Class VisualTest

Class Documentation

class VisualTest

Public Functions

VisualTest(rviz_common::VisualizerApp *vapp, std::shared_ptr<Executor> executor, std::string src_dir_path, std::string build_dir_path)

Initializes the scene and sets the path to the image directories.

void setCamPose(Ogre::Vector3 camera_pose)

Sets the position of the camera.

void setCamLookAt(Ogre::Vector3 look_at_vector)

Sets the look direction of the camera.

void assertVisualIdentity(Ogre::String name)

Performs the comparison between the reference image and the test image with name ‘name.png’.

void takeScreenShot(Ogre::String name, std::shared_ptr<PageObjectWithWindow> display)

Depending on the value of the environmental variable ‘GenerateReferenceImages’, it either takes a screenshot and saves it into <workspace>/build/<rviz_package>/test_images or into <workspace>/src/<rviz_package>/test/test_images.

void setCamera()
void setTesterThreshold(double threshold)

Sets the MSE threshold in tester_, for the comparison.

Public Static Functions

static bool generateReferenceImages()