
kni_wrapper.h File Reference

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struct  TCurrentMot
 structure for the currently active axis More...
struct  TMovement
 structure for the More...
struct  TPos
 extern C because we want to access these interfaces from anywhere: More...




enum  { ERR_NONE = 0, ERR_SUCCESS = 1 }
enum  ETransition { PTP = 1, LINEAR = 2 }

the transition types for a movement



DLLEXPORT int allMotorsOff ()
DLLEXPORT int allMotorsOn ()
DLLEXPORT int calibrate (int axis)
DLLEXPORT int clearMoveBuffers ()
 clears the movebuffers
DLLEXPORT int closeGripper ()
DLLEXPORT int deleteMovementFromStack (char *name, int index)
DLLEXPORT int deleteMovementStack (char *name)
 deletes a movemnt stack
DLLEXPORT int executeConnectedMovement (struct TMovement *movement, struct TPos *startPos, bool first, bool last)
DLLEXPORT int executeMovement (struct TMovement *movement)
DLLEXPORT int flushMoveBuffers ()
 flush all the movebuffers
DLLEXPORT int getAxisFirmwareVersion (int axis, char value[])
 gets the axis firmware version and returns it in the value argument
DLLEXPORT int getCurrentControllerType (int axis)
DLLEXPORT int getDrive (int axis, int &value)
DLLEXPORT int getEncoder (int axis, int &value)
DLLEXPORT int getForce (int axis)
 set the current force
DLLEXPORT int getNumberOfMotors ()
 returns the number of motors configured
DLLEXPORT int getPosition (struct TPos *pos)
 gets a position
DLLEXPORT int getVelocity (int axis, int &value)
DLLEXPORT int getVersion (char value[])
 gets the controlboard firmware version and returns it in the value argument
DLLEXPORT int initKatana (char *configFile, char *ipaddress)
 This initializes the Katana (communication etc).
DLLEXPORT int IO_readInput (int inputNr, int &value)
DLLEXPORT int IO_setOutput (char output, int value)
DLLEXPORT int ModBusTCP_readWord (int address, int &value)
 reads a value from the register 'address' (if not connected, connect to the IP in katana.conf)
DLLEXPORT int ModBusTCP_writeWord (int address, int value)
DLLEXPORT int motorOff (int axis)
DLLEXPORT int motorOn (int axis)
DLLEXPORT int moveMot (int axis, int enc, int speed, int accel)
DLLEXPORT int moveMotAndWait (int axis, int targetpos, int tolerance)
DLLEXPORT int moveToPos (struct TPos *pos, int velocity, int acceleration)
 moves in IK
DLLEXPORT int moveToPosEnc (int enc1, int enc2, int enc3, int enc4, int enc5, int enc6, int velocity, int acceleration, int tolerance, bool _wait)
DLLEXPORT int moveToPosLin (struct TPos *targetPos, int velocity, int acceleration)
 moves in LM
DLLEXPORT int openGripper ()
DLLEXPORT int ping (int axis)
DLLEXPORT int pushMovementToStack (struct TMovement *movement, char *name)
DLLEXPORT int runThroughMovementStack (char *name, int loops)
DLLEXPORT int sendSplineToMotor (int axis, int targetpos, int duration, int p0, int p1, int p2, int p3)
DLLEXPORT int setCollisionDetection (int axis, bool state)
DLLEXPORT int setCollisionParameters (int axis, int position, int velocity)
DLLEXPORT int setControllerParameters (int axis, int ki, int kspeed, int kpos)
DLLEXPORT int setForceLimit (int axis, int limit)
DLLEXPORT int setGripper (bool hasGripper)
DLLEXPORT int setMaxAccel (int axis, int acceleration)
DLLEXPORT int setMaxVelocity (int axis, int vel)
DLLEXPORT int setPositionCollisionLimit (int axis, int limit)
DLLEXPORT int setVelocityCollisionLimit (int axis, int limit)
DLLEXPORT int startSplineMovement (int contd, int exactflag)
DLLEXPORT int unblock ()
 unblocks the robot after collision/instantstop
DLLEXPORT int waitForMot (int axis, int targetpos, int tolerance)


const double PI = 3.14159265358979323846

Define Documentation


Definition at line 30 of file kni_wrapper.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

anonymous enum

Definition at line 36 of file kni_wrapper.h.

the transition types for a movement


Point-to-point movement.


linear movement

Definition at line 56 of file kni_wrapper.h.

Function Documentation

DLLEXPORT int allMotorsOff (  ) 

Switches all axes off

returns -1 on failure, 1 if successful

Definition at line 149 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int allMotorsOn (  ) 

Put all axes into hold state

returns -1 on failure, 1 if successful

Definition at line 163 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int calibrate ( int  axis  ) 

closes the Katana session

returns -1 on failure, 1 if successful

Definition at line 63 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int clearMoveBuffers (  ) 

clears the movebuffers

Definition at line 655 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int closeGripper (  ) 

closes the gripper if available

returns ERR_FAILURE on failure, ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if an argument is out of range, ERR_STATE_MISMATCH if the command was given to a wrong state, 1 if successful

Definition at line 195 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int deleteMovementFromStack ( char *  name,
int  index 

deletes a movement from the stack

name the name of the stack
index the index of the movement to delete

Definition at line 359 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int deleteMovementStack ( char *  name  ) 

deletes a movemnt stack

Definition at line 396 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int executeConnectedMovement ( struct TMovement movement,
struct TPos startPos,
bool  first,
bool  last 

execute a connected movement

movement a TMovement struct to execute
startPos a TPos struct with the start position, can be omitted if first=true
first if this is the first of the connected movements (start at current pos)
last if this is the last of the connected movements (wait for end of move)

Definition at line 496 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int executeMovement ( struct TMovement movement  ) 

execute a movement

movement a TMovement struct to execute, starting from the current position

Definition at line 482 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int flushMoveBuffers (  ) 

flush all the movebuffers

Definition at line 281 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int getAxisFirmwareVersion ( int  axis,
char  value[] 

gets the axis firmware version and returns it in the value argument

Definition at line 719 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int getCurrentControllerType ( int  axis  ) 

set the current controller limit

0 for position controller, 1 for current controller

Definition at line 855 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int getDrive ( int  axis,
int &  value 

gets the pwm and returns it in the value argument

axis The axis to send the command to
returns ERR_FAILURE on failure, ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if an argument is out of range, ERR_STATE_MISMATCH if the command was given to a wrong state, 1 if successful

Definition at line 688 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int getEncoder ( int  axis,
int &  value 

gets the position and returns it in the value argument

axis The axis to send the command to
returns ERR_FAILURE on failure, ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if an argument is out of range, ERR_STATE_MISMATCH if the command was given to a wrong state, 1 if successful

Definition at line 704 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int getForce ( int  axis  ) 

set the current force

Definition at line 842 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int getNumberOfMotors (  ) 

returns the number of motors configured

Definition at line 940 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int getPosition ( struct TPos pos  ) 

gets a position

Definition at line 295 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int getVelocity ( int  axis,
int &  value 

gets the velocity and returns it in the value argument

axis The axis to send the command to
returns -1 on failure, 1 if successful

Definition at line 672 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int getVersion ( char  value[]  ) 

gets the controlboard firmware version and returns it in the value argument

Definition at line 744 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int initKatana ( char *  configFile,
char *  ipaddress 

This initializes the Katana (communication etc).

Definition at line 39 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int IO_readInput ( int  inputNr,
int &  value 

reads an input from the digital I/O and returns it in the value argument

returns ERR_FAILURE on failure, ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if an argument is out of range, ERR_STATE_MISMATCH if the command was given to a wrong state, 1 if successful

Definition at line 621 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int IO_setOutput ( char  output,
int  value 

sets an output of the digital I/Os

ouputNr 1, or 2 for OutA or OutB
returns -1 on failure, 1 if successful

Definition at line 596 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int ModBusTCP_readWord ( int  address,
int &  value 

reads a value from the register 'address' (if not connected, connect to the IP in katana.conf)

returns -1 on failure, the read value if successful

Definition at line 570 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int ModBusTCP_writeWord ( int  address,
int  value 

writes a value to the register 'address' (if not connected, connect to the IP in katana.conf)

returns -1 on failure, 1 if successful

Definition at line 546 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int motorOff ( int  axis  ) 

Switches an axis off

axis The axis to send the command to
returns ERR_FAILURE on failure, ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if an argument is out of range, ERR_STATE_MISMATCH if the command was given to a wrong state, 1 if successful

Definition at line 135 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int motorOn ( int  axis  ) 

Switches an axis on

axis The axis to send the command to
returns ERR_FAILURE on failure, ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if an argument is out of range, ERR_STATE_MISMATCH if the command was given to a wrong state, 1 if successful

Definition at line 121 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int moveMot ( int  axis,
int  enc,
int  speed,
int  accel 

PTP movement

axis The axis to send the command to
enc the target position
returns ERR_FAILURE on failure, ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if an argument is out of range, ERR_STATE_MISMATCH if the command was given to a wrong state, 1 if successful

Definition at line 77 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int moveMotAndWait ( int  axis,
int  targetpos,
int  tolerance 

calls MoveMot() and WaitForMot()

axis The axis to send the command to
tolerance in encoder values (0 means wait until reached)
returns ERR_FAILURE on failure, ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if an argument is out of range, ERR_STATE_MISMATCH if the command was given to a wrong state, ERR_RANGE_MISMATCH if the target position is out of range 1 if successful

Definition at line 106 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int moveToPos ( struct TPos pos,
int  velocity,
int  acceleration 

moves in IK

Definition at line 309 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int moveToPosEnc ( int  enc1,
int  enc2,
int  enc3,
int  enc4,
int  enc5,
int  enc6,
int  velocity,
int  acceleration,
int  tolerance,
bool  _wait 

Moves all axes to a target encoder value

enc (encX) the target positions
tolerance in encoders. sent unscaled to axis and handled there. WaitForMot (and MoveMOtAndWait) checks the tolerance though.
wait wait for the movement to finish
returns ERR_FAILURE on failure, ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if an argument is out of range, ERR_STATE_MISMATCH if the command was given to a wrong state, 1 if successful

Definition at line 223 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int moveToPosLin ( struct TPos targetPos,
int  velocity,
int  acceleration 

moves in LM

Definition at line 325 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int openGripper (  ) 

opens the gripper if available

returns ERR_FAILURE on failure, ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if an argument is out of range, ERR_STATE_MISMATCH if the command was given to a wrong state, 1 if successful

Definition at line 209 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int ping ( int  axis  ) 

checks the alive state of an axis

axis 0 = get all axes
If axis 0: 1 if all axes are present, negative value is the inverted number of the first axis found failing, 0 if no data is available. If axis != 0: 1 if heartbeat found, -1 if failed, 0 if no data is available.

Definition at line 954 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int pushMovementToStack ( struct TMovement movement,
char *  name 

pushes a movement onto a stack

movement a movement structure filled with position and movement parameters
name the name of the stack to push it onto

Definition at line 341 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int runThroughMovementStack ( char *  name,
int  loops 

Runs through the movement stack, executes the movements

name the name of the stack to run through
loops the number of loops to run

Definition at line 426 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int sendSplineToMotor ( int  axis,
int  targetpos,
int  duration,
int  p0,
int  p1,
int  p2,
int  p3 

sends a single polynomial to an axis (G)

axis The axis to send the command to
returns ERR_FAILURE on failure, ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if an argument is out of range, ERR_STATE_MISMATCH if the command was given to a wrong state, ERR_RANGE_MISMATCH if the target position is out of range 1 if successful

Definition at line 252 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int setCollisionDetection ( int  axis,
bool  state 

sets the collision detection on the axes.

state true = on
axis 0 = set all axes
returns ERR_FAILURE on failure, ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if an argument is out of range, ERR_STATE_MISMATCH if the command was given to a wrong state, 1 if successful

Definition at line 768 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int setCollisionParameters ( int  axis,
int  position,
int  velocity 

sets the collision parameters this function internally calls setPositionCollisionLimit and setVelocityCollisionLimit

axis 0 = set all axes
position range 1-10
velocity range 1-10

Definition at line 813 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int setControllerParameters ( int  axis,
int  ki,
int  kspeed,
int  kpos 

sets the controller parameters

axis 0 = set all axes
returns ERR_FAILURE on failure, ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if an argument is out of range, ERR_STATE_MISMATCH if the command was given to a wrong state, 1 if successful

Definition at line 882 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int setForceLimit ( int  axis,
int  limit 

set the force limit

axis 0 = all axes
limit limit in percent

Definition at line 828 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int setGripper ( bool  hasGripper  ) 

sets or unsets whether the Katana has a Gripper

hasGripper set to true if a gripper is present. Default at startup: false
returns ERR_FAILURE on failure, ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if an argument is out of range, ERR_STATE_MISMATCH if the command was given to a wrong state, 1 if successful

Definition at line 177 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int setMaxAccel ( int  axis,
int  acceleration 

sets the maximum acceleration (allowed values are only 1 and 2)

axis 0 = set all axes
returns ERR_FAILURE on failure, ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if an argument is out of range, ERR_STATE_MISMATCH if the command was given to a wrong state, 1 if successful

Definition at line 918 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int setMaxVelocity ( int  axis,
int  vel 

sets the maximum velocity

axis 0 = set all axes
vel 1-180 are valid
returns ERR_FAILURE on failure, ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if an argument is out of range, ERR_STATE_MISMATCH if the command was given to a wrong state, 1 if successful

Definition at line 896 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int setPositionCollisionLimit ( int  axis,
int  limit 

set the position collision limit

axis 0 = all axes

Definition at line 785 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int setVelocityCollisionLimit ( int  axis,
int  limit 

set the velocity collision limit

axis 0 = all axes

Definition at line 799 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int startSplineMovement ( int  contd,
int  exactflag 

starts the linear movement (G+128)

returns -1 on failure, 1 if successful

Definition at line 266 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int unblock (  ) 

unblocks the robot after collision/instantstop

Definition at line 868 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

DLLEXPORT int waitForMot ( int  axis,
int  targetpos,
int  tolerance 

waits for a motor

axis The axis to wait for
targetpos (only relevant if mode is 0)
tolerance (only relevant if mode is 0) in encoder values
returns ERR_FAILURE on failure, ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if an argument is out of range, ERR_STATE_MISMATCH if the command was given to a wrong state, ERR_RANGE_MISMATCH if the target position is out of range 1 if successful

Definition at line 92 of file kni_wrapper.cpp.

Variable Documentation

const double PI = 3.14159265358979323846

Definition at line 34 of file kni_wrapper.h.

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Author(s): Neuronics AG (see AUTHORS.txt); ROS wrapper by Martin Günther
autogenerated on Tue Mar 5 12:33:14 2013