 warning("device already initialized");
00516                 m_iErrorState = ERRID_DEV_ISINITIALIZED;
00517                 return m_iErrorState;
00518         }
00519         m_iDeviceId = -1;
00520         m_iErrorState = 0;
00521         strncpy(m_acInitString,acInitString,128);
00522         strncpy(acString,acInitString,128);
00524         pcToken = strtok( acString, ":" );
00525         if( !pcToken )
00526         {       m_iErrorState = ERRID_DEV_BADINITSTRING;
00527                 return m_iErrorState;
00528         }
00529         if( strcmp( pcToken, "RS232" ) != 0 )
00530         {       m_iErrorState = ERRID_DEV_BADINITSTRING;
00531                 return m_iErrorState;
00532         }
00534         pcToken = strtok( NULL, "," );
00535         if( !pcToken )
00536         {       m_iErrorState = ERRID_DEV_BADINITSTRING;
00537                 return m_iErrorState;
00538         }
00539         m_iDeviceId = atoi(pcToken);
00541         pcToken = strtok( NULL, "," );
00542         if( !pcToken )
00543         {       m_iErrorState = ERRID_DEV_BADINITSTRING;
00544                 return m_iErrorState;
00545         }
00546         m_iBaudRate = atoi(pcToken);
00548 #if defined(_WIN32)                                     
00549         COMMTIMEOUTS commtimeouts;
00550         DCB dcb;
00551         sprintf( acDevice, "COM%d", m_iDeviceId );
00552         m_hDevice = CreateFile( acDevice, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL );
00553         if( m_hDevice == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
00554         {       warning( "Could not initialize %s\n", acDevice );
00555                 m_iErrorState = ERRID_DEV_INITERROR;
00556                 return m_iErrorState;
00557         }
00559         if( !GetCommState( m_hDevice, &dcb ) )
00560         {       warning( "GetCommState-Error %d\n", GetLastError() );
00561                 m_iErrorState = ERRID_DEV_INITERROR;
00562                 return m_iErrorState;
00563         }
00565         switch( m_iBaudRate )
00566         {
00567         case 1200:
00568                 dcb.BaudRate = CBR_1200;        
00569                 break;
00570         case 2400:
00571                 dcb.BaudRate = CBR_2400;        
00572                 break;
00573         case 4800:
00574                 dcb.BaudRate = CBR_4800;        
00575                 break;
00576         case 9600:
00577                 dcb.BaudRate = CBR_9600;        
00578                 break;
00579         case 19200:
00580                 dcb.BaudRate = CBR_19200;       
00581                 break;
00582         case 38400:
00583                 dcb.BaudRate = CBR_38400;       
00584                 break;
00585         case 57600:
00586                 dcb.BaudRate = CBR_57600;       
00587                 break;
00588         case 115200:
00589                 dcb.BaudRate = CBR_115200;      
00590                 break;
00591         default:
00592                 dcb.BaudRate = CBR_9600;        
00593                 break;
00594         }
00596         dcb.ByteSize = 8;
00597         dcb.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;
00598         dcb.Parity = NOPARITY;
00602         if( !SetCommState( m_hDevice, &dcb) )
00603         {       warning( "SetCommState-Error %d\n", GetLastError() );
00604                 m_iErrorState = ERRID_DEV_INITERROR;
00605                 return m_iErrorState;
00606         }
00607         commtimeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = 0;
00608         commtimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0; 
00609         commtimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = m_uiTimeOut;  
00610         commtimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0; 
00611         commtimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = m_uiTimeOut;  
00612         SetCommTimeouts(m_hDevice,&commtimeouts);
00614 #endif
00616 #if defined(__QNX__)                                    
00617         sprintf(acDevice,"/dev/ser%d",m_iDeviceId);
00618         m_hDevice = open(acDevice, O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK );
00619         if( m_hDevice <=0 )   
00620         {       warning( "Could not initialize %s\n", acDevice );
00621                 m_iErrorState = ERRID_DEV_INITERROR;
00622                 return m_iErrorState;
00623         }
00625         struct termios clPortOptions;
00626         tcgetattr(m_hDevice, &clPortOptions);           //get current port-options
00628         switch( m_iBaudRate )
00629         {
00630         case 1200:
00631                 cfsetispeed(&clPortOptions, B1200);
00632                 cfsetospeed(&clPortOptions, B1200);
00633                 break;
00634         case 2400:
00635                 cfsetispeed(&clPortOptions, B2400);
00636                 cfsetospeed(&clPortOptions, B2400);
00637                 break;
00638         case 4800:
00639                 cfsetispeed(&clPortOptions, B4800);
00640                 cfsetospeed(&clPortOptions, B4800);
00641                 break;
00642         case 9600:
00643                 cfsetispeed(&clPortOptions, B9600);
00644                 cfsetospeed(&clPortOptions, B9600);
00645                 break;
00646         case 19200:
00647                 cfsetispeed(&clPortOptions, B19200);
00648                 cfsetospeed(&clPortOptions, B19200);
00649                 break;
00650         case 38400:
00651                 cfsetispeed(&clPortOptions, B38400);
00652                 cfsetospeed(&clPortOptions, B38400);
00653                 break;
00654         case 57600:
00655                 cfsetispeed(&clPortOptions, B57600);
00656                 cfsetospeed(&clPortOptions, B57600);
00657                 break;
00658         case 115200:
00659                 cfsetispeed(&clPortOptions, B115200);
00660                 cfsetospeed(&clPortOptions, B115200);
00661                 break;
00662         default:
00663                 cfsetispeed(&clPortOptions, B9600);
00664                 cfsetospeed(&clPortOptions, B9600);
00665                 break;
00666         }
00668         clPortOptions.c_cflag |= CREAD|CS8;
00669         clPortOptions.c_lflag = 0;
00670         if( tcsetattr(m_hDevice, TCSANOW, &clPortOptions) != 0 )
00671         {       warning( "open: Could not set attributes\n" );
00672                 m_iErrorState = ERRID_DEV_INITERROR;
00673                 return m_iErrorState;
00674         }       
00676 #endif
00678 #if defined(__LINUX__)                                  
00679         sprintf(acDevice,"/dev/ttyS%d",m_iDeviceId-1);
00680         m_hDevice = open( acDevice, O_RDWR );   //open Port
00681         if( m_hDevice == -1 )
00682         {       warning( "open: Could not initialize %s\n", acDevice );
00683                 m_iErrorState = ERRID_DEV_INITERROR;
00684                 return m_iErrorState;
00685         }
00687         struct termios clPortOptions;
00688         tcgetattr(m_hDevice, &clPortOptions);           //get current port-options
00690         switch( m_iBaudRate )
00691         {
00692         case 1200:
00693                 cfsetispeed(&clPortOptions, B1200);
00694                 cfsetospeed(&clPortOptions, B1200);
00695                 break;
00696         case 2400:
00697                 cfsetispeed(&clPortOptions, B2400);
00698                 cfsetospeed(&clPortOptions, B2400);
00699                 break;
00700         case 4800:
00701                 cfsetispeed(&clPortOptions, B4800);
00702                 cfsetospeed(&clPortOptions, B4800);
00703                 break;
00704         case 9600:
00705                 cfsetispeed(&clPortOptions, B9600);
00706                 cfsetospeed(&clPortOptions, B9600);
00707                 break;
00708         case 19200:
00709                 cfsetispeed(&clPortOptions, B19200);
00710                 cfsetospeed(&clPortOptions, B19200);
00711                 break;
00712         case 38400:
00713                 cfsetispeed(&clPortOptions, B38400);
00714                 cfsetospeed(&clPortOptions, B38400);
00715                 break;
00716         case 57600:
00717                 cfsetispeed(&clPortOptions, B57600);
00718                 cfsetospeed(&clPortOptions, B57600);
00719                 break;
00720         case 115200:
00721                 cfsetispeed(&clPortOptions, B115200);
00722                 cfsetospeed(&clPortOptions, B115200);
00723                 break;
00724         default:
00725                 cfsetispeed(&clPortOptions, B9600);
00726                 cfsetospeed(&clPortOptions, B9600);
00727                 break;
00728         }
00730         clPortOptions.c_iflag = 0;
00731         clPortOptions.c_oflag = 0;
00732         clPortOptions.c_cflag |= CLOCAL|CREAD|CS8|CSIZE;
00733         clPortOptions.c_lflag = 0;
00734         if( tcsetattr(m_hDevice, TCSANOW, &clPortOptions) != 0 )
00735         {       warning( "open: Could not set attributes\n" );
00736                 m_iErrorState = ERRID_DEV_INITERROR;
00737                 return m_iErrorState;
00738         }       
00739 #endif
00741         m_iErrorState = clearReadQueue();
00742         if(m_iErrorState != 0)
00743                 return m_iErrorState;
00745         if(m_iErrorState == 0)
00746                 m_bInitFlag = true;
00747         updateModuleIdMap();
00748         return m_iErrorState;
00749 }
00751 int CRS232Device::exit()
00752 {
00753         m_iErrorState = 0;
00754         if(!m_bInitFlag)
00755         {
00756                 warning("device not initialized");
00757                 m_iErrorState = ERRID_DEV_NOTINITIALIZED;
00758                 return m_iErrorState;
00759         }
00760         EnterCriticalSection(&m_csDevice);
00761 #if defined(_WIN32)                                     
00762         if( !CloseHandle( m_hDevice ) )
00763         {       
00764                 warning( "Error closing Device.\n" );
00765                 m_iErrorState = ERRID_DEV_EXITERROR;
00766                 return m_iErrorState;
00767         }
00768 #endif
00770 #if defined(__QNX__)                                    
00771         if( close(m_hDevice) < 0 )
00772         {       warning( "Error closing Device.\n" );
00773                 m_iErrorState = ERRID_DEV_EXITERROR;
00774                 return m_iErrorState;
00775         }       
00776 #endif
00778 #if defined(__LINUX__)                                  
00779         if( close(m_hDevice) < 0 )
00780         {       warning( "Error closing Device.\n" );
00781                 m_iErrorState = ERRID_DEV_EXITERROR;
00782                 return m_iErrorState;
00783         }
00784 #endif
00786         m_bInitFlag = false;
00787         LeaveCriticalSection(&m_csDevice);
00788         DeleteCriticalSection(&m_csDevice);
00789         return m_iErrorState;
00790 }

Author(s): Florian Weisshardt
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 20:25:13