Gesture Generator
Production Nodes Functionality
Collaboration diagram for Gesture Generator:


XN_C_API XnStatus xnAddGesture (XnNodeHandle hInstance, const XnChar *strGesture, XnBoundingBox3D *pArea)
 Turn on gesture. The generator will now look for this gesture.
XN_C_API XnStatus xnCreateGestureGenerator (XnContext *pContext, XnNodeHandle *phGestureGenerator, XnNodeQuery *pQuery, XnEnumerationErrors *pErrors)
 Creates a Gesture Generator.
XN_C_API XnStatus xnEnumerateGestures (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnChar **pstrGestures, XnUInt16 *nGestures)
 Get the names of all gestures available.
XN_C_API XnStatus xnGetActiveGestures (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnChar **pstrGestures, XnUInt16 *nGestures)
 Get the names of the gestures that are currently active.
XN_C_API XnBool xnIsGestureAvailable (XnNodeHandle hInstance, const XnChar *strGesture)
 Check if a specific gesture is available in this generator.
XN_C_API XnBool xnIsGestureProgressSupported (XnNodeHandle hInstance, const XnChar *strGesture)
 Check if the specific gesture supports 'in progress' callbacks.
XN_C_API XnStatus xnRegisterGestureCallbacks (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnGestureRecognized RecognizedCB, XnGestureProgress ProgressCB, void *pCookie, XnCallbackHandle *phCallback)
 Register to all gesture callbacks.
XN_C_API XnStatus xnRegisterToGestureChange (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnStateChangedHandler handler, void *pCookie, XnCallbackHandle *phCallback)
 Register to when gestures are added or removed.
XN_C_API XnStatus xnRemoveGesture (XnNodeHandle hInstance, const XnChar *strGesture)
 Turn off gesture. The generator will no longer look for this gesture.
XN_C_API void xnUnregisterFromGestureChange (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnCallbackHandle hCallback)
 Unregister from when gestures are added or removed.
XN_C_API void xnUnregisterGestureCallbacks (XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnCallbackHandle hCallback)
 Unregister from gesture callbacks.

Detailed Description

A Gestures Generator node is a Generator that recognizes certain gestures. It supports all Generator functions, and adds additional functions.

Function Documentation

XN_C_API XnStatus xnAddGesture ( XnNodeHandle  hInstance,
const XnChar strGesture,
XnBoundingBox3D pArea 

Turn on gesture. The generator will now look for this gesture.

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
strGesture[in] The name of the gesture to look for
pArea[in] The area in which to look for the gesture (in Real-World coordinates)
XN_C_API XnStatus xnCreateGestureGenerator ( XnContext pContext,
XnNodeHandle phGestureGenerator,
XnNodeQuery pQuery,
XnEnumerationErrors pErrors 

Creates a Gesture Generator.

pContext[in] The context in which to create the gesture generator.
phGestureGenerator[out] A handle to the created gesture generator.
pQuery[in] Optional. Can be used to select which Gesture node to create. If not specified, this function may create any gesture node that is available.
pErrors[in] Optional. If provided, will be filled with information about gesture nodes that could not be created.
XN_C_API XnStatus xnEnumerateGestures ( XnNodeHandle  hInstance,
XnChar **  pstrGestures,
XnUInt16 nGestures 

Get the names of all gestures available.

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
pstrGestures[out] Preallocated memory, for the gesture names
nGestures[in,out] The size of the preallocated memory. Changed to number of gestures
XN_C_API XnStatus xnGetActiveGestures ( XnNodeHandle  hInstance,
XnChar **  pstrGestures,
XnUInt16 nGestures 

Get the names of the gestures that are currently active.

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
pstrGestures[out] Preallocated memory, for the gesture names
nGestures[in,out] The size of the preallocated memory. Changed to number of gestures
XN_C_API XnBool xnIsGestureAvailable ( XnNodeHandle  hInstance,
const XnChar strGesture 

Check if a specific gesture is available in this generator.

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
strGesture[in] Name of the gesture to check
XN_C_API XnBool xnIsGestureProgressSupported ( XnNodeHandle  hInstance,
const XnChar strGesture 

Check if the specific gesture supports 'in progress' callbacks.

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
strGesture[in] Name of the gesture to check
XN_C_API XnStatus xnRegisterGestureCallbacks ( XnNodeHandle  hInstance,
XnGestureRecognized  RecognizedCB,
XnGestureProgress  ProgressCB,
void pCookie,
XnCallbackHandle phCallback 

Register to all gesture callbacks.

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
RecognizedCB[in] A callback to be called when a gesture is recognized
ProgressCB[in] A callback to be called when a gesture is on its way to be recognized
pCookie[in] User's cookie, to be delivered to the callbacks
phCallback[out] The handle to these callbacks, to allow unregistration
XN_C_API XnStatus xnRegisterToGestureChange ( XnNodeHandle  hInstance,
XnStateChangedHandler  handler,
void pCookie,
XnCallbackHandle phCallback 

Register to when gestures are added or removed.

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
handler[in] The callback to be called when gesture configuration changes.
pCookie[in] User's cookie, to be delivered to the callbacks
phCallback[out] The handle to these callbacks, to allow unregistration
XN_C_API XnStatus xnRemoveGesture ( XnNodeHandle  hInstance,
const XnChar strGesture 

Turn off gesture. The generator will no longer look for this gesture.

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
strGesture[in] The name of the gesture to not look for anymore

Unregister from when gestures are added or removed.

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
hCallback[in] The handle received from registration

Unregister from gesture callbacks.

hInstance[in] A handle to the instance
hCallback[in] The handle received from registration

Author(s): Bener SUAY
autogenerated on Mon Jan 6 2014 11:27:52