Static Public Attributes
mtdef.MID Class Reference

List of all members.

Static Public Attributes

int AvailableScenarios = 0x63
 Available Scenarios.
int Configuration = 0x0D
 Configuration, 118 bytes.
int DataLength = 0x0B
 Data Length, 2 bytes.
int DeviceID = 0x01
 DeviceID, 4 bytes: HH HL LH LL.
int Error = 0x42
 Error message, 1 data byte.
dictionary ErrorCodes
int FirmwareRev = 0x13
 Firmware revision, 3 bytes: major minor rev.
int GoToConfig = 0x30
 Switch to config state.
int GoToMeasurement = 0x10
 Switch to measurement state.
int GPSStatus = 0xA7
 GPS status (MTi-G only)
int InitMT = 0x02
 Compatibility for XBus Master users.
int InitMTResults = 0x03
int MTData = 0x32
 Legacy data packet.
int MTData2 = 0x36
 Newer data packet (MTi-10/100 series only)
int ProductCode = 0x1D
 Product code (max 20 bytes data)
int ReqAvailableScenarios = 0x62
 Request the available XKF scenarios on the device.
int ReqConfiguration = 0x0C
 Request configuration.
int ReqData = 0x34
 Request MTData message (for 65535 skip factor)
int ReqDataLength = 0x0A
 Request data length according to current configuration.
int ReqDID = 0x00
 Request device id.
int ReqFWRev = 0x12
 Request firmware revision.
int ReqGPSStatus = 0xA6
 Request GPS status (MTi-G only)
int ReqProductCode = 0x1C
 Request product code in plain text.
int ReqUTCTime = 0x60
 Request UTC time from sensor (MTI-G and MTi-10/100 series)
int Reset = 0x40
 Reset device.
int ResetOrientation = 0xA4
 Reset orientation, 2 bytes.
int RestoreFactoryDef = 0x0E
 Restore factory defaults.
int SetBaudrate = 0x18
 Baudrate, 1 byte.
int SetCurrentScenario = 0x64
 Current XKF scenario, 2 bytes.
int SetErrorMode = 0xDA
 Error mode, 2 bytes, 0000, 0001, 0002, 0003 (default 0001)
int SetGravityMagnitude = 0x66
 Magnitude of the gravity used for the sensor fusion mechanism, 4 bytes.
int SetHeading = 0x82
 Heading (MTi only), 4 bytes.
int SetLatLonAlt = 0x6E
 Latitude, Longitude and Altitude for local declination and gravity (MTi-10/100 series only), 24 bytes.
int SetLeverArmGPS = 0x68
 Lever arm of the GPSin sensor coordinates (MTi-G and MTi-700 only), 3*4 bytes.
int SetLocationID = 0x84
 Location ID, 2 bytes, arbitrary, default is 0.
int SetMagneticDeclination = 0x6A
 Magnetic declination (MTi-G only), 4 bytes.
int SetNoRotation = 0x22
 Initiate No Rotation procedure (not on MTi-G), 2 bytes.
int SetObjectAlignment = 0xE0
 Object alignment matrix, 9*4 bytes.
int SetOutputConfiguration = 0xC0
 Output configuration (MTi-10/100 series only), N*4 bytes.
int SetOutputMode = 0xD0
 Output mode (MTi/MTi-G only), 2 bytes.
int SetOutputSettings = 0xD2
 Output settings (MTi/MTi-G only), 4 bytes.
int SetOutputSkipFactor = 0xD4
 Skip factor (MTi/MTi-G only), 2 bytes.
int SetPeriod = 0x04
 Sampling period (MTi/MTi-G only), 2 bytes.
int SetProcessingFlags = 0x20
 Processing flags (not on firmware 2.2 or lower for MTi/MTi-g), 1 byte.
int SetSyncInSettings = 0xD6
 SyncIn setting (MTi only), (1+) 2 or 4 bytes depending on request.
int SetSyncOutSettings = 0xD8
 SyncOut setting (MTi/MTi-G only), (1+) 2 or 4 bytes depending on request.
int SetSyncSettings = 0x2C
 Synchronization settings (MTi-10/100 series only), N*12 bytes.
int SetTransmitDelay = 0xDC
 Transmit delay (RS485), 2 bytes, number of clock ticks (1/29.4912 MHz)
int UTCTime = 0x61
 UTC Time (MTI-G and MTi-10/100 series), 12 bytes.
int WakeUp = 0x3E
 Wake up procedure.

Detailed Description

Values for the message id (MID)

Definition at line 4 of file

Member Data Documentation

int mtdef.MID::AvailableScenarios = 0x63 [static]

Available Scenarios.

Definition at line 109 of file

int mtdef.MID::Configuration = 0x0D [static]

Configuration, 118 bytes.

Definition at line 75 of file

int mtdef.MID::DataLength = 0x0B [static]

Data Length, 2 bytes.

Definition at line 45 of file

int mtdef.MID::DeviceID = 0x01 [static]

DeviceID, 4 bytes: HH HL LH LL.

Definition at line 30 of file

int mtdef.MID::Error = 0x42 [static]

Error message, 1 data byte.

Definition at line 7 of file

dictionary mtdef.MID::ErrorCodes [static]
Initial value:
                0x03: "Invalid period",
                0x04: "Invalid message",
                0x1E: "Timer overflow",
                0x20: "Invalid baudrate",
                0x21: "Invalid parameter"

Definition at line 8 of file

int mtdef.MID::FirmwareRev = 0x13 [static]

Firmware revision, 3 bytes: major minor rev.

Definition at line 41 of file

int mtdef.MID::GoToConfig = 0x30 [static]

Switch to config state.

Definition at line 20 of file

int mtdef.MID::GoToMeasurement = 0x10 [static]

Switch to measurement state.

Definition at line 22 of file

int mtdef.MID::GPSStatus = 0xA7 [static]

GPS status (MTi-G only)

Definition at line 49 of file

int mtdef.MID::InitMT = 0x02 [static]

Compatibility for XBus Master users.

Definition at line 32 of file

int mtdef.MID::InitMTResults = 0x03 [static]

Definition at line 33 of file

int mtdef.MID::MTData = 0x32 [static]

Legacy data packet.

Definition at line 93 of file

int mtdef.MID::MTData2 = 0x36 [static]

Newer data packet (MTi-10/100 series only)

Definition at line 95 of file

int mtdef.MID::ProductCode = 0x1D [static]

Product code (max 20 bytes data)

Definition at line 37 of file

int mtdef.MID::ReqAvailableScenarios = 0x62 [static]

Request the available XKF scenarios on the device.

Definition at line 107 of file

int mtdef.MID::ReqConfiguration = 0x0C [static]

Request configuration.

Definition at line 73 of file

int mtdef.MID::ReqData = 0x34 [static]

Request MTData message (for 65535 skip factor)

Definition at line 91 of file

int mtdef.MID::ReqDataLength = 0x0A [static]

Request data length according to current configuration.

Definition at line 43 of file

int mtdef.MID::ReqDID = 0x00 [static]

Request device id.

Definition at line 28 of file

int mtdef.MID::ReqFWRev = 0x12 [static]

Request firmware revision.

Definition at line 39 of file

int mtdef.MID::ReqGPSStatus = 0xA6 [static]

Request GPS status (MTi-G only)

Definition at line 47 of file

int mtdef.MID::ReqProductCode = 0x1C [static]

Request product code in plain text.

Definition at line 35 of file

int mtdef.MID::ReqUTCTime = 0x60 [static]

Request UTC time from sensor (MTI-G and MTi-10/100 series)

Definition at line 103 of file

int mtdef.MID::Reset = 0x40 [static]

Reset device.

Definition at line 24 of file

int mtdef.MID::ResetOrientation = 0xA4 [static]

Reset orientation, 2 bytes.

Definition at line 101 of file

int mtdef.MID::RestoreFactoryDef = 0x0E [static]

Restore factory defaults.

Definition at line 59 of file

int mtdef.MID::SetBaudrate = 0x18 [static]

Baudrate, 1 byte.

Definition at line 53 of file

int mtdef.MID::SetCurrentScenario = 0x64 [static]

Current XKF scenario, 2 bytes.

Definition at line 111 of file

int mtdef.MID::SetErrorMode = 0xDA [static]

Error mode, 2 bytes, 0000, 0001, 0002, 0003 (default 0001)

Definition at line 55 of file

int mtdef.MID::SetGravityMagnitude = 0x66 [static]

Magnitude of the gravity used for the sensor fusion mechanism, 4 bytes.

Definition at line 113 of file

int mtdef.MID::SetHeading = 0x82 [static]

Heading (MTi only), 4 bytes.

Definition at line 99 of file

int mtdef.MID::SetLatLonAlt = 0x6E [static]

Latitude, Longitude and Altitude for local declination and gravity (MTi-10/100 series only), 24 bytes.

Definition at line 120 of file

int mtdef.MID::SetLeverArmGPS = 0x68 [static]

Lever arm of the GPSin sensor coordinates (MTi-G and MTi-700 only), 3*4 bytes.

Definition at line 115 of file

int mtdef.MID::SetLocationID = 0x84 [static]

Location ID, 2 bytes, arbitrary, default is 0.

Definition at line 57 of file

int mtdef.MID::SetMagneticDeclination = 0x6A [static]

Magnetic declination (MTi-G only), 4 bytes.

Definition at line 117 of file

int mtdef.MID::SetNoRotation = 0x22 [static]

Initiate No Rotation procedure (not on MTi-G), 2 bytes.

Definition at line 124 of file

int mtdef.MID::SetObjectAlignment = 0xE0 [static]

Object alignment matrix, 9*4 bytes.

Definition at line 83 of file

int mtdef.MID::SetOutputConfiguration = 0xC0 [static]

Output configuration (MTi-10/100 series only), N*4 bytes.

Definition at line 77 of file

int mtdef.MID::SetOutputMode = 0xD0 [static]

Output mode (MTi/MTi-G only), 2 bytes.

Definition at line 85 of file

int mtdef.MID::SetOutputSettings = 0xD2 [static]

Output settings (MTi/MTi-G only), 4 bytes.

Definition at line 87 of file

int mtdef.MID::SetOutputSkipFactor = 0xD4 [static]

Skip factor (MTi/MTi-G only), 2 bytes.

Definition at line 81 of file

int mtdef.MID::SetPeriod = 0x04 [static]

Sampling period (MTi/MTi-G only), 2 bytes.

Definition at line 79 of file

int mtdef.MID::SetProcessingFlags = 0x20 [static]

Processing flags (not on firmware 2.2 or lower for MTi/MTi-g), 1 byte.

Definition at line 122 of file

int mtdef.MID::SetSyncInSettings = 0xD6 [static]

SyncIn setting (MTi only), (1+) 2 or 4 bytes depending on request.

Definition at line 67 of file

int mtdef.MID::SetSyncOutSettings = 0xD8 [static]

SyncOut setting (MTi/MTi-G only), (1+) 2 or 4 bytes depending on request.

Definition at line 69 of file

int mtdef.MID::SetSyncSettings = 0x2C [static]

Synchronization settings (MTi-10/100 series only), N*12 bytes.

Definition at line 65 of file

int mtdef.MID::SetTransmitDelay = 0xDC [static]

Transmit delay (RS485), 2 bytes, number of clock ticks (1/29.4912 MHz)

Definition at line 61 of file

int mtdef.MID::UTCTime = 0x61 [static]

UTC Time (MTI-G and MTi-10/100 series), 12 bytes.

Definition at line 105 of file

int mtdef.MID::WakeUp = 0x3E [static]

Wake up procedure.

Definition at line 18 of file

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Author(s): Francis Colas
autogenerated on Thu Jan 2 2014 11:18:32