Go to the source code of this file.
Classes | |
class | cb_check::CounterbalanceCheck |
Namespaces | |
namespace | cb_check |
Functions | |
def | cb_check::_check_valid |
def | cb_check::dir |
Variables | |
tuple | cb_check::app = CounterbalanceCheck(args[1]) |
float | cb_check::BAR_TOL = 0.8 |
string | cb_check::dest = "tolerance" |
string | cb_check::help = "Print recommended tolerances and exit" |
tuple | cb_check::my_rate = rospy.Rate(5) |
tuple | cb_check::parser = OptionParser("./cb_check.py model_file") |
string | cb_check::PKG = 'pr2_counterbalance_check' |
Prints output of PR2 counterbalance check. | |
float | cb_check::SPRING_TOL = 2.0 |