
This is a ROS message definition.


# Time/frame info.
std_msgs/Header header

# Identifying string. Must be unique in the topic namespace.
string client_id

# Feedback message sent back from the GUI, e.g.
# when the status of an interactive marker was modified by the user.

# Specifies which interactive marker and control this message refers to
string marker_name
string control_name

# Type of the event
# KEEP_ALIVE: sent while dragging to keep up control of the marker
# MENU_SELECT: a menu entry has been selected
# BUTTON_CLICK: a button control has been clicked
# POSE_UPDATE: the pose has been changed using one of the controls
uint8 KEEP_ALIVE = 0
uint8 POSE_UPDATE = 1
uint8 MENU_SELECT = 2
uint8 BUTTON_CLICK = 3

uint8 MOUSE_DOWN = 4
uint8 MOUSE_UP = 5

uint8 event_type

# Current pose of the marker
# Note: Has to be valid for all feedback types.
geometry_msgs/Pose pose

# Contains the ID of the selected menu entry
# Only valid for MENU_SELECT events.
uint32 menu_entry_id

# If event_type is BUTTON_CLICK, MOUSE_DOWN, or MOUSE_UP, mouse_point
# may contain the 3 dimensional position of the event on the
# control.  If it does, mouse_point_valid will be true.  mouse_point
# will be relative to the frame listed in the header.
geometry_msgs/Point mouse_point
bool mouse_point_valid