Package rostest :: Module runner

Module runner

source code

getResults() source code
setTextMode(val) source code
getConfig() source code
getRostestParents() source code
failDuplicateRunner(testName) source code
failRunner(testName, message) source code
rostestRunner(test, test_pkg)
Test function generator that takes in a roslaunch Test object and returns a class instance method that runs the test.
source code
setUp(self) source code
tearDown(self) source code
createUnitTest(pkg, test_file)
Unit test factory.
source code
Function Details

rostestRunner(test, test_pkg)

source code 

Test function generator that takes in a roslaunch Test object and returns a class instance method that runs the test. TestCase setUp() is responsible for ensuring that the rest of the roslaunch state is correct and tearDown() is responsible for tearing everything down cleanly.

  • test (roslaunch.Test) - rost test to run
Returns: fn
function object to run testObj

createUnitTest(pkg, test_file)

source code 

Unit test factory. Constructs a unittest class based on the roslaunch

  • pkg (str) - package name
  • test_file (str) - rostest filename