Struct TriggerCommand

Struct Documentation

struct TriggerCommand

Struct for storing the data necessary for a triggering command.

A trigger command from a controller will write to the command double. The result of the trigger operation will be written to the response double. A result of 1.0 means the operation was successful. A result of 0.0 means the operation failed. Only a trigger command of 1.0 will be accepted and trigger the operation. The command_available function can be used to check if a command is available, undefined commands (other than 1.0) will be ignored. The set_response function should be used to set the response value. It will then clear the command.

Public Functions

inline bool try_trigger()

Public Members

double command = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()
double response = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()
std::function<bool()> trigger_function