Package master_discovery_fkie :: Module udp :: Class McastSocket
[frames] | no frames]

Class McastSocket

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          object --+    
socket._socketobject --+

The McastSocket class enables the send and receive UDP messages to a multicast group.

Instance Methods
socket object

__init__(self, port, mgroup, reuse=True, ttl=20)
Creates a socket, bind it to a given port and join to a given multicast group.
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Unregister from the multicast group and close the socket.
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send2group(self, msg)
Sends the given message to the joined multicast group.
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send2addr(self, msg, addr)
Sends the given message to the joined multicast group.
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Test all enabled interfaces for a MULTICAST flag.
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Inherited from socket._socketobject: accept, bind, connect, connect_ex, dup, fileno, getpeername, getsockname, getsockopt, gettimeout, listen, makefile, sendall, setblocking, setsockopt, settimeout, shutdown

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Static Methods
[(str, str)]
Used to get a list of the up interfaces and associated IP addresses on this machine (linux only).
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Class Variables

Inherited from socket._socketobject: __doc__


Inherited from socket._socketobject: family, proto, recv, recv_into, recvfrom, recvfrom_into, send, sendto, type

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, port, mgroup, reuse=True, ttl=20)

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Creates a socket, bind it to a given port and join to a given multicast group. IPv4 and IPv6 are supported.

  • port (int) - the port to bind the socket
  • mgroup (str) - the multicast group to join
  • reuse (boolean (Default: True)) - allows the reusing of the port
  • ttl (int (Default: 20)) - time to leave
socket object

Overrides: object.__init__


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Unregister from the multicast group and close the socket.

Overrides: socket._socketobject.close

send2group(self, msg)

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Sends the given message to the joined multicast group. Some errors on send will be ignored (ENETRESET, ENETDOWN, ENETUNREACH)

  • msg (str) - message to send

send2addr(self, msg, addr)

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Sends the given message to the joined multicast group. Some errors on send will be ignored (ENETRESET, ENETDOWN, ENETUNREACH)

  • msg (str) - message to send
  • addr (str) - IPv4 or IPv6 address


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Test all enabled interfaces for a MULTICAST flag. If no enabled interfaces has a multicast support, False will be returned.

Returns: boolean
True, if any interfaces with multicast support are enabled.

Static Method

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Used to get a list of the up interfaces and associated IP addresses on this machine (linux only).

Returns: [(str, str)]
List of interface tuples. Each tuple consists of (interface name, interface IP)