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00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 from __future__ import with_statement # for python 2.5
00003 __author__ = 'Rosen Diankov'
00004 __license__ = 'Apache License, Version 2.0'
00006 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('orrosplanning')
00007 import rospy, time
00008 import orrosplanning.srv
00009 import geometry_msgs.msg
00010 import kinematics_msgs.srv
00011 from numpy import *
00012 from arm_navigation_msgs.msg import ArmNavigationErrorCodes
00014 if __name__=='__main__':
00015     rospy.init_node('armik_test')
00016     rospy.wait_for_service('IK')
00017     IKFn = rospy.ServiceProxy('IK',orrosplanning.srv.IK)
00018     req = orrosplanning.srv.IKRequest()
00019     req.pose_stamped.header.frame_id = 'katana_base_link'
00020     req.manip_name = 'arm'
00021     #req.iktype = 'Rotation3D'
00022     #req.iktype = 'Ray4D'
00023     req.iktype = 'TranslationDirection5D'
00024     req.filteroptions = 0
00025     counter = 0
00026     success = 0
00027     while True:
00028         randomquat = random.rand(4)
00029         randomquat /= linalg.norm(randomquat)
00030         req.pose_stamped.pose.orientation = geometry_msgs.msg.Quaternion(*list(randomquat))
00031         #x = random.rand()*(-0.025-(-0.020))+(-0.020)
00032         #y = random.rand()*(0.025-(0.020))+(0.020)
00033         #z = random.rand()*(0.45-(0.30))+(0.30)
00034         x = random.rand()*(-0.15-(0.15))+(0.15)
00035         y = random.rand()*(0.15-(-0.15))+(-0.15)
00036         z = random.rand()*(0.55-(0.15))+(0.15)
00037         req.pose_stamped.pose.position.x = x
00038         req.pose_stamped.pose.position.y = y
00039         req.pose_stamped.pose.position.z = z
00040         res=IKFn(req)
00041         counter = counter + 1
00042         if res is not None and res.error_code.val == ArmNavigationErrorCodes.SUCCESS:
00043             success = success + 1
00044             print 'found solution for:'
00045             print x
00046             print y
00047             print z
00048             print randomquat
00049             print 'success:'
00050             print success
00051             print 'counter:'
00052             print counter
00053             print res
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Author(s): Henning Deeken
autogenerated on Tue Mar 5 2013 15:25:42