Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes
ronex::mapping::general_io::AnalogueToPosition Class Reference

#include <analogue_to_position.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for ronex::mapping::general_io::AnalogueToPosition:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 AnalogueToPosition (TiXmlElement *mapping_el, ros_ethercat_model::RobotState *robot)
virtual void propagateFromRonex (ros_ethercat_model::JointState *js)
virtual void propagateToRonex (ros_ethercat_model::JointState *js)

Protected Member Functions

bool check_pin_in_bound_ ()
double compute_scaled_data_ ()
virtual bool try_init_cb_ (const ros::TimerEvent &, TiXmlElement *mapping_el, ros_ethercat_model::RobotState *robot, const char *ronex_name)

Protected Attributes

 Pointer to the GeneralIO module we specified in the transmission.
double offset_
size_t pin_index_
 index of the analogue pin
bool pin_out_of_bound_
 Is the pin inside the correct range?
double scale_
 The user can apply a scaling and offset to the raw data.

Detailed Description

Definition at line 37 of file analogue_to_position.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Definition at line 34 of file analogue_to_position.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

Check whether the pin is in the correct range.

true if the pin is in the correct range

Definition at line 137 of file analogue_to_position.cpp.

Computes the scaled data from the raw value.

scaled data

Definition at line 164 of file analogue_to_position.cpp.

Propagating the specified analogue pin data to the given joint position.

jsjoint_state of the joint specified in the transmission

Implements ronex::RonexMapping.

Reimplemented in ronex::mapping::general_io::AnalogueToEffort.

Definition at line 126 of file analogue_to_position.cpp.

This function is not doing anything as we're not propagating a command in this mapping.

Implements ronex::RonexMapping.

Definition at line 53 of file analogue_to_position.hpp.

bool ronex::mapping::general_io::AnalogueToPosition::try_init_cb_ ( const ros::TimerEvent ,
TiXmlElement *  mapping_el,
ros_ethercat_model::RobotState robot,
const char *  ronex_name 
) [protected, virtual]

Timer callback for the transmission initialization. Stops the init_timer_ when the initialization is successful.

Implements ronex::RonexMapping.

Definition at line 48 of file analogue_to_position.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

Pointer to the GeneralIO module we specified in the transmission.

Definition at line 53 of file analogue_to_position.hpp.

Definition at line 64 of file analogue_to_position.hpp.

index of the analogue pin

Definition at line 59 of file analogue_to_position.hpp.

Is the pin inside the correct range?

Definition at line 61 of file analogue_to_position.hpp.

The user can apply a scaling and offset to the raw data.

Definition at line 64 of file analogue_to_position.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Ugo Cupcic, Toni Oliver, Mark Pitchless
autogenerated on Fri Aug 28 2015 13:12:29