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Clasp::Solver Class Reference

clasp's Solver class. More...

#include <solver.h>

List of all members.


struct  CmpScore
struct  DBInfo
struct  DecisionLevels
struct  DLevel
struct  PPList

Public Types

typedef PodVector< Constraint * >
typedef const ConstraintDBDBRef
typedef SingleOwnerPtr
< DecisionHeuristic

Public Member Functions

void add (Constraint *c)
 Adds the problem constraint c to the solver.
bool add (const ClauseRep &c, bool isNew=true)
 Adds a suitable representation of the given clause to the solver.
bool addPost (PostPropagator *p)
 Adds p as post propagator to this solver.
bool allowImplicit (const ClauseRep &c) const
 Returns whether c can be stored in the shared short implication graph.
const SolverParamsconfiguration () const
 Returns the configuration for this object.
PostPropagatorgetPost (uint32 prio) const
 Returns the post propagator with the given priority or 0 if no such post propagator exists.
const Heuristicheuristic () const
Heuristicheuristic ()
uint32 id () const
void removePost (PostPropagator *p)
 Removes p from the solver's list of post propagators.
SatPreprocessorsatPrepro () const
 Returns a pointer to the sat-preprocessor used by this solver.
const SolveParamssearchConfig () const
 Returns the solve parameters for this object.
const SharedContextsharedContext () const
 Returns a pointer to the shared context object of this solver.
const SymbolTablesymbolTable () const
Literal tagLiteral () const
VarInfo varInfo (Var v) const
ValueRep search (SearchLimits &limit, double randf=0.0)
 Searches for a model as long as the given limit is not reached.
ValueRep search (uint64 maxC, uint32 maxL, bool local=false, double rp=0.0)
bool pushRoot (const LitVec &path)
 Adds path to the current root-path and adjusts the root-level accordingly.
bool pushRoot (Literal p)
void setEnumerationConstraint (Constraint *c)
void pushRootLevel (uint32 i=1)
 Moves the root-level i levels down (i.e. away from the top-level).
bool popRootLevel (uint32 i=1, LitVec *popped=0, bool aux=true)
 Moves the root-level i levels up (i.e. towards the top-level).
void clearStopConflict ()
 Removes a previously set stop conflict and restores the root level.
uint32 rootLevel () const
 Returns the current root level.
bool clearAssumptions ()
 Removes any implications made between the top-level and the root-level.
void addLearnt (LearntConstraint *c, uint32 size, ConstraintType type)
 Adds the learnt constraint c to the solver.
void addLearnt (LearntConstraint *c, uint32 size)
uint32 receive (SharedLiterals **out, uint32 maxOut) const
 Tries to receive at most maxOut clauses.
SharedLiteralsdistribute (const Literal *lits, uint32 size, const ClauseInfo &extra)
 Distributes the clause in lits via the distributor.
void restart ()
 Returns to the maximum of rootLevel() and backtrackLevel() and increases the number of restarts.
void setBacktrackLevel (uint32 dl)
 Sets the backtracking level to dl.
uint32 backtrackLevel () const
 Returns the current backtracking level.
bool splittable () const
 Returns whether the solver can split-off work.
bool split (LitVec &out)
 Tries to split-off disjoint work from the solver's currrent guiding path and returns it in out.
void copyGuidingPath (LitVec &out)
 Copies the solver's currrent guiding path to gp.
bool simplify ()
 If called on top-level, removes SAT-clauses + Constraints for which Constraint::simplify returned true.
void shuffleOnNextSimplify ()
 Shuffle constraints upon next simplification.
Var pushTagVar (bool pushToRoot)
 Requests a special aux variable for tagging conditional knowledge.
void removeConditional ()
 Removes all conditional knowledge, i.e. all previously tagged learnt clauses.
void strengthenConditional ()
 Resolves all tagged clauses with the tag literal and thereby strengthens the learnt db.
bool force (const Literal &p, const Antecedent &a)
 Sets the literal p to true and schedules p for propagation.
bool force (const Literal &p, const Antecedent &a, uint32 data)
bool force (Literal p, uint32 dl, const Antecedent &r, uint32 d=UINT32_MAX)
 Assigns p at dl because of r.
bool force (Literal p)
 Assigns p as a fact at decision level 0.
bool assume (const Literal &p)
 Assumes the literal p if possible.
bool decideNextBranch (double f=0.0)
 Selects and assumes the next branching literal by calling the installed decision heuristic.
void setStopConflict ()
 Sets a conflict that forces the solver to terminate its search.
bool propagate ()
bool propagateUntil (PostPropagator *p)
bool test (Literal p, PostPropagator *c)
 Executes a one-step lookahead on p.
uint32 estimateBCP (const Literal &p, int maxRecursionDepth=5) const
 Estimates the number of assignments following from setting p to true.
uint32 inDegree (WeightLitVec &out)
 Computes the number of in-edges for each assigned literal.
DBInfo reduceLearnts (float remMax, const ReduceStrategy &rs=ReduceStrategy())
 Removes upto remMax percent of the learnt nogoods.
bool resolveConflict ()
 Resolves the active conflict using the selected strategy.
bool backtrack ()
 Backtracks the last decision and sets the backtrack-level to the resulting decision level.
void undoUntil (uint32 dl)
 Undoes all assignments up to (but not including) decision level dl.
uint32 undoUntil (uint32 dl, bool popBtLevel)
Var pushAuxVar ()
 Adds a new auxiliary variable to this solver.
void popAuxVar (uint32 num=UINT32_MAX)
 Pops the num most recently added auxiliary variables from this solver.
Watch management

Functions for setting/removing watches.

uint32 numWatches (Literal p) const
 Returns the number of constraints watching the literal p.
bool hasWatch (Literal p, Constraint *c) const
 Returns true if the constraint c watches the literal p.
bool hasWatch (Literal p, ClauseHead *c) const
GenericWatchgetWatch (Literal p, Constraint *c) const
 Returns c's watch-structure associated with p.
void addWatch (Literal p, Constraint *c, uint32 data=0)
 Adds c to the watch-list of p.
void addWatch (Literal p, const ClauseWatch &w)
 Adds w to the clause watch-list of p.
void removeWatch (const Literal &p, Constraint *c)
 Removes c from p's watch-list.
void removeWatch (const Literal &p, ClauseHead *c)
void addUndoWatch (uint32 dl, Constraint *c)
 Adds c to the watch-list of decision-level dl.
bool removeUndoWatch (uint32 dl, Constraint *c)
 Removes c from the watch-list of the decision level dl.
Misc functions

Low-level implementation functions. Use with care and only if you know what you are doing!

bool addPost (PostPropagator *p, bool init)
bool setReason (Literal p, const Antecedent &x, uint32 data=UINT32_MAX)
 Updates the reason for p being tue.
void requestData (Var v)
 Request additional reason data slot for variable v.
void setPref (Var v, ValueSet::Value which, ValueRep to)
void reason (Literal p, LitVec &out)
 Returns the reason for p being true as a set of literals.
uint32 updateLearnt (Literal p, const Literal *first, const Literal *last, uint32 cLbd, bool forceUp=false)
 Computes a new lbd for the antecedent of p given as the range [first, last).
bool ccMinimize (Literal p, CCMinRecursive *rec) const
 Visitor function for antecedents used during conflict clause minimization.
bool learntLimit (const SearchLimits &x) const
 Returns true if number of learnts exceeds x.learnts or the soft memory limit is exceeded.
void * allocSmall ()
 Allocates a small block (32-bytes) from the solver's small block pool.
void freeSmall (void *m)
 Frees a small block previously allocated from the solver's small block pool.
void addLearntBytes (uint32 bytes)
void freeLearntBytes (uint64 bytes)
uint32 simplifyConflictClause (LitVec &cc, ClauseInfo &info, ClauseHead *rhs)
 simplifies cc and returns finalizeConflictClause(cc, info);
uint32 finalizeConflictClause (LitVec &cc, ClauseInfo &info, uint32 ccRepMode=0)
uint32 countLevels (const Literal *first, const Literal *last, uint32 maxLevels)
bool hasLevel (uint32 dl) const
bool frozenLevel (uint32 dl) const
void markLevel (uint32 dl)
void freezeLevel (uint32 dl)
void unmarkLevel (uint32 dl)
void unfreezeLevel (uint32 dl)
void markSeen (Var v)
void markSeen (Literal p)
void clearSeen (Var v)

Private Types

typedef PodVector< Antecedent >
typedef PodVector< WatchList >

Private Member Functions

ConstraintDBallocUndo (Constraint *c)
uint32 analyzeConflict ()
void cancelPropagation ()
Antecedent ccHasReverseArc (Literal p, uint32 maxLevel, uint32 maxNew)
uint32 ccMinimize (LitVec &cc, LitVec &removed, uint32 antes, CCMinRecursive *ccMin)
bool ccRemovable (Literal p, uint32 antes, CCMinRecursive *ccMin)
void ccResolve (LitVec &cc, uint32 pos, const LitVec &reason)
void freeMem ()
void otfs (Antecedent &lhs, const Antecedent &rhs, Literal p, bool final)
ClauseHeadotfsRemove (ClauseHead *c, const LitVec *newC)
DBInfo reduceLinear (uint32 maxR, const CmpScore &cmp)
DBInfo reduceSort (uint32 maxR, const CmpScore &cmp)
DBInfo reduceSortInPlace (uint32 maxR, const CmpScore &cmp, bool onlyPartialSort)
void setConflict (Literal p, const Antecedent &a, uint32 data)
bool simplifySAT ()
void undoFree (ConstraintDB *x)
void undoLevel (bool sp)
bool unitPropagate ()
uint64 updateBranch (uint32 cfl)
bool validWatch (Literal p) const

Private Attributes

Assignment assign_
WeightLitVec bumpAct_
LitVec cc_
ClauseInfo ccInfo_
VarVec cflStamp_
LitVec conflict_
ConstraintDB constraints_
uint32 dbIdx_
Heuristic heuristic_
ImpliedList impliedLits_
uint32 initPost_: 1
uint32 lastSimp_:30
VarVec lbdStamp_
uint32 lbdTime_
ConstraintDB learnts_
DecisionLevels levels_
uint64 memUse_
PPList post_
uint32 shufSimp_: 1
Literal tag_
LitVec temp_
Watches watches_


class SharedContext
 Solver (SharedContext *ctx, uint32 id)
 Creates an empty solver object with all strategies set to their default value.
 ~Solver ()
 Destroys the solver object and all contained constraints.
void reset ()
 Resets a solver object to the state it had after construction.
void resetId (uint32 id)
void startInit (uint32 constraintGuess)
bool cloneDB (const ConstraintDB &db)
bool preparePost ()
bool endInit ()

state inspection

Functions for inspecting the state of the solver & search.

validVar(v) is a precondition for all functions that take a variable as parameter.
SolverStrategies strategy
RNG rng
ValueVec model
SolverStats stats
uint32 numProblemVars () const
 Returns the number of problem variables.
uint32 numAuxVars () const
 Returns the number of active solver-local aux variables.
uint32 numVars () const
 Returns the number of solver variables, i.e. numProblemVars() + numAuxVars()
bool validVar (Var var) const
 Returns true if var represents a valid variable in this solver.
bool auxVar (Var var) const
 Returns true if var is a solver-local aux var.
uint32 numAssignedVars () const
 Returns the number of assigned variables.
uint32 numFreeVars () const
 Returns the number of free variables.
ValueRep value (Var v) const
 Returns the value of v w.r.t the current assignment.
ValueRep topValue (Var v) const
 Returns the value of v w.r.t the top level.
ValueSet pref (Var v) const
 Returns the set of preferred values of v.
bool isTrue (Literal p) const
 Returns true if p is true w.r.t the current assignment.
bool isFalse (Literal p) const
 Returns true if p is false w.r.t the current assignment.
Literal trueLit (Var v) const
 Returns the literal of v being true in the current assignment.
uint32 level (Var v) const
 Returns the decision level on which v was assigned.
bool seen (Var v) const
 Returns true if v is currently marked as seen.
bool seen (Literal p) const
 Returns true if the literal p is currently marked as seen.
uint32 decisionLevel () const
 Returns the current decision level.
bool validLevel (uint32 dl) const
uint32 levelStart (uint32 dl) const
 Returns the starting position of decision level dl in the trail.
Literal decision (uint32 dl) const
 Returns the decision literal of the decision level dl.
bool hasConflict () const
 Returns true, if the current assignment is conflicting.
bool hasStopConflict () const
uint32 queueSize () const
 Returns the number of (unprocessed) literals in the propagation queue.
uint32 numConstraints () const
 Number of problem constraints in this solver.
uint32 numLearntConstraints () const
 Returns the number of constraints that are currently in the solver's learnt database.
const Antecedentreason (Literal p) const
 Returns the reason for p being true.
uint32 reasonData (Literal p) const
 Returns the additional reason data associated with p.
const LitVectrail () const
 Returns the current (partial) assignment as a set of true literals.
const Assignmentassignment () const
const LitVecconflict () const
 Returns the current conflict as a set of literals.
const LitVecconflictClause () const
 Returns the most recently derived conflict clause.
const LitVecsymmetric () const
 Returns the set of eliminated literals that are unconstraint w.r.t the last model.
ConstraintenumerationConstraint () const
 Returns the enumeration constraint set by the enumerator used.
DBRef constraints () const
LearntConstraintgetLearnt (uint32 idx) const
 Returns the idx'th learnt constraint.

Detailed Description

clasp's Solver class.

A Solver-object maintains the state and provides the functions necessary to implement our CDNL-algorithm.

The interface supports incremental solving (search under assumptions) as well as solution enumeration. To make this possible the solver maintains two special decision levels: the root-level and the backtrack-level.

The root-level is the lowest decision level to which a search can return. Conflicts on the root-level are non-resolvable and end a search - the root-level therefore acts as an artificial top-level during search. Incremental solving is then implemented by first adding a list of unit assumptions and second initializing the root-level to the current decision level. Once search terminates assumptions can be undone by calling clearAssumptions and a new a search can be started using different assumptions.

For model enumeration the solver maintains a backtrack-level which restricts backjumping in order to prevent repeating already enumerated solutions. The solver will never backjump above that level and conflicts on the backtrack-level are resolved by backtracking, i.e. flipping the corresponding decision literal.

See also:
"Conflict-Driven Answer Set Enumeration" for a detailed description of this approach.

Definition at line 82 of file solver.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 84 of file solver.h.

Definition at line 85 of file solver.h.

Definition at line 86 of file solver.h.

Definition at line 803 of file solver.h.

Definition at line 804 of file solver.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Clasp::Solver::Solver ( SharedContext ctx,
uint32  id 
) [private]

Creates an empty solver object with all strategies set to their default value.

Definition at line 112 of file solver.cpp.

Clasp::Solver::~Solver ( ) [private]

Destroys the solver object and all contained constraints.

Definition at line 131 of file solver.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

Adds the problem constraint c to the solver.

Problem constraints shall only be added to the master solver of a SharedContext object and only during the setup phase.

this == sharedContext()->master() && !sharedContext()->frozen().

Definition at line 267 of file solver.cpp.

bool Clasp::Solver::add ( const ClauseRep c,
bool  isNew = true 

Adds a suitable representation of the given clause to the solver.

Depending on the type and size of the given clause, the function either adds a (learnt) constraint to this solver or an implication to the shared implication graph.

If c is a problem clause, the precondition of add(Constraint* c) applies.

Definition at line 270 of file solver.cpp.

void Clasp::Solver::addLearnt ( LearntConstraint c,
uint32  size,
ConstraintType  type 
) [inline]

Adds the learnt constraint c to the solver.

Definition at line 231 of file solver.h.

void Clasp::Solver::addLearnt ( LearntConstraint c,
uint32  size 
) [inline]

Definition at line 235 of file solver.h.

void Clasp::Solver::addLearntBytes ( uint32  bytes) [inline]

Definition at line 769 of file solver.h.

bool Clasp::Solver::addPost ( PostPropagator p) [inline]

Adds p as post propagator to this solver.

p was not added previously and is not part of any other solver.
Post propagators are stored and called in priority order.
See also:

Definition at line 149 of file solver.h.

bool Clasp::Solver::addPost ( PostPropagator p,
bool  init 
) [inline]

Definition at line 713 of file solver.h.

void Clasp::Solver::addUndoWatch ( uint32  dl,
Constraint c 
) [inline]

Adds c to the watch-list of decision-level dl.

Constraints in the watch-list of a decision level are notified when that decision level is about to be backtracked.


Definition at line 694 of file solver.h.

void Clasp::Solver::addWatch ( Literal  p,
Constraint c,
uint32  data = 0 
) [inline]

Adds c to the watch-list of p.

When p becomes true, c->propagate(p, data, *this) is called.

hasWatch(p, c) == true

Definition at line 673 of file solver.h.

void Clasp::Solver::addWatch ( Literal  p,
const ClauseWatch w 
) [inline]

Adds w to the clause watch-list of p.

Definition at line 678 of file solver.h.

void* Clasp::Solver::allocSmall ( ) [inline]

Allocates a small block (32-bytes) from the solver's small block pool.

Definition at line 765 of file solver.h.

Definition at line 886 of file solver.cpp.

bool Clasp::Solver::allowImplicit ( const ClauseRep c) const [inline]

Returns whether c can be stored in the shared short implication graph.

Definition at line 136 of file solver.h.

uint32 Clasp::Solver::analyzeConflict ( ) [private]

Definition at line 924 of file solver.cpp.

const Assignment& Clasp::Solver::assignment ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 627 of file solver.h.

bool Clasp::Solver::assume ( const Literal p)

Assumes the literal p if possible.

If p is currently unassigned, sets p to true and starts a new decision level.

validVar(p.var()) == true
pThe literal to assume.

Definition at line 653 of file solver.cpp.

bool Clasp::Solver::auxVar ( Var  var) const [inline]

Returns true if var is a solver-local aux var.

Definition at line 556 of file solver.h.

Backtracks the last decision and sets the backtrack-level to the resulting decision level.


Definition at line 778 of file solver.cpp.

uint32 Clasp::Solver::backtrackLevel ( ) const [inline]

Returns the current backtracking level.

Definition at line 274 of file solver.h.

void Clasp::Solver::cancelPropagation ( ) [inline, private]

Definition at line 842 of file solver.h.

Antecedent Clasp::Solver::ccHasReverseArc ( Literal  p,
uint32  maxLevel,
uint32  maxNew 
) [private]

Definition at line 1209 of file solver.cpp.

bool Clasp::Solver::ccMinimize ( Literal  p,
CCMinRecursive rec 
) const [inline]

Visitor function for antecedents used during conflict clause minimization.

Definition at line 756 of file solver.h.

uint32 Clasp::Solver::ccMinimize ( LitVec cc,
LitVec removed,
uint32  antes,
CCMinRecursive ccMin 
) [private]

Definition at line 1133 of file solver.cpp.

bool Clasp::Solver::ccRemovable ( Literal  p,
uint32  antes,
CCMinRecursive ccMin 
) [private]

Definition at line 1164 of file solver.cpp.

void Clasp::Solver::ccResolve ( LitVec cc,
uint32  pos,
const LitVec reason 
) [private]

Definition at line 1225 of file solver.cpp.

Removes any implications made between the top-level and the root-level.

The function also resets the current backtrack-level and re-assigns learnt facts.

Equivalent to popRootLevel(rootLevel()) followed by simplify().

Definition at line 425 of file solver.cpp.

void Clasp::Solver::clearSeen ( Var  v) [inline]

Definition at line 784 of file solver.h.

Removes a previously set stop conflict and restores the root level.

Definition at line 430 of file solver.cpp.

bool Clasp::Solver::cloneDB ( const ConstraintDB db) [private]

Definition at line 227 of file solver.cpp.

Returns the configuration for this object.

Definition at line 162 of file solver.cpp.

const LitVec& Clasp::Solver::conflict ( ) const [inline]

Returns the current conflict as a set of literals.

Definition at line 629 of file solver.h.

const LitVec& Clasp::Solver::conflictClause ( ) const [inline]

Returns the most recently derived conflict clause.

Definition at line 631 of file solver.h.

DBRef Clasp::Solver::constraints ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 636 of file solver.h.

Copies the solver's currrent guiding path to gp.

The solver's guiding path consists of:
  • the decisions from levels [1, rootLevel()]
  • any literals that are implied on a level <= rootLevel() because of newly learnt information. This particularly includes literals that were flipped during model enumeration.
[out]gpwhere to store the guiding path

Definition at line 454 of file solver.cpp.

uint32 Clasp::Solver::countLevels ( const Literal first,
const Literal last,
uint32  maxLevels 

Definition at line 1501 of file solver.cpp.

bool Clasp::Solver::decideNextBranch ( double  f = 0.0)

Selects and assumes the next branching literal by calling the installed decision heuristic.

queueSize() == 0
The next decision literal will be selected randomly with probability f.
  • true if the assignment is not total and a literal was assumed (or forced).
  • false otherwise
See also:

Definition at line 1330 of file solver.cpp.

Literal Clasp::Solver::decision ( uint32  dl) const [inline]

Returns the decision literal of the decision level dl.


Definition at line 604 of file solver.h.

uint32 Clasp::Solver::decisionLevel ( ) const [inline]

Returns the current decision level.

Definition at line 593 of file solver.h.

SharedLiterals * Clasp::Solver::distribute ( const Literal lits,
uint32  size,
const ClauseInfo extra 

Distributes the clause in lits via the distributor.

The function first calls the distribution strategy to decides whether the clause is a valid candidate for distribution. If so and a distributor was set, it distributes the clause and returns a handle to the now shared literals of the clause. Otherwise, it returns 0.

ownerThe solver that created the clause.
litsThe literals of the clause.
sizeThe number of literals in the clause.
extraAdditional information about the clause.
If the return value is not null, it is the caller's responsibility to release the returned handle (i.e. by calling release()).
If the clause contains aux vars, it is not distributed.

Definition at line 298 of file solver.cpp.

bool Clasp::Solver::endInit ( ) [private]

Definition at line 254 of file solver.cpp.

Returns the enumeration constraint set by the enumerator used.

Definition at line 635 of file solver.h.

uint32 Clasp::Solver::estimateBCP ( const Literal p,
int  maxRecursionDepth = 5 
) const

Estimates the number of assignments following from setting p to true.

For the estimate only binary clauses are considered.

Definition at line 835 of file solver.cpp.

uint32 Clasp::Solver::finalizeConflictClause ( LitVec cc,
ClauseInfo info,
uint32  ccRepMode = 0 

Definition at line 1247 of file solver.cpp.

bool Clasp::Solver::force ( const Literal p,
const Antecedent a 
) [inline]

Sets the literal p to true and schedules p for propagation.

Setting a literal p to true means assigning the appropriate value to p's variable. That is: value_false if p is a negative literal and value_true if p is a positive literal.

pThe literal that should become true.
aThe reason for the literal to become true or 0 if no reason exists.
  • false if p is already false
  • otherwise true.
hasConflict() == false
a.isNull() == false || decisionLevel() <= rootLevel() || SearchStrategy == no_learning
p.var() == trueValue(p) || p.var() == falseValue(p) && hasConflict() == true
if setting p to true leads to a conflict, the nogood that caused the conflict can be requested using the conflict() function.

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

data == UINT32_MAX || requestData(p.var()) was called during setup

Definition at line 350 of file solver.h.

bool Clasp::Solver::force ( const Literal p,
const Antecedent a,
uint32  data 
) [inline]

Definition at line 360 of file solver.h.

bool Clasp::Solver::force ( Literal  p,
uint32  dl,
const Antecedent r,
uint32  d = UINT32_MAX 
) [inline]

Assigns p at dl because of r.

dl <= decisionLevel()
If dl < ul = max(rootLevel(), backtrackLevel()), p is actually assigned at ul but the solver stores enough information to reassign p on backtracking.

Definition at line 374 of file solver.h.

bool Clasp::Solver::force ( Literal  p) [inline]

Assigns p as a fact at decision level 0.

Definition at line 394 of file solver.h.

void Clasp::Solver::freeLearntBytes ( uint64  bytes) [inline]

Definition at line 770 of file solver.h.

void Clasp::Solver::freeMem ( ) [private]

Definition at line 135 of file solver.cpp.

void Clasp::Solver::freeSmall ( void *  m) [inline]

Frees a small block previously allocated from the solver's small block pool.

Definition at line 767 of file solver.h.

void Clasp::Solver::freezeLevel ( uint32  dl) [inline]

Definition at line 779 of file solver.h.

bool Clasp::Solver::frozenLevel ( uint32  dl) const [inline]

Definition at line 777 of file solver.h.

LearntConstraint& Clasp::Solver::getLearnt ( uint32  idx) const [inline]

Returns the idx'th learnt constraint.

idx < numLearntConstraints()

Definition at line 641 of file solver.h.

PostPropagator * Clasp::Solver::getPost ( uint32  prio) const

Returns the post propagator with the given priority or 0 if no such post propagator exists.

Definition at line 247 of file solver.cpp.

Returns c's watch-structure associated with p.

returns 0, if hasWatch(p, c) == false

Definition at line 511 of file solver.cpp.

bool Clasp::Solver::hasConflict ( ) const [inline]

Returns true, if the current assignment is conflicting.

Definition at line 606 of file solver.h.

bool Clasp::Solver::hasLevel ( uint32  dl) const [inline]

Definition at line 776 of file solver.h.

bool Clasp::Solver::hasStopConflict ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 607 of file solver.h.

bool Clasp::Solver::hasWatch ( Literal  p,
Constraint c 
) const

Returns true if the constraint c watches the literal p.

Definition at line 499 of file solver.cpp.

bool Clasp::Solver::hasWatch ( Literal  p,
ClauseHead c 
) const

Definition at line 505 of file solver.cpp.

const Heuristic& Clasp::Solver::heuristic ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 114 of file solver.h.

Definition at line 116 of file solver.h.

uint32 Clasp::Solver::id ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 115 of file solver.h.

Computes the number of in-edges for each assigned literal.

For a literal p assigned on level level(p), only in-edges from levels < level(p) are counted.
The maximum number of in-edges.

Definition at line 857 of file solver.cpp.

bool Clasp::Solver::isFalse ( Literal  p) const [inline]

Returns true if p is false w.r.t the current assignment.

Definition at line 574 of file solver.h.

bool Clasp::Solver::isTrue ( Literal  p) const [inline]

Returns true if p is true w.r.t the current assignment.

Definition at line 572 of file solver.h.

bool Clasp::Solver::learntLimit ( const SearchLimits x) const [inline]

Returns true if number of learnts exceeds x.learnts or the soft memory limit is exceeded.

Definition at line 762 of file solver.h.

uint32 Clasp::Solver::level ( Var  v) const [inline]

Returns the decision level on which v was assigned.

The returned value is only meaningful if value(v) != value_free.

Definition at line 584 of file solver.h.

uint32 Clasp::Solver::levelStart ( uint32  dl) const [inline]

Returns the starting position of decision level dl in the trail.


Definition at line 599 of file solver.h.

void Clasp::Solver::markLevel ( uint32  dl) [inline]

Definition at line 778 of file solver.h.

void Clasp::Solver::markSeen ( Var  v) [inline]

Definition at line 782 of file solver.h.

void Clasp::Solver::markSeen ( Literal  p) [inline]

Definition at line 783 of file solver.h.

uint32 Clasp::Solver::numAssignedVars ( ) const [inline]

Returns the number of assigned variables.

Definition at line 558 of file solver.h.

uint32 Clasp::Solver::numAuxVars ( ) const [inline]

Returns the number of active solver-local aux variables.

Definition at line 550 of file solver.h.

Number of problem constraints in this solver.

Definition at line 313 of file solver.cpp.

uint32 Clasp::Solver::numFreeVars ( ) const [inline]

Returns the number of free variables.

The number of free variables is the number of vars that are neither assigned nor eliminated.

Definition at line 564 of file solver.h.

uint32 Clasp::Solver::numLearntConstraints ( ) const [inline]

Returns the number of constraints that are currently in the solver's learnt database.

Definition at line 613 of file solver.h.

uint32 Clasp::Solver::numProblemVars ( ) const [inline]

Returns the number of problem variables.

Definition at line 548 of file solver.h.

uint32 Clasp::Solver::numVars ( ) const [inline]

Returns the number of solver variables, i.e. numProblemVars() + numAuxVars()

Definition at line 552 of file solver.h.

uint32 Clasp::Solver::numWatches ( Literal  p) const

Returns the number of constraints watching the literal p.

Definition at line 492 of file solver.cpp.

void Clasp::Solver::otfs ( Antecedent lhs,
const Antecedent rhs,
Literal  p,
bool  final 
) [private]

Definition at line 993 of file solver.cpp.

ClauseHead * Clasp::Solver::otfsRemove ( ClauseHead c,
const LitVec newC 
) [private]

Definition at line 1020 of file solver.cpp.

void Clasp::Solver::popAuxVar ( uint32  num = UINT32_MAX)

Pops the num most recently added auxiliary variables from this solver.

Definition at line 325 of file solver.cpp.

bool Clasp::Solver::popRootLevel ( uint32  i = 1,
LitVec popped = 0,
bool  aux = true 

Moves the root-level i levels up (i.e. towards the top-level).

The function removes all levels between the new root level and the current decision level, resets the current backtrack-level, and re-assigns any implied literals.

iNumber of root decisions to pop.
[out]poppedOptional storage for popped root decisions.
filterWhether or not aux variables should be added to popped.
decisionLevel() == rootLevel()
The function first calls clearStopConflict() to remove any stop conflicts.
The function *does not* propagate any asserted literals. It is the caller's responsibility to call propagate() after the function returned.

Definition at line 404 of file solver.cpp.

ValueSet Clasp::Solver::pref ( Var  v) const [inline]

Returns the set of preferred values of v.

Definition at line 570 of file solver.h.

bool Clasp::Solver::preparePost ( ) [private]

Definition at line 236 of file solver.cpp.

Propagates all enqueued literals. If a conflict arises during propagation propagate returns false and the current conflict (as a set of literals) is stored in the solver's conflict variable.

See also:
Shall not be called recursively.

Definition at line 663 of file solver.cpp.

Does unit propagation and calls x->propagateFixpoint(*this) for all post propagators x up to but not including p.

The function is meant to be called only in the context of p.
p is a post propagator of this solver, i.e. was previously added via addPost().
Post propagators are active, i.e. the solver is fully initialized.

Definition at line 448 of file solver.h.

Adds a new auxiliary variable to this solver.

Auxiliary variables are local to one solver and are not considered as part of the problem. They shall be added/used only during solving, i.e. after problem setup is completed.

Definition at line 318 of file solver.cpp.

bool Clasp::Solver::pushRoot ( const LitVec path)

Adds path to the current root-path and adjusts the root-level accordingly.

Definition at line 382 of file solver.cpp.

Definition at line 394 of file solver.cpp.

void Clasp::Solver::pushRootLevel ( uint32  i = 1) [inline]

Moves the root-level i levels down (i.e. away from the top-level).

The root-level is similar to the top-level in that it cannot be undone during search, i.e. the solver will not resolve conflicts that are on or above the root-level.

Definition at line 197 of file solver.h.

Var Clasp::Solver::pushTagVar ( bool  pushToRoot)

Requests a special aux variable for tagging conditional knowledge.

Once a tag variable t is set, learnt clauses containing ~t are tagged as "conditional". Conditional clauses are removed once t becomes unassigned or Solver::removeConditional() is called. Furthermore, calling Solver::strengthenConditional() removes ~t from conditional clauses and transforms them to unconditional knowledge.

Typically, the tag variable is a root assumption and hence true during the whole search.

Definition at line 564 of file solver.cpp.

uint32 Clasp::Solver::queueSize ( ) const [inline]

Returns the number of (unprocessed) literals in the propagation queue.

Definition at line 609 of file solver.h.

const Antecedent& Clasp::Solver::reason ( Literal  p) const [inline]

Returns the reason for p being true.

p is true w.r.t the current assignment

Definition at line 618 of file solver.h.

void Clasp::Solver::reason ( Literal  p,
LitVec out 
) [inline]

Returns the reason for p being true as a set of literals.

Definition at line 732 of file solver.h.

uint32 Clasp::Solver::reasonData ( Literal  p) const [inline]

Returns the additional reason data associated with p.

Definition at line 620 of file solver.h.

uint32 Clasp::Solver::receive ( SharedLiterals **  out,
uint32  maxOut 
) const

Tries to receive at most maxOut clauses.

The function queries the distributor object for new clauses to be delivered to this solver. Clauses are stored in out.

The number of clauses received.

Definition at line 292 of file solver.cpp.

Removes upto remMax percent of the learnt nogoods.

remMaxFraction of nogoods to remove ([0.0,1.0]).
rsStrategy to apply during nogood deletion.
The number of locked and active/glue clauses currently exempt from deletion.
Nogoods that are the reason for a literal to be in the assignment are said to be locked and won't be removed.

Definition at line 1348 of file solver.cpp.

Solver::DBInfo Clasp::Solver::reduceLinear ( uint32  maxR,
const CmpScore cmp 
) [private]

Definition at line 1367 of file solver.cpp.

Solver::DBInfo Clasp::Solver::reduceSort ( uint32  maxR,
const CmpScore cmp 
) [private]

Definition at line 1405 of file solver.cpp.

Solver::DBInfo Clasp::Solver::reduceSortInPlace ( uint32  maxR,
const CmpScore cmp,
bool  onlyPartialSort 
) [private]

Definition at line 1449 of file solver.cpp.

Removes all conditional knowledge, i.e. all previously tagged learnt clauses.

See also:

Definition at line 569 of file solver.cpp.

void Clasp::Solver::removePost ( PostPropagator p) [inline]

Removes p from the solver's list of post propagators.

removePost(p) shall only be called during propagation of p or if no propagation is currently active.

Definition at line 155 of file solver.h.

bool Clasp::Solver::removeUndoWatch ( uint32  dl,
Constraint c 

Removes c from the watch-list of the decision level dl.

Definition at line 532 of file solver.cpp.

void Clasp::Solver::removeWatch ( const Literal p,
Constraint c 

Removes c from p's watch-list.

hasWatch(p, c) == false

Definition at line 520 of file solver.cpp.

void Clasp::Solver::removeWatch ( const Literal p,
ClauseHead c 

Definition at line 526 of file solver.cpp.

void Clasp::Solver::requestData ( Var  v) [inline]

Request additional reason data slot for variable v.

Definition at line 725 of file solver.h.

void Clasp::Solver::reset ( ) [private]

Resets a solver object to the state it had after construction.

Definition at line 165 of file solver.cpp.

void Clasp::Solver::resetId ( uint32  id) [inline, private]

Definition at line 99 of file solver.h.

Resolves the active conflict using the selected strategy.

If the SearchStrategy is set to learning, resolveConflict implements First-UIP learning and backjumping. Otherwise, it simply applies chronological backtracking.

  • true if the conflict was successfully resolved
  • false otherwise
If decisionLevel() == rootLevel() false is returned.

Definition at line 762 of file solver.cpp.

void Clasp::Solver::restart ( ) [inline]

Returns to the maximum of rootLevel() and backtrackLevel() and increases the number of restarts.

Definition at line 263 of file solver.h.

uint32 Clasp::Solver::rootLevel ( ) const [inline]

Returns the current root level.

Definition at line 220 of file solver.h.

Returns a pointer to the sat-preprocessor used by this solver.

Definition at line 161 of file solver.cpp.

ValueRep Clasp::Solver::search ( SearchLimits limit,
double  randf = 0.0 

Searches for a model as long as the given limit is not reached.

The search function implements the CDNL-algorithm. It searches for a model as long as none of the limits given by limit is reached. The limits are updated during search.

limitImposed limit on conflicts and number of learnt constraints.
randfPick next decision variable randomly with a probability of randf.
  • value_true: if a model was found.
  • value_false: if the problem is unsatisfiable (under assumptions, if any).
  • value_free: if search was stopped because limit was reached.
search treats the root level as top-level, i.e. it will never backtrack below that level.

Definition at line 1526 of file solver.cpp.

ValueRep Clasp::Solver::search ( uint64  maxC,
uint32  maxL,
bool  local = false,
double  rp = 0.0 
) [inline]

Definition at line 177 of file solver.h.

Returns the solve parameters for this object.

Definition at line 163 of file solver.cpp.

bool Clasp::Solver::seen ( Var  v) const [inline]

Returns true if v is currently marked as seen.

Note: variables assigned on level 0 are always marked.

Definition at line 589 of file solver.h.

bool Clasp::Solver::seen ( Literal  p) const [inline]

Returns true if the literal p is currently marked as seen.

Definition at line 591 of file solver.h.

void Clasp::Solver::setBacktrackLevel ( uint32  dl) [inline]

Sets the backtracking level to dl.

Definition at line 270 of file solver.h.

void Clasp::Solver::setConflict ( Literal  p,
const Antecedent a,
uint32  data 
) [private]

Definition at line 634 of file solver.cpp.

Definition at line 308 of file solver.cpp.

void Clasp::Solver::setPref ( Var  v,
ValueSet::Value  which,
ValueRep  to 
) [inline]

Definition at line 726 of file solver.h.

bool Clasp::Solver::setReason ( Literal  p,
const Antecedent x,
uint32  data = UINT32_MAX 
) [inline]

Updates the reason for p being tue.

p is true and x is a valid reason for p

Definition at line 718 of file solver.h.

Sets a conflict that forces the solver to terminate its search.

To prevent the solver from resolving the stop conflict, the function sets the root level to the current decision level. Call clearStopConflict() to remove the conflict and to restore the previous root-level.

Definition at line 438 of file solver.cpp.

const SharedContext* Clasp::Solver::sharedContext ( ) const [inline]

Returns a pointer to the shared context object of this solver.

Definition at line 107 of file solver.h.

Shuffle constraints upon next simplification.

Definition at line 304 of file solver.h.

If called on top-level, removes SAT-clauses + Constraints for which Constraint::simplify returned true.

If this method is called on a decision-level > 0, it is a noop and will simply return true.
false, if a top-level conflict is detected. Otherwise, true.

Definition at line 552 of file solver.cpp.

uint32 Clasp::Solver::simplifyConflictClause ( LitVec cc,
ClauseInfo info,
ClauseHead rhs 

simplifies cc and returns finalizeConflictClause(cc, info);

Definition at line 1046 of file solver.cpp.

bool Clasp::Solver::simplifySAT ( ) [private]

Definition at line 604 of file solver.cpp.

bool Clasp::Solver::split ( LitVec out)

Tries to split-off disjoint work from the solver's currrent guiding path and returns it in out.


Definition at line 481 of file solver.cpp.

bool Clasp::Solver::splittable ( ) const

Returns whether the solver can split-off work.

Definition at line 468 of file solver.cpp.

void Clasp::Solver::startInit ( uint32  constraintGuess) [private]

Definition at line 172 of file solver.cpp.

Resolves all tagged clauses with the tag literal and thereby strengthens the learnt db.

See also:

Definition at line 586 of file solver.cpp.

const SymbolTable& Clasp::Solver::symbolTable ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 118 of file solver.h.

const LitVec& Clasp::Solver::symmetric ( ) const [inline]

Returns the set of eliminated literals that are unconstraint w.r.t the last model.

Definition at line 633 of file solver.h.

Literal Clasp::Solver::tagLiteral ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 119 of file solver.h.

Executes a one-step lookahead on p.

Assumes p and propagates this assumption. If propagations leads to a conflict, false is returned. Otherwise the assumption is undone and the function returns true.

pThe literal to test.
cThe constraint that wants to test p (can be 0).
p is free
If c is not null and testing p does not lead to a conflict, c->undoLevel() is called *before* p is undone. Hence, the range [s.levelStart(s.decisionLevel()), s.assignment().size()) contains p followed by all literals that were forced because of p.
propagateUntil(c) is used to propagate p.

Definition at line 745 of file solver.cpp.

ValueRep Clasp::Solver::topValue ( Var  v) const [inline]

Returns the value of v w.r.t the top level.

Definition at line 568 of file solver.h.

const LitVec& Clasp::Solver::trail ( ) const [inline]

Returns the current (partial) assignment as a set of true literals.

Although the special var 0 always has a value it is not considered to be part of the assignment.

Definition at line 626 of file solver.h.

Literal Clasp::Solver::trueLit ( Var  v) const [inline]

Returns the literal of v being true in the current assignment.

v is assigned a value in the current assignment

Definition at line 579 of file solver.h.

void Clasp::Solver::undoFree ( ConstraintDB x) [private]

Definition at line 897 of file solver.cpp.

void Clasp::Solver::undoLevel ( bool  sp) [private]

Definition at line 904 of file solver.cpp.

void Clasp::Solver::undoUntil ( uint32  dl)

Undoes all assignments up to (but not including) decision level dl.

dl > 0 (assignments made on decision level 0 cannot be undone)
decisionLevel == max(min(decisionLevel(), dl), max(rootLevel(), btLevel))

Definition at line 811 of file solver.cpp.

uint32 Clasp::Solver::undoUntil ( uint32  dl,
bool  popBtLevel 

Similar to undoUntil but optionally also pops the backtrack-level to dl if possible.

The current decision level.

Definition at line 824 of file solver.cpp.

void Clasp::Solver::unfreezeLevel ( uint32  dl) [inline]

Definition at line 781 of file solver.h.

bool Clasp::Solver::unitPropagate ( ) [private]

Definition at line 693 of file solver.cpp.

void Clasp::Solver::unmarkLevel ( uint32  dl) [inline]

Definition at line 780 of file solver.h.

uint64 Clasp::Solver::updateBranch ( uint32  cfl) [private]

Definition at line 1517 of file solver.cpp.

uint32 Clasp::Solver::updateLearnt ( Literal  p,
const Literal first,
const Literal last,
uint32  cLbd,
bool  forceUp = false 
) [inline]

Computes a new lbd for the antecedent of p given as the range [first, last).

pA literal implied by [first, last)
[first,last)The literals of a learnt nogood implying p.
cLbdThe current lbd of the learnt nogood.
The new lbd of the learnt nogood.
If SolverStrategies::bumpVarAct is active, p's activity is increased if the new lbd is smaller than the lbd of the conflict clause that is currently being derived.

Definition at line 744 of file solver.h.

bool Clasp::Solver::validLevel ( uint32  dl) const [inline]

Definition at line 594 of file solver.h.

bool Clasp::Solver::validVar ( Var  var) const [inline]

Returns true if var represents a valid variable in this solver.

Definition at line 554 of file solver.h.

bool Clasp::Solver::validWatch ( Literal  p) const [inline, private]

Definition at line 838 of file solver.h.

ValueRep Clasp::Solver::value ( Var  v) const [inline]

Returns the value of v w.r.t the current assignment.

Definition at line 566 of file solver.h.

VarInfo Clasp::Solver::varInfo ( Var  v) const [inline]

Definition at line 117 of file solver.h.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class SharedContext [friend]

Definition at line 92 of file solver.h.

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 865 of file solver.h.

Definition at line 874 of file solver.h.

Definition at line 872 of file solver.h.

Definition at line 878 of file solver.h.

Definition at line 860 of file solver.h.

Definition at line 876 of file solver.h.

Definition at line 871 of file solver.h.

Definition at line 867 of file solver.h.

uint32 Clasp::Solver::dbIdx_ [private]

Definition at line 881 of file solver.h.

Definition at line 863 of file solver.h.

Definition at line 859 of file solver.h.

Definition at line 877 of file solver.h.

uint32 Clasp::Solver::initPost_ [private]

Definition at line 884 of file solver.h.

uint32 Clasp::Solver::lastSimp_ [private]

Definition at line 882 of file solver.h.

Definition at line 875 of file solver.h.

uint32 Clasp::Solver::lbdTime_ [private]

Definition at line 880 of file solver.h.

Definition at line 868 of file solver.h.

Definition at line 866 of file solver.h.

uint64 Clasp::Solver::memUse_ [private]

Definition at line 864 of file solver.h.

Stores the last model (if any).

Definition at line 648 of file solver.h.

Definition at line 869 of file solver.h.

Random number generator for this object.

Definition at line 647 of file solver.h.

Definition at line 858 of file solver.h.

uint32 Clasp::Solver::shufSimp_ [private]

Definition at line 883 of file solver.h.

Definition at line 861 of file solver.h.

Stores statistics about the solving process.

Definition at line 649 of file solver.h.

Strategies used by this object.

Definition at line 646 of file solver.h.

Definition at line 879 of file solver.h.

Definition at line 873 of file solver.h.

Definition at line 862 of file solver.h.

Definition at line 870 of file solver.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Benjamin Kaufmann
autogenerated on Thu Aug 27 2015 12:41:41