Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- m -
- mABW
: StrColParams
- mAllocatorPtr
: OcTree
- mAngleEps
: StrColParams
- mAngleEpsOnMinOctreeRes
: StrColParams
- markAsSegmented()
: StructureColoring
- markNodesAsSegmented()
: StructureColoring
- Mat3
: NormalEstimationValueClass
, StructureColoring
, Cylinder3D
, CylinderPatch
, NodePair2D
- mAxisDirection
: Cylinder3D
- mAxisMax
: CylinderPatch
- mAxisMin
: CylinderPatch
- mBBThread
: StrColRoSeService
- mBBVertices
: CylinderPatch
, PlanePatch
- mBins
: Histogram< Key, Value, BinType >
, Histogram2D< Key, Value, BinType >
- mBinSize
: Histogram< Key, Value, BinType >
, Histogram2D< Key, Value, BinType >
- mBRVertices
: PlanePatch
- mBumpMaps
: StructureGL
- mCellsCoords
: ConnectedComponent
- mCellSize
: CylinderGridMap
, PositionedGrid2D< CellType >
- mCircleMidPoint
: NodePair2D
- mCoG
: PlanePatch
- mCondition
: StrColRoSeService
- mConnectionNeighbors
: StrColParams
- mCross
: NodePair
- mCrossCurv
: NodePair
- mCurv2Threshold
: OcTree
, StrColParams
- mCurvThreshold
: OcTree
, StrColParams
- mCylinder
: CylinderGridMap
, StrColParams
- mCylinderBins
: StrColParams
- mCylinderHeightDev
: StrColParams
- mCylinderId
: CylinderPatch
- mCylinderMarkerPublisher
: RosVisualization
- mCylinderPairNeighbors
: StrColParams
- mCylinderPatches
: StructureGL
, StructureColoring
- mCylinderPatchesMutex
: StructureGL
, StructureColoring
- mCylinderPointCloudPublisher
: RosVisualization
- mData
: SphereUniformSampling
- mDebugSteps
: StrColParams
- mDev
: TriangleDistributionHistogram
, TriangleDistributionHistogram2D
- mDilateIterations
: StrColParams
- mDist
: NodePair2D
- mDistanceThreshold
: PlanePatch
- mDistanceToOrigin
: Plane3D
- mDistThreshold
: CylinderPatch
- mDown
: StructureGL
- meanPos
: NormalEstimationValueClass
- mergePlanes()
: StructureColoring
- mForward
: StructureGL
- mFrameID
: RosVisualization
- mGlWindow
: GuiNode
- mGrid
: Grid2D< CellType >
, PlanePatch
- mGridCCStartPos
: GridMap
- mHalfSphereFlip
: SphereUniformSampling
- mHeight
: Grid2D< CellType >
, CylinderPatch
- mHeightMap
: CylinderPatch
, PlanePatch
- mHeightMapIDs
: StructureGL
- mHeightMaps
: StructureGL
- mHistogramPC2Publisher
: RosVisualization
- mHTDistanceDeviationFactor
: StrColParams
- mHTOctreeBinSizeFactor
: StrColParams
- mIdx
: WeightedIdx
- mIndexLUT
: TriangleDistributionHistogramWithRemove
- mIndices
: GridCell
- mInlierIndices
: PlanePatch
- mInputFilename
: StrColParams
- mKinect
: StrColParams
- mKinectTopic
: StructureColoring
- mLaser
: StrColParams
- mLaserTopic
: RosVisualization
, StrColParams
- mLastCellSizeWithNormals
: StructureColoring
- mLastPointCloud
: StrColRoSeService
- mLastTick
: StructureGL
- mLeft
: StructureGL
- mLight
: StructureGL
- mLightPos0
: StructureGL
- mLoadPCD
: StrColParams
- mMarkerPublisher
: RosVisualization
- mMax
: Histogram< Key, Value, BinType >
- mMaxCylinderRadius
: StrColParams
- mMaxHTDistanceThreshold
: StrColParams
- mMaxIndex
: TriangleDistributionHistogram
- mMaxRadiusFactor
: StrColParams
- mMaxSACDistanceThreshold
: StrColParams
- mMaxX
: Histogram2D< Key, Value, BinType >
- mMaxY
: Histogram2D< Key, Value, BinType >
- mMergePlanesSimilarityFactor
: StrColParams
- mMidPoint
: CylinderPatch
- mMidPointBinSizeFactor
: StrColParams
- mMin
: Histogram< Key, Value, BinType >
- mMinCylinderRadius
: StrColParams
- mMinNodesInCC
: StrColParams
- mMinNodesInCylinder
: StrColParams
- mMinOctreeNodes
: StrColParams
- mMinOctreeResolution
: OcTree
, StrColParams
- mMinPointsForNormal
: OcTree
, StrColParams
- mMinPointsInCC
: StrColParams
- mMinRadiusFactor
: StrColParams
- mMinSACDistanceThreshold
: StrColParams
- mMinX
: Histogram2D< Key, Value, BinType >
- mMinY
: Histogram2D< Key, Value, BinType >
- mModelM
: StructureGL
- mMouseView
: StructureGL
- mMoveTimer
: StructureGL
- mMutex
: StrColRoSeService
- mNH
: StrColRoSeService
- mNodeHandle
: StructureColoring
- mNodeIdToPointIdxVector
: OcTree
- mNodeIndices
: WeightedIdxVector
- mNodeSegmentedRatio
: StrColParams
- mNodeToBBDistance
: StrColParams
- mNoRansacStep
: StrColParams
- mNormal
: SphereUniformSampling::NormalEntry
, Plane3D
- mNormalDistanceWeight
: StrColParams
- mNormalisationCubeMap
: StructureGL
- mNormalMap
: CylinderPatch
, PlanePatch
- mNormalMapIDs
: StructureGL
- mNormalOne
: NodePair2D
- mNormalOutputFilename
: StrColParams
- mNormalTwo
: NodePair2D
- mNumberOfPoints
: ConnectedComponent
- mNumPoints
: NodePair
- mOccupiedRatio
: StrColParams
- mOcTree
: StructureColoring
- mOctreeDepth
: OcTree
- mOctreePtr
: OcTree
- mOne
: NodePair
- mOnlyDepth
: StrColParams
- mouseMoveEvent()
: StructureGL
- mousePressEvent()
: StructureGL
- mouseReleaseEvent()
: StructureGL
- mOutputFilename
: StrColParams
- moveTimeout()
: StructureGL
- mParams
: StructureColoring
- mPC2Publisher
: RosVisualization
- mPCBlackboard
: StrColRoSeService
: StrColParams
- mPclSAC
: StrColParams
- mPclSACmaxIter
: StrColParams
- mPcs
: Plane3D
- mPcst
: Plane3D
- mPerceptron
: StrColParams
- mPGM
: StrColParams
- mPhi
: SphereUniformSampling::NormalEntry
- mPhi_resolution
: SphereUniformSampling
, StrColParams
- mPitch
: StructureGL::Viewpoint
- mPitchStart
: StructureGL
- mPlane
: PositionedGrid2D< CellType >
, PlanePatch
- mPlaneAlphaIDs
: StructureGL
- mPlaneId
: PlanePatch
- mPlanePatches
: StructureGL
, StructureColoring
- mPlanePatchesMutex
: StructureColoring
, StructureGL
- mPlaneTextureIDs
: StructureGL
- mPlaneTextureMutex
: StructureGL
- mPointCloud
: StructureGL
, StructureColoring
- mPointCloud2Subscriber
: StructureColoring
- mPointcloudBlackboardSenderSID
: StrColRoSeService
- mPointCloudMutex
: StructureColoring
, StructureGL
- mPointCloudSubscriber
: StructureColoring
- mPointIndices
: CylinderPatch
- mPointMapping
: StructureColoring
- mPointNeighborBins
: StructureColoring
- mPointOnAxis
: Cylinder3D
- mPoints
: SphereUniformSampling::NormalEntry
- mPopulated
: NodeGridCell
- mPosOne
: NodePair2D
- mPostProcessing
: StrColParams
- mPosTwo
: NodePair2D
- mPrincipalVarFactor
: StrColParams
, OcTree
- mProjM
: StructureGL
- mRadius
: NodePair2D
, Cylinder3D
- mRadiusDevFactor
: StrColParams
- mRatioToNextData
: SphereUniformSampling
- mRawPicCounter
: StrColParams
- mRawPicFilename
: StrColParams
- mReTransformRot
: Cylinder3D
- mReverse
: StructureGL
- mRho_max
: OcTree
, StrColParams
- mRight
: StructureGL
- mRotAngle
: Cylinder3D
- mRotationSpeed
: StructureGL
- mRotAxis
: Cylinder3D
- mRuntimeFilename
: StrColParams
- mSACOctreeFactor
: StrColParams
- mSACOutlierRatioThreshold
: StrColParams
- mSamplingMap
: OcTree
- mSegmentedCloudPublisher
: RosVisualization
- mSegmentedPlanesAndPointsRecieverSID
: StrColRoSeService
- mShowCylinders
: StructureGL
- mShowPlanes
: StructureGL
- mShowPoints
: StructureGL
- mShowUnsegmentedPoints
: StructureGL
- mSqDistFactor
: StrColParams
, OcTree
- mStable
: NodePair
, NodePair2D
- mStartPos
: StructureGL
- mStr
: OutOfRangeException
- mStrCol
: StrColRoSeService
- mTexelSizeFactor
: StrColParams
- mTexIDsToRemove
: StructureGL
- mTextureHeightRatio
: PlanePatch
- mTextureMap
: CylinderPatch
, PlanePatch
- mTextures
: StrColParams
- mTextureWidthRatio
: PlanePatch
- mTheta
: SphereUniformSampling::NormalEntry
- mTopPoint
: CylinderPatch
- mTransformRot
: Cylinder3D
- mTransformTrans
: Cylinder3D
- mTranslationSpeed
: StructureGL
- mTriesOnEachDepth
: StrColParams
- mTurnLeft
: StructureGL
- mTurnRight
: StructureGL
- mTwo
: NodePair
- mUnsegPointCloud
: StructureGL
- mUp
: StructureGL
- mVelForward
: StructureGL::Viewpoint
- mVelSide
: StructureGL::Viewpoint
- mVelTurn
: StructureGL::Viewpoint
- mVelUp
: StructureGL::Viewpoint
- mVerbose
: StrColParams
- mViewP
: StructureGL
- mViewpoint
: StructureGL
- mVis
: StructureColoring
- mVisited
: GridCell
- mWeight
: WeightedIdx
, SphereUniformSampling::NormalEntry
, WeightedIdxVector
- mWeights
: SphereUniformSampling::NormalEntry
- mWidth
: Grid2D< CellType >
- mWriteRawPic
: StrColParams
- mX
: StructureGL::Viewpoint
- mXMax
: PositionedGrid2D< CellType >
, PlanePatch
- mXMin
: PlanePatch
, PositionedGrid2D< CellType >
- mXSpan
: Histogram2D< Key, Value, BinType >
- mY
: StructureGL::Viewpoint
- mYaw
: StructureGL::Viewpoint
- mYawStart
: StructureGL
- mYMax
: PositionedGrid2D< CellType >
, PlanePatch
- mYMin
: PositionedGrid2D< CellType >
, PlanePatch
- mYSpan
: Histogram2D< Key, Value, BinType >
- MyThreadPtr
: StrColRoSeService
- mZ
: StructureGL::Viewpoint
- mZMax
: PlanePatch
- mZMin
: PlanePatch