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# Aerostack2

Aerostack2 is a ROS 2 framework developed to create autonomous multi-aerial-robots systems in an easy and powerful way.

![Build for Ubuntu 22.04 and ROS humble](

Currently is currently developed and tested over ROS 2 humble (over Ubuntu 22.04) .

Versions below 1.0.9 were also developed and tested over ROS 2 galactic (over Ubuntu 20.04), can be found in the branch `EOL/galactic`.

We also have docker images with Aerostack2 preinstalled in ROS 2 Humble, check it out at [Aerostack2 Dockerhub](

Most important features:
- Natively developed on ROS 2.
- Complete modularity, allowing elements to be changed or interchanged without affecting the rest of the system.
- Independence of the aerial platform. Easy Sim2Real deployment.
- Project-oriented, allowing to install and use only the necessary packages for the application to be developed.
- Swarming orientation.

Please visit the [[Aerostack2 Documentation]]( for a complete documentation.

Installation instructions can be found [[here]](

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# Credits

If you use the code in the academic context, please cite:

* M. Fernandez-Cortizas, M. Molina, P. Arias-Perez, R. Perez-Segui,
D. Perez-Saura, and P. Campoy,  2023, ["Aerostack2: A software framework for
developing multi-robot aerial systems"](, ArXiv DOI 2303.18237.