This is the complete list of members for
GTSPSolver, including all inherited members.
adjacency_ | SolverInterface | [protected] |
alpha_ | GTSPSolver | [private] |
coll_free_ik_ | SolverInterface | [protected] |
coll_free_poses_ | SolverInterface | [protected] |
dist_measure_ | SolverInterface | [protected] |
getActions(const std::vector< unsigned int > &traj, std::vector< unsigned int > &actions) | GTSPSolver | [virtual] |
getMaxAdjacency() const | SolverInterface | |
getSolution(std::vector< std::vector< double > > &joint_path, std::vector< tf::Pose > &pose_path, std::vector< unsigned int > &action, std::vector< unsigned int > &res_traj) | GTSPSolver | [virtual] |
GTSPSolver() | GTSPSolver | |
GTSPSolver(double max_adjacency) | GTSPSolver | |
insertStartIntoWeights(const Eigen::MatrixXf &weights, const Eigen::VectorXi &multinode_mapping, Eigen::MatrixXf &new_weights) | GTSPSolver | [private] |
mapGTSPIndexToMultinode(const Eigen::VectorXi &multinode_mapping, const std::vector< unsigned int > &traj, std::vector< unsigned int > &multinode_traj) | GTSPSolver | [private] |
mapGTSPIndexToMultinode(const Eigen::VectorXi &multinode_mapping, unsigned int node) | GTSPSolver | [private] |
max_adjacency_ | SolverInterface | [protected] |
patches_ | SolverInterface | [protected] |
setAlpha(double alpha) | GTSPSolver | |
setDistMeasure(std::string measure) | SolverInterface | |
setGraph(const std::vector< SurfacePatch > &patches, const std::vector< pcl::PointXYZ > &surface_points, const Eigen::MatrixXi &adjacency, const std::vector< std::vector< tf::Pose > > &coll_free_poses, const std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > > &coll_free_ik) | SolverInterface | |
setMaxAdjacency(double adjacency) | SolverInterface | |
setStartPose(std::vector< double > joint_pose, tf::Pose pose) | SolverInterface | |
SolverInterface() | SolverInterface | |
SolverInterface(double max_adjacency) | SolverInterface | |
start_joint_ | SolverInterface | [protected] |
start_pose_ | SolverInterface | [protected] |
surface_points_ | SolverInterface | [protected] |
traj_planner_ | SolverInterface | [protected] |
transformGraphToGTSP(const Eigen::MatrixXi &adj_bool, const std::vector< SurfacePatch > &patches, Eigen::VectorXi &mapping, Eigen::MatrixXi &new_adj_bool, Eigen::MatrixXf &new_adj_float) | GTSPSolver | [private] |
transformGTSPToTSP(const Eigen::VectorXi &multinode_mapping, Eigen::MatrixXi &adj_bool, Eigen::MatrixXf &adj_float) | GTSPSolver | [private] |