
CikBase Member List

This is the complete list of members for CikBase, including all inherited members.
_gripperCloseEncodersCKatana [protected]
_gripperIsPresentCKatana [protected]
_gripperOpenEncodersCKatana [protected]
_initKinematics()CikBase [private]
_kinematicsImplCikBase [private]
_kinematicsIsInitializedCikBase [private]
baseCKatana [protected]
calibrate(long idx, TMotCLB clb, TMotSCP scp, TMotDYL dyl)CKatana
checkENLD(long idx, double degrees)CKatana
CikBase()CikBase [inline]
CKatana()CKatana [inline]
closeGripper(bool waitUntilReached=false, int waitTimeout=100)CKatana
create(const char *configurationFile, CCplBase *protocol)CKatana
create(KNI::kmlFactory *infos, CCplBase *protocol)CKatana
create(TKatGNL &gnl, TKatMOT &mot, TKatSCT &sct, TKatEFF &eff, CCplBase *protocol)CKatana
dec(long idx, int dif, bool wait=false, int tolerance=100, long timeout=TM_ENDLESS)CKatana
decDegrees(long idx, double dif, bool wait=false, int tolerance=100, long timeout=TM_ENDLESS)CKatana
DKApos(double *position)CikBase
freezeMotor(short number)CKatana
GetBase()CKatana [inline]
getCoordinates(double &x, double &y, double &z, double &phi, double &theta, double &psi, bool refreshEncoders=true)CikBase
getCoordinatesFromEncoders(std::vector< double > &pose, const std::vector< int > &encs)CikBase
getCurrentControllerType(int axis)CKatana
getForce(int axis)CKatana
getGripperParameters(bool &isPresent, int &openEncoders, int &closeEncoders)CKatana
getKinematicsVersion(std::vector< int > &version)CikBase
getMotorAccelerationLimit(short number) const CKatana
getMotorEncoders(short number, bool refreshEncoders=true) const CKatana
getMotorVelocityLimit(short number) const CKatana
getNumberOfMotors() const CKatana
getRobotEncoders(std::vector< int >::iterator start, std::vector< int >::const_iterator end, bool refreshEncoders=true) const CKatana
getRobotEncoders(bool refreshEncoders=true) const CKatana
IKCalculate(double X, double Y, double Z, double Al, double Be, double Ga, std::vector< int >::iterator solution_iter)CikBase
IKCalculate(double X, double Y, double Z, double Al, double Be, double Ga, std::vector< int >::iterator solution_iter, const std::vector< int > &actualPosition)CikBase
IKGoto(double X, double Y, double Z, double Al, double Be, double Ga, bool wait=false, int tolerance=100, long timeout=TM_ENDLESS)CikBase
inc(long idx, int dif, bool wait=false, int tolerance=100, long timeout=TM_ENDLESS)CKatana
incDegrees(long idx, double dif, bool wait=false, int tolerance=100, long timeout=TM_ENDLESS)CKatana
mKatanaTypeCKatana [protected]
mKinematicsCKatana [protected]
mov(long idx, int tar, bool wait=false, int tolerance=100, long timeout=TM_ENDLESS)CKatana
movDegrees(long idx, double tar, bool wait=false, int tolerance=100, long timeout=TM_ENDLESS)CKatana
moveMotorBy(short number, double radianAngle, bool waitUntilReached=false, int waitTimeout=0)CKatana
moveMotorByEnc(short number, int encoders, bool waitUntilReached=false, int waitTimeout=0)CKatana
moveMotorTo(short number, double radianAngle, bool waitUntilReached=false, int waitTimeout=0)CKatana
moveMotorToEnc(short number, int encoders, bool waitUntilReached=false, int encTolerance=100, int waitTimeout=0)CKatana
moveRobotTo(double x, double y, double z, double phi, double theta, double psi, bool waitUntilReached=false, int waitTimeout=TM_ENDLESS)CikBase
moveRobotTo(std::vector< double > coordinates, bool waitUntilReached=false, int waitTimeout=TM_ENDLESS)CikBase
moveRobotToEnc(std::vector< int >::const_iterator start, std::vector< int >::const_iterator end, bool waitUntilReached=false, int encTolerance=100, int waitTimeout=0)CKatana
moveRobotToEnc(std::vector< int > encoders, bool waitUntilReached=false, int encTolerance=100, int waitTimeout=0)CKatana
moveRobotToEnc4D(std::vector< int > target, int velocity=180, int acceleration=1, int encTolerance=100)CKatana
openGripper(bool waitUntilReached=false, int waitTimeout=100)CKatana
searchMechStop(long idx, TSearchDir dir, TMotSCP scp, TMotDYL dyl)CKatana
sendSplineToMotor(short number, short targetPosition, short duration, short p1, short p2, short p3, short p4)CKatana
setAndStartPolyMovement(std::vector< short > polynomial, bool exactflag, int moreflag)CKatana
setCrashLimit(long idx, int limit)CKatana
setForceLimit(int axis, int limit)CKatana
setGripperParameters(bool isPresent, int openEncoders, int closeEncoders)CKatana
setMotorAccelerationLimit(short number, short acceleration)CKatana
setMotorVelocityLimit(short number, short velocity)CKatana
setPositionCollisionLimit(long idx, int limit)CKatana
setRobotAccelerationLimit(short acceleration)CKatana
setRobotVelocityLimit(short velocity)CKatana
setSpeedCollisionLimit(long idx, int limit)CKatana
setTcpOffset(double xoff, double yoff, double zoff, double psioff)CikBase
setTolerance(long idx, int enc_tolerance)CKatana [protected]
startSplineMovement(bool exactflag, int moreflag=1)CKatana
switchMotorOff(short number)CKatana
switchMotorOn(short number)CKatana
waitFor(TMotStsFlg status, int waitTimeout)CKatana
waitForMotor(short number, int encoders, int encTolerance=100, short mode=0, int waitTimeout=5000)CKatana
~CKatana()CKatana [inline]
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Author(s): Neuronics AG (see AUTHORS.txt); ROS wrapper by Martin Günther
autogenerated on Tue Mar 5 12:33:24 2013