Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  *   Katana Native Interface - A C++ interface to the robot arm Katana.
00003  *   Copyright (C) 2005 Neuronics AG
00004  *   Check out the AUTHORS file for detailed contact information.
00005  *
00006  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00007  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00008  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
00009  *   (at your option) any later version.
00010  *
00011  *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00012  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00014  *   GNU General Public License for more details.
00015  *
00016  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00017  *   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
00018  *   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
00019  */
00022 #include "KNI/CRC.h"
00024 //lookup array for CHECKSUM calcs
00025 const uint8 CRChi_ARRAY [256] = {
00026                                     0x000, 0x0c0, 0x0c1, 0x001, 0x0c3, 0x003, 0x002, 0x0c2,
00027                                     0x0c6, 0x006, 0x007, 0x0c7, 0x005, 0x0c5, 0x0c4, 0x004,
00028                                     0x0cc, 0x00c, 0x00d, 0x0cd, 0x00f, 0x0cf, 0x0ce, 0x00e,
00029                                     0x00a, 0x0ca, 0x0cb, 0x00b, 0x0c9, 0x009, 0x008, 0x0c8,
00030                                     0x0d8, 0x018, 0x019, 0x0d9, 0x01b, 0x0db, 0x0da, 0x01a,
00031                                     0x01e, 0x0de, 0x0df, 0x01f, 0x0dd, 0x01d, 0x01c, 0x0dc,
00032                                     0x014, 0x0d4, 0x0d5, 0x015, 0x0d7, 0x017, 0x016, 0x0d6,
00033                                     0x0d2, 0x012, 0x013, 0x0d3, 0x011, 0x0d1, 0x0d0, 0x010,
00034                                     0x0f0, 0x030, 0x031, 0x0f1, 0x033, 0x0f3, 0x0f2, 0x032,
00035                                     0x036, 0x0f6, 0x0f7, 0x037, 0x0f5, 0x035, 0x034, 0x0f4,
00036                                     0x03c, 0x0fc, 0x0fd, 0x03d, 0x0ff, 0x03f, 0x03e, 0x0fe,
00037                                     0x0fa, 0x03a, 0x03b, 0x0fb, 0x039, 0x0f9, 0x0f8, 0x038,
00038                                     0x028, 0x0e8, 0x0e9, 0x029, 0x0eb, 0x02b, 0x02a, 0x0ea,
00039                                     0x0ee, 0x02e, 0x02f, 0x0ef, 0x02d, 0x0ed, 0x0ec, 0x02c,
00040                                     0x0e4, 0x024, 0x025, 0x0e5, 0x027, 0x0e7, 0x0e6, 0x026, //15
00041                                     0x022, 0x0e2, 0x0e3, 0x023, 0x0e1, 0x021, 0x020, 0x0e0,
00042                                     0x0a0, 0x060, 0x061, 0x0a1, 0x063, 0x0a3, 0x0a2, 0x062,
00043                                     0x066, 0x0a6, 0x0a7, 0x067, 0x0a5, 0x065, 0x064, 0x0a4,
00044                                     0x06c, 0x0ac, 0x0ad, 0x06d, 0x0af, 0x06f, 0x06e, 0x0ae,
00045                                     0x0aa, 0x06a, 0x06b, 0x0ab, 0x069, 0x0a9, 0x0a8, 0x068,
00046                                     0x078, 0x0b8, 0x0b9, 0x079, 0x0bb, 0x07b, 0x07a, 0x0ba,
00047                                     0x0be, 0x07e, 0x07f, 0x0bf, 0x07d, 0x0bd, 0x0bc, 0x07c,
00048                                     0x0b4, 0x074, 0x075, 0x0b5, 0x077, 0x0b7, 0x0b6, 0x076,
00049                                     0x072, 0x0b2, 0x0b3, 0x073, 0x0b1, 0x071, 0x070, 0x0b0,
00050                                     0x050, 0x090, 0x091, 0x051, 0x093, 0x053, 0x052, 0x092,
00051                                     0x096, 0x056, 0x057, 0x097, 0x055, 0x095, 0x094, 0x054,
00052                                     0x09c, 0x05c, 0x05d, 0x09d, 0x05f, 0x09f, 0x09e, 0x05e,
00053                                     0x05a, 0x09a, 0x09b, 0x05b, 0x099, 0x059, 0x058, 0x098,
00054                                     0x088, 0x048, 0x049, 0x089, 0x04b, 0x08b, 0x08a, 0x04a,
00055                                     0x04e, 0x08e, 0x08f, 0x04f, 0x08d, 0x04d, 0x04c, 0x08c,
00056                                     0x044, 0x084, 0x085, 0x045, 0x087, 0x047, 0x046, 0x086,
00057                                     0x082, 0x042, 0x043, 0x083, 0x041, 0x081, 0x080, 0x040,
00058                                 };
00061 //lookup arrays for CHECKSUM calcs
00062 const uint8 CRClo_ARRAY [256] = {
00063                                     0x000, 0x0c1, 0x081, 0x040, 0x001, 0x0c0, 0x080, 0x041,
00064                                     0x001, 0x0c0, 0x080, 0x041, 0x000, 0x0c1, 0x081, 0x040,
00065                                     0x001, 0x0c0, 0x080, 0x041, 0x000, 0x0c1, 0x081, 0x040,
00066                                     0x000, 0x0c1, 0x081, 0x040, 0x001, 0x0c0, 0x080, 0x041,
00067                                     0x001, 0x0c0, 0x080, 0x041, 0x000, 0x0c1, 0x081, 0x040,
00068                                     0x000, 0x0c1, 0x081, 0x040, 0x001, 0x0c0, 0x080, 0x041,
00069                                     0x000, 0x0c1, 0x081, 0x040, 0x001, 0x0c0, 0x080, 0x041,
00070                                     0x001, 0x0c0, 0x080, 0x041, 0x000, 0x0c1, 0x081, 0x040,
00071                                     0x001, 0x0c0, 0x080, 0x041, 0x000, 0x0c1, 0x081, 0x040,
00072                                     0x000, 0x0c1, 0x081, 0x040, 0x001, 0x0c0, 0x080, 0x041,
00073                                     0x000, 0x0c1, 0x081, 0x040, 0x001, 0x0c0, 0x080, 0x041,
00074                                     0x001, 0x0c0, 0x080, 0x041, 0x000, 0x0c1, 0x081, 0x040,
00075                                     0x000, 0x0c1, 0x081, 0x040, 0x001, 0x0c0, 0x080, 0x041,
00076                                     0x001, 0x0c0, 0x080, 0x041, 0x000, 0x0c1, 0x081, 0x040,
00077                                     0x001, 0x0c0, 0x080, 0x041, 0x000, 0x0c1, 0x081, 0x040, //15
00078                                     0x000, 0x0c1, 0x081, 0x040, 0x001, 0x0c0, 0x080, 0x041,
00079                                     0x001, 0x0c0, 0x080, 0x041, 0x000, 0x0c1, 0x081, 0x040,
00080                                     0x000, 0x0c1, 0x081, 0x040, 0x001, 0x0c0, 0x080, 0x041,
00081                                     0x000, 0x0c1, 0x081, 0x040, 0x001, 0x0c0, 0x080, 0x041,
00082                                     0x001, 0x0c0, 0x080, 0x041, 0x000, 0x0c1, 0x081, 0x040,
00083                                     0x000, 0x0c1, 0x081, 0x040, 0x001, 0x0c0, 0x080, 0x041,
00084                                     0x001, 0x0c0, 0x080, 0x041, 0x000, 0x0c1, 0x081, 0x040,
00085                                     0x001, 0x0c0, 0x080, 0x041, 0x000, 0x0c1, 0x081, 0x040,
00086                                     0x000, 0x0c1, 0x081, 0x040, 0x001, 0x0c0, 0x080, 0x041,
00087                                     0x000, 0x0c1, 0x081, 0x040, 0x001, 0x0c0, 0x080, 0x041,
00088                                     0x001, 0x0c0, 0x080, 0x041, 0x000, 0x0c1, 0x081, 0x040,
00089                                     0x001, 0x0c0, 0x080, 0x041, 0x000, 0x0c1, 0x081, 0x040,
00090                                     0x000, 0x0c1, 0x081, 0x040, 0x001, 0x0c0, 0x080, 0x041,
00091                                     0x001, 0x0c0, 0x080, 0x041, 0x000, 0x0c1, 0x081, 0x040,
00092                                     0x000, 0x0c1, 0x081, 0x040, 0x001, 0x0c0, 0x080, 0x041,
00093                                     0x000, 0x0c1, 0x081, 0x040, 0x001, 0x0c0, 0x080, 0x041,
00094                                     0x001, 0x0c0, 0x080, 0x041, 0x000, 0x0c1, 0x081, 0x040,
00095                                 };
00098 uint16 CRC_CHECKSUM(uint8 *data, uint8 size_of_BYTE) {
00099         //declare var
00100         register uint8 BYTE_loop;
00101         register uint16 CRC             = 0;
00102         register uint8 CRC_high         = 0;
00103         register uint8 CRC_low          = 0;
00104         register uint8 current_CRC_high = 0;
00106         //function body
00107         for (BYTE_loop=0; BYTE_loop < size_of_BYTE; BYTE_loop++) {
00108                 current_CRC_high = CRC_high;
00110                 CRC_high = CRChi_ARRAY[(CRC_low ^ data[BYTE_loop])];
00111                 CRC_low  = (CRClo_ARRAY[(CRC_low ^ data[BYTE_loop])]) ^ current_CRC_high;
00112         }
00114         CRC = CRC_high;
00115         CRC <<= 8;
00116         CRC += CRC_low;
00118         return CRC;
00119 }
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Author(s): Neuronics AG (see AUTHORS.txt); ROS wrapper by Martin Günther
autogenerated on Tue May 28 2013 14:52:53