
This package provides messages for visualizing 3D information in ROS GUI programs, particularly RViz.

These messages were ported from ROS 1 and for now the visualization_msgs wiki is still a good place for information about these messages and how they are used.

For more information about ROS 2 interfaces, see

Messages (.msg)

  • ImageMarker: A marker to overlay on displayed images.

  • InteractiveMarker: A user interaction marker for manipulating objects in 3-dimensional space in GUI programs, like RViz.

  • InteractiveMarkerControl: Represents a control that is to be displayed together with an interactive marker.

  • InteractiveMarkerFeedback: Feedback message sent back from the GUI, e.g. when the status of an interactive marker was modified by the user.

  • InteractiveMarkerInit: Used for sending initial interactive marker descriptions.

  • InteractiveMarkerPose: The pose of the interactive marker.

  • InteractiveMarkerUpdate: The top-level message for sending data from the interactive marker server to the client (i.e. rviz).

  • Marker: A non-interactive marker for displaying annotations in 3-dimensional space.

  • MarkerArray: An array of markers.

  • MenuEntry: Used to describe the menu/submenu/subsubmenu/etc tree.

Services (.srv)

Quality Declaration

This package claims to be in the Quality Level 2 category, see the Quality Declaration for more details.