
MatrixType Member List

This is the complete list of members for MatrixType, including all inherited members.
AddEqualEl() const MatrixType [inline]
Attribute enum nameMatrixType
Band enum valueMatrixType
BC enum valueMatrixType
BM enum valueMatrixType
CannotConvert() const MatrixType [inline]
Compare(const MatrixType &, MatrixType &)MatrixType [friend]
Ct enum valueMatrixType
CV enum valueMatrixType
Dg enum valueMatrixType
Diagonal enum valueMatrixType
i() const MatrixType
Id enum valueMatrixType
is_band() const MatrixType [inline]
is_diagonal() const MatrixType [inline]
is_symmetric() const MatrixType [inline]
KB enum valueMatrixType
KP(const MatrixType &) const MatrixType
LB enum valueMatrixType
Lower enum valueMatrixType
LT enum valueMatrixType
LUDeco enum valueMatrixType
Mask enum valueMatrixType
MatrixType()MatrixType [inline]
MatrixType(int i)MatrixType [inline]
MatrixType(int i, bool dlok)MatrixType [inline]
MatrixType(const MatrixType &mt)MatrixType [inline]
MultRHS() const MatrixType
New() const MatrixType
New(int, int, BaseMatrix *) const MatrixType
nTypes()MatrixType [inline, static]
Ones enum valueMatrixType
operator!() const MatrixType [inline]
operator!=(MatrixType t) const MatrixType [inline]
operator&(const MatrixType &mt) const MatrixType [inline]
operator*(const MatrixType &) const MatrixType
operator+() const MatrixType [inline]
operator+(MatrixType mt) const MatrixType [inline]
operator<(MatrixType mt) const MatrixType [inline]
operator=(const MatrixType &mt)MatrixType [inline]
operator==(MatrixType t) const MatrixType [inline]
operator>=(MatrixType mt) const MatrixType [inline]
operator|(const MatrixType &mt) const MatrixType [inline]
Rectangular(MatrixType a, MatrixType b, MatrixType c)MatrixType [friend]
Rt enum valueMatrixType
RV enum valueMatrixType
SB enum valueMatrixType
SetDataLossOK()MatrixType [inline]
Sk enum valueMatrixType
Skew enum valueMatrixType
Sm enum valueMatrixType
SP(const MatrixType &) const MatrixType
Sq enum valueMatrixType
Square enum valueMatrixType
ssub() const MatrixType [inline]
sub() const MatrixType [inline]
Symmetric enum valueMatrixType
t() const MatrixType
UB enum valueMatrixType
Upper enum valueMatrixType
US enum valueMatrixType
UT enum valueMatrixType
Valid enum valueMatrixType
Value() const MatrixType [inline]
value() const MatrixType
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Author(s): Neuronics AG (see AUTHORS.txt); ROS wrapper by Martin Günther
autogenerated on Tue Mar 5 12:33:27 2013