Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // -*- C++ -*-
00010 #include <rtm/Manager.h>
00011 #include <rtm/CorbaNaming.h>
00012 #include <hrpModel/Body.h>
00013 #include <hrpModel/Link.h>
00014 #include <hrpModel/Sensor.h>
00015 #include <hrpModel/ModelLoaderUtil.h>
00016 #include <string>
00017 #include <fstream>
00018 //#include <algorithm>
00020 class WriteOpenHRP3RobotModel {
00021 private:
00022   hrp::BodyPtr m_robot;
00023   OpenHRP::BodyInfo_var bodyinfo;
00024   std::ofstream ofs;
00025 public:
00026   WriteOpenHRP3RobotModel (hrp::BodyPtr _robot, OpenHRP::BodyInfo_var _bodyinfo, const std::string& out_fname)
00027     : m_robot(_robot), bodyinfo(_bodyinfo)
00028   {
00029     ofs.open(out_fname.c_str());
00030   };
00031   ~WriteOpenHRP3RobotModel ()
00032   {
00033     ofs.close();
00034   };
00035   void writeVector (const hrp::Vector3& vec, const std::string& print_name, const std::string& indent)
00036   {
00037     ofs << indent << print_name << " : " << vec(0) << "," << vec(1) << "," << vec(2) << std::endl;
00038   };
00039   void writeMatrix (const hrp::Matrix33 mat, const std::string& print_name, const std::string& indent)
00040   {
00041     ofs << indent << print_name << " : "
00042         << mat(0,0) << "," << mat(0,1) << "," << mat(0,2) << ","
00043         << mat(1,0) << "," << mat(1,1) << "," << mat(1,2) << ","
00044         << mat(2,0) << "," << mat(2,1) << "," << mat(2,2) << std::endl;
00045   };
00046   void writeMassProperties (hrp::Link* _link, const std::string& indent)
00047   {
00048     ofs << indent << "Mass : " << _link->m << std::endl;
00049     writeVector(_link->c, "LocalCom", indent);
00050     writeMatrix(_link->I, "LocalInertia", indent);
00051     ofs << indent << "ComNorm : " << _link->c.norm() << std::endl;
00052     ofs << indent << "InertiaNorm : " << _link->I.norm() << std::endl;
00053     writeVector(hrp::Vector3(_link->p + (_link->R * _link->c)), "GlobalCom", indent);
00054     writeMatrix(hrp::Matrix33(_link->R * _link->I * _link->R.transpose()), "GlobalInertia", indent);
00055   }
00056   void writeLinkProperties (const hrp::Vector3& localp, const hrp::Matrix33& localR, const std::string& indent)
00057   {
00058     writeVector(localp, "LocalPos", indent);
00059     writeMatrix(localR, "LocalRot", indent);
00060   };
00061   void writeLinkGrobalProperties (const hrp::Vector3& p, const hrp::Matrix33& R, const std::string& indent)
00062   {
00063     writeVector(p, "GlobalPos", indent);
00064     writeMatrix(R, "GlobalRot", indent);
00065   };
00066   void writeJointProperties (const hrp::Link* _link, const std::string& indent)
00067   {
00068     ofs << indent << "LowerLimit : " << _link->llimit << std::endl;
00069     ofs << indent << "UpperLimit : " << _link->ulimit << std::endl;
00070     // neglect lvlimit
00071     //ofs << indent << "lvlimit : " << _link->lvlimit << std::endl;
00072     ofs << indent << "VelocityLimit : " << _link->uvlimit << std::endl;
00073   };
00074   void writeSensorProperties (const hrp::Sensor* _sen, const std::string& indent)
00075   {
00076     writeVector(_sen->localPos, "LocalPos", indent);
00077     writeMatrix(_sen->localR, "LocalRot", indent);
00078     writeVector(hrp::Vector3(_sen->link->p + _sen->link->R *_sen->localPos), "GlobalPos", indent);
00079     writeMatrix(hrp::Matrix33(_sen->link->R *_sen->localR), "GlobalRot", indent);
00080   };
00081   void writeSensorProperties (const int sensorType, const std::string& indent)
00082   {
00083     for (size_t i = 0; i < m_robot->numSensors(sensorType); i++) {
00084       std::string name(m_robot->sensor(sensorType, i)->name);
00085       ofs << indent << name << ":" << std::endl;
00086       writeSensorProperties(m_robot->sensor(sensorType, i), std::string(indent+" "));
00087     }
00088   };
00089   hrp::Matrix33 outer_product_matrix(const hrp::Vector3 &v)
00090   {
00091     hrp::Matrix33 ret;
00092     (ret(0, 0) = 0);
00093     (ret(0, 1) = (-v(2)));
00094     (ret(0, 2) = v(1));
00095     (ret(1, 0) = v(2));
00096     (ret(1, 1) = 0);
00097     (ret(1, 2) = (-v(0)));
00098     (ret(2, 0) = (-v(1)));
00099     (ret(2, 1) = v(0));
00100     (ret(2, 2) = 0);
00101     return ret;
00102   }
00103   hrp::Matrix33 calcTotalInertia (const hrp::Vector3& total_com)
00104   {
00105     hrp::Matrix33 ret = hrp::Matrix33::Zero();
00106     for (size_t i = 0; i < m_robot->numLinks(); i++) {
00107       hrp::Link* l = m_robot->link(i);
00108       hrp::Vector3 tmpc = l->p + l->R * l->c - total_com;
00109       ret += l->R * l->I * l->R.transpose() + l->m * outer_product_matrix(tmpc).transpose() * outer_product_matrix(tmpc);
00110     }
00111     return ret;
00112   };
00113   void writeRobotModel () {
00114     ofs << "Total:" << std::endl;
00115     hrp::Vector3 tmp = m_robot->rootLink()->R.transpose() * (m_robot->calcCM() - m_robot->rootLink()->p);
00116     ofs << " Mass : " << m_robot->calcTotalMass() << std::endl;
00117     writeVector(tmp, "GlobalCom", " ");
00118     writeMatrix(calcTotalInertia(tmp), "GlobalInertia", " ");
00119     ofs << " Joints: ";
00120     for (size_t i = 0; i < m_robot->numLinks(); i++) {
00121       std::string name(m_robot->link(i)->name);
00122       if (name != std::string(m_robot->rootLink()->name))
00123         ofs << name << ", ";
00124     }
00125     ofs << std::endl;
00126     ofs << " ActualJoints: ";
00127     for (size_t i = 0; i < m_robot->numLinks(); i++) {
00128       if (m_robot->link(i)->jointId != -1)
00129         ofs << std::string(m_robot->link(i)->name) << ", ";
00130     }
00131     ofs << std::endl;
00133     ofs << "Links:" << std::endl;
00134     OpenHRP::LinkInfoSequence_var links = bodyinfo->links();
00135     for (size_t i = 0; i < m_robot->numLinks(); i++) {
00136       std::string indent(" "), name, child_indent(indent+" ");
00137       for ( int k = 0; k < links->length(); k++ ) {
00138         //std::cerr << " link: " << links[k].segments[0].name << " " <<  << std::endl;
00139         if ( std::string(links[k].name) == m_robot->link(i)->name )
00140           name = std::string(links[k].segments[0].name);
00141       }
00142       ofs << indent << name << ":" << std::endl;
00143       writeMassProperties(m_robot->link(i), child_indent);
00144       if (m_robot->link(i)->name != std::string(m_robot->rootLink()->name)) {
00145         //writeLinkProperties(m_robot->link(i)->b, m_robot->link(i)->Rs, child_indent);
00146         writeLinkProperties(hrp::Vector3(m_robot->link(i)->parent->R.transpose() * (m_robot->link(i)->p - m_robot->link(i)->parent->p)),
00147                             hrp::Matrix33(m_robot->link(i)->parent->R.transpose() * m_robot->link(i)->R),
00148                             child_indent);
00149         writeLinkGrobalProperties(m_robot->link(i)->p, m_robot->link(i)->R, child_indent);
00150       }
00151     }
00152     ofs << "Joints:" << std::endl;
00153     for (size_t i = 0; i < m_robot->numLinks(); i++) {
00154       if (m_robot->link(i)->name != std::string(m_robot->rootLink()->name)) {
00155         std::string indent(" "), child_indent(indent+" ");
00156         ofs << indent << m_robot->link(i)->name << ":" << std::endl;
00157         writeJointProperties(m_robot->link(i), child_indent);
00158       }
00159     }
00161     ofs << "Sensors:" << std::endl;
00162     writeSensorProperties(hrp::Sensor::FORCE, " ");
00163     writeSensorProperties(hrp::Sensor::RATE_GYRO, " ");
00164     writeSensorProperties(hrp::Sensor::ACCELERATION, " ");
00165   }
00166 };
00168 int main (int argc, char** argv)
00169 {
00170   std::string output, input;
00172   for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++ i) {
00173     std::string arg(argv[i]);
00174     coil::normalize(arg);
00175     if ( arg == "--output" ) {
00176       if (++i < argc) output = argv[i];
00177     } else if ( arg == "--input" ) {
00178       if (++i < argc) input = argv[i];
00179     } else if ( arg == "-o" ) {
00180       ++i;
00181     } else if ( arg[0] == '-' ||  arg[0] == '_'  ) {
00182       std::cerr << argv[0] << " : Unknwon arguments " << arg << std::endl;
00183     } else {
00184     }
00185   }
00187   RTC::Manager* manager;
00188   manager = RTC::Manager::init(argc, argv);
00190   std::string nameServer = manager->getConfig()["corba.nameservers"];
00191   int comPos = nameServer.find(",");
00192   if (comPos < 0){
00193     comPos = nameServer.length();
00194   }
00195   nameServer = nameServer.substr(0, comPos);
00196   RTC::CorbaNaming naming(manager->getORB(), nameServer.c_str());
00197   hrp::BodyPtr m_robot(new hrp::Body());
00198   if (!loadBodyFromModelLoader(m_robot, input.c_str(),
00199                                CosNaming::NamingContext::_duplicate(naming.getRootContext())
00200           )){
00201       std::cerr << "failed to load model[" << input << "]" << std::endl;
00202       return RTC::RTC_ERROR;
00203   }
00204   OpenHRP::BodyInfo_var bodyinfo;
00205   bodyinfo = hrp::loadBodyInfo(input.c_str(), CosNaming::NamingContext::_duplicate(naming.getRootContext()));
00207   for (size_t i = 0; i < m_robot->numJoints(); i++) {
00208     m_robot->joint(i)->q = 0;
00209   }
00210   m_robot->rootLink()->p = hrp::Vector3::Zero();
00211   m_robot->rootLink()->R = hrp::Matrix33::Identity();
00212   m_robot->calcForwardKinematics();
00214   WriteOpenHRP3RobotModel rmct(m_robot, bodyinfo, output);
00215   rmct.writeRobotModel ();
00217   return 0;
00218 }

Author(s): nozawa
autogenerated on Mon Oct 6 2014 01:10:06