
ros_conversion.cpp File Reference

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namespace  motoman
namespace  motoman::ros_conversion


void motoman::ros_conversion::initJointConversion (MotomanRobotModel model_number)
 Initializes joint rads->enocder count conversion factors This function must be manually called from within mpUsrRoot. Failure to call this function results in conversion factors of zero.
void motoman::ros_conversion::toMotomanJointOrder (industrial::joint_data::JointData &joints)
void motoman::ros_conversion::toMpJoint (industrial::joint_data::JointData &ros_joints, industrial::joint_data::JointData &mp_joints)
 Converts a ros joint (in ros order and radians) to a motoplus joint (in motoplus order and pulses) WARNING: This function should only be used at the lowest levels. The assumption is that any JointData type is assumed to be a ROS Joint.
float motoman::ros_conversion::toPulses (float radians, MotomanJointIndex joint)
float motoman::ros_conversion::toRadians (float pulses, MotomanJointIndex joint)
void motoman::ros_conversion::toRosJoint (industrial::joint_data::JointData &mp_joints, industrial::joint_data::JointData &ros_joints)
 Converts a motoplus joint (in motoplus order and pulses) to a ros joint (in ros order and radians).
void motoman::ros_conversion::toRosJointOrder (industrial::joint_data::JointData &joints)


float motoman::ros_conversion::B_PULSE_TO_RAD = 0
float motoman::ros_conversion::E_PULSE_TO_RAD = 0
float motoman::ros_conversion::L_PULSE_TO_RAD = 0
float motoman::ros_conversion::R_PULSE_TO_RAD = 0
float motoman::ros_conversion::S_PULSE_TO_RAD = 0
float motoman::ros_conversion::T_PULSE_TO_RAD = 0
float motoman::ros_conversion::U_PULSE_TO_RAD = 0
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Author(s): Shaun Edwards
autogenerated on Mon Mar 4 12:16:09 2013