File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
blueprints.hpp [code]Parent templates for blueprints and blueprint factories
constructors.cpp [code]Demos constructor usage on your platform
flags.cpp [code]Unit Test for the Flags class
flags.hpp [code]
function_objects.cpp [code]Unit Test for the function objects
function_objects.hpp [code]Functional objects and generators
parameter.hpp [code]Defines a formalised interface for class parameters
parameters.cpp [code]Unit Test for the Parameter class
references.cpp [code]Unit Test for reference wrappers and associated tools
references.hpp [code]Defines a reference wrapper for c++ objects
singleton.cpp [code]Unit Test for the Singleton class
singleton.hpp [code]Singleton construction via the curiously recurring template pattern
utilities.hpp [code]Miscellaneous tools and utility functions
void.hpp [code]Void/null object and function definitions

Author(s): Daniel Stonier
autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 11:27:20