Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00003 import os
00004 import rocon_python_utils
00005 import rospkg
00006 import rospy
00007 import subprocess
00008 import tempfile
00010 from concert_service_gazebo import RobotManager 
00011 from gateway_msgs.msg import Rule, ConnectionType
00012 from gazebo_msgs.srv import DeleteModel, DeleteModelRequest
00014 def reformat_position_vector(position_vector):
00015     """
00016     Reformats position vector so that it can be used with the segbot launch script
00017     """
00018     if len(position_vector) == 2:
00019         return [position_vector[0],
00020                 position_vector[1],
00021                 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
00022     if len(position_vector) == 3:
00023         return [position_vector[0],
00024                 position_vector[1],
00025                 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 
00026                 position_vector[2]]
00027     return [position_vector[x] if x < len(position_vector) else 0.0 for x in range(6)]
00029 def generate_spawn_robot_launch_script(name, gazebo_name, location, 
00030                                        use_full_gazebo_model=False,
00031                                        configuration_file=None):
00032     """
00033     Generates the roslaunch script for a single robot, wrapping the appropriate
00034     launch file in segbot_gazebo
00035     """
00036     launch_text = '<launch>\n'
00037     launch_text += '  <group ns="%s">\n' % name
00038     launch_text += '    <include file="$(find segbot_gazebo)/launch/segbot_mobile_base.launch">'
00039     launch_text += '      <arg name="world" value="%s"/>\n' % gazebo_name
00040     launch_text += '      <arg name="robotid" value="%s"/>\n' % name
00041     launch_text += '      <arg name="tf_prefix" value="/%s"/>\n' % name
00042     launch_text += '      <arg name="x" value="%s"/>\n' % location[0]
00043     launch_text += '      <arg name="y" value="%s"/>\n' % location[1]
00044     launch_text += '      <arg name="z" value="%s"/>\n' % location[2]
00045     launch_text += '      <arg name="roll" value="%s"/>\n' % location[3]
00046     launch_text += '      <arg name="pitch" value="%s"/>\n' % location[4]
00047     launch_text += '      <arg name="yaw" value="%s"/>\n' % location[5]
00048     if use_full_gazebo_model:
00049         launch_text += '      <arg name="use_full_gazebo_model" value="true"/>\n'
00050     else:
00051         launch_text += '      <arg name="use_full_gazebo_model" value="false"/>\n'
00052     if configuration_file:
00053         launch_text += '      <arg name="configuration_file" value="%s"/>\n' % configuration_file
00054     launch_text += '    </include>\n'
00055     launch_text += '  </group>\n'
00056     launch_text += '</launch>\n'
00057     return launch_text
00059 def start_roslaunch_process(launch_script):
00060     """
00061     Robots are spawned using roslaunch instead of gazebo/spawn_model so that
00062     a few other scripts such as robot_state_publisher can also be launched.
00063     This convenience function helps launch a roslaunch script
00064     """
00065     temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+t', delete=False)
00066     temp.write(launch_script)
00067     temp.close()
00068     command_args = ['roslaunch',]
00069     command_args.append('--screen')
00070     roslaunch_env = os.environ.copy()
00071     try:
00072         # ROS_NAMESPACE gets set since we are inside a node here
00073         # got to get rid of this otherwise it pushes things down
00074         del roslaunch_env['ROS_NAMESPACE']
00075     except KeyError:
00076         pass
00077     process = subprocess.Popen(command_args, env=roslaunch_env)
00078     return process
00080 class SegbotManager(RobotManager):
00082     def __init__(self, namespace = '/'):
00083         rospy.wait_for_service(namespace + 'gazebo/delete_model')
00084         self.delete_model = rospy.ServiceProxy(namespace + 'gazebo/delete_model', DeleteModel)
00085         self.namespace = namespace
00086         self.use_full_gazebo_model = rospy.get_param('use_full_gazebo_model', False)
00087         self.configuration_file = rospy.get_param('configuration_file', None)
00088         if self.configuration_file != None:
00089             try:
00090                 self.configuration_file = rocon_python_utils.ros.find_resource_from_string(self.configuration_file)
00091             except rospkg.ResourceNotFound:
00092                 raise rospkg.ResourceNotFound("could not resolve configuration file [%s]" % self.configuration_file)
00093         self.processes = {}
00095     def spawn_robot(self, name, position_vector):
00096         reformatted_position_vector = reformat_position_vector(position_vector)
00097         launch_script = generate_spawn_robot_launch_script(name, self.namespace + '/gazebo', 
00098                                                            reformatted_position_vector,
00099                                                            self.use_full_gazebo_model,
00100                                                            self.configuration_file)
00101         self.processes[name] = start_roslaunch_process(launch_script)
00103     def delete_robot(self, name):
00104         delete_service_req = DeleteModelRequest(name)
00105         try:
00106             self.processes[name].terminate()
00107             self.delete_model(delete_service_req)
00108         except rospy.ServiceException:  # communication failed
00109             rospy.logerr("GazeboSegbotManager : unable to delete model %s" % name)
00111     def prepare_rocon_launch_text(self, robots):
00112         port = 11
00113         launch_text = '<concert>\n'
00114         for name in robots:
00115             launch_text += '  <launch title="%s:114%s" package="concert_service_gazebo" name="robot.launch" port="114%s">\n' % (name, str(port), str(port))
00116             launch_text += '    <arg name="robot_name" value="%s"/>\n' % name
00117             launch_text += '    <arg name="robot_concert_whitelist" value="Gazebo Concert;Concert Tutorial"/>\n'
00118             launch_text += '    <arg name="robot_rapp_whitelist" value="[rocon_apps, segbot_rapps, segbot_gazebo_concert]"/>\n'
00119             launch_text += '  </launch>\n'
00120             port = port + 1
00121         launch_text += '</concert>\n'
00122         return launch_text
00124     def get_flip_rule_list(self, name):
00125         return [Rule(ConnectionType.SUBSCRIBER, '/' + name + '/cmd_vel', None),
00126                 Rule(ConnectionType.PUBLISHER, '/' + name + '/odom', None),
00127                 Rule(ConnectionType.PUBLISHER, '/' + name + '/scan_filtered', None),
00128                 Rule(ConnectionType.SERVICE, '/static_map', None), #TODO: Shouldn't be hardcoded
00129                 Rule(ConnectionType.PUBLISHER, '/map', None), #TODO: Shouldn't be hardcoded
00130                 Rule(ConnectionType.PUBLISHER, '/tf', None), 
00131                 Rule(ConnectionType.PUBLISHER, '/tf_static', None),
00132                 Rule(ConnectionType.PUBLISHER, '/clock', None)]

Author(s): Piyush Khandelwal
autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 16:24:47