Functions | Variables
CV.cpp File Reference
#include <assert.h>
#include <opencv/cv.h>
#include <opencv/highgui.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "CV.hpp"
#include "File.hpp"
#include "String.hpp"
Include dependency graph for CV.cpp:

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CV_Image CV__clone_image (CV_Image image)
void CV__draw_chessboard_corners (CV_Image image, CV_Size pattern_size, CV_Point2D32F_Vector corners, int count, bool pattern_was_found)
int CV__find_chessboard_corners (CV_Image image, CV_Size pattern_size, CV_Point2D32F_Vector corners, int flags)
void CV__find_extrinsic_camera_params2 (CV_Matrix object_points, CV_Matrix image_points, CV_Matrix camera, CV_Matrix distortion_coefficients, CV_Matrix rotation_vector, CV_Matrix translation_vector, int use_extrinsic_guess)
int CV__fourcc (char character1, char character2, char character3, char character4)
void CV__gemm (CV_Matrix a, CV_Matrix b, double alpha, CV_Matrix c, double beta, CV_Matrix d, int transpose_a_b_c)
double CV__get_real_2d (CV_Matrix matrix, int row, int column)
void CV__init_undistort_map (CV_Matrix camera_matrix, CV_Matrix distortion_coefficients, CV_Matrix mapx, CV_Matrix mapy)
void CV__release_image (CV_Image image)
void CV__rodrigues2 (CV_Matrix rotation_vector, CV_Matrix rotation_matrix, CV_Matrix jacobian)
int CV__round (double value)
void CV__set_identity (CV_Matrix matrix, CV_Scalar scalar)
void CV__set_real_2d (CV_Matrix matrix, int row, int column, double value)
void CV__set_zero (CV_Matrix matrix)
int CV__undistortion_setup (String_Const calibrate_file_name, int width, int height, CV_Image *mapx, CV_Image *mapy)
void CV_Image__adaptive_threshold (CV_Image source_image, CV_Image destination_image, double maximum_value, int adaptive_method, int threshold_type, int block_size, double parameter1)
void CV_Image__blob_draw (CV_Image image, int x, int y, CV_Scalar color)
int CV_Image__channels_get (CV_Image image)
void CV_Image__convert_color (CV_Image source_image, CV_Image destination_image, int conversion_code)
void CV_Image__copy (CV_Image source_image, CV_Image destination_image, CV_Image mask)
CV_Image CV_Image__create (CV_Size size, unsigned int depth, unsigned int channels)
void CV_Image__cross_draw (CV_Image image, int x, int y, CV_Scalar color)
unsigned int CV_Image__depth_get (CV_Image image)
void CV_Image__draw_contours (CV_Image image, CV_Sequence contour, CV_Scalar external_color, CV_Scalar hole_color, int maximal_level, int thickness, int line_type, CV_Point offset)
unsigned int CV_Image__fetch3 (CV_Image image, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int channel)
CV_Sequence CV_Image__find_contours (CV_Image image, CV_Memory_Storage storage, int header_size, int mode, int method, CV_Point point)
void CV_Image__find_corner_sub_pix (CV_Image image, CV_Point2D32F_Vector corners, int count, CV_Size window, CV_Size zero_zone, CV_Term_Criteria criteria)
void CV_Image__flip (CV_Image from_image, CV_Image to_image, int flip_code)
int CV_Image__gray_fetch (CV_Image image, int x, int y)
CV_Image CV_Image__header_create (CV_Size size, unsigned int depth, unsigned int channels)
int CV_Image__height_get (CV_Image image)
CV_Image CV_Image__pnm_read (String_Const file_name)
 Reads in a *CV_Image* in from the .pnm file named *file_name*.
void CV_Image__pnm_write (CV_Image image, String_Const file_name)
 Writes *image* out to .pnm file named *file_name*.
void CV_Image__remap (CV_Image source_image, CV_Image destination_image, CV_Image map_x, CV_Image map_y, int flags, CV_Scalar fill_value)
void CV_Image__smooth (CV_Image source_image, CV_Image destination_image, int smooth_type, int parameter1, int parameter2, double parameter3, double parameter4)
void CV_Image__store3 (CV_Image image, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int channel, unsigned int value)
CV_Image CV_Image__tga_read (CV_Image image, String_Const tga_file_name)
 Read in a .tga file.
void CV_Image__tga_write (CV_Image image, String_Const file_name)
 Write *image* out to *file_name* in .tga format.
int CV_Image__width_get (CV_Image image)
int CV_Matrix__columns_get (CV_Matrix matrix)
int CV_Matrix__rows_get (CV_Matrix matrix)
void CV_Matrix__save (CV_Matrix matrix, const char *file_name)
void CV_Memory_Storage__clear (CV_Memory_Storage storage)
CV_Memory_Storage CV_Memory_Storage__create (int block_size)
CV_Point2D32F CV_Point2D32F__create (double x, double y)
void CV_Point2D32F__point_set (CV_Point2D32F point2d32f, CV_Point point)
double CV_Point2D32F__x_get (CV_Point2D32F point)
void CV_Point2D32F__x_set (CV_Point2D32F point, double x)
double CV_Point2D32F__y_get (CV_Point2D32F point)
void CV_Point2D32F__y_set (CV_Point2D32F point, double y)
CV_Point2D32F_Vector CV_Point2D32F_Vector__create (unsigned int size)
CV_Point2D32F CV_Point2D32F_Vector__fetch1 (CV_Point2D32F_Vector vector, unsigned int index)
CV_Point CV_Point__create (int x, int y)
int CV_Point__x_get (CV_Point point)
void CV_Point__x_set (CV_Point point, int x)
int CV_Point__y_get (CV_Point point)
void CV_Point__y_set (CV_Point point, int y)
CV_Scalar CV_Scalar__create (double value0, double value1, double value2, double value3)
void CV_Scalar__free (CV_Scalar cv_scalar)
CV_Scalar CV_Scalar__rgb (double red, double green, double blue)
CV_Sequence CV_Sequence__approximate_polygon (CV_Sequence contour, int header_size, CV_Memory_Storage storage, int method, int parameter1, double parameter2)
double CV_Sequence__arc_length (CV_Sequence contour, CV_Slice slice, int is_closed)
bool CV_Sequence__check_contour_convexity (CV_Sequence contour)
double CV_Sequence__contour_area (CV_Sequence contour, CV_Slice slice, int oriented)
CV_Sequence CV_Sequence__next_get (CV_Sequence sequence)
CV_Point CV_Sequence__point_fetch1 (CV_Sequence sequence, unsigned int index)
int CV_Sequence__total_get (CV_Sequence sequence)
CV_Size CV_Size__create (int width, int height)
void CV_Size__free (CV_Size cv_size)
CV_Slice CV_Slice__create (int start_index, int end_index)
void CV_Slice__Initialize (void)
CV_Term_Criteria CV_Term_Criteria__create (int type, int maximum_iterations, double epsilon)


int CV__adaptive_thresh_gaussian_c = CV_ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C
int CV__adaptive_thresh_mean_c = CV_ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C
int CV__auto_step = CV_AUTO_STEP
int CV__bayerbg_to_bgr = CV_BayerBG2BGR
int CV__bayerbg_to_rgb = CV_BayerBG2RGB
int CV__bayergb_to_bgr = CV_BayerGB2BGR
int CV__bayergb_to_rgb = CV_BayerGB2RGB
int CV__bayergr_to_bgr = CV_BayerGR2BGR
int CV__bayergr_to_rgb = CV_BayerGR2RGB
int CV__bayerrg_to_bgr = CV_BayerRG2BGR
int CV__bayerrg_to_rgb = CV_BayerRG2RGB
int CV__bg4565_to_rgb = CV_BGR5652RGB
int CV__bgr555_to_bgr = CV_BGR5552BGR
int CV__bgr555_to_bgra = CV_BGR5552BGRA
int CV__bgr555_to_gray = CV_BGR5552GRAY
int CV__bgr555_to_rgb = CV_BGR5552RGB
int CV__bgr555_to_rgba = CV_BGR5552RGBA
int CV__bgr565_to_bgr = CV_BGR5652BGR
int CV__bgr565_to_bgra = CV_BGR5652BGRA
int CV__bgr565_to_gray = CV_BGR5652GRAY
int CV__bgr565_to_rgba = CV_BGR5652RGBA
int CV__bgr_to_bgr555 = CV_BGR2BGR555
int CV__bgr_to_bgr565 = CV_BGR2BGR565
int CV__bgr_to_bgra = CV_BGR2BGRA
int CV__bgr_to_gray = CV_BGR2GRAY
int CV__bgr_to_hls = CV_BGR2HLS
int CV__bgr_to_hsv = CV_BGR2HSV
int CV__bgr_to_lab = CV_BGR2Lab
int CV__bgr_to_luv = CV_BGR2Luv
int CV__bgr_to_rgb = CV_BGR2RGB
int CV__bgr_to_rgba = CV_BGR2RGBA
int CV__bgr_to_xyz = CV_BGR2XYZ
int CV__bgr_to_ycrcb = CV_BGR2YCrCb
int CV__bgra_to_bgr = CV_BGRA2BGR
int CV__bgra_to_bgr555 = CV_BGRA2BGR555
int CV__bgra_to_bgr565 = CV_BGRA2BGR565
int CV__bgra_to_rgb = CV_BGRA2RGB
int CV__bilateral = CV_BILATERAL
int CV__blur = CV_BLUR
int CV__blur_no_scale = CV_BLUR_NO_SCALE
int CV__brga_to_gray = CV_BGRA2GRAY
int CV__brga_to_rgba = CV_BGRA2RGBA
int CV__calib_cb_adaptive_thresh = CV_CALIB_CB_ADAPTIVE_THRESH
int CV__calib_cb_filter_quads = CV_CALIB_CB_FILTER_QUADS
int CV__calib_cb_normalize_image = CV_CALIB_CB_NORMALIZE_IMAGE
int CV__chain_approx_none = CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE
int CV__chain_approx_simple = CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE
int CV__chain_approx_tc89_kcos = CV_CHAIN_APPROX_TC89_KCOS
int CV__chain_approx_tc89_l1 = CV_CHAIN_APPROX_TC89_L1
int CV__chain_code = CV_CHAIN_CODE
int CV__chain_link_runs = CV_LINK_RUNS
int CV__depth_16s = IPL_DEPTH_16S
int CV__depth_16u = IPL_DEPTH_16U
int CV__depth_1u = IPL_DEPTH_1U
int CV__depth_32f = IPL_DEPTH_32F
int CV__depth_32s = IPL_DEPTH_32S
int CV__depth_64f = IPL_DEPTH_64F
int CV__depth_8s = IPL_DEPTH_8S
int CV__depth_8u = IPL_DEPTH_8U
int CV__f32 = CV_32F
int CV__f32c1 = CV_32FC1
int CV__f32c2 = CV_32FC2
int CV__f32c3 = CV_32FC3
int CV__f32c4 = CV_32FC4
int CV__f64 = CV_64F
int CV__f64c1 = CV_64FC1
int CV__f64c2 = CV_64FC2
int CV__f64c3 = CV_64FC3
int CV__f64c4 = CV_64FC4
int CV__gaussian = CV_GAUSSIAN
int CV__gemm_a_t = CV_GEMM_A_T
int CV__gemm_b_t = CV_GEMM_B_T
int CV__gemm_c_t = CV_GEMM_C_T
int CV__gray_to_bgr555 = CV_GRAY2BGR555
int CV__gray_to_bgr565 = CV_GRAY2BGR565
int CV__gray_to_bgra = CV_GRAY2BGRA
int CV__gray_to_brg = CV_GRAY2BGR
int CV__gray_to_rgb = CV_GRAY2RGB
int CV__gray_to_rgba = CV_GRAY2RGBA
int CV__hls_to_bgr = CV_HLS2BGR
int CV__hls_to_rgb = CV_HLS2RGB
int CV__hsv_to_bgr = CV_HSV2BGR
int CV__hsv_to_rgb = CV_HSV2RGB
int CV__inter_linear = CV_INTER_LINEAR
int CV__lab_to_bgr = CV_Lab2BGR
int CV__lab_to_rgb = CV_Lab2RGB
int CV__load_image_any_color = CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYCOLOR
int CV__load_image_any_depth = CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYDEPTH
int CV__load_image_color = CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR
int CV__load_image_gray_scale = CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE
int CV__load_image_unchanged = CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED
int CV__luv_to_bgr = CV_Luv2BGR
int CV__luv_to_rgb = CV_Luv2RGB
int CV__median = CV_MEDIAN
int CV__poly_approx_dp = CV_POLY_APPROX_DP
int CV__retr_ccomp = CV_RETR_CCOMP
int CV__retr_external = CV_RETR_EXTERNAL
int CV__retr_list = CV_RETR_LIST
int CV__retr_tree = CV_RETR_TREE
int CV__rgb_to_bgr = CV_RGB2BGR
int CV__rgb_to_bgr555 = CV_RGB2BGR555
int CV__rgb_to_bgr565 = CV_RGB2BGR565
int CV__rgb_to_bgra = CV_RGB2BGRA
int CV__rgb_to_gray = CV_RGB2GRAY
int CV__rgb_to_hls = CV_RGB2HLS
int CV__rgb_to_hsv = CV_RGB2HSV
int CV__rgb_to_lab = CV_RGB2Lab
int CV__rgb_to_luv = CV_RGB2Luv
int CV__rgb_to_rgba = CV_RGB2RGBA
int CV__rgb_to_xyz = CV_RGB2XYZ
int CV__rgb_to_ycrcb = CV_RGB2YCrCb
int CV__rgba_to_bgr = CV_RGBA2BGR
int CV__rgba_to_bgr555 = CV_RGBA2BGR555
int CV__rgba_to_bgr565 = CV_RGBA2BGR565
int CV__rgba_to_brga = CV_RGBA2BGRA
int CV__rgba_to_gray = CV_RGBA2GRAY
int CV__rgba_to_rgb = CV_RGBA2RGB
int CV__s16 = CV_16S
int CV__s16c1 = CV_16SC1
int CV__s16c2 = CV_16SC2
int CV__s16c3 = CV_16SC3
int CV__s16c4 = CV_16SC4
int CV__s32 = CV_32S
int CV__s32c1 = CV_32SC1
int CV__s32c2 = CV_32SC2
int CV__s32c3 = CV_32SC3
int CV__s32c4 = CV_32SC4
int CV__s8 = CV_8S
int CV__s8c1 = CV_8SC1
int CV__s8c2 = CV_8SC2
int CV__s8c3 = CV_8SC3
int CV__s8c4 = CV_8SC4
int CV__term_criteria_eps = CV_TERMCRIT_EPS
int CV__term_criteria_iterations = CV_TERMCRIT_ITER
int CV__thresh_binary = CV_THRESH_BINARY
int CV__thresh_binary_inv = CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV
int CV__u16 = CV_16U
int CV__u16c1 = CV_16UC1
int CV__u16c2 = CV_16UC2
int CV__u16c3 = CV_16UC3
int CV__u16c4 = CV_16UC4
int CV__u8 = CV_8U
int CV__u8c1 = CV_8UC1
int CV__u8c2 = CV_8UC2
int CV__u8c3 = CV_8UC3
int CV__u8c4 = CV_8UC4
int CV__user_type = CV_USRTYPE1
int CV__warp_fill_outliers = CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS
CV_Slice CV__whole_seq = &whole_sequence
int CV__window_auto_size = CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE
int CV__xyz_to_bgr = CV_XYZ2BGR
int CV__xyz_to_rgb = CV_XYZ2RGB
int CV__ycrcb_to_bgr = CV_YCrCb2BGR
int CV__ycrcb_to_rgb = CV_YCrCb2RGB
static CvSlice whole_sequence

Function Documentation

Definition at line 177 of file CV.cpp.

void CV__draw_chessboard_corners ( CV_Image  image,
CV_Size  pattern_size,
CV_Point2D32F_Vector  corners,
int  count,
bool  pattern_was_found 

Definition at line 171 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__find_chessboard_corners ( CV_Image  image,
CV_Size  pattern_size,
CV_Point2D32F_Vector  corners,
int  flags 

Definition at line 198 of file CV.cpp.

void CV__find_extrinsic_camera_params2 ( CV_Matrix  object_points,
CV_Matrix  image_points,
CV_Matrix  camera,
CV_Matrix  distortion_coefficients,
CV_Matrix  rotation_vector,
CV_Matrix  translation_vector,
int  use_extrinsic_guess 

Definition at line 211 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__fourcc ( char  character1,
char  character2,
char  character3,
char  character4 

Definition at line 225 of file CV.cpp.

void CV__gemm ( CV_Matrix  a,
CV_Matrix  b,
double  alpha,
CV_Matrix  c,
double  beta,
CV_Matrix  d,
int  transpose_a_b_c 

Definition at line 234 of file CV.cpp.

double CV__get_real_2d ( CV_Matrix  matrix,
int  row,
int  column 

Definition at line 240 of file CV.cpp.

void CV__init_undistort_map ( CV_Matrix  camera_matrix,
CV_Matrix  distortion_coefficients,
CV_Matrix  mapx,
CV_Matrix  mapy 

Definition at line 244 of file CV.cpp.

void CV__release_image ( CV_Image  image)

Definition at line 265 of file CV.cpp.

void CV__rodrigues2 ( CV_Matrix  rotation_vector,
CV_Matrix  rotation_matrix,
CV_Matrix  jacobian 

Definition at line 272 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__round ( double  value)

Definition at line 290 of file CV.cpp.

void CV__set_identity ( CV_Matrix  matrix,
CV_Scalar  scalar 

Definition at line 277 of file CV.cpp.

void CV__set_real_2d ( CV_Matrix  matrix,
int  row,
int  column,
double  value 

Definition at line 281 of file CV.cpp.

void CV__set_zero ( CV_Matrix  matrix)

Definition at line 286 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__undistortion_setup ( String_Const  calibrate_file_name,
int  width,
int  height,
CV_Image mapx,
CV_Image mapy 

Definition at line 301 of file CV.cpp.

void CV_Image__adaptive_threshold ( CV_Image  source_image,
CV_Image  destination_image,
double  maximum_value,
int  adaptive_method,
int  threshold_type,
int  block_size,
double  parameter1 

Definition at line 347 of file CV.cpp.

void CV_Image__blob_draw ( CV_Image  image,
int  x,
int  y,
CV_Scalar  color 

Definition at line 354 of file CV.cpp.

Definition at line 381 of file CV.cpp.

void CV_Image__convert_color ( CV_Image  source_image,
CV_Image  destination_image,
int  conversion_code 

Definition at line 385 of file CV.cpp.

void CV_Image__copy ( CV_Image  source_image,
CV_Image  destination_image,
CV_Image  mask 

Definition at line 390 of file CV.cpp.

CV_Image CV_Image__create ( CV_Size  size,
unsigned int  depth,
unsigned int  channels 

Definition at line 377 of file CV.cpp.

void CV_Image__cross_draw ( CV_Image  image,
int  x,
int  y,
CV_Scalar  color 

Definition at line 395 of file CV.cpp.

unsigned int CV_Image__depth_get ( CV_Image  image)

Definition at line 465 of file CV.cpp.

void CV_Image__draw_contours ( CV_Image  image,
CV_Sequence  contour,
CV_Scalar  external_color,
CV_Scalar  hole_color,
int  maximal_level,
int  thickness,
int  line_type,
CV_Point  offset 

Definition at line 429 of file CV.cpp.

unsigned int CV_Image__fetch3 ( CV_Image  image,
unsigned int  x,
unsigned int  y,
unsigned int  channel 

Definition at line 469 of file CV.cpp.

CV_Sequence CV_Image__find_contours ( CV_Image  image,
CV_Memory_Storage  storage,
int  header_size,
int  mode,
int  method,
CV_Point  point 

Definition at line 454 of file CV.cpp.

void CV_Image__find_corner_sub_pix ( CV_Image  image,
CV_Point2D32F_Vector  corners,
int  count,
CV_Size  window,
CV_Size  zero_zone,
CV_Term_Criteria  criteria 

Definition at line 484 of file CV.cpp.

void CV_Image__flip ( CV_Image  from_image,
CV_Image  to_image,
int  flip_code 

Definition at line 489 of file CV.cpp.

int CV_Image__gray_fetch ( CV_Image  image,
int  x,
int  y 

Definition at line 475 of file CV.cpp.

CV_Image CV_Image__header_create ( CV_Size  size,
unsigned int  depth,
unsigned int  channels 

Definition at line 493 of file CV.cpp.

Definition at line 498 of file CV.cpp.

Reads in a *CV_Image* in from the .pnm file named *file_name*.

file_nameis the base name (excluding suffix) to write out to.
the *CV_Image* corresponding to the file read in.

CV_Image__pnm_read*() will reads in and return a *CV_Image* in from the file .pnm file named *file_name*.

Definition at line 509 of file CV.cpp.

void CV_Image__pnm_write ( CV_Image  image,
String_Const  file_name 

Writes *image* out to .pnm file named *file_name*.

imageto write out.
file_nameis the *file_name to write out to.

CV_Image__pnm_write*() will write *image* out to the file named file_base_name.pnm.

Definition at line 527 of file CV.cpp.

void CV_Image__remap ( CV_Image  source_image,
CV_Image  destination_image,
CV_Image  map_x,
CV_Image  map_y,
int  flags,
CV_Scalar  fill_value 

Definition at line 533 of file CV.cpp.

void CV_Image__smooth ( CV_Image  source_image,
CV_Image  destination_image,
int  smooth_type,
int  parameter1,
int  parameter2,
double  parameter3,
double  parameter4 

Definition at line 539 of file CV.cpp.

void CV_Image__store3 ( CV_Image  image,
unsigned int  x,
unsigned int  y,
unsigned int  channel,
unsigned int  value 

Definition at line 546 of file CV.cpp.

CV_Image CV_Image__tga_read ( CV_Image  image,
String_Const  tga_file_name 

Read in a .tga file.

imageto read into (or null).
tga_file_nameis the file name of the .tga file.
image from .tga file.

CV__tga_read will read the contents of {tga_file_name} into {image}. If the sizes do not match, {image} is released and new {CV_Image} object of the right size is allocated, filled and returned. In either case, the returned {CV_Image} object containing the read in image data is returned.

Definition at line 563 of file CV.cpp.

void CV_Image__tga_write ( CV_Image  image,
String_Const  file_name 

Write *image* out to *file_name* in .tga format.

imageto write out.
file_nameto write *image* to.

CV_Image__tga_write*() will write *image* out to *file_name* in .tga format.

Definition at line 672 of file CV.cpp.

int CV_Image__width_get ( CV_Image  image)

Definition at line 741 of file CV.cpp.

Definition at line 747 of file CV.cpp.

int CV_Matrix__rows_get ( CV_Matrix  matrix)

Definition at line 751 of file CV.cpp.

void CV_Matrix__save ( CV_Matrix  matrix,
const char *  file_name 

Definition at line 755 of file CV.cpp.

Definition at line 765 of file CV.cpp.

Definition at line 769 of file CV.cpp.

CV_Point2D32F CV_Point2D32F__create ( double  x,
double  y 

Definition at line 803 of file CV.cpp.

void CV_Point2D32F__point_set ( CV_Point2D32F  point2d32f,
CV_Point  point 

Definition at line 830 of file CV.cpp.

Definition at line 814 of file CV.cpp.

void CV_Point2D32F__x_set ( CV_Point2D32F  point,
double  x 

Definition at line 818 of file CV.cpp.

Definition at line 822 of file CV.cpp.

void CV_Point2D32F__y_set ( CV_Point2D32F  point,
double  y 

Definition at line 826 of file CV.cpp.

Definition at line 839 of file CV.cpp.

CV_Point2D32F CV_Point2D32F_Vector__fetch1 ( CV_Point2D32F_Vector  vector,
unsigned int  index 

Definition at line 853 of file CV.cpp.

CV_Point CV_Point__create ( int  x,
int  y 

Definition at line 775 of file CV.cpp.

int CV_Point__x_get ( CV_Point  point)

Definition at line 785 of file CV.cpp.

void CV_Point__x_set ( CV_Point  point,
int  x 

Definition at line 789 of file CV.cpp.

int CV_Point__y_get ( CV_Point  point)

Definition at line 793 of file CV.cpp.

void CV_Point__y_set ( CV_Point  point,
int  y 

Definition at line 797 of file CV.cpp.

CV_Scalar CV_Scalar__create ( double  value0,
double  value1,
double  value2,
double  value3 

Definition at line 860 of file CV.cpp.

void CV_Scalar__free ( CV_Scalar  cv_scalar)

Definition at line 870 of file CV.cpp.

CV_Scalar CV_Scalar__rgb ( double  red,
double  green,
double  blue 

Definition at line 877 of file CV.cpp.

CV_Sequence CV_Sequence__approximate_polygon ( CV_Sequence  contour,
int  header_size,
CV_Memory_Storage  storage,
int  method,
int  parameter1,
double  parameter2 

Definition at line 885 of file CV.cpp.

double CV_Sequence__arc_length ( CV_Sequence  contour,
CV_Slice  slice,
int  is_closed 

Definition at line 894 of file CV.cpp.

Definition at line 899 of file CV.cpp.

double CV_Sequence__contour_area ( CV_Sequence  contour,
CV_Slice  slice,
int  oriented 

Definition at line 903 of file CV.cpp.

Definition at line 908 of file CV.cpp.

CV_Point CV_Sequence__point_fetch1 ( CV_Sequence  sequence,
unsigned int  index 

Definition at line 912 of file CV.cpp.

Definition at line 916 of file CV.cpp.

CV_Size CV_Size__create ( int  width,
int  height 

Definition at line 922 of file CV.cpp.

void CV_Size__free ( CV_Size  cv_size)

Definition at line 929 of file CV.cpp.

CV_Slice CV_Slice__create ( int  start_index,
int  end_index 

Definition at line 934 of file CV.cpp.

void CV_Slice__Initialize ( void  )

Definition at line 15 of file CV.cpp.

CV_Term_Criteria CV_Term_Criteria__create ( int  type,
int  maximum_iterations,
double  epsilon 

Definition at line 948 of file CV.cpp.

Variable Documentation

int CV__adaptive_thresh_gaussian_c = CV_ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C

Definition at line 112 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__adaptive_thresh_mean_c = CV_ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C

Definition at line 111 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__auto_step = CV_AUTO_STEP

Definition at line 161 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__bayerbg_to_bgr = CV_BayerBG2BGR

Definition at line 90 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__bayerbg_to_rgb = CV_BayerBG2RGB

Definition at line 94 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__bayergb_to_bgr = CV_BayerGB2BGR

Definition at line 91 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__bayergb_to_rgb = CV_BayerGB2RGB

Definition at line 95 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__bayergr_to_bgr = CV_BayerGR2BGR

Definition at line 93 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__bayergr_to_rgb = CV_BayerGR2RGB

Definition at line 97 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__bayerrg_to_bgr = CV_BayerRG2BGR

Definition at line 92 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__bayerrg_to_rgb = CV_BayerRG2RGB

Definition at line 96 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__bg4565_to_rgb = CV_BGR5652RGB

Definition at line 61 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__bgr555_to_bgr = CV_BGR5552BGR

Definition at line 70 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__bgr555_to_bgra = CV_BGR5552BGRA

Definition at line 74 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__bgr555_to_gray = CV_BGR5552GRAY

Definition at line 77 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__bgr555_to_rgb = CV_BGR5552RGB

Definition at line 71 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__bgr555_to_rgba = CV_BGR5552RGBA

Definition at line 75 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__bgr565_to_bgr = CV_BGR5652BGR

Definition at line 60 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__bgr565_to_bgra = CV_BGR5652BGRA

Definition at line 64 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__bgr565_to_gray = CV_BGR5652GRAY

Definition at line 67 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__bgr565_to_rgba = CV_BGR5652RGBA

Definition at line 65 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__bgr_to_bgr555 = CV_BGR2BGR555

Definition at line 68 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__bgr_to_bgr565 = CV_BGR2BGR565

Definition at line 58 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__bgr_to_bgra = CV_BGR2BGRA

Definition at line 38 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__bgr_to_gray = CV_BGR2GRAY

Definition at line 50 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__bgr_to_hls = CV_BGR2HLS

Definition at line 100 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__bgr_to_hsv = CV_BGR2HSV

Definition at line 86 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__bgr_to_lab = CV_BGR2Lab

Definition at line 88 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__bgr_to_luv = CV_BGR2Luv

Definition at line 98 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__bgr_to_rgb = CV_BGR2RGB

Definition at line 46 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__bgr_to_rgba = CV_BGR2RGBA

Definition at line 42 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__bgr_to_xyz = CV_BGR2XYZ

Definition at line 78 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__bgr_to_ycrcb = CV_BGR2YCrCb

Definition at line 82 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__bgra_to_bgr = CV_BGRA2BGR

Definition at line 40 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__bgra_to_bgr555 = CV_BGRA2BGR555

Definition at line 72 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__bgra_to_bgr565 = CV_BGRA2BGR565

Definition at line 62 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__bgra_to_rgb = CV_BGRA2RGB

Definition at line 45 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__bilateral = CV_BILATERAL

Definition at line 167 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__blur = CV_BLUR

Definition at line 164 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__blur_no_scale = CV_BLUR_NO_SCALE

Definition at line 163 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__brga_to_gray = CV_BGRA2GRAY

Definition at line 56 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__brga_to_rgba = CV_BGRA2RGBA

Definition at line 48 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__calib_cb_adaptive_thresh = CV_CALIB_CB_ADAPTIVE_THRESH

Definition at line 450 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__calib_cb_filter_quads = CV_CALIB_CB_FILTER_QUADS

Definition at line 452 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__calib_cb_normalize_image = CV_CALIB_CB_NORMALIZE_IMAGE

Definition at line 451 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__chain_approx_none = CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE

Definition at line 444 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__chain_approx_simple = CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE

Definition at line 445 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__chain_approx_tc89_kcos = CV_CHAIN_APPROX_TC89_KCOS

Definition at line 447 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__chain_approx_tc89_l1 = CV_CHAIN_APPROX_TC89_L1

Definition at line 446 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__chain_code = CV_CHAIN_CODE

Definition at line 443 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__chain_link_runs = CV_LINK_RUNS

Definition at line 448 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__depth_16s = IPL_DEPTH_16S

Definition at line 25 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__depth_16u = IPL_DEPTH_16U

Definition at line 23 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__depth_1u = IPL_DEPTH_1U

Definition at line 21 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__depth_32f = IPL_DEPTH_32F

Definition at line 27 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__depth_32s = IPL_DEPTH_32S

Definition at line 26 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__depth_64f = IPL_DEPTH_64F

Definition at line 28 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__depth_8s = IPL_DEPTH_8S

Definition at line 24 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__depth_8u = IPL_DEPTH_8U

Definition at line 22 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__f32 = CV_32F

Definition at line 122 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__f32c1 = CV_32FC1

Definition at line 151 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__f32c2 = CV_32FC2

Definition at line 152 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__f32c3 = CV_32FC3

Definition at line 153 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__f32c4 = CV_32FC4

Definition at line 154 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__f64 = CV_64F

Definition at line 123 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__f64c1 = CV_64FC1

Definition at line 156 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__f64c2 = CV_64FC2

Definition at line 157 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__f64c3 = CV_64FC3

Definition at line 158 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__f64c4 = CV_64FC4

Definition at line 159 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__gaussian = CV_GAUSSIAN

Definition at line 165 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__gemm_a_t = CV_GEMM_A_T

Definition at line 230 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__gemm_b_t = CV_GEMM_B_T

Definition at line 231 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__gemm_c_t = CV_GEMM_C_T

Definition at line 232 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__gray_to_bgr555 = CV_GRAY2BGR555

Definition at line 76 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__gray_to_bgr565 = CV_GRAY2BGR565

Definition at line 66 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__gray_to_bgra = CV_GRAY2BGRA

Definition at line 54 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__gray_to_brg = CV_GRAY2BGR

Definition at line 52 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__gray_to_rgb = CV_GRAY2RGB

Definition at line 53 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__gray_to_rgba = CV_GRAY2RGBA

Definition at line 55 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__hls_to_bgr = CV_HLS2BGR

Definition at line 108 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__hls_to_rgb = CV_HLS2RGB

Definition at line 109 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__hsv_to_bgr = CV_HSV2BGR

Definition at line 102 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__hsv_to_rgb = CV_HSV2RGB

Definition at line 103 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__inter_linear = CV_INTER_LINEAR

Definition at line 269 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__lab_to_bgr = CV_Lab2BGR

Definition at line 104 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__lab_to_rgb = CV_Lab2RGB

Definition at line 105 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__load_image_any_color = CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYCOLOR

Definition at line 30 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__load_image_any_depth = CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYDEPTH

Definition at line 31 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__load_image_color = CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR

Definition at line 32 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__load_image_gray_scale = CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE

Definition at line 33 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__load_image_unchanged = CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED

Definition at line 34 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__luv_to_bgr = CV_Luv2BGR

Definition at line 106 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__luv_to_rgb = CV_Luv2RGB

Definition at line 107 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__median = CV_MEDIAN

Definition at line 166 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__poly_approx_dp = CV_POLY_APPROX_DP

Definition at line 883 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__retr_ccomp = CV_RETR_CCOMP

Definition at line 439 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__retr_external = CV_RETR_EXTERNAL

Definition at line 437 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__retr_list = CV_RETR_LIST

Definition at line 438 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__retr_tree = CV_RETR_TREE

Definition at line 440 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__rgb_to_bgr = CV_RGB2BGR

Definition at line 47 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__rgb_to_bgr555 = CV_RGB2BGR555

Definition at line 69 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__rgb_to_bgr565 = CV_RGB2BGR565

Definition at line 59 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__rgb_to_bgra = CV_RGB2BGRA

Definition at line 43 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__rgb_to_gray = CV_RGB2GRAY

Definition at line 51 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__rgb_to_hls = CV_RGB2HLS

Definition at line 101 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__rgb_to_hsv = CV_RGB2HSV

Definition at line 87 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__rgb_to_lab = CV_RGB2Lab

Definition at line 89 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__rgb_to_luv = CV_RGB2Luv

Definition at line 99 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__rgb_to_rgba = CV_RGB2RGBA

Definition at line 39 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__rgb_to_xyz = CV_RGB2XYZ

Definition at line 79 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__rgb_to_ycrcb = CV_RGB2YCrCb

Definition at line 83 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__rgba_to_bgr = CV_RGBA2BGR

Definition at line 44 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__rgba_to_bgr555 = CV_RGBA2BGR555

Definition at line 73 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__rgba_to_bgr565 = CV_RGBA2BGR565

Definition at line 63 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__rgba_to_brga = CV_RGBA2BGRA

Definition at line 49 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__rgba_to_gray = CV_RGBA2GRAY

Definition at line 57 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__rgba_to_rgb = CV_RGBA2RGB

Definition at line 41 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__s16 = CV_16S

Definition at line 120 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__s16c1 = CV_16SC1

Definition at line 141 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__s16c2 = CV_16SC2

Definition at line 142 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__s16c3 = CV_16SC3

Definition at line 143 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__s16c4 = CV_16SC4

Definition at line 144 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__s32 = CV_32S

Definition at line 121 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__s32c1 = CV_32SC1

Definition at line 146 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__s32c2 = CV_32SC2

Definition at line 147 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__s32c3 = CV_32SC3

Definition at line 148 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__s32c4 = CV_32SC4

Definition at line 149 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__s8 = CV_8S

Definition at line 118 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__s8c1 = CV_8SC1

Definition at line 131 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__s8c2 = CV_8SC2

Definition at line 132 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__s8c3 = CV_8SC3

Definition at line 133 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__s8c4 = CV_8SC4

Definition at line 134 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__term_criteria_eps = CV_TERMCRIT_EPS

Definition at line 946 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__term_criteria_iterations = CV_TERMCRIT_ITER

Definition at line 945 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__thresh_binary = CV_THRESH_BINARY

Definition at line 113 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__thresh_binary_inv = CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV

Definition at line 114 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__u16 = CV_16U

Definition at line 119 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__u16c1 = CV_16UC1

Definition at line 136 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__u16c2 = CV_16UC2

Definition at line 137 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__u16c3 = CV_16UC3

Definition at line 138 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__u16c4 = CV_16UC4

Definition at line 139 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__u8 = CV_8U

Definition at line 117 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__u8c1 = CV_8UC1

Definition at line 126 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__u8c2 = CV_8UC2

Definition at line 127 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__u8c3 = CV_8UC3

Definition at line 128 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__u8c4 = CV_8UC4

Definition at line 129 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__user_type = CV_USRTYPE1

Definition at line 124 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__warp_fill_outliers = CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS

Definition at line 270 of file CV.cpp.

Definition at line 13 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__window_auto_size = CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE

Definition at line 35 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__xyz_to_bgr = CV_XYZ2BGR

Definition at line 80 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__xyz_to_rgb = CV_XYZ2RGB

Definition at line 81 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__ycrcb_to_bgr = CV_YCrCb2BGR

Definition at line 84 of file CV.cpp.

int CV__ycrcb_to_rgb = CV_YCrCb2RGB

Definition at line 85 of file CV.cpp.

CvSlice whole_sequence [static]

Definition at line 12 of file CV.cpp.

Author(s): Wayne Gramlich
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 18:08:04