
RTT::base::AttributeBase Class Reference

#include <AttributeBase.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for RTT::base::AttributeBase:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 AttributeBase (const std::string &name)
 AttributeBase ()
virtual AttributeBaseclone () const =0
virtual AttributeBasecopy (std::map< const DataSourceBase *, DataSourceBase * > &replacements, bool instantiate)=0
virtual DataSourceBase::shared_ptr getDataSource () const =0
const std::string & getName () const
bool ready () const
void setName (std::string const &new_name)
virtual ~AttributeBase ()

Protected Attributes

std::string mname

Detailed Description

An attribute is a minimalistic, named placeholder for data. It is a light-weight equivalent of a Property.

Definition at line 50 of file AttributeBase.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

RTT::AttributeBase::AttributeBase (  ) 

Create a nameless AttributeBase.

Definition at line 43 of file Attribute.cpp.

RTT::AttributeBase::AttributeBase ( const std::string &  name  ) 

Create an AttributeBase known by a name.

name The name.

Definition at line 47 of file Attribute.cpp.

RTT::AttributeBase::~AttributeBase (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 52 of file Attribute.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

virtual AttributeBase* RTT::base::AttributeBase::clone (  )  const [pure virtual]
virtual AttributeBase* RTT::base::AttributeBase::copy ( std::map< const DataSourceBase *, DataSourceBase * > &  replacements,
bool  instantiate 
) [pure virtual]

Returns a copy of this AttributeBase. Uses the given replacements to copy held DataSources.

instantiate Set to true to get a copy which will return itself on any future copy request.
virtual DataSourceBase::shared_ptr RTT::base::AttributeBase::getDataSource (  )  const [pure virtual]
const std::string & RTT::AttributeBase::getName (  )  const

Get the name of this instance.

the name

Definition at line 56 of file Attribute.cpp.

bool RTT::base::AttributeBase::ready (  )  const [inline]

Returns true if the Attribute was correctly initialised.

Definition at line 79 of file AttributeBase.hpp.

void RTT::AttributeBase::setName ( std::string const &  new_name  ) 

Get the name of this instance.

the name

Definition at line 61 of file Attribute.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

std::string RTT::base::AttributeBase::mname [protected]

Definition at line 45 of file AttributeBase.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

Author(s): RTT Developers
autogenerated on Fri Mar 1 16:27:40 2013