WPA_DISCONNECTED - Disconnected state
This state indicates that client is not associated, but is likely to start looking for an access point. This state is entered when a connection is lost.
WPA_INACTIVE - Inactive state (wpa_supplicant disabled)
This state is entered if there are no enabled networks in the configuration. wpa_supplicant is not trying to associate with a new network and external interaction (e.g., ctrl_iface call to add or enable a network) is needed to start association.
WPA_SCANNING - Scanning for a network
This state is entered when wpa_supplicant starts scanning for a network.
WPA_AUTHENTICATING - Trying to authenticate with a BSS/SSID
This state is entered when wpa_supplicant has found a suitable BSS to authenticate with and the driver is configured to try to authenticate with this BSS. This state is used only with drivers that use wpa_supplicant as the SME.
WPA_ASSOCIATING - Trying to associate with a BSS/SSID
This state is entered when wpa_supplicant has found a suitable BSS to associate with and the driver is configured to try to associate with this BSS in ap_scan=1 mode. When using ap_scan=2 mode, this state is entered when the driver is configured to try to associate with a network using the configured SSID and security policy.
WPA_ASSOCIATED - Association completed
This state is entered when the driver reports that association has been successfully completed with an AP. If IEEE 802.1X is used (with or without WPA/WPA2), wpa_supplicant remains in this state until the IEEE 802.1X/EAPOL authentication has been completed.
WPA_4WAY_HANDSHAKE - WPA 4-Way Key Handshake in progress
This state is entered when WPA/WPA2 4-Way Handshake is started. In case of WPA-PSK, this happens when receiving the first EAPOL-Key frame after association. In case of WPA-EAP, this state is entered when the IEEE 802.1X/EAPOL authentication has been completed.
WPA_GROUP_HANDSHAKE - WPA Group Key Handshake in progress
This state is entered when 4-Way Key Handshake has been completed (i.e., when the supplicant sends out message 4/4) and when Group Key rekeying is started by the AP (i.e., when supplicant receives message 1/2).
WPA_COMPLETED - All authentication completed
This state is entered when the full authentication process is completed. In case of WPA2, this happens when the 4-Way Handshake is successfully completed. With WPA, this state is entered after the Group Key Handshake; with IEEE 802.1X (non-WPA) connection is completed after dynamic keys are received (or if not used, after the EAP authentication has been completed). With static WEP keys and plaintext connections, this state is entered when an association has been completed.
This state indicates that the supplicant has completed its processing for the association phase and that data connection is fully configured.