Function rcl_action_take_result_response
Defined in File action_client.h
Function Documentation
rcl_ret_t rcl_action_take_result_response(const rcl_action_client_t *action_client, rmw_request_id_t *response_header, void *ros_result)
Take a ROS result message for a completed goal associated with a rcl_action_client_t.
- Todo:
TODO(jacobperron) blocking of take?
- Todo:
TODO(jacobperron) pre-, during-, and post-conditions for message ownership?
- Todo:
TODO(jacobperron) is this thread-safe?
The caller is responsible for ensuring that the type of
and the type associate with the client (via the type support) match. Passing a different type produces undefined behavior and cannot be checked by this function and therefore no deliberate error will occur.The caller must provide a pointer to an allocated message for the
. If the take is successful, this function will populate the fields ofros_result_response
. The ROS message given by theros_result_response
void pointer is always owned by the calling code, but should remain constant during execution of this function. i.e. Before and after calling rcl_action_take_result_response() theros_result_response
message can change, but it cannot be changed during the call to rcl_action_take_result_response().If allocation is required when taking the result, e.g. if space needs to be allocated for a dynamically sized array in the target message, then the allocator given in the action client options is used.
[1] only if required when filling the result response message, avoided for fixed sizesAttribute
Allocates Memory
Maybe [1]
Uses Atomics
- Parameters:
action_client – [in] handle to the client that will take the result response
response_header – [out] pointer to the result response header
ros_result – [out] preallocated, zero-initialized, struct where the ROS result message is copied.
- Returns:
if the response was taken successfully, or- Returns:
if any arguments are invalid, or- Returns:
if the action client is invalid, or- Returns:
if allocating memory failed, or- Returns:
if take failed but no error occurred in the middleware, or- Returns:
if an unspecified error occurs.