Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes
ICR::Phalange Class Reference

This class represents a phalange of the hand. It subscribes to gazebo_msgs/ContactsState outputted by the sensor_bumpers and computes the average contact position and normal direction for a given target object. If the phalange is not in contact, the contact pose defaults to a predefined pose. Also, the contact pose expressed in the target object frame is computed. Note, that presently the published geometry_msgs/StampedPose message can create problems when visualizing in Rviz. This is due to the fact that Rviz only buffers 5 geometry_msgs/StampedPose msgs and proper tf transformations might not be available at the time the contact pose is published. This can be fixed by increasing the buffer size in rviz/src/rviz/default_plugin/pose_display.cpp and recompiling Rviz. Currently (in ROS Electric) there is no way to increase Rviz's tf::MessageFilter queue at runtime. Also using a topic_tools/throttle should fix the problem (did not test it though...) More...

#include <phalange.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

std::string getPhalangeFrameId ()
std::string getPhalangeName ()
icr_msgs::StampedContactPose::ConstPtr getStampedContactPose ()
 Phalange (tf::Transform const &L_T_Cref, std::string const &phl_name, std::string const &phl_frame_id, std::string const &sensor_topic)
void setTargetObjFrameId (std::string const &obj_frame_id)
 ~Phalange ()

Private Member Functions

void listenContacts (const icr_msgs::ContactState::ConstPtr &cts_st)
 Callback listening to ContactsState msgs (which are always published, even if they are empty). Computes the current contact pose.
 Phalange ()
 Using the default constructor is not allowed since the class needs to be initialized properly. This could be changed by implementing corresponding setXYZ methods.
tf::Quaternion projectPose (tf::Vector3 const &z)
 Used to generate the contact pose if Phalange::object_model_->geom_ and Phalange::phalange_model_->geom_ are touching. The z-axis of the pose is given as argument. The x & y axis are computed via projecting the x & y axis of the contact reference frame on the nullspace of the new z axis (this is not very stable when axis of the link frame are (nearly) aligned with the z axis of the contact pose since the norms of the projections of those axis will be (nearly) 0)
bool setPose (icr_msgs::SetPose::Request &req, icr_msgs::SetPose::Response &res)
 Sets the reference contact pose Phalange::L_T_Cref_ expressed in the phalange link frame.
void transformContactPose (const boost::shared_ptr< const icr_msgs::StampedContactPose > &C_T_L)
 Callback registered with the filter; Transforms the current contact pose from the phalange link frame to the object frame.

Private Attributes

< icr_msgs::StampedContactPose > 
 Current contact pose expressed in the target object frame. Used by the GraspServer class;.
ros::Subscriber contacts_subs_
 Subscribes to a gazebo_msgs/ContactsState message.
ros::Publisher ct_pose_pub_
 Publishes the average contact pose expressed in the phalange link frame if in contact, otherwise a predefined reference pose is published.
tf::Transform L_T_Cref_
 Pose of the reference contact expressed in the link frame id of the phalange.
boost::mutex lock_
ros::NodeHandle nh_
ros::NodeHandle nh_private_
std::string obj_frame_id_
 Defines the target object's frame_id.
std::string phl_frame_id_
std::string phl_name_
ros::ServiceServer set_pose_srv_
 Allows to set the pose of the reference contact w.r.t the phalange link frame id (mainly intended for debugging)
< icr_msgs::StampedContactPose > * 
 Message filter to ensure a transformation from the phalange link to the target object is available.
tf::TransformListener tf_list_
std::string tf_prefix_

Detailed Description

This class represents a phalange of the hand. It subscribes to gazebo_msgs/ContactsState outputted by the sensor_bumpers and computes the average contact position and normal direction for a given target object. If the phalange is not in contact, the contact pose defaults to a predefined pose. Also, the contact pose expressed in the target object frame is computed. Note, that presently the published geometry_msgs/StampedPose message can create problems when visualizing in Rviz. This is due to the fact that Rviz only buffers 5 geometry_msgs/StampedPose msgs and proper tf transformations might not be available at the time the contact pose is published. This can be fixed by increasing the buffer size in rviz/src/rviz/default_plugin/pose_display.cpp and recompiling Rviz. Currently (in ROS Electric) there is no way to increase Rviz's tf::MessageFilter queue at runtime. Also using a topic_tools/throttle should fix the problem (did not test it though...)

Definition at line 43 of file phalange.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ICR::Phalange::Phalange ( tf::Transform const &  L_T_Cref,
std::string const &  phl_name,
std::string const &  phl_frame_id,
std::string const &  sensor_topic 

Definition at line 9 of file phalange.cpp.

Definition at line 27 of file phalange.cpp.

ICR::Phalange::Phalange ( ) [private]

Using the default constructor is not allowed since the class needs to be initialized properly. This could be changed by implementing corresponding setXYZ methods.

Member Function Documentation

Definition at line 170 of file phalange.cpp.

Definition at line 159 of file phalange.cpp.

icr_msgs::StampedContactPose::ConstPtr ICR::Phalange::getStampedContactPose ( )

Definition at line 149 of file phalange.cpp.

void ICR::Phalange::listenContacts ( const icr_msgs::ContactState::ConstPtr &  cts_st) [private]

Callback listening to ContactsState msgs (which are always published, even if they are empty). Computes the current contact pose.

Definition at line 47 of file phalange.cpp.

tf::Quaternion ICR::Phalange::projectPose ( tf::Vector3 const &  z) [private]

Used to generate the contact pose if Phalange::object_model_->geom_ and Phalange::phalange_model_->geom_ are touching. The z-axis of the pose is given as argument. The x & y axis are computed via projecting the x & y axis of the contact reference frame on the nullspace of the new z axis (this is not very stable when axis of the link frame are (nearly) aligned with the z axis of the contact pose since the norms of the projections of those axis will be (nearly) 0)

Definition at line 104 of file phalange.cpp.

bool ICR::Phalange::setPose ( icr_msgs::SetPose::Request &  req,
icr_msgs::SetPose::Response &  res 
) [private]

Sets the reference contact pose Phalange::L_T_Cref_ expressed in the phalange link frame.

Definition at line 135 of file phalange.cpp.

void ICR::Phalange::setTargetObjFrameId ( std::string const &  obj_frame_id)

Definition at line 95 of file phalange.cpp.

void ICR::Phalange::transformContactPose ( const boost::shared_ptr< const icr_msgs::StampedContactPose > &  C_T_L) [private]

Callback registered with the filter; Transforms the current contact pose from the phalange link frame to the object frame.

Definition at line 29 of file phalange.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

boost::shared_ptr<icr_msgs::StampedContactPose> ICR::Phalange::C_T_O_ [private]

Current contact pose expressed in the target object frame. Used by the GraspServer class;.

Definition at line 84 of file phalange.h.

ros::Subscriber ICR::Phalange::contacts_subs_ [private]

Subscribes to a gazebo_msgs/ContactsState message.

Definition at line 72 of file phalange.h.

ros::Publisher ICR::Phalange::ct_pose_pub_ [private]

Publishes the average contact pose expressed in the phalange link frame if in contact, otherwise a predefined reference pose is published.

Definition at line 68 of file phalange.h.

Pose of the reference contact expressed in the link frame id of the phalange.

Definition at line 80 of file phalange.h.

Definition at line 94 of file phalange.h.

ros::NodeHandle ICR::Phalange::nh_ [private]

Definition at line 64 of file phalange.h.

ros::NodeHandle ICR::Phalange::nh_private_ [private]

Definition at line 64 of file phalange.h.

std::string ICR::Phalange::obj_frame_id_ [private]

Defines the target object's frame_id.

Definition at line 92 of file phalange.h.

std::string ICR::Phalange::phl_frame_id_ [private]

Definition at line 87 of file phalange.h.

std::string ICR::Phalange::phl_name_ [private]

Definition at line 86 of file phalange.h.

ros::ServiceServer ICR::Phalange::set_pose_srv_ [private]

Allows to set the pose of the reference contact w.r.t the phalange link frame id (mainly intended for debugging)

Definition at line 76 of file phalange.h.

tf::MessageFilter<icr_msgs::StampedContactPose>* ICR::Phalange::tf_filter_ [private]

Message filter to ensure a transformation from the phalange link to the target object is available.

Definition at line 100 of file phalange.h.

tf::TransformListener ICR::Phalange::tf_list_ [private]

Definition at line 95 of file phalange.h.

std::string ICR::Phalange::tf_prefix_ [private]

Definition at line 102 of file phalange.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Robert Krug
autogenerated on Mon Jan 6 2014 11:36:10