Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*****************************************************************************
00002  *   target.c:  Target C file for Philips LPC214x Family Microprocessors
00003  *
00004  *   Copyright(C) 2006, Philips Semiconductor
00005  *   All rights reserved.
00006  *
00007  *   History
00008  *   2005.10.01  ver 1.00    Prelimnary version, first Release
00009  *
00010 *****************************************************************************/
00012 #include "LPC214x.h"
00013 #include "type.h"
00014 #include "irq.h"
00015 #include "target.h"
00017 /*****************************************************************************
00018 ** Function name:               IRQ_Exception
00019 **
00020 ** Descriptions:                interrupt exceptional handler , change it as needed
00021 **
00022 ** parameters:                  None
00023 ** Returned value:              None
00024 ** 
00025 *****************************************************************************/
00026 void IRQ_Exception(void) __irq;
00027 void IRQ_Exception(void) __irq  
00028 {
00029     while(1);                   /*  change it to your code */
00030 }
00032 /*****************************************************************************
00033 ** Function name:               FIQ_Exception
00034 **
00035 ** Descriptions:                Fast interrupt exceptional handler , change it as needed
00036 **
00037 ** parameters:                  None
00038 ** Returned value:              None
00039 **
00040 ******************************************************************************/
00041 void FIQ_Exception(void) __fiq;
00042 void FIQ_Exception(void) __fiq 
00043 {
00044     while(1);                   /* change it to your code */
00045 }
00047 /******************************************************************************
00048 ** Function name:               TargetInit
00049 **
00050 ** Descriptions:                Initialize the target board; it is called in a necessary 
00051 **                              place, change it as needed
00052 **
00053 ** parameters:                  None
00054 ** Returned value:              None
00055 ** 
00056 ******************************************************************************/
00057 void TargetInit(void)
00058 {
00059     /* Add your codes here */
00060 }
00062 /******************************************************************************
00063 ** Function name:               TargetResetInit
00064 **
00065 ** Descriptions:                Initialize the target board before running the main() 
00066 **                              function; User may change it as needed, but may not 
00067 **                              deleted it.
00068 **
00069 ** parameters:                  None
00070 ** Returned value:              None
00071 ** 
00072 ******************************************************************************/
00073 /* mthomas: all reset-initialisation is done in startup.S */
00074 void TargetResetInit(void)
00075 {
00076 #ifdef __DEBUG_RAM    
00077     MEMMAP = 0x2;                   /* set remap register */
00078 #endif
00080 #ifdef __DEBUG_FLASH    
00081     MEMMAP = 0x1;                   /* set remap register */
00082 #endif
00084 #ifdef __IN_CHIP    
00085     MEMMAP = 0x1;                   /* set remap register */
00086 #endif
00088     /* Set system timers for each component */
00089     PLLCON = 1;
00090 #if (Fpclk / (Fcclk / 4)) == 1
00091     VPBDIV = 0;
00092 #endif
00093 #if (Fpclk / (Fcclk / 4)) == 2
00094     VPBDIV = 2;
00095 #endif
00096 #if (Fpclk / (Fcclk / 4)) == 4
00097     VPBDIV = 1;
00098 #endif
00100 #if (Fcco / Fcclk) == 2
00101     PLLCFG = ((Fcclk / Fosc) - 1) | (0 << 5);
00102 #endif
00103 #if (Fcco / Fcclk) == 4
00104     PLLCFG = ((Fcclk / Fosc) - 1) | (1 << 5);
00105 #endif
00106 #if (Fcco / Fcclk) == 8
00107     PLLCFG = ((Fcclk / Fosc) - 1) | (2 << 5);
00108 #endif
00109 #if (Fcco / Fcclk) == 16
00110     PLLCFG = ((Fcclk / Fosc) - 1) | (3 << 5);
00111 #endif
00112     PLLFEED = 0xaa;
00113     PLLFEED = 0x55;
00114     while((PLLSTAT & (1 << 10)) == 0);
00115     PLLCON = 3;
00116     PLLFEED = 0xaa;
00117     PLLFEED = 0x55;
00119     /* Set memory accelerater module*/
00120     MAMCR = 0;
00121 #if Fcclk < 20000000
00122     MAMTIM = 1;
00123 #else
00124 #if Fcclk < 40000000
00125     MAMTIM = 2;
00126 #else
00127     MAMTIM = 3;
00128 #endif
00129 #endif
00130     MAMCR = 2;
00132     /* Add your codes here */
00133     return;
00134 }
00136 /******************************************************************************
00137 **                            End Of File
00138 ******************************************************************************/

Author(s): Markus Achtelik, Michael Achtelik, Stephan Weiss, Laurent Kneip
autogenerated on Tue Jan 7 2014 11:05:19